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Fantasy Winterfell Academy


"Just keep on trying, don't stop. Who said you have to stop" I say twirling a little ball of arcane in my hand, a bad habit of what I do when I'm bored/stressed.
"Sometimes it takes a while to calm down when emotions come into play, and sometimes it takes even longer to figure out why you're feeling them as well. But until then, cry if you need to, talk- or don't talk as much as you need, whatever you feel is best, just do it. There's no shame at all in feeling emotional at times after all." He nodded slightly, "Aaaaand he's right, if you know you still love her, don't give up on that."

@Dkingow @xScreaminGhostx @Yappi

"Sure" I see a small indent in his wall where I got blown back. I get one of his paintings when he's not looking and I cover it up before going out of the dorm. I go back into my dorm and back into mine. I practice magic sword and do basic practices.
"Hey, that's what friends are for right?" He gave a big grin as he got up from sitting on the bed. "And if you feel the need to talk any more, let us know~" He waved before heading out, and making a slight detour back to the cafeteria for more coffee.

@Dkingow @xScreaminGhostx @Yappi
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May just sat there taking it all in. He was not the only one to not know how to feel. How could she fall in love with a girl who she just met, a magic user at that, and yet be jealous that Dir was falling for her. She felt so many emotions that she didn't want to say anything, least she say the wrong thing. She just listened trying to not seem like she wasn't there. @xScreaminGhostx @Spotsvannia @Yappi

Time for boring classes.... I walk out of the dorm and go to my class with a slow shuffle.
Ver yawned between sips of coffee. At this point, one could only wait and see how things would turn out, but he had high hopes for a good ending to come out of it all. He smiled to himself as he walked into his first class of the day.

@Dkingow @xScreaminGhostx @Yappi
May walked out and walked back to her room a bit depressed. She walked in and saw Bex awake and instantly smiled. She couldn't get over how beautiful she was and how much she just made her smile. "Hey." She said then remembered the conversation she just heard and almost started to cry agian. @NightSky
Bex looked up from being sat cross legged on her bed still in her rabbit onesie, she was eating a bowl of cereal while writing out her homework.

"Morning May." She said with a bright smile. "What time is our first class?" She asked before putting a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

(Whoopsie. Ey- Keystones bite out time.)

Razul sighs a frown on his face as he walks up to the lunch line. He just wanted to destroy everything. Let rage take over- Let his mind go insane. He wanted to just be gone- THough he did not. As people looked at him, he gave a bright fake smile. "Heya!" He'd speak out happily as he grabbed his lunch. "An apple a day keeps the pesky pesky doctor away!" He pipes out, twirling. He grabs his tray of food and goes to sit a table.

"Sit with my, Razzy!"

"No me!"

"He's sitting with me!" People from tables aruged. Razul gave a nervous laugh.

"Darlings- You can all sit with me-" He sits at an empty table and soon it floods with various people/ Why was he so popular at the place?

Roxy looks over to see Razul. A soft smile on her face. She did not feel like eating. She barely ate- She just leaned against the wall messing with the strings of her guitar watching society closely.

"Hey, can you play me a tune, baby?" A man leaned over her. She furrowed her eyes at the name.

"No...." She replied simple as Piccolo hissed at the being.
May couldn't help but smile when Bex spoke. "Umm... In 5 minutes." She said looking at the clock but not caring all that much. She would spend the whole day out of class if it meant being with Bex. She then looked down saddened. She shouldn't be wishing this, it wasn't right for her to want this. @NightSky
"I should probably get changed then." She said giggling and standing up. She pulled out a casual paint splattered black dress and quickly put it on. "You feeling okay?" She asked May, concerned.

May looked up and turned away. "No, but if I talk about it more then one person is going to get hurt and I can't do that to myself or someone else." She said as she went to the bathroom to get changed. She put on a pair of white jeans, and a white Shirt that had the slogan "You Only Die Once" is black. She came back out a bit puffy eyed having cried a bit while in there. @NightSky

I walk out of a history class about magic, turns out magic weapon has been used by knights and yadayadayada I got bored 5 minutes in.
As soon as the class was over, he slowly made his way towards the cafeteria to grab a soda or something between classes since he had the time. Opening one of the doors, he glanced around for the off chance of seeing anyone he recognized. Not too far from the super tantalizing soda machines he spotted the cute little musician talking to... well he couldn't tell who but whatever. "Heeeey~!" Ver Yelled over in Roxy's direction with a big wave.
"Hmm.." Bex felt like something was wrong but she didn't want to push May. "You know if anything is wrong you can tell me." She said while picking up her bag and putting in on her back. "We better get to our lesson." She said picking up her bowl of cereals to take with her, she didn't want to come back to soggy cereal.

She walked into her class and saw familiar faces. "Morning everyone hope you slept well!" She said melodically and sat down putting her cereal on the table.

@Dkingow @xScreaminGhostx
Spotsvannia said:
As soon as the class was over, he slowly made his way towards the cafeteria to grab a soda or something between classes since he had the time. Opening one of the doors, he glanced around for the off chance of seeing anyone he recognized. Not too far from the super tantalizing soda machines he spotted the cute little musician talking to... well he couldn't tell who but whatever. "Heeeey~!" Ver Yelled over in Roxy's direction with a big wave.
Roxy glanced up, her reddened eyes noticing the boy from last night. She gave a soft smile and gave a small wave in his direction. The boy who asked her to play the guitar went to lean in and kiss her cheek. Roxy moved out of the way before he did and headed towards Ver. She was glad she had an excuse to get out of her preditors way-
May sat down next to Bex and looked back at Dir. 'You tell her or I can.' She mouthed hoping he could read her lips. She didn't like saying that, not to him, she wanted to do it herself but she wouldn't, couldn't make herself out to do it. Not now, not ever. She looked back to the front of the class as the bell rang and just listened. She was off in her own word and her notes weren't being taken. Instead she was writing, lyrics, poems, anything that came to mind, but it all was about Bex. @NightSky @xScreaminGhostx
Aimlori said:
Roxy glanced up, her reddened eyes noticing the boy from last night. She gave a soft smile and gave a small wave in his direction. The boy who asked her to play the guitar went to lean in and kiss her cheek. Roxy moved out of the way before he did and headed towards Ver. She was glad she had an excuse to get out of her preditors way-
"Oh hey, I didn't take you away from a conversation or anything did I?" He asked as he glanced back over in the direction of the other dude who was left standing there.
Dir walked over to the desk Bex was at. "Hey I'm sorry- I can't stop feeling this way. I'm fine if you don't accept me... I just can't stop it." For said to Bex, slightly sad


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