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Wild Cards

Sage glanced at her as she ran, "Maybe I should have leashed her..."

Rhea took a few steps foreword,
"I don't know about you guys... but that is usually the same reaction Lucifer has when he senses a demon." Rhea said, following the girl.
Shania took off after Rose like she would after Lucifer Rose smiled she realy was a demon radar. This one was strong but not threatening the plants would have have surely told her if it was threataning.

"What if she's leading us to hiro?" Kai asked not trusting the demoness yet.
"Hey Birdy, you wana clue us in?" Sage asked, taking out her pen. It was the middle of the day, surly Freddy and Hiro would not attack now while the group was together.

When the trees cleared and the broken building came into view, lying in the middle of the clearing was massive Lion that was about the size of a human bus. He hard large black dragon wings on its back and a thick scorpion tail curled up over its head. The strangest part of this Lion was its face, the face of a human. The beast was laying out in the sun like a cat would, his eyes closed, his features relaxed.

"Manticore..." Rhea said in a small breath, stopping behind the group.
Rose smiled and skipped up to him not a hitch of fear in her at all. "The wheather sure is nice today," she said in demon. Shania had her dagger in hand and she was watching the mantacore.

Kai looked at the creature "I hate to say it but he's rather magestic," Kai noted.
He seemed to open his eyes as the group appeared, he let out a loud purr, "The weather, the sun is warm. Although a curtain draining quality our own does not have, but still pleasant on the body." He responded to the demoness in demon. His voice was loud, like a boom, but a bit raspy and calm.

Sage raised an eye brow as Rose seemed to not show any signs of aggression. Rhea nodded in agreement with Kai,
"He is large..." She tried to supply.

"Welly Birdy, what is going on?" Sage asked, watching the beast.
"I don't think he will harm us oh my manners," she said in human the switching to demon she curtsied and smiled "I am Rose Daughter Of Lord Dasuke and the late Lady Deta," she looked at the group "aren't you going to introduce yourselves?" she asked.

Shania took a warriors bow "In the group I am called Warrior my name however is Shania," she said the longest sentance she has muttered since the day Lucifer left to take his test.

"I am the Trickster for safty's sake I'd rather not tell you my given name," he took a sweeping bow and a polite smile.

Ebony curtsied "I'm... Ebony the archer," she said deciding to use her real name since this demon was friendly.
"Death Bring is my current nick name. Forgive me I am a bit on the paranoid side as well." Sage said with her usual pleasant smile. Thought she had a feeling her name might already be known.

Rhea took several steps foreword,
"My name is Rhea. The healer of the group. Also the portal closer." She said a bit confidently.

Rhea watched his eyes dart from each person to the next, finally it went to rest on Shania. Getting up, Rhea marveled as he got up, the sun did his, as Kai described it, Majesticness wounders.
"My name is Tinnins. My demon title is useless here in the human world, thus I will not wear it." He said, before he bowed deeply to Shania. "I am here for you Shania. I will be testing you today. Thus I expect you to test me to see if you also deem me worthy."

"This was not what I had planed." Sage said chuckling, putting her pen back in her pocket.
Shania inclined her head politly never taking her eyes off him as wes a fighters habit to never trust an opponant. "The only way I know to test you is with my steel," she replied her confedance was glowing and bordered arrogance without crossing the line. Her eyes were sharp but her feturs remained relaxed "though I wish you would not fight ne in the sunlight, I'd feel cheated with you weakened,"

Kai was staring at Shania "our warrior has a death wish," he muttered.
Tinnins let out a long and low chuckle, almost like a purr, "Your sun is pleasant. Let us bath in it longer. Come, circle. Tell me of your selves. If it is my hope of a future pupil's wish, then let it be. Let us talk of pleasantries." and with that the large Manticore laid back down in the sun, seeming to take a relaxed position. Much how they had found him earlier.

"What kind of things would you like to know sir?" Sage asked, moving closer to him as she spoke.

"Tell me of how your human city fairs." Tinnins asked.

Rhea was not sure how to answer it, "
We are trying to protect it the best we can... a lot of demons cause trouble... we have lost lives, but saved many." Rhea tried to offer.
"We are in a war of our own Tannis be it one kept quiet," Kai said "I honestly think humans are more destructive then the demons we are after," he was being honest he laid in the grass enjoying the sunlight.

Ebony sat next to Rhea she was unsure of herself with such a powerful demon so close.

Rose seemed to be too busy looking through a patch of clovers to really notice any conversation.
"When is there ever peace? Even in times of peace there is war. In times of war there is peace. We must find what we can when we do find it." Tannis said, his long tail began to twitch as he seem to stretch his paws, large claws extending from their sheaths.

Rhea was amazed, his eyes were wise and there was so much depth to them. Usually she was so full of questions, but she felt like she almost had nothing to say that could be any relevance to such a beast. Sage hummed a bit, staring at Rose, being completely unconcerned in the conversation. "
Hey Rose, come here." Sage said, she tried not a smirk to make the girl suspicious.

Rose blinked and looked at Sage before aprehesivly approching her.

"Peace in times of war," Shania said "there can not be peace without chaos nor can chaos exist without peace that's old phylosophy isn't it?" Shania asked her voice soft and even her dagger laid in the grass before her and in his sight as well as a show of peace and a small amount of trust.

Kai raised an eyebrow Shania never stops amazing him she never studies never picks up anything to read but knows phylosophy.
"It is the balance of nature. The phsyci of those with power, wants and needs and selfish destructive desires. Next to those willing to protect." Tannin said quietly in return, the sentence sounded heavy in his voice. "Tell me, what is your opinions on the current war?" Tannin asked, watching Sage as he was her lure the demon girl to her.

Sage on the other hand picked a ball from a bag she had brought,
"Ok Rose come here, See this ball?" Sage said flashing a small tennis ball to the girl, "I bet you, that you can't get it." She said.

"We've been told very little...." Rhea said quietly, "It is hard to make a sound opinion on it."

Rose puffed up "I bet I can!" she declared.

Shaina thought for a moment. "To be honest I know little of the war, I am fighting a force I don't know. However all I need to know is I have the power to protect others so I do," She said simply to her the war ment very little but protecting people from demons that they could never hope to defeat without her made the war worth fighting in.

Kai smiled "Shania is like a mother wolf, frightening strong and brave, but with a gental touch and caring heart," Shania actually stared at kai half shocked by the praise. "If she see's someone that needs help she helps never asking for repayment or wanting gratitude. You won't meet many like her," he smirked as he made Shania blush.
Sage blinked, Shania was blushing? She had made her blush on two different occasions, but it was still funny watching it. "Ok." She told Rose, "Get it." And with that she tossed ball as hard as she could straight up into the sky. "Oh yeah, and it can't touch the ground. So you have to catch it before then." Sage said at the last second.

Rhea smiled at Shania when she blushed, she was surprised there was normal retaliation. She could not read Tannis, he seemed a bit natural.

"I see. Shania, tell me about that Dagger before you." Tannis said, though he was still watching Sage and Rose in the corner of his eye.
"It is my weapon, before it was transformed into my sword by Levi it was my fathers handed down to me on his deathday," Shania said "I will never be far from it's protection nor it far from my care," she said and gently touched the simple dagger blade it's blade was well cared for and it showed the gleaming steel of the blade was as reflective as a mirror its simple hilt was polished iron inlaid with carvings so old not many could read it.

Rose huffed and jumped into the air and caught it lannding easily "see I caught it," she said.
"And what does a weapon mean to you?" Tannin said, crossing his paws over each other.

Rhea tried to keep up with the conversation, but Tannin was not concentrating on Shania.

Sage on the other hand grinned and took the ball,
"Ok, so now lets see if you can catch this one" Sage then threw the ball foreword as hard as she could.
Rose jetted off after the ball.

"A weapon is a tool of protection or a piece of hope," she said "My fathers hope for my future is in this blade I put my hope for Rhea's protection in my mothers blade before I gave it to her," Shania said she looked saddened memories stung at her still openly wounded heart. "A warrior lives forever in the weapons they carry, my soul will join my father when I pass on,"
Tannin seem to give a thoughtful blink, "Ohh? Your Mothers blade? You gave it up?" He said, there was surprise in his voice.

Rhea looked up at Tannin wondering why he sounded so surprised.

Sage snickered, She was listening to the conversation, but she was slightly more engaged in making Rose fetch a ball like a pet, disguising it as a challenge for her demoness pride.
She caught it and jumped up and down cheering.

"It was... not the easist thing I ever did but it felt right, seeing the blade whole once more and in the hands of one who will never missuse it, but instead use it so she may help save others... mother would have liked that," Shania said her voice trembled but only slightly "She can live on and now she can protect this new family,"
Tannis tail twitched and curled, he closed his eye and took in a deep breath. "I see. This is your family?" He asked without opening his eyes.

Sage glanced at Tannis when he said that, Sage had a new understanding for that stupid phrase. She turned her attention back to Rose and proceeded to signal the girl back.
"In all but blood," Shania said "I could not love them more even if they were," Shania looked to Rhea "though a member of my family is missing today he will return to us."

Kai smiled this talk has been good for the way too moody Shania. Rose threw the ball back to Sage "I told you I could catch it,"
"Yes, but can you catch this?" Sage asked catching the ball easily, this time she tossed it in the mass of building.

Tannis purred, "Last I have heard he had been advancing through his tests faster then most normal demons do, he is strong and quick witted, though there had been a few rash decisions made in my opinion, but so far they have only done him good. Though complications have been foreseen and he needs protection from afar, as followers of Eurynome trying to stop him from his advance into power. I wouldn't be surprised if someone tired to stop me today."

Rhea smiled at Shania and took her hand, Ebony's in her other hand, she squeezed both of them, not sure if this was bad news or good news.

(Accidently left Rhea out haha...)
"Luce... has picked up a few of my bad habits." she said softly "Is there anyway I could go and protect him?" she asked squeezing Rhea's hand back. Rose darted into the mass of buildings.

"Sage you are pure evil you know that?" Kai asked her.

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