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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

Dir smiled at Bex, admiring her for a second- She was amazing. Her looks, her personality, how much he ca- But he knew he had to wait. She was fragile now and he couldn't be so inconsiderate. Dir then laughed slightly at Dwennon's comment. "Hmm. Guess so haha." Dir then smiled at his friends, happily.

@NightSky @TheForgottenOne
"The other day when I woke up I realised that the ceiling was very plain in my dorm. What do you think about helping me out and brightening it up a little?" She asked Dir after she finished her cereal. "You can come as well." She said with a smile to Dwen.

@TheForgottenOne @xScreaminGhostx
(hey you guys post a lot, I been watching for a couple days and I think you've added at least 5 or 6 pages. Anyway I was thinking of joining but before I send the CS I want to ask. This has kind of become a love story, but if I join I'm going to try to throw a wrench into the machine. I'm not that good with love stories, so is everyone Ok if i bring some tension? Like fighting and using magic? Also there should be a map and events, like a festival.)
NightSky said:
"The other day when I woke up I realised that the ceiling was very plain in my dorm. What do you think about helping me out and brightening it up a little?" She asked Dir after she finished her cereal. "You can come as well." She said with a smile to Dwen.

@TheForgottenOne @xScreaminGhostx
"I don't know if I'm very good at paints, I can try though." Dwen says, never having used paint before, this might go disasterous, but he gets to see Dir again. "If you want colorful curtains or sheets I'm sure I can help with that as well

May giggled a bit. "Room 7." She stated as she grabbed her stuff and got up putting her shoes back on. She held out her hand to help Spirit up. "Shall we go before it gets to dark?" She asked with a small smile. She wasn't ready to see them. But she had to face them. They needed to attack the demon who hurt them. @xScreaminGhostx
Swire said:
(hey you guys post a lot, I been watching for a couple days and I think you've added at least 5 or 6 pages. Anyway I was thinking of joining but before I send the CS I want to ask. This has kind of become a love story, but if I join I'm going to try to throw a wrench into the machine. I'm not that good with love stories, so is everyone Ok if i bring some tension? Like fighting and using magic? Also there should be a map and events, like a festival.)
(( That would be awesome, feel free to do so. I might end up making a map of the dormitory and try to get it approved by the gm. ))
Swire said:
(hey you guys post a lot, I been watching for a couple days and I think you've added at least 5 or 6 pages. Anyway I was thinking of joining but before I send the CS I want to ask. This has kind of become a love story, but if I join I'm going to try to throw a wrench into the machine. I'm not that good with love stories, so is everyone Ok if i bring some tension? Like fighting and using magic? Also there should be a map and events, like a festival.)
((Yeah that's awesome! It'll be nice to have a change of theme cx ))
"Ooh I would love that!" Bex said with a happy smile, bright curtains would really match her room. "The brighter the better." She said while standing up. "Do you want to get started now?" She asked hoping they would say yes, she didn't want to be alone in her dorm at the moment.

@xScreaminGhostx @TheForgottenOne
((Afternoon commune to the house, going to be afk for a bit, if Dir and Bex leave, assume Dwen follows and paints.))
With a turn of the corner, into a dark enclosed room, like a janitors office, he'd let the bandages, that caged in his demonic form, re-wrap around him and cause him to turn into his former human-like self, but without the mask he had put on previously. The being would then walk out of the office and let his black jacket, that dragged down to his ankles follow him. Noticing that he was getting some stares, probably because of his height, and the fact that he hadn't actually walked the halls in human form, he sighed, shaking his head a little. "Damned brats." He thought out loud with the demonic/human mixture in his voice.
"I might come visit sometime..." Spirit winked at May standing up and ready to go. "Shall we go?" She asked, smiling at May. @Dkingow


"Ima head to my Dorm now, See you guys later." He said, smiling at the two and walking off, head now in his book. 'I like her.... So much...' He thought about Bex and smiled, then sitting on his bed. @NightSky @TheForgottenOne
Spotsvannia said:
"Say say say it is then~" with a small smile and a nod he got up to join her. Honestly he was just looking forward to hearing her sing again, even if that meant more singing on his part. And he couldn't deny it hadn't been fun so far so far.
Roxy nods as she slings her guitar over her shoulder. She clears her throat getting ready to sing. "Got the lyrics down?" SHe asks strumming the strings to test the strings.
NightSky said:
"Ooh I would love that!" Bex said with a happy smile, bright curtains would really match her room. "The brighter the better." She said while standing up. "Do you want to get started now?" She asked hoping they would say yes, she didn't want to be alone in her dorm at the moment.

@xScreaminGhostx @TheForgottenOne
Dwennon's face turns back to normal skin color as Dir leaves. "Sure, it'd be best to finish the painting first so I can work with a color scheme." He says cheerfully, the more sewing work to do during off times, the better.
May decided it was best to go back. "I just am really nervous." She said as they started to walk. "What if they hate me now? What if I ruined everything?" She had so many thoughts running through her head. She didn't know what to think. How could she? She basically threw everything out the window and is coming back through that window. She stopped at the main entrance. "I don't think I can go in." She said sweating. @xScreaminGhostx
May smiled a bit. "Okay then, let's go." She said as she walked into the school and up the stairs. She stood in front of the door to her room. She was nervous. As if just touching the door would set her on fire. "I changed my mind. I can't do this." She said to Spirit. "Bex is going to hate me or kill me or both." She couldn't help but feel like that's what she would do. @xScreaminGhostx @NightSky
"Cool!" Bex walks out of the canteen and back into room 7. She walked over to her suitcase and opened it revealing a wide range of paints. "Help yourself." She said with a kind smile to Dwen before she lifted herself up so she was floating but led on her back facing her ceiling. What to paint..? She tapped the paintbrush on her face, oblivious to the fact she was splashing red paint on her face.

[[ooookay, I'm finally little kid free and can maybe manage to get a reply written with less than like an hour delay now, so sorry about that @Aimlori =w=;; also, @Dragasis would the pair of singers happen to be the lovely Roxy and my derp, or did I miss some others singing in the chat?]]
(@Spotsvannia it you both)

May decided she wasn't going to enter. She couldn't handle, so she knocked a couple of times hoping Bex would answer. She wondered if Dir was in there to or did he go back to his room like he did often. Her heart started to race. Was this the right thing to do? Was she going to get yelled out? Was she going to make it without crying? The last question answered itself as tears started to form. @xScreaminGhostx @NightSky
Spotsvannia said:
[[ooookay, I'm finally little kid free and can maybe manage to get a reply written with less than like an hour delay now, so sorry about that @Aimlori =w=;; also, @Dragasis would the pair of singers happen to be the lovely Roxy and my derp, or did I miss some others singing in the chat?]]
(Alright. Just playing mario with my little cousins- Heh~ )

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