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Fantasy Winterfell Academy


I see dir walk away, I let out a soft whistle. I start to eat my food not really wanting to talk to anyone.
[[pffff @Yappi an amazing response. see something happening? back away slooooowly.]]

Ver sat there in surprise a brief moment before shaking his head. "I don't know about you, but that looked pretty faaaaaar from fine if you ask me." He glanced over to the other two at the table as he stood up. "So~ either of you know which dorm he probably went back to?"

@Dkingow @xScreaminGhostx @Yappi
May finished and got up. "I'm going to check on him." She said not knowing where her confidence suddenly came from. She walked out and to his room and knocked on the door. "Dir? Open up, it's May." She said as she jiggled the door handle. "I want to talk." She waited outside a bit saddened. She knew the feeling he was going through. @xScreaminGhostx
"Plea- Please leav- leave me alone..." He said, sniffling from behind the door with the crackling of flames. "I- I don't- do- don't want to ta- talk." He said, Dir was confused with these emotions he never felt- Also the Crying. It felt good- better. He never did it before this- before these emotions...

May leaned on the door. "I know how you feel. Hopeless. Alone. Like there is nothing you can do to ever fix it. I have been there before. I still am sometimes. Most times." She said feeling a breakdown coming on she pumped herself back up. "Let me in and we can talk this out. It does no good to keep it bottled up. Look at what I almost did because I kept it in my head." She stated a bit of anger at herself. She calmed a bit as she knocked again. "There is nothing that can hurt if we just talk. I promise." She was sincere with her words. @xScreaminGhostx
Dir wanderer to the door and opened it, his face red with tears, little drops still falling off his face "O- Okay..." He sat down on the firey side of the bed. He sniffed, wiping away the tears. He gave a melancholic smile, a few tears still dripping down.

@Dkingow @Spotsvannia @Yappi

I stand up and go to my dorm, I look like I just want to get out of there "I'm going to do... Laundry!!!" I say before half running to my dorm and sit down practicing spells, mostly muffle.
So it was young love at the route of all of this. Reaching over, he softly patted the other boy's back. "From what I've seen of her, Bex seems like a really nice girl... so I honestly doubt she reacted that way because of you, and I'm sure that she would never have meant it to hurt you this way, right?" He glanced over in May's direction, figuring that the roommate would know more about her than he would.

@Dkingow @xScreaminGhostx @Yappi
"I- I just don't k- know what to do. I've ne-ne never felt this wa- way before... I've ne- never cried befor-" Dir broke back in to tears. "Whenever I am near h- whenever I sh-" He kept crying, tears hitting the ground and evaporating because the heat of the room.

@Yappi @Dkingow @Spotsvannia

I still have muffle on but I guess I should help my friend huh? I go out of the dorm and walk to the next dorm and knock on the door "I'm sorry about what happened, if you don't want me to come in I'll go away" I say trying to be respectful

@xScreaminGhostx @Spotsvannia

I open the door and see Dir crying, I sit next to him. It probably has something to do with lunch where he asked that girl out... "I've been around the ballpark a few times, trust me when they run away they often like you back but are to shy to admit it" I say trying to help, though it may backfire...
"You're doing exactly what you should be doing, reacting naturally and openly to how you're feeling about this. Falling in love, especially the first time, can sometimes be a bit scary. You're making yourself vulnerable by opening up your heart for another person, so it's perfectly understandable to be feeling like this now. But also know that opening up like that also makes you a pretty strong dude too, since it's way easier to just keep those feeling in, so I'm sure you'll get to feeling like yourself faster than you'd think." He nodded a bit at what the other boy said, "Exactly, once you're feeling a bit better and able to talk to her, I bet you'll find out she maybe had some similar doubts, or something like that anyway."

@Dkingow @xScreaminGhostx @Yappi

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