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(with Zo Hanna) Everon


New Member
It was a nice summer day. This week was the big festival, that lasted a whole seven days. People came from all over the kingdom to come to the city. Xoven was standing in the town square in between several booths looking around for anything of interest. As of yet, nothing interested him.
With the festival in full swing Zo was just wanting to go down have a couple of drinks relax and chill and have a giggle with her mates but her job kept her busy very busy so hardly had time to go and have some fun but today was different this waa something she was going to do work or no work. With a patient going on about different things Zo found herself sitting in her office looking up a couple of things he had said curious of what it was like hearing her door open she closed the lscreen down before saying goodbye to her colleges and made her way into town to have a giggle . Sliding her sunglasses on she held her white jacket in her arm before sitting down a brown bench next to the booths.
After awhile, Xoven sat down on a bench nearby a couple of the booths and crossed his arms, sighing. He took out a folder with some documents in it and started going over them quietly. These documents were thick. He had black hair, brown eyes, was tall, strong, and wore all black. He was very caught up in reading the documents that he didn't notice someone was sitting next to him.
After giving a quick glance at the gentleman Zo raised a eyebrow slightly with the word "strange " springing to mind straight away why waa he all dressed in black? The only reason she knew of is as he was going to a funeral but clearly he wasn't as she noticed the documents in his possion she became more intrigued and wanted to know what they were who carried a huge file of documents around with them dressed in black with a feeling he was up to no good she took her blue eyes off him and grabbed her phone before checking it and then letting out a small sigh "what is the point in having a phone if you don't answer it" she muttered quietly.
((There are no phones in the fantasy world. Think of medieval times.)) He looked at her curiously hearing her say something. "Oh sorry, I hope I'm not disturbing you." He turned the page of a document and was not looking up at her. He seemed very involved. It was obvious some of the text was in elven, some in common, but very long texts. He shifted through some of the documents and pulled out another page. "Ugh."
// whoops sorry ill google it next time

Hearing his voice her attention went back to him and his big pile of documents still finding the whole thing a bit confusing but who was she to judge? Moving some of her hair and placed it behind her ear she shook her head to his response about him disturbing her. "No..no your not don't worry " getting to the last part of her words she frowned watching seeing the different types of text and then as the page came out. "Sorry for asking..but what are you doing?"
((Yea just think medieval times. They likely don't have "offices" either except maybe in cafes and military places.)) "Oh, nothing." He closed the folder. "I guess multitasking." He looked out at the festival. "The best event is supposed to start soon. A famous band is playing apparently. Are you here to see that or just bored?"
( feel stupid now ha but im heading off now so ill reply later on

"Multi tasking? By tearing pages out?" She asked with the same frown on her face itching to know more she narrowed her eyes and took the torn out page "what is this" She asked taking a moment to try and understand it herself without his explination "uh no..im here to just check it out really ive heard things so wanted to come and see it for myself " she spoke looking back towards him "you?"
(K no problem) "Work mostly." He quickly grabbed the paper from her and put it back in his folder. "Sorry, I can't really let anyone look at this stuff. Though I guess I really shouldn't be looking at it in public. I think I'll go check out that band. They should be coming on soon anyway." He stood up with a smile. "Want to join me?"
As he took the paper from from her grasp she frowned slightly but then knowing he had a point when he said about viewing them in public but what was the problem? As he offered her to come and see the band she began to think was this to keep her busy? Out of the way from his documents? Many things kept going around her head and eventually she took one of them on board and nodded to his request. " Yes..yes ill join you" she replied studying him one last time with the same feeling as before why all black? It was so unusual getting to her feet she went to his side "nice to meet you by the way..why can't I see that paper from earlier? What was on it?"
He put his folder into his knapsack and secured it then got up. "It's sort of classified. I could get in trouble for carrying it around like this." He sighed. "Anyway, there's supposed to be a lot of food here too, a big feast. The whole royal family is going to attend." Xoven gently took her hand and led her toward the large area where many people were gathering. One of the princesses was there, Ashlyn, standing near a building with her arms crossed. There were several military guards and commoners.

"So what do you do? Are you from here?" He knew he could just find out on his own, but asking was so much easier.
"A classified? So in my simple mind your something between a spy and a secret agent?" She asked after thinking and taking in the information he had said earlier about the pile of documents. "So what would happen if you told me everything? Woukd you get in trouble?" She asked and then frowned slightly feeling him take her hand she was confused as they had just met but went along with it continuing to follow him.

Seeing the large group she kept her eyes open and wide in case anything was going to kick off she would have a chance to run. Hearing his question she looked up to him and nodded "yeah..yeah i was born here and has not had a chance to relocate..i like it here i work up the road it's not far im into medicine "
"Ah I see. I'm just a military agent. I work for her." He pointed to the princess who was well known as the general of the military. She wore her entire uniform and did not look pleased to be there. "I just happen to have some things I likely shouldn't have. Hm, you must have grown up in a different part of the city. I haven't seen you around." The band took the stage. They had several instruments and were a group of elves and humans.

"So you are a medic. Have you ever considering being an agent of mercy at the military?" ((An agent of mercy is basically a doctor.))
Watching his finger point she looked over and raised a eyebrow her first impressions of the princess was good excellent to the matter she was very pretty with her looks but could tell she didn't want to be there not really. " when i was younger i didn't really go out a lot and when i did it was with my parents" she replied knowing her childhood and early adult years were not good some of the events that had happened she was embarrassed by. "They better be good..if not ill cross your name off my new Christmas card list" teasing Zo smiled looking at the band" how do they do that over and over again" she added into the conversation before shaking her head and turning her attention onto him " no..no can't say i have"

( really? Well i didn't know that ha )
((I made it up. :P )) He watched the band for several moments in silence, before he suddenly seemed to be focusing on something in the crowd. "Shit. I have to go. I'll see you later okay?" He quickly rushed into the crowd, grabbed a young man by the collar and started dragging him away. The princess, alarmed, started to follow. They seemed to be headed to the castle. Xoven was telling the man as he dragged him. "What the hell are you doing???"
// ahhhh cheeky

Just as the music started Zo began to listen to it and once she was in the mode she began to dance a little finding the elves strangely cute of course she was not going to tell that to Xoven as she had a feeling he would say or do something to embarrass her. Noticing his eyes fixed on something she stopped dancing and frowned even more as he vanished into the crowed not giving her enough time to reply back to him but had a feeling something was going on as she then noticed the princess leaving to with her guards and agents right behind her wanting to know more she slowly got closer and closer to the fleeing party.
A guard moved in front of her blocking entrance into the castle gates. "Excuse me, miss, you are not allowed beyond these premises, unless you can show your badge?" Just as the guard was talking to her, a young woman with curly brown hair walked up. "Good eve, Kellen." The young woman began to pass and then saw Zo. "Hi, did you need something in the castle? You have to have a badge or some sort of proof you have an audience with the king." Kellen smiled kindly.
As her path was stopped suddenly by the strong tall looking guard she raised a eyebrow and a small sigh in annoyance for some reason she was wanting to see Xoven again surely he could sort something out as he was in her view a quick think and a fast action guy which is what made him stick out to her. Just about to reply she looked at Kellen knowing it had just got that bit harder again. Remembering what Xoven had said earlier Zo took a deep breath and gave a small nod "yeah um i think his name is Xoven? He required me to come and see him i have my id badge if you want to see that " she replied trying every shot she could think of.
Kellen smiled. "Oh, you're here to see Xoven. Come." The guard stepped aside. Kellen began to walk with Zo. "So are you one of his, uh, agents?" She asked softly, almost like she didn't want anyone else to hear. "You should be more careful, if so. Xoven is pretty firm with discipline I've heard." Xoven was no longer in sight but there were plenty of military personnel roaming the courtyard. "I'll take you to his office. I thought he would have been at the festival at this time."
Was this really happening? Had she got away with it as the guard moved aside she sighed in relief not wanting to cause a argument or scene with him as she knew it would end badly/ Nodding to her question she began to walk along side her taking in everything that she passed. Hearing her other question Zo raised a eyebrow and narrowed her eyes before looking up to her "Why out of interest , Should I be more careful?" she asked trying to get deeper down into this whole situation she wanted to understand it better and this was challenging. "Discipline? what have you heard there? What does he do to discipline people?" A bit confused as to there whereabouts of Xoven was but felt safe slightly as she could see the amount of guards. "Yeah...Im surprised too"
"You must be new. Didn't he go over the secrecy rules with you?" She smiled. "I'm sure he'll be understanding. Come this way." She led Zo into the castle and down several hallways and up some stairs before finally stopping. "I'm sure you can find your way now. Don't worry about discipline. You're not in trouble." Kellen walked leaving Zo among several unmarked doors, though there was one at the very end clearly marked "officer headquarters."

Suddenly, someone tugged Zo into a semi-dark room. "Please don't be startled." A young blonde woman said. "You must be a new scout. I need you to do me a huge favor. I'll even pay you for it. I need you to be me..." She took off a ring, revealing a tall elf. "Please, take this, put it on. Read these." She handed over a large folder. "I work for Xoven. I'm so sorry, I have to go...but please, do this for me? I'll pay you this much." She handed a large bag of coins.
"Is it that obvious" she spoke going along with it as she didn't want to blow her cover after all it had taken her this long to get this far and to get thrown out or discovered now would be a huge set back. "Im not worried about the discipline I can take care of myself , Its always been like that and im not stopping that now" she replied firmly before sliding her jacket on her shoulders as she felt a slight draft which she put down to the corridors as it looked old and run down. "And what if I cant?" she asked watching her walk away before letting out a quiet and shocked scream as it all happened suddenly. "What the hell are you playing at??" she yelled due to the shock of it all but soon remained her composure. Confused she looked down to the ring and then up to her again shaking her head "No..No why" she asked before feeling the bag of coins and tried to hand them back.
The woman said, "Please, please. I need you to do this. Xoven can't know I disappeared. If you do this, there will be an additional price later. I will deliver it to you." She pushed the coins back into Zo's hands. "Besides, assisting Xoven has its own rewards. Just read all the documents. I have to go. Please. I'm trusting you. My life depends on it." The woman suddenly disappeared into thin air leaving Zo alone with the ring, documents, and bag of coins." There was noise in the hallway. A guard asked from outside. "Excuse me, is someone in there? Is everything alright? I heard a shriek."
"No please" she frowned looking at her and then frowning even more looking at the coins and sighed before closing her eyes for a moment wanting this to be a dream but it was far from a dream. Hearing a voice coming from the outside she panicked and quickly placed the ring onto her finger before trying to get her confidence back as she knew he would twig if she didn't. "Yeah...Yeah its only me" she spoke opening the door and looking at the guard with eye to eye contact "The shriek was me as I dropped something on the floor , It just startled me a bit" she answered his questions hoping he would believe it.
The guard nodded. "Oh, good eve, Melanie. Sir Xoven is just finishing up his meeting. He will see you soon." Just a moment later, a man walked out of Xoven's office with his head down. "Ugh," he said, walked toward the stairs. As he saw Zo, he lifted his head, "Oh hi, Melanie," but continued walking.

Xoven's office door was shut again.

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