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Wild Cards

The emotional stres had caused Shania to colaps of a fever but it wasn't life threataning she just needed to calm down. Shania's face showed the signs of her tears pretty plainly. Rose got up of the couch and stumbled her legs not wanting to suport her weight after being unused for a day also the one broke wing set her off balance. Ebony held her pendant tightly just incase.
"Lucifer I need your help..." Rhea said from the other room.

Lucifer looked at Rose before he nodded at Ebony and moved to go help Rhea. Rhea quickly healed Sage and Shania, and when Lucifer came into the room, she told him to take Shania to her bed and Sage to the couch. Rhea then went to attend Shania's fever a bit, making sure she was staying cool.
Rose whatched "so they beat each other... into uncontiousness and you are all friends?" Rose asked.

"You havent been around them long enough is all," Ebony said softly.
The evening of Luicfer's leaving came quickly, to quick for him. Rhea had brought over a bunch of stuff for went she would be spending the next few weeks with Shania, forcing the girl to attend school while Lucy was gone. Rhea was prepared for a rough next few weeks. Sage on the other hand had been a bit withdrawn a first since her fight with Shania, but seemed to recover quickly and move back to her normal self.

Lucifer was a bit on edge, expecting someone to come pick him up any moment.

Rhea was there, as was Sage, both drinking tea while waiting.
"Lucy calm down, you are freaking people out..." Sage said taking a drink of her tea again.
Shania pulled Lucifer into her lap on the couch and hugged him she wasn't ready to loose him even just for a few weeks. Ebony had tried her best not to be sad with Luci leaving she had faith he'd come back he promised her. Rose pouted "why is it you get all the good attention?" she asked in demon,
Lucifer huffed and answer in demon, "because i've never tried to kill any of them." Lucifer said.

"Shania, I am going to be fine." He said, switching back to the human tongue. Rhea smiled a bit at Shania's affection for Lucy, though she was sure poor Ebony wanted to give him hugs too.
"I know you will, I'll hold true on my threat to come get you," Shania said softly.

Ebony smiled "Luci can't fail he's going to become stronger and Freddy and Hiro won't be a match for him right Luci?"
"Yeah that is right!" Lucifer said grinning.

It was a few hours later that a portal finally did open and Levi and a man who looked much like Levi stepped out. Ebony would be able to recognize the new demon as Lucifer's father.

"Lucifer... are you ready?" His father asked.

Lucifer met his gaze and nodded. Levi then reached foreword and seemingly pulled energy from Lucifer, and the he took his full demon form. Levi had obviously took the Gem on Lucifer's forehead.
"There, your cap is gone and you are ready to take your test. Say good bye Lucifer." Levi said.
Ebony ran and hugged him "I'll miss you," she said Shania smiled at Lucifer.

"Show them how much you've learned kid,"Shania said but stgayed seated.

"Come back soon, Shania might go on a rampage without you," Kai said and dodged a shoe.
"Good luck Lucy. We are cheering for you." Rhea said with a smile.

Sage shrugged,
"Yes please come back soon, Kai works as a meat shield only half the time."

Lucifer hugged Ebony back and then gave Shania a hug before he walked into the portal with his father. Levi stayed behind.

"Rose...." He said, eyeing the demon girl. "I have still yet to hear from your father... so from the time being... You are to remain here." Gently he touched Rose on the forehead and gave her the same gem on her forehead and Lucifer's. Immediately her wings disappeared and her body took a more human form. "Have fun... Mokii will probably force me to stop by sometime soon." He said, before leaving.
"I can go outside now!" she said and jumpped up and down had Levi stayed he would have been hugged. Shania was trying her best not to think about Luci being gone she was taking calming breaths and examining her hands.

"I'm a meatsheild?" Kai asked Sage "considering you probable have more meat then me on your bones I'd rethink that statment,"

Ebony looked longingly where the portal was she missed him already/
Sage grinned at Kai, chuckling at his reaction, "Nonsense, you are meatty, I keep you guys well feed. and hold on birdy, you are going out side with a leash on your neck.... I even picked one out for you." Sage said, and she seriously did go get a leash for Rose.

Rhea reached out and touched both Ebony and Shania, giving them wary smiles.
Shania was still really bad at faking smiles but she tried Ebony hugged Rhea "he'll came back we don't have to worry," she said.

"I... I thought we were over the make my life hell phase," Rose whined.

That made Kai laugh "what color?" he asked sage
"I thought yellow... like a canary... And dear Rose, there is not such thing as an end to the hell Phase." Sage said grinning rather evilly.

Rhea sighed, watching Sage and Kai gang up on Rose again. She gave Shania's hand a squeeze and warped an arm around Ebony to return a hug.
"I think... I'll go take a shower... I'll be out in a few." Shania said and went to go to the bathroom.

Rose ran away from the two locking herself in Shania's room or trying to the doors lock was broken.

Ebony smiled "we got to keep Shania happy for him while he's away,"
Rhea nodded, watching Shania go, and Rose who also shot past into Shania's room. Rhea wouldn't lie... Rose was actually funny because she reacted worse then her and Ebony did... which just egged Sage and Kai on even more.. "Yeah, we will have to try. Will you come over often?" Rhea asked Ebony.

Sage was pretty much on the floor laughing when Rose ran away.
"This girl, I don't think I will ever get tired of messing with her.." Sage said.
Ebony nodded "I will come over as often as i can, how'd you get your brother to let you stay so long?" she asked.

Kai chuckled "shall i go hold your new pet down so you can coller it?"
"My brother went though a lot of the same thing.... When he was a little older the Shania. Hes been there and done that. He wanted Shania to originally come to stay with him while Lucy was gone... but she won't. So he has aloud me to stay here. I have the check in with him every day, other then that he is ok." Rhea said quietly, smiling at Ebony.

"Nah, we need to have a talk while Shania is showering," Sage said, Getting up and opening the door and wrapping her arms around Rose, picking her up, "If you value your life, you will come and listen." Sage said seriously.
"I value my life but I value my purity too," she whined but didn't struggle.

"What you haven't mated it yet? Slacker," Kai said jokingly though he knew what Sage was going to say would be serious.

Ebony nodded "I can't imagine... I guess Shania's used to having it hard though,"
Sage put Rose down on the couch and then sat down as well, "Ok Rhea, you know the drill.... if anything happens... you call Kai and I immediately..."

"I know..." Rhea said, holding her hands together.

"Rose... you are probably most likely to lose your life the next few weeks if you stay here. You actually might want to consider coming in a moving in with me for a while." Sage said, leaning her face on her hand.
Rose scooted away "I'll risk the swordswoman," she said "I'm not unused to death threats but you are worse! besides Uncle is going to strike soon... I feel safer here you'd just give me up to be tortured,"

Kai shrugged "I think Sage might keep you around if only for the fun of it,"

Ebony fiddled with her jacket pockets and looked at their team it looked odd without Luci here.
"I don't really think you understand the danger you are in little birdy." Sage said, shrugging, "But if you want to. It was only friendly advice."

"What makes you think your uncle will strike soon?" Rhea asked.
"For one the demon gaurd is gone two he's been slinking around at night in the city he kidnapped a few people it was on the ... TV," she looked at Kai and quieted he looked to be angry.

"You've known and not told us?" he asked.

"I've kept him away thank you very much," Rose said and puffed up.
"How have you kept him away?" Rhea asked.

Sage sighed,
"Birdy, are job is to protect humans... your our new demon sniffing dog. Now look here, we are out to find Hiro and Freddy and take them down, not avoid them like dogs with our tails between our legs. They got the surprise on us last time, but not this time." Sage said, slightly peeved as well.
Rose huffed "I know my uncle he wil get us when we don't expect him, he doesn't fear pain in fact he relishes in it if it wern''t for me pretending father was here he'd have come in already. He want's to kidnap the strong first but Kai is off limits, Shania is most likely his target but Fred will want Rhea or Ebony they are weak and loved by the group." Rose pouted "why is it you only express intrest in me when you need information on uncle Hiro?"

Ebony tenced she felt a bit aprehensive she really didn't want to be kidnapped, or for Rhea to be kidnapped. Shania being kidnapped didn't seem like a posability for her shania was simply too strong.

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