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Fantasy Wolf Pack

"Jeez just calm down and let someone into your life sweety, it's not like the whole world is against you i know im not" he said as he sighed moving his long tail under his body saying "and jeez dont be a downer im just worried about you" he said in a concerned voice as he was falling asleep slowly.
Javax said:
Roxii let out a low chuckle. "Turned werewolves are just like born werewolves; the turned just have a visible mark that prove their existence. The first turn usually occurs a few hours after the bite and it usually the most painful, given the fact that human bones aren't meant to move and bend and break."
Laikas turned his head and looked down with a sigh, "Neither are mine, I'll be honest. It's one of the horrible pains I've experienced." He smirked slightly, "If I had some clothes around here I'd show you what I looked like as a human, it's only fair I guess. But alas, no such fortune." He looked at her, "I got rid of them a long time ago. I say that, more that I lost them." @Javax
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Star saw two wolves about 200 feet from her. They were talking about turned werewolves. Star shifted to her other self and padded over. Though cautious she hipped happily. "Hello." She called to them.
Amaya started walking outside in wolf form, sniffing the ground, as she was being noisy....'bleh I'm solo bored now..... Why to do... Why to do..' She then runs until she is tired then lays down and pants...
Aqua said:
"Jeez just calm down and let someone into your life sweety, it's not like the whole world is against you i know im not" he said as he sighed moving his long tail under his body saying "and jeez dont be a downer im just worried about you" he said in a concerned voice as he was falling asleep slowly.
Shadow growled low watching him drift to sleep as she walked away from him and didn't answer. She went to her 'bed' and laid down. She rested her head down on her paws keeping her eyes on the wolf. Damn he's as stubborn as me. Why wont he just leave me alone? although.. he is different from the others I came to know in the past. I still should keep an eye on him.. He's bound to try something soon. especially since I am wounded and weak... Shadow thinks to herself as she sighs trying to calm her breathing.
As Glass was sleeping he started saying weird things like "id like more food" or "why am i being kicked out of the pack it's not my fault" as he was talking in his sleep, he was talking about his past remembering all the bad memories that happened to him. but knowing him he kept a nice attitude and kept going forward until he started waking up saying "awawawa~"
Aqua said:
As Glass was sleeping he started saying weird things like "id like more food" or "why am i being kicked out of the pack it's not my fault" as he was talking in his sleep, he was talking about his past remembering all the bad memories that happened to him. but knowing him he kept a nice attitude and kept going forward until he started waking up saying "awawawa~"
Shadow passed out knowing the other wolf was asleep. But before she completely fell asleep she heard the wolf mumble in his sleep. She wondered about his past and how he got here. But she was out before anything else crossed her mind.

(going to bed)

Akira starts walking again, and ends up by the stream...shedranks some water but kept walking... After a while she ended up by a tiny ditched... She wasn't paying attention as she started sniffing and fell backwards, whining as she hits the ground but breathes steadily ..then falls asleep...

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Roxii heard the greeting from an unrecognizable voice and turned, looking at the stranger. She immediately stood and got into a defensive stance, growling lowly and baring her teeth slightly. The black wolf was still cautious around new-comers, especially when they came from behind her. looking the new wolf up and down, she growled, "Who are you?"
Star said:
Star saw two wolves about 200 feet from her. They were talking about turned werewolves. Star shifted to her other self and padded over. Though cautious she hipped happily. "Hello." She called to them.
(Last post before I go to sleep)

Laikas glanced at the direction of the new voices and before he could ask, Roxii had already asked the question. Seeing the new-comer's relative non-aggression, he sighed and glanced aside at the black wolf, "Be calm, they're not here to hurt us."
Star took a step back as the female growled at her. "I'm Star." She said looking at the female. "Who are you?" She asked in a quiet voice. It has been awhile since star was around others. She forgot how defensive they could get around knew people. Glancing at the male she nodded. "And if by they're, you mean me then yes, I'm not here to harm. I'm alone. At least I hope." She said glancing around,
Akira lightly whines once in a while in her sleep... She finally woke up when her fur started to feel thick and wet in the back.... 'Ow....what happened?...oh ya...' She then flips onto her dry side and looks over at her rear as she slightly turns...'there is a broken dagger lodged right below my hip!!!!!!!!! WTF!?!? Owowow... What should I ow...Do?' She then licks the bloody mess, to try to make it feel better but just slices her tongue, and yips and whine loudly..she then tries to feel how long it is, but its logged into her 5 inches with half an inch sticking out, and when she tightens her muscle, it slices into her more, making her loose more blood....
Am2aM said:
Akira lightly wines once in a while in her sleep... She finally woke up when her vur started to feel thick and wet in the back.... 'Ow....what happened?...oh ya...' She then flips onto her dry side and looks over at her rear as she slightly turns...'there is a broken dagger lodged right below my hip!!!!!!!!! WTF!?!? Owowow... What should I o . Do?' She then licks the bloody mess, to try to make it feel better but just slices her tongue, and yips and whine loudly..she then tries to feel how long it is, but its logged into her 5 inches with half an inch sticking out, and wen we tightens her muscle, it slices into her more, making her loose more blood....
Glass here's a whine and gets up quick running to it seeing it was Akira he said "Whats wrong Hun" as he went to his human form and saw blood in her leg saying "uu~ knife huh" he said with a painful expression like he's been through this numbers of time's.
Akira jumped when she heard Glass come out of nowhere, since she wasn't expecting anyone to come... She then instead of answering stares at him with her piercing aqua and purple specked eyes......she then shakes her head once as in yes, not trusting her voice, and tries to pull her self out of the deep ditch with her front paws..
Roxii narrowed her eyes at the new wolf and stop growling, but she kept her defensive position. She couldn't trust others. Never. They all lead to betrayal. Pain. Sadness. She didn't want to live that life anymore. So she kept her tense, defensive composure, ready to act at a moment's notice.
Glass sighs saying let me help, as he said that he walked down to her and lifted her up and put her in a princess carrying style and said "before i go back up im going to have to take it out so.." in the middle of the sentence he takes it out and says "thats better" as he carries her up.

(gtg bed)
Star sighed slightly as she looked at the other female. "What's your name?" She asked calmly hoping the other wolf would relax so they could have a conversation. It's been awhile since she has found other wolves around her.
Akira yips as he pulls it out, then is in human form again..."*sniffle*... I'm sorry you had to help me Glass....." She says as she rubs her eyes... She always feels bad when someone helps her with something like this... '...I'm so weak.... But I promise myself I will do anything to repay him!' She states to herself than looks down at the ground...

(Kk Byez!)
Shadow wakes up and her eyes fly open as she goes to lift her head up. She looks around to find she is alone and the male wolf has left. She sighs and gets up slowly wincing. The wound has scabbed over but the bandage is still wrapped around her. She turns her head sideways and grabs the bandage in her teeth, then rips it off of her. She grimaces as she sees the blood stains in her coat of fur. She leaves the bandage on the ground and walks out of her den to the bank outside of it. She sees the meat she threw out last night and looks around. She then lays down next to it and starts eating it. When she finishes she crawls down the bank and swims under the waterfall out into the open river. She goes to a shallow spot and starts cleaning herself getting all of the blood and mud out of her fur.
Laikas glanced at the newcomer with a slight sigh, "My apologies but we're not exactly quick to trust newcomers." He growled slightly, "And I don't want to trust anyone with my name unless I know their's."

@Javax @Star
As Shadow walks out of the water she shakes her fur then winces at the pain that shoots through her. She then relaxes her breathing and looks at her fur to make sure all of the mud and blood is out. With her coat shining a dark moonlight black, she walks towards the woods to go hunting. As she trots around her mind wanders... Should I have been so mean to that male? He was just trying to help me... I didn't even know his name.. ha how pathetic am I. No wonder I can't be around anyone. They will never understand the pain and sacrifices I had to go through.. although.. there's just something about him.. I never met anyone like him before.. I don't know who to trust and who not to. Shadow sighs as her mind wanders and she goes through some bushes.


Grimmlock said:
((Yeah sorry I just don't know where >.<))
(just jump in haha be in the woods hunting or wandering around. or even be in the city or as a human or wolf)
Max hated when we got lost, but it happened so frequently, "Damnit, I really need to learn navigation," he said to himself as he shook some dirt off of his shiny black coat. "Well I guess while I'm out here I can catch some food" Max walked around stalking a deer, "perfect" he thought as he licked his chops and pounced.
Shadow sees a deer in the field up ahead. She stalks it but as she nears it she sees another wolf she doesn't recognize pounce on it and kill it. She scoffs and sighs. She stands up and starts to turn around to go find another meal.

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