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Fantasy Windermere Academy

Manule wuld look at Lorin kinda tired and nods he whanted to go amidiatly and go to town as he never went to 1 and he keeps wandering to himself how much we need to wait to go to the town we got everybodi is there more people coming and were ar they?
Hayden nodded to Lorin, smiling softly. "R-Ready," she replied, fixing her journal between her rib cage and her elbow. She moved her gaze to the ground, stupid yellow-black eyes, I don't want to look at people, she thought to herself. Hayden moved a leg nervously, her free arm moving at a 90 degree angle while her hand clasped onto her 'journal arm'.
Manuel noded ready to adventure and discover what is beon the academy and see everything he whanted he is very exited to go and cant wait as he waits for the others to walk so he can follow a smile on his face wuld appear as he was clearly exited
Miki looked at Lorin. She smiled and gave him a thumbs up. She had a short sleeved t-shirt on and a pair of shorts. She had put on her converse and she had some fingerless gloves on and a belt loop on. She laughed a bit and adjusted her gloves, preparing for a game of clue. There were trying to figure out how to get out.
(omg sorry everyone!! I ended up taking a trip to Sanibel the other day and when I got back there was a huge storm and we just got power back)

Daphne followed the group and looked around the scenery, there wasn't much too even look at, just millions of trees and a one way street. Sneaking away from this school (if needed) was going to be trickier than she planned for, these 'teachers' probably knew these woods like the back of their hands. She continued to study her surroundings but realized the group had an uneasy serious tone, something she didn't really like too much, "Sooo...who's hungry? I'm starving hopefully the food in this village wont be so revolting like it is in the school!" she said in effort to ease the tension. "I don't think we can be too far from the village though, hopefully this road is short than it looks.." just as she finished talking, she cold see the trees sort of dwindle out and see the opening for a village, she started to smell all different things, from food to perfumes. "Looks like we're getting there!" she exclaimed as she put her long hair up in a pony tail.
Hayden smiled, following the group quietly. She was looking around in amazement, the scenery was beautiful, unlike what she's seen. She moved her hand protectively over her journal, she didn't want to let go of it... ever.
(Oh no that's fine. It was getting a bit quiet, so I just decided that the group should go towards the town. Hopefully I left no one behind :3)

Lorin walked beside Miki and Daphne as he still remembered the note that Daphne had sent him in class, it seemed as she wanted to talk more later. Away from everyone, he wasn't sure what she wanted to talk about, but she needed to do it before 9 pm. The curfew was at that time, and the doors would lock themselves. Lorin knew that from personal experience, and he would not want to get in trouble twice on the first day. He looked over at Hayden, who seemed to be clinging to her book, but she looked at the very least happy. It was good to see everyone getting along this well. "We should d- definitely g- get something g- good to eat! I- I'm starving!" Lorin said and smiled, as he was looking forward to be walking in the streets with his newly made friends.
Hope stepped out of the bus and stood infront of Windermere Academy. She picked up her black bag and headed towards the school entrance. She was aware that the school year started a long time ago. When she found the letter. She was still under experiments she had to participate in by the goverment orders. She entered the school and looked for her dorm and schedule. She wished to get this day over quickly. The only good thing was, she didnt have any classes today. And she had all the day for herself
Miki smiled and walked next to him. "Me too." She said, looking around. She didn't see anything that stood out to her. She looked at Lorin. He was a timid boy, and that was being generous. He was kind too, which made her wonder why he would talk to a strange, loud, destructive girl like her. She sighed a bit and continued looking.
"At least the school gives you food, tried getting a snack an before we left could give me then a slice of bread."She commented while following the group as best she could. Following a group was not as hard as a single person, the ongoing conversations that occur gave her some thing to follow"Almost burst my stress ball trying not wail at the lunch lady. Another oddity to add to the list."
"Hmmm" Daphne sighed as she entered the village. This place looked like it was stuck in the 1900s, there were shops, small and tiny, no street lights (maybe one or two stop signs), and one diner that looked like a small place owned by locals. They obviously weren't going to get any Mcdonalds here. Daphne turned and looked at the girl, there were a lot more people in the group than she realized, "okay...so I guess our food options are limited. Let's just go before it gets too late!" She said as she started off towards the small dinner.

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Lorin smiled as they found a dinner, well it was the only dinner. He had never eaten at a dinner before, and was a bit excited to see what kind of dinner it might be and what they served. "I thought this village w. would be bigger... I- It's surprisingly s- small a- and old..." Lorin said as they entered and he sat down by one of the tables that the group could sit around, it was seemingly empty except from a few locals that was sitting in there, the glares they gave off to the group frightened Lorin a bit, so he took a few steps closer to Miki, as he avoided any eye contact with them.
Hope got out of the bus as fast as she could. The drive was one hour long and the bus was terribly hot. She was aware that the year started long ago, she wanted to go, she really did but she has halfway through the experiments and the goverment didnt let her leave until yesterday. She walked towards the school entrance and entered the school. She looked at everything while inside the school, noticing every little detail. She wished she could enjoy that night outside in the forest or in another place but sadly, she had to say in her room. She normaly never cared about rules but this was her first day and she didn´t want to mess anything now. She started to walk faster until she found her room.
(Ok im back)

Manule wuld follow the grupe to the dinner shop but he wasent that happie as the place dint look as he expected but he wuld enjoy what there is and enjoy with his friends
Miki saw the locals giving Lorin and her the stink eye. She glared right back, the sound inside her body began once again going at light speed though her veins, turning her eyes teal. She glared at them and sat down picking up a menu. One of the guys came over to flirt with her and she simply flicked his forehead and continued reading.
"Very warm and inviting here, i can literally feel the air of hospitality found in such places"Natalia commented sarcastically finding a seat, though whether it was with group she wasn't sure off. Thought it wouldn't bother her if she wasn't, hoping that her making light of such a situation would uplift the mood. It wont be much but at least she won't be as much of the dead weight to the group she felt.
Manuel wuld take a seat aswell and as he looks at the menu he dint expected the town to be like this befor he took a look at the menu he look around the place but dosent see anything of interest outside as only a few buildings with bad paint but he digres and look at the menu
Hope finally found her room. She slowly turned the knob and entered the empty room. She threw her things in one of the beds and stood still for a couple of minutes. She looked at the other bed across the room. "Huh, I guess I do have a roommate," Hope took out a book and started reading, she didn´t want to get stressed for anything. This was one of the few days she would have without classes. She closed the book and looked at the town near the school. "Shame, It looks fun" She wanted to sneak out the the town, Hope always did that at night when she had the experiments. But she didnt want to ruin her first day by getting caught doing something she wasent supposed to do. She just kept looking at the town and at the people in it.
Just as he passed the group, Hudson saw Lorin wave to him, as if asking to join them. Hmmmm, a large group wouldn't be good for escape. Maybe I could just get him to come? Still risky, I only packed for myself, and if another person died because of me... Then again, two people would have a better chance of surviving the wilderness... He might not even want to leave. There's probably nothing even wrong with this school. Maybe its just me and my paranoia. I should at least tell him. But he might tell the headmaster, or teachers and begin a search. Why do choices have to be so hard? He looked behind him to see the group quickly approaching. His reaction? Dive into some bushes and hide. After a minute, he peered up from the bush, scanning the area. The group seemed to be gone. Standing up from the bush, he hid his pack under it so he wouldn't look unusual. Quickly walking down the path, he got his first glimpse of the town. It looked like it was a millennia or two late. He also saw the group walking into a diner. He followed in suit, sitting down a couple table down from the others. Trying to make eye contact with him, he made a small motion with his hand meaning "follow me" and walked towards the restroom. You should have just left. You could have gotten off scot free but no, you had to alert someone. He sighed at the voices nagging in his head.
Lorin spotted Hudson, and his gesture as he excused himself from the rest of the group. Walking into the restroom. He was a bit curious as he had barely seen Hudson, but where was he going? Where did the bag he brought earlier go anyway? He ignored the thought for now, walking over to the restroom looked around for him. "H- Hello?" He asked as he entered as one man walked out, clearly not Hudson as he had seen him from before.
Daphne and the group slid into a tiny booth in the back of the dinner and were coldly handed menus. The people in this village weren't as nice as she was suspecting, in fact, the moment they got here it seemed as if every store decided they were closed for dinner, she was obviously going to have to get information a different and harder way, just great. Daphne was about to express her feelings and plans to the group when she noticed Lorin left, "Lorin...walking off by himself in this village...? That doesn't seem right..." she thought to herself, and turned (well not really turned, she had no room-she moved her head like an inch) to Miki, she had seemed close to Lorin lately and Daphne felt bad about not getting to know her that well, "Hey, Mi...Miki, right? Yeah, where's Lorin? I was hoping we'd be able to talk about some stuff together as a group.."


Rafael sat in a meeting with his co-workers, explaining what was going to happen now that they had to go to extreme measures for blood,
"We will either get them while their asleep or use the stimulation..." everyone in the room groaned, "WE'RE NOT GOING IN THE ROOMS AT NIGHT!" "WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM WHEN THEY SLEEP!" "JUST DO THE STIMULATION PROCESS!!" Rafael slammed his hands down on the tiny plastic table, causing the legs to quiver under his weight, "Do any of you realize that we have to do the 'humane' ways first before anything extreme or we'd really have the government down our backs? I mean really, you all complain about me being so slow, but do you actually realize what we're doing here? We've practically stolen kids from across the country just so we can recreate their DNA and make the perfect soldiers." he said through clinched teeth, then his phone began to ring, he reached down into his pocket of his new black suit and answered it,

"Hello? Who is this how di-"

There was what seemed to be muffled shouting on the other end,

"Well what do you expect? Of course they'd come to your diner its the only one in that sad excuse for a village. Just put what I gave in their drinks and food and you'll be fine. Stop being so pathetic, you're a man!" he slammed shut his phone and looked back at the table full of scientists, "Now, do you have anymore complaints or should I send you back to were you all where before me?"
Hope changed into the darkest clothes she had and stepped out of her room. She wanted to explore the school while everyone was asleep. She knew something weird was going on, there was no way the scientist would have let her quit the experiments just so she could go to a school. She walked through the hallway until she found a room, she could hear people talking inside. She opened the door a little so she could hear the conversation, Hope saw the scientist talkin about students in a dinner. She closed the door as quick as she could without noticing it. As she ran back to her room , she could hear the scientist running to get her as they saw her running
Noticing Lorin had come, Hudson spoke in a shushed tone. "This place is just way to strange. I'm leaving this town, school, and everything here. Probably just my paranoia, but something just seems off about this place. Being a high schooler with powers is wierd enough, but a school dedicated to it... I just don't get a good feel from any of this." He was already regretting telling this guy. He seemed like the guy that would answer any question someone asked him. And that not the guy you tell your escape plan to. Really, you shouldn't tell anyone your escape plan.
"Y- You're l- leaving? A- Are you sure? I- I mean..." Lorin stuttered a bit on his words, his head was getting heavy again. Honestly, was he this tired from using his powers? "T- There is something wrong here, b- but... I- I think t- they w- won't let you g- get a- away so easily..." Lorin stuttered out again as his feet began to give a bit away, he was feeling so much more tired than he was earlier today... what had happened? Never in his life was he this tired from using his powers, usually it would just give him headaches, not make him this tired. "I- If you want t- to leave I- I won't stop y- you, but... I- I think i- it's better to play it safe. D- Due to them knowing, more than you know," Lorin said, as he fell onto the floor, his body drained for energy. He closed both his eyes, as his vision was getting blurry. A shinning bright dark pink color shone behind his eye patch, quite bright as it almost blended Hudson.

"Are you ready?" It was an unknown voice, a voice he hadn't heard before... but it was yet a bit familiar. "Just do it quick, Rafael will rage at us if we don't get it. The sedatives in the food won't work too long after all," another voice answered, Lorin couldn't see anything, but he could hear their voices, his body was heavy, as his eyes refused to open up. "Quick, I don't want to know this freak's power, especially not physically," the voice answered, as Lorin felt a small sting in his arm, and then he opened his eyes again, struggling to stand up. W- Wh- what did I just see? Lorin asked himself, as he supported himself on the sink, struggling out the door towards the rest of the group, before he stumbled down on the floor, unable to stand up.
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Hope got to her room and locked the door behind her. She could hear the men she saw in the other room hiting the door to enter. Hope made a small shield with her powers covering the door. She took her backpack and threw some money, water and other things inside. She opened the window and looked at the fall that was waiting for her. She had two choices, Get taken away or killed by scientist or falling to her death. She took her hand out and made the same shield she used with the door and put it below. The scientist finally broke in as Hope threw herself down and running as fast as she could.

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