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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

Aimlori said:
She thought for a moment then pulled out a book handing it to them. A list of forty songs that they could choose from. "Here- Any one of those are fine." Roxy speaks out softly.
The 40 Biggest Duets Of All Time (List of the songs.)

"Hm..." Flipping through the pages he tried to find one that he recognized. "How about... say say say or maybe somethin stupid?" He had at least heard of some of the artists who sung them, so maybe they weren't too bad of choices. "Though if there's one you'd like to do, then I'd be happy to go along with it~""
Shrugging him off he walked from the library, adjusting his books in his arms as he walked. "Now to get some food I suppose." he said, as he walked down. Setting all his books down. "Now... what do they have for food then?" he mutters to himself, as he walked into the line.
She looked up slightly shocked as she had forgotten Dir was there. "I-I.." She tried to talk but she couldn't she was too upset, she had lost what felt like one of her closest friends. Even though she hadn't known her long May was special to Bex. She stood up and rested her head on Dir's shoulder, she just needed someone, anyone to cry on right now.

@xScreaminDroidx @Dkingow
May blushed. "Umm thank you." She said to Spir as they got to the lake. She put her bag down and took her shoes off dipping her feet into the water. "I always liked the water. It is always so calm, so you can see everything, then you move it and it changes how things look." She said laying back. "How old are you?" She asked curious. This girl seemed really young. @xScreaminGhostx
"Dont worry... Eventually she'll come back..." He said, trying to comfort her. He thought in the back of his mind she would come back... "Just let it out..." @NightSky

"15, why?" She said, still looking at May and smiling... She was angelic in her eyes. Great potential. Something the Angels taught her to look at. In a way that couldn't be explained by her... "You know, you don't have to get out of here. I wouldn't mind having you in my dorm. Hiding if need be." Spirit blushed, she just asked a stranger to stay with her! She already trusted this girl, just by her eyes. 'She looks amazing..' Spirit thought, studying her details. @Dkingow
Bex pulled back slightly. "I'm sorry.. I never wanted you to see me like this." She said wiping her swollen eyes, she had cried too much the past few days. "You think she'll come back?" She asked, her voice still shaky.

May laughed. "You are a magic use are you not? I can't be around magic anymore. It causes me nothing but issues." She said as she sat up. "I just hurt someone I really fell for. I can't face her. I can't be in the same place as her." She said saddened. She was hurting but she new Bex was probably hurting more. "I need to get away. I don't think I can ever go back." She stated as she kicked her feet in the water. @xScreaminGhostx
"Of- Of Course she'll come back..." Dir put an arm round Bex, trying to comfort her. He reached over for some tissues and handed them to her. "Its fine.... I'm here for you no matter what." He said, smiling and feeling bad for her @NightSky
"I do magic, But only healing..." She said, not wanting to be pushed away by May. "If you give me a chance... I could not do it..." She said, Still blushing slightly, smiling @Dkingow
After finishing a curtain, Dwen places the fabric back up against the table and enters the hallways, aimlessly wandering the hallways to pass time.

((If anyone's doors are open you should be able to see him if you're looking out))
"Thank you.." Bex wiped her eyes with the tissues. She wanted to believe Dir but she knew May was very strong willed and it would take a lot of persuasion to get her to stay. She didn't want to think like that but she was doubtful about May's return. "Why would she just leave..?" She shook her head and walked to the door looking up and down the corridor. "Why.." She whispered.

May looked away. "I would never tell a magic user they can't do what is natural to them. I just can't trust them after what happened. I was controlled. I will not let that happen again." She said a bit of anger in her voice. "I just can't see Dir and Bex again. I hurt them too much." She stated falling back down again. She didn't even know where to go or what to do. She knew she couldn't go home. @xScreaminGhostx
Dir only had one guess. "Magic." He said, slightly crying. He was also sad, the fact that one of his friends left... "It- It'll be okay..." He said, trying to reassure himself and Bex. @NightSky


"Listen. I only use mag- Dir? Dir?! Oh god... This is going to be a problem..." Spirit said, looking at May, smiling in a hopeless way. "How about you give me a chance?" Spirit winked slightly at May, smiling still, now more cheek-fully. 'What about the mission? Well- Im might as well have fun?' She said, giggling. @Dkingow
Spotsvannia said:
"Hm..." Flipping through the pages he tried to find one that he recognized. "How about... say say say or maybe somethin stupid?" He had at least heard of some of the artists who sung them, so maybe they weren't too bad of choices. "Though if there's one you'd like to do, then I'd be happy to go along with it~""
Chale said:
Shrugging him off he walked from the library, adjusting his books in his arms as he walked. "Now to get some food I suppose." he said, as he walked down. Setting all his books down. "Now... what do they have for food then?" he mutters to himself, as he walked into the line.
Roxy pointed to Say say say- It was a lovely song. She gave a soft smile and stood up. "We can do that one-" She nodded. She wondered how it'd be singing with him-

Razul walked out of his dorm room- An eye patch over his dragon eye. He decided the dragon can't do anything if it can't see. Razul yawns as his stomach growls. Been a little while since he had food. He walks down the stairs and heads into the cafe. What was on the menu? He wondered as he trotted up to the line. He caught eye on a handsome boy- A little taller than him- "Oh-" His bisexual side was screaming on the fact he was hot. He shrugged it off assuming the dude was a straight as a line- Besides- Razul did not want to deal with crushes or love or all that-
It finally made sense.. Magic.. It must have been too much for her. She nodded. "Yeah.. That would make sense." As long as she's happy. "I need to get out of this room for a bit, any suggestions where we could go?" Bex turned to Dir.

"Okay." Bex nodded and walked outside her dorm she turned to look back at Dir but as she did so she collided with someone. "Ahh-" she stumbled back onto her butt. She looked up at at boy with white hair. "I'm so sorry.." She said scratching her head in embarrassment.

@TheForgottenOne @xScreaminGhostx
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Angelo shook his head, as he looked around, his eyes falling on a eye patch, and then who had it on. "Hay Pirate" He said, half laughing as he said it. "Your not new right? I'm not certain what to get, mind helping me pick? As long as you don't mind, i would hate to haft to walk the plank." He smiled with a small wink, just to show he didn't mean any offence.

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(Be right back, I need to go hop in the shower, homeschooling gives me so little time for that kind of thing)
May looked at her confused. "What about Dir is a problem?" She asked confused. "What do you mean give you a chance?" She was so confused. She just fell for someone and left them so that she wasn't a bother. She didn't like magic. Then there is this girl who is asking her to give her a chance. 'What could she mean? Do I want to find out?' She thought. "No. I already hurt Dir and I know Bex will be hurt soon if not now. I can't go back and face them. What am I suppose to say. 'Oh hey guys, I said I was going to leave but I changed my mind. Sorry I didn't get the note in time.'" She said sarcastically. @xScreaminGhostx
Chale said:
Angelo shook his head, as he looked around, his eyes falling on a eye patch, and then who had it on. "Hay Pirate" He said, half laughing as he said it. "Your not new right? I'm not certain what to get, mind helping me pick? As long as you don't mind, i would hate to haft to walk the plank." He smiled with a small wink, just to show he didn't mean any offence.
"Oh. Pirate is my new name now? I see. Well-" He looked up at the cutie. "I am not new- I know this place like the back of my hand." He gave a wink, poking the man. "I'm naming you cutie-" He chuckles grabbing a tray.
"Dir is my Brother. and- Give me a chance, Come back... be my friend." She said- trying to cover up what she said, Slightly blushing... 'Its just eyes you know... and looks... You've never been attracted to girls so why now?' She said, her face smiling and blushing at the same time. "You could say you realised how they are feeling now... How guilty they have felt, how sad they are and ask them for another chance..." She said, swaying slightly. @Dkingow
May looked down. "I... I don't deserve a chance. I don't deserve to be happy after what I did." She said tearing up. She put her hands over her eyes to hid them. "Why are you being so nice to me. Why should a magic user give a non-magic user pity. I'm inferior. I'm not worth anything to anyone." She couldn't help but start to cry. "I fell in love with Bex and i betrayed her and hurt her. I don't deserve her forgiveness." She said out loud. @xScreaminGhostx

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