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Wild Cards

Shania nodded and shrugged "What do you see around me?" she asked.

Ebony tenced with shania's less then stellar controle that question could have an explosive reaction to the answer.

"Of course I do death." Kai stated and dismissed the other members with a meer wave of his hand "Go to the pool do laps," he ordered the few people who were there,
"People who care about you more then anything in the world." Rhea said quietly almost without skipping a beat, smiling at Shania. She saw Ebony tense, but she knew how to best put the answer. There were a lot of things that surrounded Shania, but those things mostly lead up to how much Shania loved them and that is why she does what she does.

Sage sighed,
"I have a few question of my own. Why do you care so much? Beside the fact you are just being flat out nosy. Don't give me 'it might effect me and the team' crap because it doesn't so you might as well turn around now. I would not keep anything a secret if it did effect the team."
"I care dear death because dispite popular oppinions I'm not a heartless jack *ss," He said he was getting angry already "It's effecting you thats all i need to know to care," he crossed his arms and his eyes narrowed his stance was not his normal relaxed one he was in a true fighting stance his body riged and tence.

Shania laughed "is that so?" she asked smiling.
Sage grind, but her mask covered her mouth for the most part, she leaned on the wall her arms also crossed, "I know your not heartless. Still, why is it my business is suddenly everyone else? For the record... that night I showed up at your house... I tried to tell you honestly then, but I could not bring myself too." She said, something flashed in her eyes, they looked heavy. Sage looked relax, but Kai could probably see she was ready to jump if needed, he usual first defense.

Rhea smiled back at Shania, a soft smile.
"Yeah." a sudden meow made Rhea jump a bit. When she looked down she saw Sage's cat. "Sage forgot her cat...." Rhea said quietly.
"She'll come back she went to train after all," Shania said watching the kitten.

"Oh and what is it you've deemed too dificult to tell me?" he asked his body relaxed but his eyes were still narrowed he was still heated.
Sage reached to ruffle her hair, seeing Kai relax, but she was still tense and grew even more tense, "This was not something that had happened over night... As you know I am kind of broke, always have been." Sage had turned her head and took a few steps away from the wall, "About 2 years ago my... " Sage sighed again before turning to Kai, "My mother was diagnosed with cancer, she refused treatment. She lived longer then expected." She said finally, letting Kai take the information is. Sage was really tense now, ready to jump.
"Are you hinting... are you saying you had the gall to... you..." he clenched his fists and closed his eyes trying to will himself calm "you are saying we weren't worth telling... " he couldn't get a sentence formed to save his life so he did the next best thing and threw a punch with speed she had only seen him use in demon fighting.
Sage took a step back because she knew it was coming, "Ok you listen here. She had every right to tell you guys as well! But she did not... specially you Kai." Sage said in her defense. That would have hurt if it actually hit her. She tried her best to keep herself several paces back from Kai. "Do you think it is easy for me just to say stuff like that? I told you I tired!"
"Am i that hard to talk to?" he asked throwing another punch and when she dodged he tried to sweep her legs out from under her. "How long were you going to lie about this?" he asked in a hiss. Oh Kai had went past angry he was now purly enraged. He might not be the most sympathetic person but he deserved not to be lied to or tugged and danced around.
Sage nearly tripped, but thanks to her acrobatic classes, she tucked in for a roll and got back to her feat quickly, "Long enough for me to mourn on my own." Sage said stubbornly. "And it is not that you are that hard to talk to... I am just not good at this whole--" Sage tripped a bit mid sentence and put her hands up to block the bunch because she had a feeling he was going to hit here this time, "Your the closest thing I have come to a friend or anyone I could trust... I have never been vulnerable to anyone outside my family, what makes you think I would suddenly start doing that?"
Kai felt as if she had stabbed him and it annoyed him causing his to kick instead of punch. "I don't like being danced around, I've had enough of that in my life," he felt a bit better now but he would love nothing more then to punch her right in the face. "If you think so highly of me you should have trusted me to let you mourn on your own, but I still would have liked to have been told,"
When Kai kicked Sage, she flinched, it hurt a lot... "ow...." She said under her breath, "Look I am trying...." She said in a pained breath. "I told you I tried... it not you I don't trust... I don't think it is anyway...." Sage was still rather tense, though she stayed where she was, willing to just brave what ever Kai was going to throw at her at that point. He was a bit pissed, and honestly she was not sure how she would feel if the situations were reversed. She did try and tell him, though it was a very pathetic attempt. Sage did not know her own feeling to the group. Sometimes it almost seemed like she would lay her own life down for them... and sometimes she was sure she would leave them to die if it meant her own skin. The whole caring and real friendship stuff was a pain in her side, literally at this point.
Kai pulled her to him by her shirt "look at me Sage, look me in the eyes and tell me that you tried your best to tell me," he said his voice was heavy his eyes sharp he was frightening a demon in human skin. He would be able to tell if she lied her eyes would tell him if her voice didnt. He was ready to hit her again and he wasn't going to hold back.
"Yes..." Sage said. It was the truth, she did try, but she felt heavy hearted. She was clutching her side where Kai had kicked her, though she was steady when looking back at him. She had a feeling she was about to get punched no mater what her answer.
"I don't lie to you I expect you to give me the same curtasy. I'll drive you to Shania's you're going to need a healer," he said voice still hevy as helet go of her and punched her as hard as he could actually hurting his hand on impact he made sure to hit her in the gut because it would cause less damage that could be potentialy deadly but would still hurt like hell.
Sage knew this was going to happen, though she tried not to show how bad that actually hurt. Sure Kai never really lied, but he danced around the group as much as Sage did, so the bastered was just as bad as her, but none the less she double over and really did not get up. This is why... friends suck....
Kai carried her to the car setting her in and even buckling her up before driving her to Shania's house "I won't tell them thats up to you when you are ready," he stated his knuckles were slightly swollen he wwould have killed anyone less sturdy with a hit like that. "they are back already," Shania stated slightly shocked even more so when kai carried Sage inside.
"Hi guys!" Sage said cheerfully, despite the pain.

Rhea blinked and stood up, alarmed,
"What happened?"

Sage coughed,
"Kai and I got into a fight....." Sage said, "But I think he convinced me to fess up to something before I even get remotely healed. So go ahead and heal Kai first." Sage said, waving Rhea off.

Rhea made a face but moved to heal Kai's hand. What could they possibly get two of the most level headed and calm people in the group into a fist fight?
Kai had bruised his knuckles and was close to breaking one of the bones. Kai had set Sage on the couch he was still emitting an aura of pure rage though he looked relaxed even his eyes were clearer now.

"Kai... hit Sage... and injured both of them... we won't have to wait for demons to finish us off," she sighed and looked at Sage waiting patiantly for the explenation.
"Well...." Sage actually tried to get up, but she could not manage. She had a feeling she was going to get hit again, "My mother was chronically ill and has been dying form cancer for 2 years now. She passed away a little while ago... last wednesday night."

Rhea stopped mid heal when Sage said her mom had died, looking up at her Rhea blinked. Why did she not tell anyone sooner? Rhea proububly thought Rose could see this group was a mess... an organized mess.

Sage looked like she was bracing to get hit again.
Shania abruptly left the room without a word Ebony covered her mouth. "why... hy didn'y you tell us... that's why... you sold the house and got the small apartment..." Ebony looked close to tears.

Kai sighed "Shania took it better then i did," he commented.
"Not for long... I think she is leaving to get something to hurt me with." Sage pointed out, "Sorry Ebony... We had been preparing for me to move as soon as she passed. She wanted to die in the house, but we saved up enough money for me to buy and apartment as soon as that happened so that I can sell the house and use the money to live off of. My family was never one to tell others. My mother did not even tell your father and mother about it." Sage said, she was eyeing where Shania went, a bit fearful for her life.

Rhea soon started to heal again, thinking maybe she should just leave Sage... but that was not her and she would heal her soon enough.

Lucifer hugged Ebony, unsure if he should go to Shania... she has had enough emotional beating for one day.
Shania didn't come out of her spare room in fact she locked the door for the first time in years.

"I don't think so," Kai said "She might be waiting to kill you when you last expect it,"

Ebony hugged Lucifer "you should go see if she's ok..." she whispered to him.
He nodded and then left, knocking on the door, "Shania.... let me in please." He said.

Sage sighed, "Friends...." She murmured. Rhea sat down next to Sage and starred at her, "You gunna chew me out too Princess?"

"Yes.... Sage, we all cared about your mom... why did you not tell us?" Rhea asked, leaning to heal Sage. Sage felt the releaf, she was pretty such there was a broken rib from Kai's initial kick and maybe something ruptured.

"Why did she not tell you herself?" Sage asked

Rhea poked Sage in the stomach, which made her cringe. "Look I am sorry... I guess you guys can beat me up if it makes you feel better." She said weakly.
Kai's expression sharpened again "Look here death, I had to knock some sense into you; You are lucky Shania isn't doing the same. She thinks of us as all the family she has left honestly I think you hurt her more then I hurt you... I think I'm going to go ... play with hazardous chemicals or something," Kai said and left.

Ebony looked towards the spare room no noise was coming from it and se was worried but Shania would cool down she was sure... at least she hoped.

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