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Wild Cards

Kai was constantly doing papaer work or doing things on his computer or phone. Rose avoided everyone but Rhea "when is Lucifer coming home?" she asked tence and worried. She was dreading Lucifer coming home but wanted him to go get the kidnapped women knowing Hiro Ebony is kept at the edge of death and being as strong as she is Shania is going to be broken andpoisoned and torn to pieces.

Kai went to check for the mail and he almost cried out "my god... Sage...Rhea," he called picking up Ebony's bloodstained pendand full fingernails laid in a pile inder it and blood was used as ink with writing on the door.
Rhea gasped, she closed her eyes and took several steps back. "Oh..." She felt like she was going to bed sick.

Sage clenched her fists and made a harsh face,
"This is just to get us worked up..." Sage rubbed her temples, "It is working..." She said.
Kai looked at the blood writing "Guess who's blood? Just guess? we will get your Princess next," he clenched the pendant in his hand "I am going to slaughter them," he swore.
Rhea quietly started to sob, she kept her eyes closed, she did not want to see any of them.

Sage punched the side of the wall, biting her lip. This was beyond their power, Sage was starting to see how out matched they were right now.

"What is going on?" A voice asked.

Rhea turned to see a portal closing behind the familiar demon. Lucifer was standing before them, his full demon form, but he had changed. Lucifer small horns where now a good foot and a half long. On his back where now two black wings and he actually had a tail with a bit of fuzz on the end of it. His cainines were longer, he looked like he almost had fangs. His eyes were sharp and his ears slightly pointed, he knew something was wrong. His eyes narrowed at the pendent.

"Oh thank goodness... Lucifer." Sage said, she had never felt so relived to see the demon. Rhea was crying too hard to actually explain to him what was happening, but she did run up to him, hugged him with a lot of force. Lucifer looked down at Rhea, wrapping his arms around the tinny girl.
"They are gone... we don't even know if they are alive," Kai said shaking with rage and sorrow. "They took Ebony first... went after then but all we found was her phone and some blood... Shania and the d*mn bird were searching... the bird left Shania alone... we found her weapon and her phone no trace of her," his voice shook he felt helpless. Rose was hiding from the now much stronger Lucifer.
"Are all of you fit to fight?" Lucifer asked.

Sage looked up at Lucifer,
"I am..."

Rhea stayed where she was in Lucifer's arms. His embrace was tight and strong, she felt him shaking a bit.

"Rose." He snapped, looking for the demon girl.
"I didn't think he could beat her you all seemed to think she was the strongest I didn't mean for her to get caught," the demoness said fear in her voice.

"I'm more then ready Sage do you still have Shania's dagger... she'll want it back," Kai said.
"I have it..." Rhea said quietly, moving away from Lucifer, leaving to retrieve Shania's mother's sword. She and her where going to get Shania back....

Lucifer glared at the girl,
"Your about to help her get it back. If you don't, I will kill you. if you turn on us, I will kill you. If you run, I. WILL. Kill. you. Your only option to live is to help, and if you die trying then it is still on your head." He threatened.

Sage felt Lucifer's rage and shivered a bit, the demon kid never seemed scary to her, but now he was looking like a new force to reckon with.

"So we have no clues as to where they are currently at?" Lucifer asked, turning to the group.
"None," Kai said "I've had air servalance and still nothing," he said cleaning the blood from Ebony's pendant. "We can't even find a likely trail," he said.

Rose stood up "What if they are already dead?" she asked it was a possibility she kne her uncle would keep them alive but she didn't know much about Freddy. "even if they are how will we get to or even hope to find them?" she was terrified of Lucifer her wings out and visable and even they were shaking.
"I... am going to go flying for the first time." Lucifer said confidently, "And Shania won't die. Neither will Ebony." He said. "We are going to fly around the city ourselves looking for them. That is how Levi did it when Freddy kidnapped Rhea and Ebony the first time."

"We will have to follow close behind you. The moment you sense them, they will sense you, and move by the time you get back to tell us." Rhea said suddenly, she looked like she had gotten her confidence back, the sword of Shania's mother in her hand, "Option number two... As Sage said once, fishing. I am next, so let me go." Rhea knew everyone might actually react rather heavily to the last plan.

"I don't know... The first seem very time consuming, the second seems way to dangerous..." Sage said, trying to keep herself calm.
"Look Freddy wants me, I'm sturdier the Rhea," Kai said "so if we do plan to use ne for fishing, But with Lucifer and the d*nm bird in the air we will find them quickly I hope,"

Rose was shaking "he'll kill us," she said
"I can kill you now if you would like." Lucifer said seriously. "Sounds like flying it is. Lets get some mics and go."

"Rose, I want you to tell us everything Hiro can use and do as an attack." Rhea said suddenly.
"Plants... if there are plants around he has an advantage, fire is a major weakness and if he pulls out his wings Sage's electrizity will fry him like it did me," Rose said in a pathetic whimper. "He also doesn't shy from pain and loves to cause it, if the girls are alive and he feels threatened he'll hold one of them as captive and kill her,"
"When we find them, we need to get a hold of them before we really get into the fighting. Kai... we both know Freddy will single you out, maybe even me... But you need to be the most careful because I am sure Hiro will take on the bulk." Rhea said. They had all walked out to the Van, Sage at this point was handing mics out.

Rhea moved to put a Mic on Rose since she had never used one. Lucifer looked pretty serious, his knew wings flexed. He has a bit of noxious wondering if he could even fly yet. Even if he could not... he would run around the city looking for Shania and Ebony. He will get them back or die trying...
Rose was terrified "where should we start the search?" she asked whimpering.

"in the forests maybe," Kai asked getting in the van.
"Kai, you know where they say people always return to the scene of the crime?" Rhea asked.

Sage raised an eye brow,
"I know it... what about it?" She asked, getting into the passenger seat.

"What if they are at the factory.. the one the spider and Freddy took all the original hostigies?" Rhea suggested.

Lucifer and Rose remained outside the van, but they can hear everything being said because of the mics.
Lucifer followed, his first few beats uneven, but none the less he took fly with Rose, leading the way to the factory. They would arrive there before the Van did, and Lucifer was ok with that.

Rhea was mentally preparing herself the amount of healing she was going to have to do to Ebony and Shania... she was mentally preparing herself for their death.
"Should we telly Lucy and Rose to stay back... we can go in first and get the surprise... Lucy and Rose and come in next. Saying they are there at all...." Rhea suggested.

Sage liked that idea a lot...
Hiro smirked in his and Freddy's hiding place and he was joyfuly beating the warrior he was littered in burns but it seems he finally broke her. "She still won't full out scream," he said with emence pleasure. "The little one does though," he said and playfully waltzed off to see how Ebony was fairing and the small girl was a mass of sobs and pain. He dug his claws into her stomach and she let out an earsplitting scream.

"Kid what do you think? These two are more precious to you then anyof us," Kai asked him
Fredrick chuckled as Hiro played with his toys, the vampire moved to lean close to Shania, though he refused to stand close enough for him to get burned, fire being a huge weakness for himself, she was the most dangerous to him. "So... Warrior, how do it feel it be defenseless with no hope of being saved or saving your friend? Whats it like knowing that we will kill each and every one of you in do time... and you could do nothing to stop it?"

Honestly... Lucifer wanted more then anything to kill them... but Rhea was right. Lucifer stopped mid flight and sighed deeply,
"Rhea is right. but the moment I can come in... I will be in there."

"Lets chill out. they might not even be there." Sage said.

"It would be worth a try..." Rhea said quietly.
Kai gave a nod Rose in the air danced around it seemed to be a show of her nervoiusness.

Shania spit at Fredrick "Even if I die I'll get you watch me," she said her voice was weak and she was shaking in pain but she did not shead a tear nor did she scream through her torture Ebony screamed enough for both of them.

Ebony was still screaming Hiro more then happy to keep her in pain.
Fredrick laughed, he much preferred the talking then the screaming, "I certainly hope you stay dead this time. Your healer is a nuisance in that regard. Though it would be fun to watch her heal the Joker over and over again so I can kill him multiple times." He said, laughing deeply. "At least I have peace of mind to know that if I kill your pet demon he can't be relieved."

Lucifer stayed where her was, watching Rose do her aerobatics. He was just as nervous as her, but for reasons of thinking Shania and Ebony were hurt, not with fighting the two powerful demons that held them.

When they reached the factory, Sage looked around the familiar area. It was Rhea's first time seeing it because she was passed out the last time.
Kai tried to cover his mic as one of Ebonys screams could be heard from the building "We found them," he said a not in his stomach.

Rose began to shake "this is not good not good,"

"Freddy dear be a doll and let me loose so I can ring your neck and tear you apart," Shania hissed at him. Hiro let go of Ebony and the screaming stodded replaced by sobs.

"That pretty little girl is a wonder isn't she Fredrick? she acts like she's the one with us in captivity.
"I really hate when you lot call me what... who even made up such a stupid and insulting nickname?" Fredrick asked, frowning. He silently agreed with Hiro, Shania was a big talker and was still in need of being put into place.

Lucifer cringed with he heard the scream through the other's mics, he clenched his fists before he made a sound that sounded like he was pleading,
"Please... hurry.."

Sage took that as a get in there and do something before I do plead and tried to open the door slowly. Rhea would stay behind the group, Sage and Kai will most likely lead. Sage's weapon was out, and Rhea had the sword.
"Joker made the nicname we all like it, it suits you Freddy I think your name should reflect your b*tch like behavior." Shania smiled "and dispite what you try in the end we will win you will die," she said it so matter of factly that it was a direct insult to Fredrick.

Kai clenched his weapon "we will get them we know they are alive now," he said in a soft quiet voice.

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