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Wild Cards

Rhea jumped a bit, Kai coming up on her suddenly, "Kai... you scared me." Rhea said quietly, "I thought you would be asleep. I don't think much at night, just read until I get tired. I don't sleep a lot much."
He nodded "i've noticed," he said softly "tell me the truth princess how can I help and protect you if you don't open up to me?" he turned her face so he could look into her eyes. "I still love you princess," he kissed her forehead and smiled
Rhea blushed hard and she felt her chest tighten, she tensed, but relaxed again. "Its nothing you can protect me from... I have nightmares." She said, closing her book gently. "I am scared...." Rhea said quietly, "The day when we first fought Freddy.... Sage got stabbed... you went to the hospital and only one of the four people I was able to save... At the moment you would have died if you did not get to a hospital. And the person I healed, would have died if I did not save them. I had to make a choice... how do I choose who to save? What if you not had made it to the hospital? or I had not healed that person and healed you... they would have surly died before anyone could get to them." She asked in a whisper. "What if I have to choose like that again? I don't think it is what if anymore... I know I will have to make that choice again...."
Kai hugged her letting her rest against his chest. "My dearest princess choices are always hard, You do your best and don't look back but look forward look to us, maybe... maybe we can feed you our power or something," he sugested trying to lighten her load even if just a bit. "you saved someone and I was fine a few stiches and a bit of rest did me wonders," he rubbed her back "we need to give you good dreams," he whispered "even if I have to hold you as you sleep and talk to you all night,"
Rhea blushed a bit, "You don't have to do that..." Rhea said quietly, she was not sure if he was just saying that or not, but Kai was soothing her. Rhea looked up to at Kai and smiled, "Thank you for talking with me. I am still a bit scared.... I don't want to choose who does or does not die. That is a choice I feel like I should not have the right to have..." Rhea pulled out the hair ties in her hair.
"Princess it isn't a choice you should have to make and I will do my best to make sure you don't have to," he held her close and stroked her hair "you always have me princess," he said and kissed her head again he moved and situated them so that she could lay on his chest and the couch. "I will not leave your side,"
Rhea actually started to cry a little bit and hugged Kai, "Thank you... I am going to try my hardest too... I am sorry. Part of me feels like I choose that person over you... I feel like I left you to die and deal with that on your own." Rhea said quietly.
"If i remember correctly I refused your help," he said softly letting her cry. "I am not going to die, I'm too stubborn," he hugged her to him "I promise,"
"All of you are.... same with getting healed... Your all so stubborn...." Rhea sniffed, she sounded like she was pouting, "And reckless... really reckless." Rhea punched Kai on the chest very lightly. "You guys make me so worried all the time."
Kai chuckled "I've gotten better," he said and took her hand softly in his he was smiling it was even shining through his eyes. "I promised remember?"
Rhea blushed and looked away, "Yeah..." Rhea squeeze his hand and smiled a bit. "I think maybe... I should go to bed. You've made me feel better... thank you."
"You can sleep right here if you want princess, so i can whisper in your ears happy things as you rest," he said and kissed her softly on the lips "I promise to behave."
Rhea still pretty flustered, but she nodded, relaxed a little. Rhea felt like her heart was pounding, unsure if she should seriously talk to Kai or let this go on the way it was. Laying down again, Rhea closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep with Kai next her. Gently she held his hand in hers and then kissed the back of his hand.
He smiled and watched her when she kissed his hand it shocked him but he smiled brighter and sat waiting for her to fall asleep though he'd still watch her even then. This girl had weasled her way into his heart without even trying.
Rhea did fall asleep despite the fact she felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest.

Another week and a half passed by, and Sage had started to become rather antsy for fighting demons, though Kai's missions tend to keep her a bit busy. Sage had started to make quiet the name for herself in Kai's underworld. Specially since she did a lot of her missions with Kai himself.

Rhea spent her day's quietly at Shania's house, reading through all her book in her house again, and again. Rhea never minded reading the books over again.

Saturday came by and Rhea wondered if everyone was going to show up again like normal, she was up a bit early reading through another book.
Kai had to bring his work with him as much as he enjoyed working with sage she still made amature mistakes like being caught on film that made his job a bit harder.

Ebony looked tiered she had had trouble sleeping the past few nights she didn't want to worry anyone but she always felt like she was being watched and she'd hear noises on her windows but there was never anything there.

"What's the plan today?" Kai asked Rose had literaly been on hyperdrive seems her and coffee are a very bad combination when he asked this she was on the counter crawling around imitating a cat.
When Sage saw this she literally picked her up by the back of her shirt and threw the girl out of the kitchen, like she did with her cat smores "You don't stand on the counters, that is for food!" Sage said, crossing her arms. "Gods... we might need to take her out.."

Rhea was rubbing the back of Ebony gently, her quiet way of knowing the girl looked tired. She was always watching for everyone's health in the group.

Ebony smiled at Rhea "I just miss Luci," she said it wasn't a total lie she was worried he'd come back and she wouldn't even know.

Rose just crawled around and rubbed against Sage's legs "Nyan." she said and made a purring sound.

"I agree... your kitty needs attention," Kai chuckled.
"I understand." Rhea said quietly, continuing to rub her back slowly. Rhea watched Rose run around like a cat. Rhea had gotten to know the girl a bit better, she was like a child... kind of like Lucifer.

Sage glared at the girl rubbing on her legs, then grinned,
"You know, humans sometimes use cat girls as a way to seduce other humans... are you seducing me Rose? Have you finally fallen for me?"
"Mom had sucubus in her," Rose stated mater of factly though she got nothing from that particular breeding she looked acted and had the powers of her father. "pet me, Nyan!" she pawed at Sage then something clicked in her brain "I don't want to mate with you!" she ran behind Shania who was just coming out of the shower.

"I missed something..." Shania said.
Sage burst out laughing and was having a hard time breathing. "Rose was trying to mate with me." Sage said through hard breaths.

Rhea smiled a bit, laughed under her breath, Rose was so silly.
Rose stuck her tongue out at sage still safly hidden behind Shania. "I wouldn't mate with Sage I can't even tell what gender!"

Kai covered a laugh and hid it with a cough. Shania just shook her head "I need a vacation,"
"Well Rose, what gender do you think I am?" Sage asked, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the kitchen door frame.

Rhea laughed a bit, Shania did, she was like a full time mother.

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