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Fantasy Winterfell Academy


I go back into my room and work on some bombs, "Just a touch of sodium clor-" the cap of the bottle spills off "shit..." large explosion echoes through the building. A piece of shrapnel is loged in my vest, I pull it out and get up. I see why I put a dedicated area to this now.
xScreaminGhostx said:
"Hmm. 2." Dironus said, smiling and thinking thoughtfully at the desicion.
"That's what I thought too, thanks." He put the dragonfly fabric back in one of the boxes and leaned the white and blue designed one against his table. "Is there anything that you'd like to do? Walk around campus, get something to eat, go to the lake?"
Spotsvannia said:
"Oh wow..." He expected a few, but there were so many to choose from. Picking up one, he flipped through it some. "Do you have any that you'd like to do?" He asked her, looking a bit lost at all of the options.
xScreaminGhostx said:
"Ooh the Dragon in You..." Spirit then Whistled the classic "Woowhoo." She then fell down on the bed too, looking at him. "What else is cute about you?" She asked, quite excited.
Razul gave a soft blush- "Yeah- I am not all warlock." Some reason he felt like putting a lot of trust in her. He looked over at her. He had a real smile this time. He always got called cute but this time it actually affected him some. Why though? He messes with his ice powers. He formed a beautiful glass rose and stared at how he perfected it. He glanced at his new found friend and handed it to her.

Roxy stared at the book with duets in it. To be honest- She would not mind Ver to be her singing partner. She'd love it- She did not know how to ask. She fumbled with the chain of one duet book. Piccolo meowed, jumping from the pian onto her making her fall into Ver. She giggled. "P-piccolo!" She shouts out laughing.

xScreaminGhostx said:
"Get something to eat sounds decent. Not ate since yesterday." Dironus said, happily. He picked up his stuff and quickly counted his money for the canteen. @TheForgottenOne
Dwennon follows at Dir's side, his slight blush coming back into action.
xScreaminGhostx said:
"What are you having?" Dir said to Dwen, grinning. Dir was hungry... For once. He then seen the cafeteria doors and opened them, walking into the line
"Probably some frui-KUMQUATS!!!" Dwennon yells as he excitedly grabs a handful of them, and a variety of other fruits, two pieces of ham before dashing to a table.

(( Feel free to reply to this, going to take a shower then return. ))
xScreaminGhostx said:
"Fo- for me?" Spirit took the rose, highly blushing "That's cute about you.. Your romantic... I like that.." Spirit smiled, looking into his eyes.
Razul saw her deep blush- He did not know why but he really liked this girl. He could not explain it- She was cheery and kind like him. She had emotion too- he could see it in her eyes. He gave a smile staring back at her lovely eyes. "Yes- For you..." He speaks out softly, gliding his hand against her cheek softly. He then decided to test something out. He moved his arms around a bit. Water flooded over the first drowning it out. He wanted to see if she was a nature girl- He then grinned, forming a ground of dirt with the earth element, he then rose his arms as flowers rose up from the dirt. He then formed them into a beautiful arch over the two. Roses as red as blood mixed with ones as white as a dove. His took a rose and gently placed it in her hair. "THe earth element is the main element I mastered you know." He speaks out not trying to be boastful.

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(Meh, I'm going to drop out of this rp. Sorry for ever signing up but this just doesn't interest me xD . That and I'm having school stuff coming up. Sorry and bye, have nice lives :D )
(Just as I was about to join too! Regardless, is now a bad time to start? You seem to be in the middle of something Aimlori and xScreaminGhostx, I wouldn't talk too you two right off the bat, but regardless I would hate to intrude.)
(I'm off to bed for tonight, if you guys don't mind this will be my last post that I consider when its late at night in the rp)

May grabbed her gear and set the note in Bex hands. "Good bye." She said softly a tear falling from her eye as she walked out the door and closed it quietly. She made her way to the front door and walked down to the lake across the way. She took a look at her reflection in the moonlight and smiled. "I'm doing the right thing." She told herself as she got ready to walk away from the school. The choice now was to go back home or run away completely.

(I'm not leaving the RP if someone may think I am. I am developing my character "hopefully")
"Nice." Dironus grabbed some sushi and moved to a Seat, "So, You make dolls? There pretty cool." He said, smiling at Dwen



"Your... Amazing...." Spirit said, looking at Razul. She then got closer to him and looked at him. "Your the cutest person I know..." She smiled at him, still looking into his eyes.


((Sorry! Fell asleep again! It was 3:30 I the morning for me haha ))

xScreaminGhostx said:
"Nice." Dironus grabbed some sushi and moved to a Seat, "So, You make dolls? There pretty cool." He said, smiling at Dwen


"Your... Amazing...." Spirit said, looking at Razul. She then got closer to him and looked at him. "Your the cutest person I know..." She smiled at him, still looking into his eyes.


((Sorry! Fell asleep again! It was 3:30 I the morning for me haha ))
((Wow, you're a night owl, I ended up sleeping as well, was nearing midnight for me. Darn EST))

"Thanks, I made a lot of them before I came here because I had nothing better to do, I left most of them at home though." He said, somewhat frowning from past memories. "But I found out that I can move them around if I want to!" He exclaims in an attempt to get off the topic of his past life.
xScreaminGhostx said:
"Nice." Dironus grabbed some sushi and moved to a Seat, "So, You make dolls? There pretty cool." He said, smiling at Dwen


"Your... Amazing...." Spirit said, looking at Razul. She then got closer to him and looked at him. "Your the cutest person I know..." She smiled at him, still looking into his eyes.


((Sorry! Fell asleep again! It was 3:30 I the morning for me haha ))
Razul gave a soft smile as she got closer- "You're cute too you know-" He winked. He liked the setup. To be honest- His elements were more controllable when he was happy. He still did not know what else to do- She seemed like she really liked him. Love though-

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