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Wild Cards

"oh how fun," Hiro said hearing Sage's voice as Ebony cried out in pain "hello a female voice you are Death right... Sage," he smiled watching Ebony's face contort in pain. "me and freddy have the cute little archer, Fredrick do make her a little louder for me, I don't think her scream was heard,"
Sage immediately sat up when she heard the voice, Smores unpleasantly went flying off her. When he called out her real name, Sage shivered.

Fredrick scowled,
"Would you stop calling me that." He said, but he twist Ebony's arm around that the bones strained and the pain was worse then a quick break.

"Where are you?" Sage said immediately when he heard Ebony screams, "I will come fight you right now." Sage was already up and getting dressed again. Pen in hand she flew out her door. Ebony was possibly walking home... She passes Shania to get there anyway.
"Ok Fredrick should we give them a clue?" Hiro asked when the screams died down Ebony was sobbing her body convulsed in pain "Don't," she said in a weak sob "don't come.." she tried to tell Sage. she felt sick the pain was making her sick and heavy.
"No... Their first clue will come soon enough." Fredrick said with a smirk.

"You bastereds. I will hunt you down and kill both of you." Sage threatened, she was almost to Shania's house.
"your revenge will come too late, bye now," Hiro closed the flip phone shutting it off he was grinning as he knelt by ebony's body "we will have fun," he cooed.

Shania looked at her phone "Ebony should be home by now," she commented.
"Leave the device there... they track each other with it. I've seen it. Pack up, its time to go." Fredrick said, walking away and letting Hiro take care of Ebony.

It was that moment that Sage slammed the door open Scythe in one hand, phone in another. Sage looked panicked her eyes were wide,
"Get up, get your weapons now!" She nearly command before running out of the house again.
shania got up and pulled her dagger from her shirt and transformed it Kai had his card out as he chases Sage "Ok death what the hell is going on?"

Hiro smiled and took Ebony by her long hair and began to drag her throwing the phone into a mass off sticks and other such debris. Hiro followed Fredrick the girl litteraly in tow.
Rhea also scrambled up, following them quickly, only pausing enough to grab her sword.

Sage was literally several feet ahead of them, she quickly ran the path she knew to be the way to Ebony's house. She stopped when she saw smears of blood on the ground and Ebony's phone.
"No no no...." Sage said. "Ebony! They took Ebony... they called me... They were torturing her." Sage said, out of breath from running.

Rhea gasped, pressing her hands to her mouth.
Shania's eyes widened Rose ran up she had been behind them. "No...," Shania said and looked for a trail almost frantic to find one. Kai saw some drag marks

"look drag marks...," he pointed out getting worked up would not help them any right now.

"You won't find him," Rose said "he always leaves false trails on adverage he makes 3 or 4, I'm sorry but I don't see how she will be able to survive," Rose didn't want to sugar coat this situation because she knew her uncle and preparing for the worst didn't even come close to preparing for what her uncle does.
Sage took one long breath, composing herself quickly. When she opened her eyes again she seemed like she was back to her normal self, "We can try and follow them anyway..." She suggested. "But if they are all false... there would be no point in playing his sick game." Sage said with a sigh.

Rhea tried to assest the situation, but Rose knew her uncle best and if there was not a single was to find Ebony...
"I think we should try anyway." Rhea said, though she sounded close to tears.
Kai took out his phone and texted a few numbers to his father before putting it back. "Let's not waist time," he followed the dragg marks in the ground.

Shania was ahead of them following the trail "I'm going to slaughter them!" she declaired.
"You and me both." Sage said blandly, walking behind them. Rhea followed suit.

"Do me a favor... if we don't find her tonight... someone stab me... I'll call police and report Ebony kid napped... That way we can cover it up with her parents." Sage said a moment later.

Rhea wanted to ask Kai what he just did, she knew he did those kinds of things in emergencies.
"Done already, you are booked in a hospital room in mine to be exact," Kai said "It's a coverup in this stage even if we find her tonight it's just good to be prepared." Kai said

Shania stopped as Rose said the trail stopped it was just a decoy giving him and Freddy ample time to get away.
Sage let out a very long sigh, "Well... go ahead and stab me now..." Sage said seriously, gently rubbing her hair. "I'll let the police call her parents... Her parents will more then likely come and try and take care of me and ask me questions about what happened. I need some fake tears bottles or I would never pass as hysterical." Sage said, leaning on her scythe. "Tch... Dammit." Sage said under her breath. She was all sorts of messed up emotions right now, most of all pissed.

Rhea felt herself start to cry,
"Ebony..." She said pitifully.
"Me and rose will keep looking," Shania said "I'm not giving up yet, Priestess.. go with Kai and Sage. I'll bring Ebony home as soon as I can," Shania said.

"use the servalance gear in my van shania," Kai said as he pulled out a pocket knife. "Hold your breath this will hurt," He told Sage before he stabbed her once in th stomach though not very deep the other on her arm to look like a defencive wound.
"Yep... That hurt..." Sage said, trying to laugh it off, though she had rather pained breaths. Rhea cringed when Kai stabbed Sage.

Rhea looked at Shania before garbing her hand,
"Don't be too reckless..." Rhea said quietly, she was worried, but she knew Shania would be careful.

"I will," she promised and her and rose took off to find another trail.

Kai picked up Sage "come on Rhea you need to get your medicines together for whn Shania and Ebony come back home," he said
Rhea's stomach twisted, she had a bad feeling... her feeling was saying Ebony was not coming back tonight...

Sage was dropped off at the scene where Ebony's blood and phone were. Where she waved them off before calling the police and reporting herself getting stabbed. She was rushed to the hospital and Ebony's parents were notified that Sage's condition and Ebony's missing status. Sage sincerely hoped Ebony's parents came to visit her so that she could do a quick and easy damage control.

Rhea on the other hand was a bit of a mess. She was panicking, pacing a bit at Shania's house. She called to tell her brother what had happened and that she was doing perfectly all right. When she was done, Rhea put on some tea to help calm her nerves.
Kai was making calls and preperations keeping busy and trying to make finding Ebony easier.

Shania and Rose searched and searched but there was not even a trace of where either Ebony or the demons were.
Rhea could not really prepare her medical stuff because she has no idea what kind of injury to prepare for. When the tea was done, Rhea poured Kai a cup and bought it to him, handing it to him as he was texting more things to other people. "Here.." She said quietly, hopping it will bring a bit of calm to him as well.
Kai thanked Rhea softly but he was full out busy his laptop open to screans of information that woulsd make anyones head spin just looking at it. All his normal joking around goofyness was gone he was a warrior now. Rose got mad at Shania's continuous serching and decided to go home without her. When Rose walked into the house alone Kai looked up at her and hissed. "Where is Shania?" he asked.

"She won't listen to me and stop looking, Hiro and Freddy are long gone by now," Rose said and pouted.

"You left her alone... in a place they were and could go back to," Kai said with a poisonous tone.

"No we were a few miles away when I decided to go home," Rose said
Rhea looked up from her own cup of tea when Rose walked in. Kai asked the same questions that came to her mind, "What? Rose! You can't just leave her alone!" Rhea said suddenly alarmed. She pulled out her phone to call Shania.
Hiro smirked "look Fredrick another lone warrior, should we take her too?" Hiro wasn't stupid he was whatching from a mirror he had Ebony had passed out from all the pain and he was extreamly pleased with his work.

Rose blinked a few times "I thought she was the strong one?"
Fredrick glanced at the mirror, he had been brooding in his own thoughts. "If you are aiming to upset and send the group in a chaotic spiral, go ahead. The Warrior is not the one I care about, I only want to kill the Joker. However the group as a whole is usually not far from one another, you may be ambushed. Although I don't want you to get badly hurt before the main event."

"She is in body!" Rhea said dialing Shania and putting the phone up to her ear, "Kai... I think we should go get her."
Hiro pouted "Loosing the swordsman would weaken the group and I know for a fact the others arn;t close, Rosey left her a bit ago," Hiro wanted so much to break the strong one.

"Besides her house is the base of opperations she has to be very important," he pointed out.

"I agree," Kai said "Rose you will lead us to the spot you left her in,"

"But she keeps moving around! I don't know where to look," Rose whinned.

Shania answered her phone "I'm fine... I'm heading home now," she said seeing it was Rhea's number. "I'm sorry but I can't find a single trail... it'll take a good half hour to get home from here though even if i run full out."

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