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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

Aimlori said:
(I'm basically the only other being here besides you, puddin-)
[[oh wow, I have some pretty great timing =w=; but oh well~ I'll jump back in where we left off, or would you like to skip to something else? ^^]]
Spotsvannia said:
[[oh wow, I have some pretty great timing =w=; but oh well~ I'll jump back in where we left off, or would you like to skip to something else? ^^]]
[We can continue. I am fine with there- Ver and Roxy are in a cute moment in my opinion. ]
"Haha- Thanks..." Spirit then got closer to him, again, and looked at him... "How did you get that?" She asked, Curious of him, looking at his Dragon Eye

@Aimlori (Sorry watching movie :P )
xScreaminGhostx said:
"Haha- Thanks..." Spirit then got closer to him, again, and looked at him... "How did you get that?" She asked, Curious of him, looking at his Dragon Eye
@Aimlori (Sorry watching movie :P )
Razul's eyes widen a tad at the question- He did not want to to talk about it. He looked away- He did not know how to respond. How was he supposed to explain that he was kidnapped at a young age, had his eye forcefully gouged out and this eye of an evil dragon placed in the empty socket? He bit his bottom lip a little.
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Aimlori said:
Razul gave a soft blush- "Yeah- I am not all warlock." Some reason he felt like putting a lot of trust in her. He looked over at her. He had a real smile this time. He always got called cute but this time it actually affected him some. Why though? He messes with his ice powers. He formed a beautiful glass rose and stared at how he perfected it. He glanced at his new found friend and handed it to her.
Roxy stared at the book with duets in it. To be honest- She would not mind Ver to be her singing partner. She'd love it- She did not know how to ask. She fumbled with the chain of one duet book. Piccolo meowed, jumping from the pian onto her making her fall into Ver. She giggled. "P-piccolo!" She shouts out laughing.
Reaching out to catch her as she toppled into him, "Careful there" He said with a small laugh. "Is that Piccolo's way of saying they want to join in too? I bet we'd have an amazing duet you silly cat." With a small grin he reached over to scratch the kitty's ears.
Spirit looked at Razul, still smiling "It's okay if you don't want to talk..." She said, looking at him. "I'm gonna go now, nice talking to you, Razul." Spirit then got up and exited the room, closing the door gently behind her. She started walking around again, meeting new people

Spotsvannia said:
Reaching out to catch her as she toppled into him, "Careful there" He said with a small laugh. "Is that Piccolo's way of saying they want to join in too? I bet we'd have an amazing duet you silly cat." With a small grin he reached over to scratch the kitty's ears.
"You like duets?" Roxy speaks out staring at him with a surprised expression. She liked how gentle he was with her cat- Piccolo really liked him. Was the cat trying to tell her something? She shrugged it off and patted Piccolo's head.

(Making a third character. If it's alright that is- So I'll have a warlock, human, and a wizard.)
xScreaminGhostx said:
Spirit looked at Razul, still smiling "It's okay if you don't want to talk..." She said, looking at him. "I'm gonna go now, nice talking to you, Razul." Spirit then got up and exited the room, closing the door gently behind her. She started walking around again, meeting new people
Razul sighed leaning back on the bed. The arch accidentally went up in flames- "Shit." He spoke out. He sighed softly- He then hopped off his bed and walked into his bathroom. "Okay!" He stared at himself. He glared at his dragon eye. "Listen- You are getting out of me you evil dragon you!" He wanted this dragon out of him. Right here right now- He was not too angry. Though- He wanted to be left alone so it's good that Spirit decided to go meet some other people.
Spotsvannia said:
[[welcome back~! ^^ and hopefully you'll be able to join in soon]]
(Thank you! I'll probably start in a minute, I'm thinking about how to introduce myself!)
Aimlori said:
(I'm making my third character. You can interact with him soon when its done.)
(Alright thank you! I'd be happy to! Thanks! But no hard feelings if I come of as a little rude? I'm not certain if you saw my character or not.)
Aimlori said:
"You like duets?" Roxy speaks out staring at him with a surprised expression. She liked how gentle he was with her cat- Piccolo really liked him. Was the cat trying to tell her something? She shrugged it off and patted Piccolo's head.
(Making a third character. If it's alright that is- So I'll have a warlock, human, and a wizard.)
[[wooo, more characters~!]

"I don't have anything against them?" He shrugged slightly. Singing was singing as far as he was concerned, having more people joining in just meant more to have fun with it.
Chale said:
(Alright thank you! I'd be happy to! Thanks! But no hard feelings if I come of as a little rude? I'm not certain if you saw my character or not.)
{Not yet. But if you've seen my character- he comes in a bit rude too. xD My Wizard.}

Spotsvannia said:
[[wooo, more characters~!]
"I don't have anything against them?" He shrugged slightly. Singing was singing as far as he was concerned, having more people joining in just meant more to have fun with it.

"Alrighty!" Roxy piped up. She grabbed her stack of duets and plopped them by them. "I got a ton! Duets are my favorite but I never had anyone to sing with me. Piccolo tried but all he can do is go meow meow meow meow meow-" She pauses at a slight glare from her kitty. "Sorry-" She giggles.
Spirit and Dir wandered the halls, Dir just finished Talking to Dwen and Spirit- She was just out of talking to what she thought as Amazing Razul. Spirit seen Dironus and quickly walked towards him, Sternly.

"Getting in trouble?" She asked Dir.

"In this dimension not so much." He smirked, looking at her in a Cruel but Questioning way.

"Have you been meeting someone?" He said, still smirking finishing off his look.

"No..." She walked off, quite Mysterious for her...

Spirit kept walking, she thought to herself... She was meant to be a Guardian, A Purifier for him... Not some flirt at a High School... She then turned to go back to her dorm, 71 and started reading up on Angelic Magic... Σελίδα 101: Καθαρισμός Demon αλιεύονται Μάγοι και Warlocks ...

(( Just so you know Dironus' books are in Latin and Spirit's are in Greek c: ))
A boy in a cloak walks into the front entrance- He has an emotionless expression. He hated being in the middle of society- He grumbled something, making sure his hood of the cloak kept up as he headed towards the staircase. "I am going to room 600..." He mumbles to himself as he gets glares.

"You look so shady." A girl pipes out.

"You look cold-" Is the boys reply as he waves his hand, freezing the staircase making the rude female fall. He sighs softly. That's what you get for calling me names- He then continues walking towards his dorm. He had a negative aura, yes- very negative. He hated people sometimes- He hated love even more. The first time he ever loved someone he ended up murdering them on accident.
Angelo stood out. There was no way around that, as to why? There are many reasons. shaggy hair, that shown like gold when hit by the light. The fact that he was a head taller than most students, and the fact that he was new. But, the oddest thing, he didn't seem to care, or just didn't realize how badly he stood out. "Now... dorm first then?" he said to himself, looking at the large building. "I know the grounds, just need to hunt down the room. And the number for that madder." He began shifting through the papers in his hands. "I should have just read all the way through these." He said flatly to himself, as he began to walk. "I think its 55?..."
May took one last look at the school as the sun was coming up. She noticed that people were starting to move around and figured now was the time for her to leave before Bex or Dir could find her. She decided to go back in just to get some breakfast and grab her gear before she would be off for good. "I just hope Bex isn't too mad at me." She sighed walking into the empty cafeteria.
Spirit got out of her room, and started walking down the corridors... She seen a a large boy, a bit Lost... She walked up to him and asked him a question "You lost?" She said, asking the large boy poking his shoulder. He thought he was large to other students, Spirit was about 3/4 a Meter shorter than him..

"Lost, no, i have the grounds layout memorized love." He said without looking up at the girl. (@xScreaminGhostx) "I just didn't look at my room number, a slight oversight on my part..." He then turned his head rather calmly. "But if you want something other than that I'm happy to talk, I have found it, so its not going to take but a moment to get there, then to the library, I hope to have it memorized by the end of the month, how else will i be able to help all you magic users?" He smiled looking back at the papers in his hands, and muttering to himself. "I miss a zero, and I'm in 55 instead of 550."
May rolled her eyes while she grabbed her food. 'Great. One of the two people I did not want to see today.' She thought as she went over with a bit fake smile. She sat down. "Hey." She said as she ate a bit. @xScreaminGhostx

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