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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

May jumped on Bex. "Don't ever think this is your fault." She started to lightly hit her shoulders with fists as she spoke. "You are not to blame for either mine nor Dir's feelings for you. You are a beautiful, honest, interesting woman who is just pure goodness." She hugged Bex tight. "Do not ever think that you have to be sorry for this. It is not your fault in the slightest." May said tears pouring out. "You will never ever ever get me to admit that you are at fault so don't even try." She finished burring her head in Bex's neck. "Don't ever think you are a problem." She said quietly through her sobs. @NightSky

During training something nags at my mind , I'm not much of a magic user but I know just enough to beat magic users without being crushed by a fireball. I don't have to many classes because of this, but to some people that's a blessing but me not so much... I like learning spells as such but I don't have many books. I'll check by the library, get something new. I holster my twin rapiers and conceal them under my coat. I walk out of the training room and wander until I find the library, of course all the 'real' wizards and witches are In classes so the halls are pretty empty.
For the first time in a few years Bex properly cried. The tears spilled out uncontrollably.

"I just don't want to hurt anyone." She whispered into May.

Aimlori said:
Roxy was laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. Some blood was on her knuckle. She did not mean to inflict harm on another being- He just really pissed her off.
This was the first Razul entered his elemental class- He was glad to make it in time before it started. "I am here!" He shouts out entering. Almost all the girls looked at him winking.

"Hey Razzy!" They all shout out. Razul nervously waves and takes a seat in the far back. Some girls coming over.

"We heard you have every element in you!" A girl pipes out. Razul hides behind his notebook nodding acting as though he was busy reading something. He glanced over noticing the girl from lunch.
Walking up to the dorm, he tried to mentally pump himself up. Maybe he'd actually gotten better since the last time he tried singing... oooor if he hadn't, hopefully it'd just come off as funnily terrible. Either way, it was going to be an interesting way to spend some time. Giving a few small knocks on the door, he called out, "Hey~ you in there?"
Spotsvannia said:
Walking up to the dorm, he tried to mentally pump himself up. Maybe he'd actually gotten better since the last time he tried singing... oooor if he hadn't, hopefully it'd just come off as funnily terrible. Either way, it was going to be an interesting way to spend some time. Giving a few small knocks on the door, he called out, "Hey~ you in there?"
Roxy jumps and glances at her door. She was curled up in her musical blanket- Her eyes closed for a moment then she opened them. "Yes! Come in..." She breathes out waiting for him to enter.

I walk outside to see a lightning strike but no clouds... Wierd. I sit down on a bench outside the entrance and go to sleep with a soft snore
Aimlori said:
Roxy jumps and glances at her door. She was curled up in her musical blanket- Her eyes closed for a moment then she opened them. "Yes! Come in..." She breathes out waiting for him to enter.
"Hopefully this is a good time?" He asked with a smile as he walked in. "I left in such a hurry earlier that I completely forgot to ask which of the schedules you might be on."
May held her head up. "What?" She was confused. "You don't want to hurt anyone? How could you hurt anyone?" She didn't know what to think. She didn't even want to think that Bex would hurt anyone on purpose. "Things happen and people get hurt. Sometimes we can't control it." She said calming down a bit. She held her close. "Let's go back to the room and talk. It's becoming awkward in the bathroom." She said giggling a bit. @NightSky
He had heard some sort of chanting outside, so he pulled up the slightly teared curtains, from the abandoned classroom, and looked back to the bench where the boy was sitting. He had his feet on a desk, but he was near enough to see what he was doing. Through the stained glass, he spotted a book that looked like it was used to summon Demons or something like that. Even though he was a demon, he didn't react to the book, because he already had a contract made with another being, one who he now despised for leaving him at this academy.

He ended up closing the curtains soon after and placed his feet onto the floor, whilst putting his arms on both legs, left arm on his left leg and right arm on his right leg. They were hanging over the edge of his legs. "It's so boring here." He thought and punched the desk in front of him, revealing some stress from being here for so long. He just wanted to leave.
Spotsvannia said:
"Hopefully this is a good time?" He asked with a smile as he walked in. "I left in such a hurry earlier that I completely forgot to ask which of the schedules you might be on."
Roxy sits up and yawns. "No no, it's fine!" She got up and forgot she was not wearing any pants. "A-a-" She then darted towards her dresser-
"Yeah... I guess so.." She nodded agreeing with May. She weakly smiled. "Beds are a lot more comfortable." She turned and walked to the door. Maybe I should find Dir.. She thought to herself.

May walked with Bex back to the room. She knew it was going to be an awkward talk. How else do you talk to the person you basically admitted to being in love with. She didn't know what to think. 'Is she even interested in women? Would she want to date me?' Every thought was spinning in her head that when she opened the door she walked to her bed and practically fell on it. @NightSky
"So your here, eh..." Dironus said, looking at the figure after his spell

"Yes.. I'm attending here. To look after you." The female said.

"I need no looking after." Dironus turned to walk away then swirled back. "Is Mum and Dad okay?" He said, slightly worried tone

"Yes." The Young female said. She stepped out the shadows, now wearing a Grey hoodie and looking like a Young Female version of Dironus.

"Don't get in trouble, Spirit. And don't break anyone." Dir added, now walking away.

"Won't." Spirit Tel'thas walked into the entrance opposite him, both heading to different rooms. Spirit headed to her dorm, Room 71 and Dironus headed to his Dorm, 13.
Aimlori said:
Roxy sits up and yawns. "No no, it's fine!" She got up and forgot she was not wearing any pants. "A-a-" She then darted towards her dresser-
Turning a bright pink, he quickly turned on his heel to face the door. "Ah, sorry about that." He laughed a bit, scratching his head slightly.
Spotsvannia said:
Turning a bright pink, he quickly turned on his heel to face the door. "Ah, sorry about that." He laughed a bit, scratching his head slightly.
Roxy blushed too as she grabbed a pair of pants from the drawer quickly putting them on. "S-sorry!" She spoke out giving a nervous laugh. "I should have warned you."
Dwennon hops off of the bus that brought him to the academy, holding out his school map. "Room 237... Wonderful..." He sighs as he looks up, the sun is shining, nothing saying that it would be a bad day. He sets off into the dormitory, let the adventure begin!

((Anyone that wants to bump into me feel free to do so))
Dir, reading his book by accidentally went into the wrong block. He didn't notice though, he kept walking, his Raven Black hair swaying against his hood. Why did I summon her? It's gonna make everything more complicated: Well I half summoned her. Hey! Technically she tricked m- Dironus then bumped into the new boy, dropping his book "Oh I'm sorry. I'll get my book and get out your way." He picked up his book, then looking back up. "Hey, I am Dir, Dironus." He said, a half smile on his face.

Aimlori said:
Roxy blushed too as she grabbed a pair of pants from the drawer quickly putting them on. "S-sorry!" She spoke out giving a nervous laugh. "I should have warned you."
"Oh no, it's ok." He shook his head with another laugh, continuing to wait for the go ahead to turn around. "I mean it's your dorm right? It makes sense you'd get comfortable in it."
Betweengoodandevil said:
Ash lifted her head to acknowledge the boy when he walks in she groans, laying her head back on her desk. 'he sure is popular'
"Everyone just fucking leave me alone!" Razul screamed out slamming his notebook on the desk. he stood up throwing the desk to the floor and darting out of the room accidentally setting the school board on fire as his dragon eye flashed black. He stormed off to his room in full rage. The girls all backed up in fear- wide eyed. The nice popular guy turned into an angered enraged dragon-
Spotsvannia said:
"Oh no, it's ok." He shook his head with another laugh, continuing to wait for the go ahead to turn around. "I mean it's your dorm right? It makes sense you'd get comfortable in it."
Roxy nodded. She approached him from behind as she was now ready and dressed. She gave him a friendly hug from behind, wrapping her arms around him. "I can't wait to hear your voice~" She whispers.

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