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Wild Cards

"Shania kid napping would be bad." Sage said simply. "We might not even know it happened for too many hours to long, same with Ebony.... I don't want to wait for Hiro to come to us, I want to got to them." Sage said, Crossing her arms.

Rhea gently took Ebony's hand. She did not want to get hunted either,
"Would they go after our families?" Rhea asked Rose quietly.
"only if he got bored but uncle Hiro is more into making his pray on edge he likes the threat as much as the action... and like i said he targets the strong he wont go after someone who doesn't pose a good struggle," she laid on the couch her head hanging off and her legs on the back cushion and over the edge.

Ebony shuddered "I feel sick all of a sudden," she said.

"I'll set up cameras and have 24/7 lookouts," Kai said "Just in case,"
"Oh?" Said Sage, "Who will be watching them?" She asked seriously. They were looking out for demons... not humans... "well... I guess we just wait, or we can go coax them out." Sage offered.

Rhea huged Ebony and nodded,
"I think we should start checking in with each other, be it daily or hourly when we are not with each other..." Rhea suggested.
"Hey Hiro you wooped our *sses please come do it again," Kai said dryly "I'll take my chances with Freddy."

Ebony looked at Kai "he... he can't be that strong we were just weakened ... right?"

"Oh no he's really that strong," Rose said
"We hardly had a fighting change... we got whooped around, like Ebony said." Sage said, ignoring Rose. Sage refused to think Hiro was that strong. "Who is stronger, Hiro or Freddy?" Sage asked.

Rhea was getting nervous the detection this conversation was turning.
"Fred is the mind Hiro is the power," Rose said and stuck her tongue out at Sage.

"Freddy is fast and crafty," Kai said "but he lacks pure brute strength... though he could have easily killed me,"
Sage sighed and rubbed her head, the action she usually did when it meant she was getting a headache. "Stick the tongue out again Bridy, and you will regret it." Sage warned with a smile.

Rhea seemed to think, trying to think of ways to keep people in sync.
Rose pouted and crossed her arms "Can we go outside?!" she whined.

Kai looked at Sage "you need to get it a muzzle," kai comented.

Shania came out of the shower. "Sit on the furniture right," she barked and Rose scrambled to right herself.
"Well... We can take you outside Saturday. We can maybe go to our nice city." Sage suggested, Rose probably did not know what that was, but it was a skin suggestion and would mean Rose could run around anywhere she wanted. "I can arrange for that." Sage said at last.

Rhea giggled at Rose doing what she was told. Lucifer never did that, then Shania told him to get off the floor.
"Go outside," Rose said perking up. "A full city!" she said almost jumping out of her seat then she stopped "what's the catch," she asked looking at Sage suspiciously.

"What are we doing saterday," Shania said.
"Nothing... just getting out of the house. Sulking around won't be good for any of us." Sage said shrugging.

Rhea nodded,
"I think it would be good." Rhea said, kind of wanting to see Rose run around. She needed to get out.

Shania nodded "getting out is a good idea," she said softly.

Kai watched shania carefully she seemed to alright for his likeing.

(sorry I'm slow trying to draw Kai and sage... )
(Its ok... I am watch batman with my boyfriend too xDDDD I'll time skip. I am excited that picture! xD )

Saturday was around the connor and Sage has walked into the house, Rhea had fallen asleep on one of the couch studying the night before. Sage had just brought an actual leash just in case they really needed to contain Rose.

Morning.'" Sage said, walking into the house.
Shania was hiding in her spare room and didn't hear Sage come in Rose was asleep on the couch laying upsidedown. Ebony was sitting in the floor watching the news "Hi sage," she said looking at the girl "Kai will be here soon," she said.
"Sounds good, have you guys eaten?" Sage asked, walking into the house and closing the door behind her. She was not sure if Shania was still doing her daily duties.
"Hi Sage." Rhea said quietly, She knocked on the door in the spare room as she walked past it.

Sage smiled, gland no incident had happened,
"Good morning. Is everyone ready to go play around today?"
Rose fell into the floor "Play?" she asked aking up at the fall.

Ebony couldn't help but Laugh at Rose who was at times annoying but others so oneminded it was funny.

Shania trudged out of her spare room she looked reletivly healthy to most peoples shock but she didn't talk very much a few words a day was a good day.
Sage smiled, "Yes, play." Sage was actually going to see what kind of things she could make Rose do a lot of funny things.

Rhea sighed and hugged Shania, actually attached to her a bit.
Shania hugged back softly without a word she looked at Sage and nodded once in greeting.

Ebony had been worried about Shania's lack of talking but she was never a chatterbox anyway.
Sage sighed, she was not sure if this was worse or better... She wanted Kai to hurry up and get here so they could leave.

Rhea smiled and sighed, it did feel really empty without Lucifer around, and conversation did not seem to flow like it use too. even though Lucy never really talked all the much or say anything relevant.
Kai came in later and streached "sorry Im late! Death over there causes more damage reports then a wreckingball,"

Shania looked at Kai and let him know she knew he was there without a sound. Rose was half scared of the silence half conforted so she decided to stay silent herself for the time being.
Kai eased the tension in Sage a bit when he came, Sage chuckled "Sorry... I don't like the idea of getting hurt all that much." Sage said, shrugging. Sage was eager to go, Shania was giving her bad vibes at the moment.

Rhea smiled,
"I guess we are going then?" Rhea asked.
"into the vanthen," Kai mused "got birdies leash?" he smirked

"I don't need a leash!!!" Rose yelled at him.

(I got sage drawn... but kai i don't think I can make it work)
(Haha its ok, yooouu tried xD )

Sage smiled and pushed Rose out of the house and into the van, they drove to their abandon city.

Rhea got out with everyone else... happy to get some fresh air. They still had to walk through the forest area to get to the city, she was sure Rose might be disappointing by what they meant the city.

Sage was actually looking to train a bit while she was out here, it was not often she could work her electrical powers anymore, she was too afraid to come out here alone anymore.

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