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Wild Cards

Sage sighed, she really was going to Zap the girl if she was moving too much, her trying to get away was not helping her nerves.

Rhea looked over to Sage, thankful for Kai being nice instead of teasing her like usual,
"No Sage wait!" Rhea jumped to get between Sage and the girl. "Stop... leave her alone. You scared her... shes panicking."

Lucifer smiled and sat up, opening the door. Rhea was crying and Sage was no longer sitting by the couch, the demon was freaking out. He walked over to Ebony quietly, standing beside her,
"What is happening?"

Sage raised an eye brow at Rhea, then looked at Kai, then Shania and Lucifer who just came back inside.
"I am just doing what I need too, and her trying to escape was part of the misbehaving part. I already told her I won't attack her if she behaves."
"Sage was teasing Rose and she got really scared... Rhea threw a book and hit Sage and Kai was conforting Rhea Rose was trying to escape so Sage threatened to zap her and she paniced even more," Ebony said hugging to Lucifer.

Shania saw the panic in the demoness's eyes and in her frantic almost desprit struggle to get free if she kept struggling she'd tear open her wounds and Rhea would become upset. So Shania took a deep breath and whisteled to get everyone to stop even Rose froze. "Ok this is chao's I was only gone for a minute, Sage I really don't care if you tease the demon honestly I could care less what you do to it, but wait till she heals a bit so our priestess doesn't keep struggling to heal her and ends up doing something silly. Rose stop struggling and sit still if you act like a child I'll treat you like one and tan your hide," Shania was tiered of the chao's already her insides were tight she was in emotional pain and she'd be d*mned if her ouse was going to be in disaray.

Rose blinked a few times a few tears escaping she was hurt and scared but Shania seemed to be in control of the group for the time being, Sage scares her though and she wanted out of the chains so she could at least defend herself.

Kai raised an eyebrow "the leader comes out," he comented softly. He was not about to get between Rhea and Sage girls are scary creatures.
Rhea seem to physically relax when Shania came in, sitting down next to Rose. Sage put her hands in the air and took several steps back with a smirk on her face, "Again, as the warrior demands. I am not one to fight over something so silly." Rhea speculated Sage only backed off because Rose stopped struggling. Sitting down next to Kai, Sage served herself some tea.

Pouring a cup of tea, Rhea leaned next to Rose,
"Here, drink a little of this... it is hot, but it will calm you a little." She told Rose quietly, though she was still crying a bit.

Lucifer hugged Ebony back, thinking along the lines that Shania was awesome.
Shania sat down and got herself some tea to calm her nerves, seems when she needs to step up she does it well then goes back to being her normal self.

Rose took a sip slowly it was indeed hot but it felt nice "why... are you crying?" Rose asked quietly she forgot the chains for a moment and tried to flex her non broken wing only to make the chains tighten and her wince.

Kai looked at Sage "Somethings off dear pathological liar care to give me the most resently thought up lie as explenation?" Kai asked quietly so only she could hear him.

Ebony relaxed as the atmoshpere became quiet again and the chaotic tention in the air began to soften considerably.
Sage glanced at Kai, speaking equally as quietly, "Oh, what makes you think that? I am not sure what you are wanting me to make up."

Rhea smiled at Shania, and then looked at Rose,
"I don't like hurting people... or seeing people get hurt. It makes me hurt on the inside..." She said, reaching to help fix the chain on Rose to help her be a bit more comfortable. After that, she reached for another cup of tea to help calm her a bit.

Lucifer squeezed Ebony before walking to the floor and sitting down on it like usual, pouring Ebony some tea to help her relax a bit more.
Rose relaxed "Promise... if you promise they won't hurt me either.. I'll put my weapons away," she said softly though Shania raised an eyebrow not sure what she ment by weapons.

Ebony smiled and sipped the tea sitting with Lucifer in the floor.

"Death you are not as good at hiding things as you think you are... well you have all them fooled but it seems the likes of me was cut from a similar cloth so to speak. Tell me what's wrong we know I'll find out eventually," Kai shrugged and sipped his tea crossing his legs and relaxing into the couch.
"Sounds like you are giving me a chance of redemption." Sage said smiling, taking a sip of her own tea. Though she knew full well she messed up yesterday and Kai will find out. The question is should she actually fess up or not. "Depends what you are asking me to repent for."

"It is really hard for me to promise that... But I can try." Rhea said with a smile.

Lucifer sighed, Rose was getting on his nerves again, he felt like she was bargaining for her chance to get out.
Rose looked around the room before closing her eyes the metal feathers softened till they were little more the downy baby soft feathers to be honest keeping them as blades was beginning to become too much a burden but she had feared the added helplessness. She slowly opened her eyes scared to see one of the three scary ones draw a weapon to sever her softer more fragile wings.

Shania shrugged and continued sipping her tea she was aprehinsive but chained up and in a house full of demon hunters the demoness was not much of a threat and it was daylight so she was weaker then them.

"Sage I'm not stupid you are hiding something from me and it's important, I will find out and if I am right and it is important I will be most cross with you," he warned the threat in Kai's voice was subtle and if you didn't listen closely it would easily be missed.
Sage paused, "You have me beat when it comes to resources..." She let out a very long sigh, "I am not sure if the definition of 'important' has the same meaning. Very well Kai... You win. Take me to training later, I will give you what you are looking for." Sage said in a rather defeated tone, eyeing Rose.

Rhea blinked in amazement,
"Wow, they are very pretty." Rhea said quietly, "This will make wrapping your other wing easier." She said as a second thought.
"I... I feel helpless," she said her feathers ruffled up showing her distress this one the healer or Priestess Fred called her was nice, she wasn't as afraid of her anymore.

KAi nodded his aceptance and closed his eyes "Well I think we've worked ourselves up nicely," he commented

Shania glared at Kai the infuriating boy "you started working everyone up drawing your weapon in the house acting like this child thing is a threat chained up and I bet you were going to harass Rhea,"

Kai chuckled "never harass my princess tease her into blushing however is very fun."
Rhea did blush a bit, letting out a sigh. "It is not fun for me...It was not fun for Rose either..." Rhea said defending herself.

Sage however was now detached from the conversation, not really paying any attention anymore.
"Princess Death here was not trying to make it fun for the birdy," Kai said "and honestly I still say we kill it," he said honestly "I don't want her to hurt any of us or to go back to her uncle and tell him about us either."

Shania had to admit her going to her uncle was a risk a very heavy risk.

Rose shook her head "he tried to kill me!" she said "I don't want to die yet,"
"Levi said to keep her alive. He said it was acceptable to kill her, but advised against it." Lucifer interjected.

Sage looked up for a moment,
"Hmm yes. I also believe this. Killing her would be the best option."

Rhea looked at Rose,
"You won't go back to your uncle? If we did let you go, where would you go?" She asked quietly.
Rose looked at Rhea "I don't know... I guess... I'd hide out somewhere or something," she said "sleeping on the streets can't be too hard." she tried to sound confident but her voice shook.

Shania sighed and kicked herself mentaly she was seriously about to tell the girl to stay here for the time being.

"Dad would have a feild day experamenting on her so my house is out of the question... and I'd kill her," Kai admited.
Sage chuckled, "She should not leave until we can hid her wings. Not that she is leaving our sights at all."

"Yeah, like hell I am going to let you roam around the human world." Lucifer said, glaring at Rose.

Rhea looked up at Shania, her house was really the only option...
"Then she stays here, I'mthe most likely to be able to keep her contained anyway," Shanai said rationalizing the idea. "And Luce here ... and when he returns will help me, I'm sure he wants her in his sight and range at all times anyway,"

Ebony looked at Lucifer she knows he doesn't much like the girl demon and she didn't blame him.

"And hiding her wings is easy we cut them off," Kai said "no flight no problems," he was a bit too ready to hurt this demoness it was frightening.
"Ok... then Rose will stay here with Shania until Levi takes her back to the demon world." Rhea said, as if it made it official, she also gave glances at Kai.

"Yeah I do." He said quietly.

Sage laughed and put down the tea cup,
"Ok well. I have some training to get to." She said, "I guess I am a phone call away if you need me to zap her."
Rose flinched the shock really really hurt she was going to avoid Sage as much as possible.

Shania nodded "don't let kai overwork you," she said to sage as Kai got up to walk after her.

"Oh yes I'm a slavedriver of a boss," Kai chuckled "I'll wear her to the bone,"
Sage rolled her eyes, closing the door behind Kai. She did not trust getting into the car with him, "Tell you what, I will meet you there. And as promise I will tell you everything." Sage said, walking to the bus stop.

Rhea sighed when the two of them left,
"They both always set me on edge...."
"Those two set everyone on edge if you don't look out those two are more dangerous then I am even to the group," Shania said "I know Kai's kind he'd kill us as a means to an end," she then realized what she said and looked at Rhea "but I'm sure he's changed at least a little he is quite taken by you at least so you are probably the safest of us all," she wasn't sure if Rhea knows how close Kai had come to killing her that day after their first demon battle.

Rose blinked "he would kill his allies? Then he is like uncle?" she asked softly.
"Sage and Kai both would." Rhea said sighing, "Sage not so much because she had to have a reason to justify her actions. Kai on the other hand would kill if it was convenient... I am sure if I no longer served my purpose. Don't worry Shania... you guys think I don't know but I do... I just don't talk a game as freely as everyone does. I fear for when he kills his father. He might decide the game we are playing is no longer fun. I am sorry... I am most likely saying to much. I like Kai... I think he is kind when he cares... but there is another side to him."

Sage on the other hand, showed up at Kai's place 45 minutes later after taking the bus, taking out of a small bag she went by to get was her mask she used during training. Because of Kai's approval she was able to stay anonymous during training as well. She took up the name Death as well, saving for complications of keeping track of so many names. She wondered if she should go to training before talking to Kai.
"I'm sorry Rhea, sometimes the truth is painful to know," Shania said she had grown attached to even kai and it would hurt her more then she lets on if he were to turn on the group.

Kai was in the training room doing his normal activity of sitting and toying with his phone it was amazing to all the members of his little section of the underworld that Kai seemed to do so little but was easily a match for anyone be it in brain or muscule. Sage was the only person he truely spared with and he only did his own training in private in his own room.
"Oh Kai, how lovely it looks like you were waiting for me." Sage said when she walked into the room, her mask on. Sage actually outmatched most of the members. Sage was tricky and quick. She may not be as strong as Kai, but she was nimble. She made sure to rank as the highest in the training programs she got set in. She had also been making quiet a few friends with people around the area, of course Kai would know that Sage's idea of 'friend' was expendable. She had also been creating a bit of miscift in her first few weeks of training among the staff, already breaking a few hearts here and there.

Rhea pressed her lips together and nodded at Shania, "Its ok... I understand you guys try and protect Ebony and I from harsh things... but we both know Shania." Rhea looked at Ebony, she felt a connection to the girl in this regard, "You guys some times disregard us, but we know." She said quietly. She was pretty sure Kai and Sage underestimated Ebony and her. Shania maybe even did that. Lucifer saw everyone was equals.
"I know you two see more then people like me, I'm an on the surface type you see below it," she smiled at Rhea. Ebony blushed at the slid in complement.

"Of course," Kai said "though it would have been faster had you let me drive you," he sated.
"Not sure the car would have been safe." Sage said laughing. "I guess you want me to tell you before I start training." Sage said, looking at the instructor.

Rhea giggled a bit,
"I like think think I see the things around a person more then on the surface or inside."

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