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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Outside the school a single guy showed up. "So this is the place." He said to himself as he walked towards it. It had been a pain to find the place when he had first gotten the letter. He was actually surprised that they had found him in the first place given he didnt exactly have a permanent living place. 'Still maybe for once he could stay in one place for longer then 2 weeks.' he thought to himself as he walked over.
Hope ran through the woods as fast as she could, she could see the lights of the men who were looking for her. She quickly climbed a tree and saw the scientist down running foward thinking Hope ran foward, Hope climbed higher until she was able to see the small town. "Ok, Hope. Just go in there and act like you are normal, everything will be ok" She slowly climbed down and walked until she reached the town. She could see the flashlights from the scientist. "Ugh, there is more of them" Hope acted like a normal teenage girl for once and played along with the normal people. She saw a couple of people enter a dinner and she saw that that was the only place the scientist werent going in, she ran to the dinner and opened the door
Lorin's words were shocking, as he was saying things like "they wont let you get away so easily", and "them knowing more then you". What do they know that I don't? Why wont they let me leave? I mean, sneaking out is bad for any school, but boarding schools usually don't care! He also talked about "playing it safe", which seemed more comforting compared to the other things he said. If they know something I don't, I am going to know it. So it's settled. I'm staying. But for information. After Lorin's speech, he promptly collapsed onto the floor as blinding pink light flowed out into the room. "What the-!" Was Hudson's only reaction as he tried to shield his eyes.

After taking his arm away from his face, he saw him trying to walk out of the restroom back to the group, obviously in need of some assistance. This probably looks bad from anyone else's perspective. They probably think I drugged him, or poisoned him! Better help him so no one thinks of me as a murderer and such. Hudson proceeded to walk out of the room and grab his arm and try to pull him up, all while saying "Anybody mind helping?"
"I think he went to the bathroom." Ari said, looking at her. 'We haven't talked much yet have we? My name's Miki." She said. She looked over as Lorin walked back, obviously not fine. 'Lorin, are you ok?" She asked, looking at him. She walked over and watched him fall on the floor. She quickly ran over and shook him lightly.
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Manuel wuld get up and ask Telephathi to Ari "Whats wrong with Lorin is he ok?" Manuel Consern he wasent fine as he wuld be worrid and started thinking that geting out of the shcool was a bad idea
"D- don't eat... S- Sed... Seda... tives..." Lorin muttered out, as the voices of Hudson and Miki was getting more and more distant. He was struggling to be awake, he had eaten the food earlier today. If all the food was sedated, then how were they going to survive. He couldn't think of that right now, he needed to make sure they didn't eat, he opened his mouth, but he was too tired to speak. He looked over to Miki, quickly using the last of his energy to talk to her. "Tell the others, to not eat! It's sedated! I- I had a vision... Don't eat!" Lorin told her, before he closed both of his eyes, losing to the sedatives as he fell asleep.
Akio looked up at the school and decided if he was gonna do something so tiring he was gonna eat first. He went to a diner only to be treated to the sight of a passed out man. "Ah well this is interesting." He said out loud in a bit of a ironic tone, he could never scene to avoid trouble.
"DONT EAT." Miki screamed. She looked at him and then back at the group. "The food is poisoned." She said. "It's laced with sedatives." She said. She picked him up, her arms lifting him easily. "We should go back." She said, shifting Lorin in her arms. She didn't want to have to carry someone else.
Manuel feels relife he dint eat it he wuld nod to Miki and ready to leave this place why wuld people put poison in the food are they tring to kill us?whatever it is he whanted to get out of here
'Sedated food?' he thought to himself. 'There goes my chance for a decent lunch.' He looked at the group of people and felt interest, if someone wanted to sedate them then there was a reason. Then he remembered the school was near by and a thought crossed his mind. 'Perhaps they are students, that would be enough reason to try and catch them.' He walked over to them and asked. "Excuse me but are your not regular humans are you." He said in the most blatant of tones.
"If I can make a crater with my vocal chords I think I am not human." Miki said with a no duh tone. She looked at him, Lorin still in her arms. "What are you?'" She asked. "Surely you wouldn't be asking if you weren't one yourself." She said, looking at him. She got closer to him, each steps causing ripples of sound to go though the room. "I can't show you unless you want to become deaf." She said.
"If you destroyed my ear drums they would simply regenerate." He said matter of factly. "My name is Akio, i dont feel pain or touch and i have the power to regenerate all my wounds." The last sentence was a bit of a lie since a fatal head would would stop him instantly as he had to think to regenerate but no reason to say his weakness here or at all really.
"So close. Figures, in keeping with the theme of today."Natalia muttered indignantly at the news just as she was about to bite into a sandwich. For a moment she half entertained the idea to continue eating but logic got the better of her, she let go of the food and wiped her hands as she listened in to the conversation."Excuse me can we get back to the topic of sedatives and our poisoned friend, if its not too much trouble?!"
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Daphne shoved her food away and looked around the diner with panicked eyes, "Leave. We need to leave right now. Does someone have Lorin? Do we need anything to carry him?" Daphne questioned as she pushed her way out of the tiny booth that they were all pushed into. She was running towards the door when she stopped, "Sh-should we even go back to the school...do you think they did this?" Her mind raced for possible solutions on what they should.
Manuel wuld say to Daphne in here minde "Calm down the main thing is to get to the school and help lorin and ho ever did this is not friendly and it might still be around lets move!"
"We cant just go to the school, what if they are involved in this, if..."Natalia with concern began to say getting up from her seat and walking towards the sound of Daphne. She paused as she thought about it more."But what of Lorin is really ill they are the ones that can help us....I don't know...i just.."
Daphne placed her fingers on her temple and rubbed,"I honestly don't know. I wish we had a healer in the group. But we can't let him be sick, I guess we no choice but to take him back to the school..." Daphne sighed and walked over to Lorin and helped carry him out of the diner door, "I suppose..we can come back another day."

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"I doudt that I would come back." Miki said. She gave Daphne his feet and started carrying him out the door. She sighed. Trips into town usually ended up like this, with her carrying a limp body out of the store with angry locals surrounding them. She sighed and walked out to the street. She started heading towards the school, her mind floating on the idea of escaping.
Manuel Follow as he sees the locals are not happy he wuld ignore with a serius face and look foward as each step he takes feels like walking forever...But nomater how angry the locals he wuld ignore and continue foward as he thinks ho or what culd have poison the food and why?
Daphne shrugged, "I don't know there's got to be someone willing to talk to us." She didn't realize how heavy Tiny Lorin was until now, she was starting to sweat a little, "I'm getting more of a work out carrying him than I did in gym class!" She yelled, laughing a little. Thankfully for them, the trip back to the school seemed a lot short than the trip to the village

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Manuel wuld be Happy as he left that place but...what ar the techers going to say?what if they think we did this to lorin?what will happen to us? as all those question fly in Manuels head worid of Lorin and what wuld happen....everything has there consecuensis
(I am so sorry for not being on! My computer dies a few days ago and just got it fixed! If you will still allow me to continue the rp, could I have a update on what has occured)
(Update time! The whole party, we'll include you of course ^^, went to the village to eat dinner as planned. Hudson, a student, tried to escape, but Lorin stopped him. However, Lorin was sedated by the food, and managed to warn everyone through Miki. Now they are carrying Lorin back to the school, I am planning on having him waking up soon, but I want to confirm we are at school first. Oh! And have the teachers react to Lorin spoiling their plans >:3)
Amaris filed back towards the school. Her interest was peaked about the locals attitude and Lorin. So many strange things, and it was only the first day! She truly hoped that Lorin would be okay, and hoped no one else's food had been tainted. Everything here, it was suppose to be different, better, but it was all the same. Giving a small frown, she was happy to have stocked up her blood supply via the local butchers shop. Animal blood was bland, but it got the job done. Following her "Friends", or closest thing she had at the moment, she kept towards the shade, the sun a little bothersom.
Hope stood in the entrance of the dinner and then got out running. She headed back to the school, "Why was I escaping in the first place?" she tought to herself. "They only saw me running but they didnt see my face" Hope kept running to the school and climbed the wall. Entering her room from the window. She took a deep breath and relaxed. She had overheard the scientist talking about taking samples from the students while they slept. Hope didnt know if they ment a few students or all of them but she made a shield around her door anyway. "Just for precaution" She said with a smile on her face. She threw herself in her bed and fell asleep in no time.

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