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(with Zo Hanna) Everon

It worked it actually worked , Zo was surprised she managed to pull it off , Hearing him speak about seeing Xoven in his office she nodded again and gave the area a quick glance around , With the Melanie she had heard from the guard and wondering man going down the corridor. Knowing she had to keep that mind she bit down onto her lip. Watching both of them vanish she waited a few moments before making her way to the office door , Nervous and excited at the same time , whatever Xoven was hiding earlier she was now going to find out. Taking a deep breath she knocked on the door firmly and waited a couple of seconds hearing his voice for her to enter.
"Come in," he said softly sitting in his chair. "Oh, Melanie. It's good you're here." He took out the folder from earlier and pulled out some documents. "We have a lot to go over. So please have a seat. It looks like we're going to be leaving the city soon. You can overview the case and tell me what kind of disguise you'd prefer. We can go as brother/sister, wife/husband, whatever you prefer. It just needs to be convincing."
Once she had heard her new boss she made her way inside and closed the door behind her , Listening to him she raised a eyebrow before going to the side of the desk and sitting down pulling the chair closer to the desk. "Thank you" she replied thanking him for the offer of a seat , As the documents came out she took the file and sat back getting herself comfortable preparing for the long wait in his office. "Just remind me what we are doing again?" she asked glancing up to him "I can use any disguise..im alright whatever"
"Well, I haven't quite told you what we're doing yet. In Flore, there has been a murder. We need to go investigate it. I suppose it'd be easiest as a young couple. There's a festival there too, in about four days. We can there prior to the festival and pretend to be tailors with our own booth. I think that would convince them. Does that sound reasonable? I'll start working on our disguises tonight. I know this is your first out of city mission, but I think you'll do well." He smiled and winked at her.
"Well if you have faith in me then nothing can really go wrong can it?" she asked trying to figure out what did it all mean? How was she meant to know what to do now? Part of her wanted to take the ring off and expose herself but then remembered about him dishing out harsh discipline. "So what exactly is in the files then? Can I read them? Is it really that important? and one other thing why me? Im sure you can find someone else to go along with" with a small frown she closed her eyes for a moment."What have we got planned? Have you any idea about taking someone there at the festival? Get them to do your dirty work"
He looked surprised. "You worked hard at the trials to become a scout, Melanie. This is what you've been training to do. If you don't want to do it, then I'll find another partner. However, I saw your potential, so I thought you'd be a good match. However, if this is too much for you, I'll put you on the easier missions. Everything you need to know is in the documents. Except for our disguises. I have to work on that tonight. But we'll be a newly married couple. Something easy to do." ((She would know a scout is a military spy.))
( Ahhhh I see :P )

Glancing down to the file which was still in her hand she turned the front cover over of the file to see the front page of the all important document which was now in her hands , It was her responsibility no one else's but her, Stepping up to the plate she began to read it quickly to get some idea. "No no its fine sorry funny moment there so what do you want me to do now?" she asked hoping to carry on with this fake act she had got on. "Ill go back then and give this a read but let know when your done yeah?"
"Yes, I'll see you in the morning. The wagon will be ready as well as our disguises. Make sure you read through all the details. The murder is highly strange...not an ordinary stab, you're dead sort of thing. Just read. You'll understand." The documents explained details of the murder, that a young seventeen-year-old boy was murdered rather gruesomely. It also explained that some people in town seemed to be giving inconsistent stories about what the boy had been doing recently. Some said he was farming with his family while others said he was working at the local inn. It stated that their job, hers and Xoven's, was to find out what really happened and bring the murderer/s to justice. They would have to go completely unnoticed for the duration of their stay. In the event that an arrest had to be made, there would be military personnel sent to assist them as well.

In the documents the blonde woman who was really an elf gave Zo it stated that "Melanie," was a human raised in Silbrook, and had recently joined the scouts. It also stated that Xoven had been flirting with her but nothing had happened at this point since she resisted him. It went into detail about Melanie's family and personality.
With the meeting over with her new boss Zo made her way back to the room where the elf had dragged her into knowing she needed to get this information in her head before they left for there mission the following , Already knowing it was going to be a very long night she sat her self down onto her desk which was in fact they one they all called Melanie and plonked them down before letting out a sigh and placing her hands in her head and gave her eyes a quick rub. "Why me?" she asked herself shaking her head and re opening the file yet again , As she read about the young boy who was murdered she tried to keep herself together as she had a idea of what it was like with her childhood , It all came flooding back which was not helping she needed to concentrate. "Oh..you swine" she whispered with her eyes fixed on the file as she now read about the flirting that had happened between them, What of he tried it with her? How was she meant to react to that? Only time would tell.
The next morning Xoven had the disguise information on the desk. When she came to see him, he already had bags packed and people were starting to come get them. "Good morning. Your disguise is Elizabeth but I call you Lizzy. My disguise is Roger. We just recently got married. We're tailors and we came to the festival to see if we could get good business. We're staying at the inn for a week. It's already been paid for. No one knows about us coming or who we really are. Any questions?"
Today was the day, Aswell as feeling nervous she felt a bit sick as she was worried that her true identity would be known so not only did she have to remember Melanie's background and family life but to add onto that it was now another name and another relationship to dd to the list, She was bound to mess something up. Picking up the files for the disguise she gave a quick scan through before placing it on top of everything else that was going. "Yeah...just the one" she started before finishing her question. "We dont have to share a bed do we?.."
He raised his brow and smiled. "Of course we do. Don't worry, I won't get too close to you." He glanced at some papers and then back at her. "Unless of course you want to." He winked at her and then grabbed a few bags. "Alright if there's nothing else, we can get on the road. It will take us two days to get there. We'll reach Flore by tomorrow night if we make haste."
"You never know this trip might make me change my mind" she spoke watching him before too grabbing a file and holding them close before watching his every movement and registered the wink , It was a bit of a turn on for her if she was honest , It made the situation even more tense as she knew anything could happen and not just between the couple , It was going to be a long two days but knew it had to be done , She was hoping for a bit of fun on the journey but tried to stay professional. " Well come on then..chop chop" she smirked.
He raised his brow with a smile. "Did you undergo some sort of transformation? You sure are different." He touched her arm gently. "Alright, come then." He led her outside to the wagon and started putting their things away. "Once we get to Flore, we'll be there for at least seven days. So we're going to be gone a couple of weeks. You ready? Nothing else you need to know?"
Feeling his touch on her arm sent small shivers down her back and onto her legs as she was not excepting that to happen weirdly she smiled feeling the warm touch of his skin even if it was a gentle touch, She was going to wind him up as she knew this would be testing his patients. "Maybe..Maybe not but all you need to know is where to keep your hands" she smirked raising a eyebrow following him sounding playful in her voice as she placed the bags down onto the vehicle "Im ready..Im ready and have no questions" she smirked again.
"Alright, let's get going then." He got into the wagon with her and their journey began. He was rather quiet for awhile, just focusing on the road. Eventually, though, around lunch time, he said, "We should stop soon. Eat lunch, rest. Maybe talk a little?" He winked. ((I can't produce a paragraph in this case.))
// it's okay dont worry my head is not really with it today to be honest so im sorry if my replies are even more crap

once she was comfy in the wagon with Xylon sitting next to him she to was quiet as she had to get up earlier and it was now taking its tole but before she knew it she was woken with the feeling of being hungry and thirsty hearing his voice she just looked at him noticing him wink. "What did you want to talk about? "
((Honestly I'm okay with short sentences sometimes because there are cases where the character genuinely doesn't have much to say/do.)) He smiled, "Hm, I guess we can talk about the case. Or perhaps you can tell me more about you. We've only been working together for two weeks. Won't hurt for me to get to know you better."
// this is true actually ha i should of known better ha

as the topic of herself came up she raised a eyebrow she knew this was going to happen and was relieved she read the other woman's details from the file when she had the chance but the problem was now remembering it all. "Well.." she began trying to figure out what to say to keep her secret identification under wraps. " i have always been keen to do this sort of work and now i have and had experienced it its a step im glad i took" she replied hoping he bought it before taking a deep breath "there is not much to know to be honest "
((So sorry I didn't reply yesterday. I was so tired...pregnancy.))

Xoven looked at her, raising a brow. "Really? I would think there's a lot to know about you...like why you joined the military. And how you learned all of those skills that led me to choosing you to be a scout. I don't choose scouts easily, mind you. It takes a lot to join my group. So tell me, why? Especially since this line of work is so dangerous. Why would you risk having another identity, being someone else?"
// what are you saying sorry for? Im not angry or upset you didn't reply honestly it's okay if you need to rest rest concentrate on yourself :) and congratulations xx

What was with all the questions? It felt to her like she was on a quiz show question after question she knew this was a big deal she needed to get it right before dropping herself in it and revealing her true identity. Seeing his raised eyebrow she took another deep breath thinking how to start it all off. "Its a part of me that likes the adrenaline rush doing this job it's different and it's just out there which is great" she replied trying to think more to buy her time. "I cant say how i got the skills...its private "
((Heehee, thanks. :D ))

"I see." He smiled, bringing the horse to a rest stop. They stopped in an green, open area. Xoven took out a basket and then sat down on a fallen tree. "Lunch time. We're still over a day's travel away, but we should reach the city by tomorrow night."
// i bet your excited? I remember when my nephew was born last year he was sooo cute and tiny xx

With the carriage finally at a stop on the green land her eyes couldn't help but scan the scenery and take it all in. In her mind the words beautiful and quiet came out of no where but it was as thought. Sitting down under the tree she kicked her heels off " That's better... my feet and shoulder kills" replying she looked over to him hearing him speak about the rest of the journey. "Seems to be taking for ages"

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