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Wild Cards

"... you must be a girl because Kai claims to be a guy," She said looking like she was in thought. Shania chuckled slightly and walked into the living room leaving Rose unsheilded.
"Well... what if I told you I was a boy?" Sage said, sneaking over to Rose while she was deep in thought.

Rhea smiled at Shania, offering her a cup of tea when she came closer.
"then Kai must be a girl," she saidstill thinking hard.

"thank you Rhea," Shania said softly with a smile she looked at Ebony and noted her weariness but didn't coment on it.
Sage came around behind Rose and then warped an arm around her waist and nibbed at her ear, "I think so too sometimes." Sage said to her ear.

Rhea noticed the glace at Ebony and nodded,
"Ebony says she just misses Lucy a lot."
Rose yelped and tried to get away stopped by the arm "let go let go!" she said "she's trying to eat me!!!"

Kai bust out laughing at Rose's reaction.
"Yes yes." Sage said happily, letting Rose go. "So what do you guys want to do today? Go play outside somewhere? Our archer over there looks like she is ready for a nap." Sage said moving to the couch and leaning over to Ebony, offering her a small smile.

Rhea smiled as well,
"Maybe we should just go out to the abandon houses again for a little while." Rhea offered.
Ebony smiled at Sage "I ok just to worried to sleep... I miss Luci," se said the last part very quietly as to not let Shania hear she was still worried about the calmness of Shania's recent behavior.

"I wanna go outside!" Rose said jumping up and down.
"Abandon city it is." Sage announced, before saying a bit quieter to Ebony, "I think he will be back soon." Sage said, offering her a bit of comfort.

Rhea smiled at Sage, the girl seemed to have been lightening up a bit, she would have random spouts of kindness like that every now and again. Rhea was still sometimes thrown off when she did it.
"Kai, Shania, are you guys up for it?" Rhea asked.
"getting out will be nice," Shania said "I can throw fireballs at Kai if he acts like... kai,"

KAi chuckled "I feel so loved,"

Ebony hugged Sage tightly
Sage blinked a bit, surprised by Ebony hugging her. Rhea laughed a bit at Sage's surprised face, and if Rhea was not mistaken, Sage looked like she had a bit of a blush. Rhea smiled at Shania "Have you been practicing your powers at all?"

"Uhh.." Sage said, patting Ebony on the back gently. "Are you ok?" Sage asked.
"yes I can roll the fire over my body and form it into a ball i haven't tried it with my sword yet," Shania said.

"I used to hug you alot... I like when you hug me," Ebony admitted with a blush.
Rhea smiled, impressed, "I see. I wounder what kind of power I will be getting. I hope it will be something slightly combat able." She said truthfully.

Sage smiled, she honestly did not remember Ebony hugging her a lot, if she did, it was a time when Sage was still out to hurt people in this group.
"Alright gang! Lets go!" Sage said, picking Rose up and heading out the door.
Rose whined like a child "you are so mean!" she said

Shania sighed "she is worse then Luce ever was... she attempted to cook... i still don't know how she got penutbutter on the ceiling,"
Rhea giggled, getting up to follow everyone to the van.

When they arrived to the place, Sage was already baiting Rose to play fetch,
"You want to get the ball? Can you get the ball?" Sage said.

Rhea shook her head, standing close to Ebony and Shania.
"You can't throw the ball where I cant get it silly human incubus," Rose crossed her arms.

Shania twirled her daggers "get back I'm going to see what happens when i use my power," She transformed it and swung her blade a wide slash of fire cut through the air the heat dispersed through the air even as the flames dies. "cool,"
Rhea actually laughed out loud at Shania reaction. She did not know why, but her one worded description seemed odd coming from the girl.

Sage smiled,
"Incubus huh? Ok well, I am going to throw this as hard as I can...." and with that Sage pulled her arm back and throw the ball as hard as she could the direction into the buildings. What Rose did not see was Sage actually never threw the ball and it was still in her hand as her throwing hand went back behind her back. She was sure Rose was going to run off without a second glance at her.

And rose did she took off towards the buildings then stopped "I think it evaporated," she said with a serious expression.

Shania looked at Rhea and smiled and chuckled.
Sage tossed the ball to Kai suddenly, Sage was laughing so hard she was bent over on the ground covering her mouth. Rose was so serious... so very serious.

Everything for Shania suddenly disappeared and she was standing in the middle of a small grass field. It seemed to extend for a bit before it went on to a blank soft white nothingness. Next to her was a single tree, small and pleasantly green. Soft foot steps sounded next to her as a large Manticore moved close to her.
Her first reaction was to raise her weapon but she let it turn back to a dagger "master Tannis," she said softy sheathing her weapon. She stood tall but inclined her head respectfully.
"Shania." He said pleasantly, He returned the small head bow with his own before sitting down, much like a proud lion in a tapestry. "I have come to deliver news to you, my worried mother wolf, as I was told before." He said, warm humor in his voice, "I wish you nor your family to fret any longer. Lucifer has passed his tests."
She fell to the ground and smiled "I knew he would," she said then all the worry in her desolved and without warning she hugged her master. "thank you for the news." she said graitfully
Tannis let out a deep chuckle and purr, wrapping a large paw around Shania in return. "I figured you would like to hear. He will return in a few days time. For now he needs to recuperate from his wounds and go through a quick formal ceremonie. He will be back in no time."
she nodded into his fur "thank you," she said again his purr sounded funny as she was so close to his chest. For the first time Tannis is seeing his student as the child she still was.
He let her hug him for a time before he gave her back a few gentle pats, "I do not have long, for I am over seeing this event as well... a message to pass on to Lucifer, would you like to give me one before I leave?" He offered kindly.

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