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Wild Cards

Sage sighed and rub her head. She really sucked at this whole friendship thing. "Look I am just going to go get myself beat up some more... If I die, bury me with my family." Sage said, partial joke before she saluted to Ebony and Rhea. She actually went into the kitchen first to retive a few things before she walked over to the spare room and leaned on the side of the door, Lucifer raised an eye brow when Sage started to yell through the door. "Hey Shania... I know you probably hate me right now.... but I suppose I am willing to let you kill me a couple of times..."

Rhea looked at Ebony, "what do you think of all this?" she asked quietly.
Shania growled but unlocked the door not opening it but the click of the lock was audiable enough. Inside she had one of her wooden Sakaba's as seemed to be her favored choice of venting weapondry. There was a wooded block she set up in the middle of the room and she brought the weapon down on it as hard as she could cracking the solid wood of both the block and the weapon.
"Yep...." Sage said, before walking into the room and rolling up her sleeves Reaching for another sword, Sage picked up two of the Sakabas and tossed another one at Shania before taking her normal defensive stance. Sage had a serious but sad look on her face. Lucifer also followed into the room, but was smart enough to keep to him self. Rhea wanted to go... but Rose should not be unsupervised.
Shania looked at Sage but still did not say a word Sage could see the pain in Shania's eyes even the way she stood reflected pain she had taken all she could take today. Shania didn't bother to take a stance she was not using her head in this fight this fight would be pure emotion she would get out what she wanted to say through her wooden blade. The attack had no warning and Shania was useing her dominant hand. If landed this attack would slam into Sage's right shoulder.

Ebony stayed out of the way and in the living room with Rose and Rhea.
As always, Sage dodge was good, and she saw where the was coming.... but she planned on taking the blow anyway. So she leaned away from the attack just enough she should not take the full blow, but that Shania would still hit her. She intended to fight like this until Shania was satisfied. The blow to her shoulder hurt a lot, knowing Shania was using her dominate hand. Sage then swung her blade at Shania to hit on the left side of the stomach.
Shania took the hit with out even attempting a dodge then she brung up her knee to hit Sage's stomach. She felt no physical pain just the pain inside that made her want to disapear. tear fell from eyes that were blank and cloudy.
Sage fell over clutching her stomach. She was not much like Kai and Shani who can take blows like that and recover slightly more quickly. Sage was slightly weaker then the two of them. Sage tried to push herself up but felt really weak. That knee to the stomach was horrible. Sage gasp for air when she looked up at Shania to see her crying. "Lucifer leave..." Sage said a bit in pain.

Lucifer looked up at Sage but he did not really move, even though Sage wanted him to leave.
Shania didn't make a move to attack Sage while she was down even in this state the warrior had her honor and pride. She extended her non dominant hand to help Sage up. The look in Shania's eyes never changed she didn't even blink as the saltwater tears slid down her cheeks.
Sage sighed, then took the warrior's hand, getting up and taking a few steps back to get ready for an attack again.

Lucifer took a few steps back and then turned to leave, closing the door behind him. He walked out into the room and let out a long and heavy sigh.
Shania stood ready and with out waiting for Sage to move went to attack her head on again aiming for Sage's head in a downwards strike useing both hands to increase her strike power.

Ebony looked up at Lucifer asking what was going on with her eyes instead of words.
"Shania and Sage are having out it.... Shania is at her limit.... but the saner limit, not the bloodthirsty one. So I don't think Sage is going to die... but she might be very hurt." He said, sliding his hand across Ebony's cheek. Rhea sighed, she was still exhausted from yesterday's events... she had healed so much today as it is... "Rose... let me change your bandages... you too Lucy." Rhea said quietly, thinking about healing.

Sage did not wait around for Shania to hit her on the head this time, Sage rolled to the side and then kicked her feet out to under Shania, moving to trip the girl.
Shania fell to the ground but quickly recovered twisting her leg to catch Sage's ancle.

"I'm sorry..." Ebony said softly. "Are you ok Luci?" she asked.
"Yeah I am fine, Shania is who I am worried about. Not like she had enough to worry about..." Lucifer said, ruffling his hair a bit.

Rhea sat down next to Rose and undid her chains, distracted by the everything that was going on and mindlessly moving to change the bandages on Rose.

Sage also tripped, but this time she move and got up quickly, taking a defensive stance one more.
Rose trembled se was sure this was a trap of some sort.

Shania was on her knees she looked up at Sage "why?" shania asked her the first word she has said since the news came up. Shania was shattered it was so obvious it was painful to look at. Without waiting for an answer she flung herself at Sage.
Sage was not expecting for Shania to say that and had completely caught her off guard, Shania pretty much jumped on Sage causing the girl to go backwards and land on her back, her head hitting the floor and Shania pinning her. She let out a few long gasps for air, she hurt everywhere. She braced to be hit again, "Because..." Sage said, "it hurt." Sage's voice cracked for the first time since any one here had known her. Her eyes even watered a bit, threatening to over flow.

Rhea tried to sooth Rose quietly,
"Your not at weapon point... Kai isn't here. I don't really intend on chaining you back up... I promised I wouldn't hurt you... remember?" Rhea said. Gently she started to unroll the bandages around her wounds.
Rose was still mistrusting but she made no move to get away she did however flex her stiff wing causing a light draft to go through the room.

"you don't think it hurt us too?" Shania asked. Her body was shaking she headbutted Sage hopeing somhow it would knock sense into her.
Lucifer glanced at Rose when she caused a small draft, keeping an eye on the demon. "Ebony here is on the same level as Sage, you just got lucky and was not hit by her." Lucifer warned the demoness.

Rhea sighed, and started to put the cool slave on Rose's wounds.

Sage was dizzy when Shania head butted her.... she had a splinting ache run through the back and front of her head.
"No... I mean yes... I knew it would but... I don't know... I did not know what to do... I... still don't..." Sage said, her voice a bit panicked and scared, a tear finally made its way down the side of Sage's face.
Shania laughed it was a strained strange sound "I know how you feel," Shania said "you were stupid not to come to us we are your family you stupid gixie," Shania was panting softly her head was splitting and her side hurt. "I sobbed on Rhea's shoulder for hours... nothing ever helpped as much as knowing she cared we care about you,"
Sage covered her face to hide her tears, she did not want to hear this, "Why... why do you guys care?" Sage asked, trying to stop herself from crying. "I have done nothing but be mean... nothing has even been worth a friendship... I lie and cheat... I tried so much to hate every single one of you. I still try... but now I only feel guilt for trying." Sage muttered, she hated this so much. The tears poured from Sage and her voice was strained much like Shania's.
"I don't care what you do you are my family this team is all I have and now you are like me," Shania's voice was getting really weak. "I need you lie's and all it's all parts of you," she gave up on holding herself upand she rolled off Sage and laid on the ground.
When Sage felt Shania roll off her, she uncovered her face, her tears were still falling, but not as much. "What do you mean... like you?" Sage ask quietly. She did not move, she remained on the ground, Shania next to her.
"You lost everything... or maybe thats still only me I'm not as strong as you," her eyes closed her breath came in soft pants. "All I have left in this world is you Rhea Kai Ebony and Lucifer,"
"I see..." Sage said, she closed her eyes, her heart was heavy. Her father she was not expecting the lose when they did... her mother, they knew only would live so long... After her father died Sage had been preparing to be alone... Shania had a bit of a point though. She would admit to herself now, she has feeling for Ebony... She feels like Kai is her closest friend, Shania is the caring bossy mother... Lucifer and Rhea are kind of like babies that Shania tries to take care off. Sage was silent for a very long time, thinking quietly on her dynamic within the group, within the family. She never once referred to the people as family because she thought the idea was absurd.

"I guess... this is all I have left as well..." Sage said quietly agreeing.
Shania nodded but she soon became rather unresponsive.

Rose looked towards the room "the noise stopped... did they kill each other?" she asked.
Rhea looked over to the room and then got up, still in the middle of changing Rose's bandages. "I'll go check..." Rhea said quietly.

Opening the door very quietly, Rhea peaked into the room, From where she could seen, neither were moving and both on the floor next to each other. Opening the door further, Rhea walked in and looked over the two girls. Sage had fall asleep on the floor/

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