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Wild Cards

"His family is not aloud to do that, you land in family as well, you just told me so yes? In fear that they may intervene in the test while protecting him for threats not of the test. They, and you, may only sit and wait." Tannin said, blinking.

Sage turned to Kai and smiled,
"What me? Never." She said grinning.

"Tell me are you sneaky like that all the time?" Tannin asked Sage.

Sage chuckled,
"Sometimes." She said simply.

Rhea smiled softly at Tannins reaction to Sage tormenting Rose.
Rose ran back with the ball "what is this for again?" she asked.

"Luce needs no help in the test Tannis he will pass it with his own power and I must admit I'm offended you'd think I'd interfear," Shania said.

Kai smirked "SShania you are way too uptight the pincone has to be rather unconfortable cramm..." before he could finish A shoe met his face

"I am so glad I wore combat boots today," Shania hissed
"Tell me Shania, if you were off in the side lines watching Lucifer, would you stand by while a creature deliver the final blow to Luifer?" Tannis said seriously his eyes narrowed to meet Shania's after she challenged his answer and the tradition of their testing.

Rhea pressed her lips together and squeezed Shania's hand.

Sage smiled, "I is called fetch. It is a game we humans place." Sage said chuckling a bit.
Shania looked at him into his eyes "if it was his wish I didnot interfear I would not," she said "It would tear me apart but his wishes meen more to me than you may think," she didn't waver in her answer. "But that will not happen because Lucifer will win," she said.

"He made a promise," Ebony said "he will come back to us shania trained him realy hard they spared alot and we gained experiance as we fought demons like Fredrick and the spider... even the lunamoth," this was the first time Ebony has spoke since introducing herself.

Rose puffed up "you humans are wierd,"
Tannis purred again, closing his eyes, "Lucifer will do fine in his test. He will pass I foresee it." Tannis said proudly.

The rest of the evening went much like the morning did, Tannis would constantly throw oddities between the group and not just Shania, but when ever Shania spoke he paid extra attention to her. Tannis seemed relaxed and well natured, wise and not very threatening. Went he moon rose however, Tannin got up and shook himself, his coat and mane seemed to fluff a bit at the coolness of the night.

"Shania, you wish to test me through skills? So I may prove myself a Sponsor or Teacher worthy of your time?" Tannis asked, his yellow eyes gleamed with something new, a challenge.

Sage was pretty excited to see this, this Tannis guy seemed like someone who would be challenging
"My night would be complete if Freddy and Hiro showed up." Sage said, she bet they wouldn't because if Rose is right, Tannis would kill them both without trying.

Rhea just hoped Shania did not get too hurt.
"A wise man once told me that you don't truely know your teacher untill you have tasted the ground at his hands," she took her dagger in her hands "I will not hold back do me the same courtasy," she bowed.

Kai chuckled "she really does have a death wish," Kai said
"Very well. If your heal will permit, I will do to you as an enemy." Tannis also bowed. When he got back up how ever, he let out a roar the shook the area and it looked as if the was sucking the aura from the moon. The temperature around them skyrocketed and it no longer felt like the cold fall night. Tannis's wing spread to show a rather large and impressive wing span. With that, Tannin crouched and then jumped reaching out for Shania with claws extended.

Rhea's stomach tightened at the sudden display of power. They had never faced anything like this demon before.

Sage blinked, not sure what to think about it and just hoped Shania really did not get herself killed.
"So Kai, did you want to make bets?" Sage said, grinning.
Shania ran under him to avoid the claws using her smaller size to her advantage she transformed her weapon and smade an upward jabbing motion tough she was weary of the mantacore's tail.

Kai watched "she is always so reckless," he commented.

Rose blinked "she really just did that?"
Tannia used his wings and flapped them twice in heavy attempt to keep himself well above Shania's blade before landing on the ground. He circled much like Lions do to face Shania again. "Try that again and I will teach you were such moves land you little one." Tannin warned. Her sword was a good defense to keep him from squashing her, but next time he will expect such a move. With two massive leaps, Tannis jumped to Shania again, claws out and ready for the girl. He maybe large but her size was the only advantage.

"Is that not why we adore her?" Sage said laughing.

Rhea sighed,
"Yeah I wish she would not do those things."
If shania was afraid it did not show she lept into the air before his full impact one of his massive claws tore through the fabric of her pants and made a long cut down the calf of her left leg. she landed on his back and held tight to his main with her non dominant hand.

"Whay does she do that in every battle?" Kai asked dryly.
Tanni's first instinct is to use his tail, but Shania is quick and he would only end up hurting himself so. Second would to take flight, but he had a feeling that would only give her plenty of time to prepare for the ride. Option three it is.

Tannis folded his wings on his back before running and then rolling over, making sure he rolled right over Shania. The force of his run made him roll and then spring back onto his paws. He waited to see if the impact had made her drop him or if she was still on his back.

"That looked like it hurt..." Sage said.

"You two are like the peanut gallery..." Rhea said quietly.

Sage made a face that said, I have an idea,
"Joker... lets be commentaries."
Sahnia crouched low onto his body to help absorb the weight it still hurt like hell and she was sure a few bones broke but she now had her chance to attack she slashed at Tannis with her blade forced to use her non dominant hand as her dominant one was not in any shape to be used.

Kai winced "that had to hurt but the warrior stayed on the big kitty by some miricle," Kai said imitating a comentaters voice.
Tannis winced when her blade sliced his body. So this is the feel of weapons meant to hurt demons. It a pain different from that if a demon themselves had done the wound. Tannis went to plan one, since plan three was not working, the heavy weight of his tail came down where he felt the pressure of her sitting. He could not see on his back, so it was a bit of a nuisance with her being there.

"This might hurt worse." Sage said, seeing the blow going for the girl
Shania rolled to the side using his hair as a handhold she missed the tail by only a hair her body was already beaten badly but she wouldn't give up she swore not to homd bach she jumped on the tail and sliced at the stinger.

"Missed by a hair I predict the princess is going to chew Shania out," Kai said
Sage shook her head, "This is going to end badly..."

Rhea was holding her breath, holding on to Ebony.

The stinger was a hard shell like material and did not crack under Shania's sword. When Shania jumped on the on the tip of his tail he lifted her up and dangled her over his head and in one move he sat on his hind legs and reached his fore paws out to clasped them together, Shania in the middle of them. If he successfully got her, he would pull her off hi tail and then pin her on the ground.
She refused to show her pain but she was pinned and out matched this fight would have been her death had he wanted her dead, she knew this; she also knew her body hurt very badly.

"Ouch," Kai said for her and shudered
Tannis seem to keep her there for a long moment, staring her down, as if waiting for her to say something, waiting for the acceptance.

Sage also shuttered a bit, why could Tannin not just fight with them all the time... the fight was just flat out awesome... but scary in the fact that if it was a real fight, Shania would be dead, and she barely scratched the demon.
"That was... eventful."

Rhea was afraid to go move to help her, Tannis had not moved from pinning her on the ground.
Shania smiled at him "could you remove your paw... I can't breath master Tannis," she said softly.

Kai chuckled "leave it to her to use master instead of teacher or instructer," kai said.
Tannis did just that, removing himself from Shania. He sat on his hind legs, his for paws free, as he seemed to pull his tail around him to inspect his tail, his stinger specifically. "Your weapon burns me Shania. There is one more thing I personally need to speak to you about before you accept me. For that I wish to speak with you in private." he requested, "Of course you may seek healing first." He said.

Rhea was obviously itching to go over there, but this was Shania's time... she would wait.
"I can last longer," she comented and pushed herself up "I supose I should have not used my weapon against you, I'll fight unarmed from now on," she stood tenderly on her injured leg but her pride would not let her stayt on the ground. "I'll be fine for a while more then I'll sit for healing like a good girl," she promised Rhea.

"Let's leave them be princess," Kai said softly
"I know..." Rhea said a bit tense back to Kai.

"No your weapon was fine, but I have not been touched by such a weapon. It was a strange feeling." He walked a bit away before sitting down, he made sure the demoness was long away from him. "Shania... have you seen the inner workings of corruption?"
"Inner workings of corruption... I don't know I have seen corruption, but I don't think I've seen it's innerworkings." she said still trying to think on it going through her life experiances.
"Corruption Shania happens over time... Things sometimes get lost. Shania I believe Axesort and Eurynome are corrupt. This war has gone on far to long. Both are leading their armies to the ground. Things are taking a turn for the worst and a fear that even after the death of one of these demons there will not be a set thrown." Tannis said, he sounded like the was unsure, he was worried for the future. "I work closely to Axesort. I have seen him change." Tannis continued. "I am about to make a very bold move Shania.... I am about to break my allegiance with Axesort and move to crown someone much more worthy for the thrown. I can not do that until I have found the right demon though... " Tannis blinked thoughtfully.
"I see, I trust you," Shania said "How am I to help?" she asked she felt Tannis's spirit as they faught it is how she tested him. Her head was fuzzy but she was clear headed enough to understand why this warrior would wish to rid his home of corrupt leaders.
Tannis shook his head, "You becoming my student is help enough... I have never worked closely with Levi because he does not work too closely with Axesort... but I will try my best to resolve people to my cause... It is hard too when you do not see what is happening. Like humans... demons can scarcely believe what they can't see, or what they don't wish to see. I hope Lucifer's family comes to see things with me..." He did not wish to put Shania in the position where Lucifer maybe become her enemy, but he doubts that would happen... still the possibility. "Go and heal... I will take you on as mine and grant you my powers when you can properly stand." He said, a light chuckle came from deep in his chest.

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