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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

-[[ Don't worry. xD I love reading posts from the beginning, because it gives me a feel for the characters involved. ]]-
Dir looked at all people, he sat up and walked towards the door, leaving. He then entered his dorm, thinking. Why won't she answer me? Is she scared? Does she not like me? I might as well read my book it gets my mind off of things. Dir opened his book and started to read. Page XXI: Manipulare Daemones . primo . Demon destruxit aram vos vocavit vobis. ibi ignem aperire trahant . Daemon ergo vos furari amet ...
Roxy nodded as she stood up grabbing her guitar. She stood there and at the banana then she grabbed the carton of milk tossing it into the trash. "See ya." She called out to him. As he left, Roxy walked towards the exit. Just then the same creep from earlier grabbed her waist pulling her close.

"Sweetie you left so soon earlier and I did not get a chance to hear you sing, baby." He cooed stroking her hair.

Roxy glared a bit and the next thing that happened? She punched the man straight in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"Shit-!" He yelled out, nose bleeding.

"I'd like to be left alone, thank you. I am glad you like my music but don't expect me to be any less of a fighter." She mouthed out with a tone of anger before walking out.

Razul glanced over at the scene. Eyes widened as his eye went gray of amusement. "Oh man-" He mumbled out, a mouthful of apple as the creeper whimpered from the impact. His nose seemed broken. "Remind me not to mess with that little mortal."

Betweengoodandevil said:
(lol. Sorry it took so long @Kippers)
Ash sighed finishing off her food she stands and dumps her tray.


Spotsvannia said:
"After the ne-..." Oh yeah, class, that thing he was now definitely late for. "Craaaaaap, I forgot about my next class." Carefully lifting Piccolo off his shoulder to place back on Roxy's before quickly getting up. "Sorry I've got to cut it short, but I'll catch ya later~!" With an embarrassed grin he gave a final wave before hurrying off. If he ran, maybe he wouldn't be more than a few minutes late.
[[Ok, I'll be back in a bit, sorry guys~!]]

"Why would I be comforting Dir?" She asked slightly confused. She knew she had just left him after he said something important but he didn't seem too upset, or so she thought. "Are you okay?" She asked seeing May's tear stained face and pulling her into a hug. "I don't like seeing my friends upset."

Kippers said:
-[[ Don't worry. xD I love reading posts from the beginning, because it gives me a feel for the characters involved. ]]-
(Want our chars to spar?)
Dir got up, walking down to the next class. As he went in, he seen the girl he helped on his first day. "Hey. I am Dir, nice to meet you." He said to her, smiling but with a. Look saying sadness, just out the class.

[[...ok, that took like a looooot less time than what it was planned to be =w=; but whatever, it's cool. At least I didn't miss much here.]]
Ash looked up from the floor to she a boy. Somehow he seemed familiar but at the same time she forgot. He could be on of her ghost friends, but she doubted it. "hey, what's wrong?" Ash could always tell if something was wrong with someone even if they tried to hide it.

The schools basement.. Not a very lively place, accept for one figure who resided inside of it, unknown to the principle. The reason being, that it was mostly abandoned and forgotten about. The being, that lived inside, awoke, having the look of a mad-man with a cold sweat, like he had just had a nightmare.


The bandages, around his body, indicate injuries from a battle to a stranger, but they were really seal's to his demon spirit that he can transform into. The dark haired figure would stand and push the thin covers off of his legs, before pulling his legs over the bed and getting up. He'd do the daily routine, make breakfast, which consisted of a single piece of dried bread, wash himself and get dressed. He was quite tall, standing at a 6 foot 6 height, but was on the skinny/slightly muscular side. The clothes he wore, was a dark black jacket, with dark green on the inside, along with black trousers, same colored boots and a white mask with markings on it.


After he had gotten dressed, he looked over to the decrepit looking metal door and turned to face it, before walking to it and grabbing the handle. As soon as he had turned it, it made a loud squeaking noise, along with the door that was pushed open, leaving the same sound to moan through the halls up stairs as it closed behind him. The first stop was the outside area, where he usually goes to train.

He'd finish off the bread he had and stand in the middle of the wide, open field, before letting the breeze of an on coming storm, that he was in the middle of making, roll in. As the black thunder clouds, floated above him, he'd place one hand into the air and listen as flashes formed inside of the clouds. Like a bolt of lightning.. A literal bolt of lightning flashed down apon him, like he was a lightning rod. The yellow pulse of electric power, switched from it's color to a blackened color, almost like it had been infected. He'd raise the other arm, slowly, and caused the, now black lightning, to shoot forward and destroy a nearby bench in an instant. It was old and falling to bits anyway.

'I need a different target.' He thought, but continued to hold the bolt of black lightning in his grip to charge his power even further, until it reached it's full capacity.
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Razul nodded and darted towards his next class- It was elemental studies. He did not watch the bright yellow glow in his eyes and he ended up freezing the office door as he ran by with his ice powers. Bad idea- He needed to control the darned element. Noone knew it was him fourtunatly- THis made him sigh in relief.
After class, Dir was confused... He couldn't find Bex, couldn't get answers, as he wandered outside to sit on a bench, he looked along to his surprise. It was gone. He then scanned the premises to see a Boy- or man standing there looking enraged. Dironus kept walking, then looking at the what clearly was a boy- or young adult due to build. "Hey." He said, slightly smiling but sad as he was outside the class. "I was about to sit on that you know." He said, looking at the mask.

NightSky said:
"Why would I be comforting Dir?" She asked slightly confused. She knew she had just left him after he said something important but he didn't seem too upset, or so she thought. "Are you okay?" She asked seeing May's tear stained face and pulling her into a hug. "I don't like seeing my friends upset."

May just looked at her dumbfound. "He is admitting that he likes you more then a friend. Whether you say yes or no you should be with him to make sure he is feeling okay." She said even though she had never really been in that situation. She knew people who were and got ideas but she had always wanted to be in love. "He just admitted did I can't even do." She said then looked at Bex shocked. "I...I...I..." She didn't know what to say. What could she say? She turned away crying again. @NightSky

(Sorry for the long delay work just got busy all of a sudden XP)
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To his surprise, another person liked to hang around this area, either that or he just spotted the lightning. But, the being adjusted his mask, ever so slightly, before he responded with a point to another bench, that was just a bit further away. He wasn't really much of a talker and by this time, he was already fully charged, so he stopped using his powers. Then with a turn, his jacket, that was stretching down to his knees, flipped to the side along with his movements and followed him in pursuit as he walked off in the other direction, back to the old, abandoned building he lived in. But he did not go back to the basement, no, he went into a decrepit classroom, that was basically falling apart. Some tables were toppled over and broken, but he found his normal spot and sat down, sighing.
Ver let out a small sigh as he walked out of the classroom. Normally he enjoyed his ethics of magic class, but with a sub in today... it was an entire class period focused on the joy of worksheets. "Hmm..." Adjusting the books from one arm to the next, he decided to swing by Roxy's dorm to see if she had made it out of class, though if not he was sure he could find something in the school to keep busy with.
Ash sat in the back of her elemental class, she wasn't sure why she was here sometimes. She hated it, everyone gave her weird looks the girls glared in her direction. She sighed laying her head on her desk.
Dir sighed, he then got to his book but couldn't help thinking...

Will she say Yes? I'm surprised I even built enough courage up to ask her once forget twice... I really hope she likes me... Dironus got back to his book...

CCCI Page : et convocatis familia . Homo scire oportet vocare conantur amet sequentis : Flamma Inmortui diabolica . Si accersito relative ...

Dkingow said:
May just looked at her dumbfound. "He is admitting that he likes you more then a friend. Whether you say yes or no you should be with him to make sure he is feeling okay." She said even though she had never really been in that situation. She knew people who were and got ideas but she had always wanted to be in love. "He just admitted did I can't even do." She said then looked at Bex shocked. "I...I...I..." She didn't know what to say. What could she say? She turned away crying again. @NightSky
(Sorry for the long delay work just got busy all of a sudden XP)

Bex watched May with sadness in her eyes, her bouncy curls were motionless.

"I'm sorry.." She said quietly. "I didn't mean for it all to turn out like this, it's all my fault."
Betweengoodandevil said:
Ash sat in the back of her elemental class, she wasn't sure why she was here sometimes. She hated it, everyone gave her weird looks the girls glared in her direction. She sighed laying her head on her desk.
Spotsvannia said:
Ver let out a small sigh as he walked out of the classroom. Normally he enjoyed his ethics of magic class, but with a sub in today... it was an entire class period focused on the joy of worksheets. "Hmm..." Adjusting the books from one arm to the next, he decided to swing by Roxy's dorm to see if she had made it out of class, though if not he was sure he could find something in the school to keep busy with.
Roxy was laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. Some blood was on her knuckle. She did not mean to inflict harm on another being- He just really pissed her off.

This was the first Razul entered his elemental class- He was glad to make it in time before it started. "I am here!" He shouts out entering. Almost all the girls looked at him winking.

"Hey Razzy!" They all shout out. Razul nervously waves and takes a seat in the far back. Some girls coming over.

"We heard you have every element in you!" A girl pipes out. Razul hides behind his notebook nodding acting as though he was busy reading something. He glanced over noticing the girl from lunch.

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