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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

Aimlori said:
{Not yet. But if you've seen my character- he comes in a bit rude too. xD My Wizard.}


"Alrighty!" Roxy piped up. She grabbed her stack of duets and plopped them by them. "I got a ton! Duets are my favorite but I never had anyone to sing with me. Piccolo tried but all he can do is go meow meow meow meow meow-" She pauses at a slight glare from her kitty. "Sorry-" She giggles.
[[ah sorry, nephew woke up and I'm on baby sitting duty]]

"Hmm... I doooon't know if I can compete with those lovely meows, but I'll give it a shot~" He said with a slightly teasing grin. "What's one that we should start with then? I'm sure you'd have a much better idea about what would be good to try."
She thought for a moment then pulled out a book handing it to them. A list of forty songs that they could choose from. "Here- Any one of those are fine." Roxy speaks out softly.

The 40 Biggest Duets Of All Time (List of the songs.)

Spotsvannia said:
[[ah sorry, nephew woke up and I'm on baby sitting duty]]
"Hmm... I doooon't know if I can compete with those lovely meows, but I'll give it a shot~" He said with a slightly teasing grin. "What's one that we should start with then? I'm sure you'd have a much better idea about what would be good to try."

"Nice. Now then, I better head off too, more friends to make!" Spirit walked off, joyfully. @Chale


"Hey, Whats the sad look for?" Dir said to May, noticing a fake-ish smile. "You know, You could come round to my room and learn some magic- Or even we could go outside and read a book?" He said, trying to cheer her up. @Dkingow
Azu leaned against the wall- His dorm was too far. It was at the very top- Why did he choose that room. Oh right- Furthest away from the society- He could just use magic and flash himself up there though in order to go somewhere he needs to have the place in his mind. So since he's never been in his dorm- The first trip is the longest. He watched as people came down the stairs.

"Fuck it!" He growls out, jumping over the railing. He lands swiftly on the ground and decides to head to the cafe to get a bite to eat.
This time, he was carefully walking down the hall, in his demonic form, which could only be seen by people with demonic blood, running through their veins. The being walked through students and teachers, alike with boredom escaping his lips in the form of a sigh. This school wasn't something he enjoyed staying in, instead he was made to stay there, by someone he dared not speak of.

EDIT: He looked around corners, nothing there that seemed interesting. He'd look up the stairs, only seeing someone jumping down. Luckily though, who ever it was went through him. If he were visible, he would have been flat on the ground right now.
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May just laughed as she finished. "I can't go back." She said a bit cryptic. "I can't learn magic, I never will. I can't trust magic users and I don't belong here." She said as she looked him dead in the eyes. "Good luck on trying to woo Bex, she will most likely need your support when she wakes up. I would go to her as soon as you can." She said knowing that the letter she wrote would be read soon since the day was about to start. She got up and looked Dir over one last time. "This is goodbye." She said taking her stuff and walking off. @NightSky @xScreaminGhostx
Shaking his head, as she walked off. "How odd..." He shrugged it off, walking away, and up to his dorm. "Finally." he said as he stepped in flopping onto his bed. "This is rather nice I must admit." He smiled as he sat back up. "Time to find something to do for a while, I hate being bored." Without a second thought, he stood, walking back out, and yawning. "What first? Food? Meh, I'll get a book first."
As Azu walked to the lunchroom he saw a long- And I mean LONG line. He growled- "No way am I standing there." Crowds were horrible. He wanted somewhere quiet. So he decided to head into the library. "I need to just sit down and read for a few-" He whispers heading out the door. As he walks up to the library he notices a strange unfamiliar human.

"No wait!" Dironus said, slightly confused and sad. "Goodbye, May." Dironus then walked off, back down the corridors, May- She just. Left. She said she would... Might as well look to the future, I hope she doesnt get hurt. Dir then walked to the door of Room Seven, and knocked. "Bex... You awake?" He said, preparing for tears @NightSky @Dkingow
Like usual Bex rolled out of bed and stretched her arms up as she yawned while looking at the other empty bed in her dorm. May must have got up early. She thought to herself but she had a bad feeling about it. She decided to throw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black top with her favourite paint splattered denim jacket. She hummed to herself as she brushed her hair. She heard a knock at the door. "It's open!" She called out.

May was walking down the hall heading for the exit when she ran into a short little girl. "I am so sorry." She said as she looked the girl over. "Are you okay. I know my bag can be heavy sometimes. Did it hit you?" She looked her over and the held out her hand. @xScreaminGhostx
"Hay there." He said with a small wave at the newcomer. He had seven books in his arms, all on magic theory. "Something catch your eye?" he asked, with a small wink. "Just teasing, sorry. Did you need something?"

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Spirit looked up at May "Yeah- Yeah Im ok-" May looked into her eyes. They were wonderful. To hger they showed a story. Angelic. She then snapped out of it and said "I'm Spirit Tel'Thas. Good to meet you. You can call me Spri." She smiled a bit looking at May. @Dkingow


Dir looked at Bex. "Didnt you- Didnt you see the note?" He said, scanning the room, blushing and feeling uncomftorable. @NightSky
May laughed and smiled. "I'm Misty May but you can call me May." She said then shook her head. "I mean... Never mind, I am no one. Good bye." She said passing her and continuing down the hall.
"Eh- E- You should find it yourself... Before you read it-" He paused. Thinking... "Im always here to comfort you..." He said, Almost crying at what her expression will be after reading it. She was so cheery and happy beforehand... He didnt want to ruin that, he didnt want her to feel bad... ever...



"No! Don't leave!" Spirit grabbed May's arm, and looked at her. "Please, can we just talk?" Spirit seen an amazing image in her... More than Razul, more than anyone. "Please?" she said, slightly upbeat. Spirit loved the look of her- and what she seen using a Holy Sight. @Dkingow
May sighed. "Can we do this by the lake outside. I kinda told a few people I won't be here anymore and I don't want them to find me." She said frowning a bit. "I can't stay long, so it will have to be quick." She gave a soft smile as she lead the way to the lake. @xScreaminGhostx
"Uhh okay.." Bex turned around and scanned her dorm. Her eyes finally falling on a folded piece of paper on May's pillow. Bex sat on May's bed and picked up the note. She slowly unfolded it and began to read it..

@xScreaminGhostx @Dkingow
Dir slightly sighed, What could he say? He loved her and she was about to be very sad... May just running away... "You okay?" He said, noticing her eyes scan the last piece of the note. @NightSky


"O-Okay..." Spirit started to follow May, heading to the Lake. "Your really pretty you know." Spirit said, blushing slightly looking at May whilst walking. @Dkingow
((Hooray for time-jumping!))

Dwennon leaves the cafeteria after feasting on kumquats and heads down to his dorm room, leaving the door open. He begins to work on making those new curtains.

Chale said:
"Hay there." He said with a small wave at the newcomer. He had seven books in his arms, all on magic theory. "Something catch your eye?" he asked, with a small wink. "Just teasing, sorry. Did you need something?"
"If I needed something i'd ask the librarian." Azu mumbles out walking into the place. He did not want to talk to anyone- The strangers flirtatious ways made him recoil- "Ey...." He sat down at a table after grabbing a random book. He opened up to the first page, yawning.

(Forgive his rude ways. He's a little nicer when you get to know him.)
May's note read: "Dear Bex. I love you. I know you may have found out. I know I hinted at it. That first night you were able to cheer me up I saw you in a whole new light. I doubt I could get you to feel the same, but I don't belong here. I am not a magic user, and I never will be. I fell for you and it hurts to know I will not get the same feelings returned. You are amazing and beautiful and I hope you end up with someone who deeply cares for you. This is my finally goodbye. -Kisses and Hugs- May" @NightSky
Bex read through the note slowly, her eyes glistening with tears. "No.." Bex shook her head and read the letter again hoping the words would change, hoping this letter wasn't what she thought it was but it was. It was a goodbye. Her eyes overfilled with tears. "Why.." She whispered as the tears fell onto the note.

@Dkingow @xScreaminGhostx

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