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Wild Cards

Shania smiled at Lucifer her little brother had grown up it seems. Ebony threw her arms around Lucifer and kissed him deeply only pulling back when she finaly needed air. "We all missed you," she said hugging close to him.

Rose was beaming two people don't hate her anymore even after she almost got Shania killed. she took out the flower and opened it taking a small sip of the antidote it was all she needed for such a light scratch and she closed the flower again laying it in the box.

"Is it time to go home?" Rose asked
"Yeah yeah," Sage mused, leaning over Shania she grinned and dangled the keys over her, "You wana drive since Kai cant?" She joked with the girl, Sage was obviously got to be driving.

Rhea moved to pick up the box she intended to bring with with her.

Lucifer smiled at Ebony,
"I missed you too... So much." He said warmly. His eyes where dancing with joy.
Shania chuckled "I could crash the car for you," she said with a small smile and tried to stand up. her body was heavy and she got dizzy really quick and gave up on that idea.

"you look so grown up now," Ebony smiled "really cute," she stepped away though because she knew he'd want to help Shania who had given up on standing on her own.

"I can teach you to grow that flower," Rose told Rhea "and other demon plants,"
Rhea eye's lit up at that moment, "You can? Please do teach me.." She said softly with a smiled. Lucifer smiled at Ebony before leaning down and picking up Shania bridal style, though he just realized he got the other demon's blood all over Ebony and Shania... though both where very much covered in blood as it was. "I don't just look more grown up, I am." He said chuckling.

Leaning down, Sage picked up Kai, and off to the Van they went. Sage quickly whisked everyone home. Rhea stayed at Shania's longer, telling her brother the Lucy was not back yet. Sage stayed out of school to watch over Shania during the day, and Lucifer stayed by her asking her constantly if she really needed anything. He, Sage and Rhea spent a lot of time forcing Shania to stay in her bed and let being taken care of.

The famous kid napper is still on the lose... Sage later told the group she chased Freddy a fair bit and injured him real good, but he sliced her up and ran off again. Ebony was returned to her parents with a really good story of how she escaped, though they had to reinjury her a bit before they gave her back so her wounds her be able and the story matched up.

It was about a week and a half later before Rhea even declared that Shania could start leaving her bed. Kai recovered quickly as well, much like Rhea, he needed about two day's of rest and sleeping to get all the energy he lost back, thought Rhea was now very curious about the process of what happened between them. With Hiro dead things went back to the normal paranoia of Freddy still on the lose.

It was saturday, a few days after Rhea allowed Shania to move again, and Rhea had moved back in with her brother after almost a month of staying in Shania's place. Sage had actually pretty much moved in as well, she had brought her cat Smores with her which was kind of fat now. Lucifer was given his jewel back, so he now retained his normal human appearance during the day again, and like always, he was laying on the floor, but he was playing with Smore. He liked the cat and had fun with it.

Sage was in the kitchen cooking while the TV was going about the latest big news story, Rhea had not arrived for the saturday get together.
Rose had eagerly taught Rhea all about demon plants and how to grow them and use them in medicines she was happy to be usefull. She even wrote down notes in a book for Rhea to look back on, and since nobody had come to get her yet she was still a part of the house hold. she would fly around Lucy trying to get him to play everynow and again but mostly she stayed on the couch in her upsidedown way.

Staying in bed so long was torture for Shania and Lucifers constant asking her if she needed anything was wearing on her nerves but because she loved him she was nice about it only throwing things at him if he was being really persistant. Now that she was up and about she felt much better she didn't train because she was sure Rhea would fuss at her still. She was on the couch reading her text books to get caught back up in class.

Ebony had been over quite a few times but her parents kept her pretty close since the kidnapping. She still wanted to throw Lucifer a party but decided it could wait a little.

Kai practically lived with shania even after he was better he made sure to keep Rose from doing anything too stupid and he was just worried. He had also been teaching Sage how to deactivate bombs since she was not going to traning as often since she was watching Shania. Kai came into the kitchen to help Sage though he was sure she'd soon kick him out.
And Kai was being a nuisance to Sage, "I swear .. I know I destroy a lot in your world Kai, but you completely analyte my own every time you cook. Your cooking and help sucks." She told him, waving a spatchula at the male, she was cooking pancakes for a late breakfast.

Rhea had finally started to just walk into the house instead of knocking every time she showed up, silently closing the door she walked in. Shania was studying which made Rhea study. She needed to get out of the house a bit today, it would be good for her. She probably was wearing thin with Kai and Sage in her immediate vicinity all day every day.
"Good afternoon." Rhea announced herself.
"Welcome home," Shania chuckled her house seemed to be a second home for the team. She closed her book and set it aside for now.

Kai chuckled "I can't be that bad, not nearly as bad as you causing maham in my world as you call it," Kai said "at least let me get the stuff out of the cabnets since I am taller,"

Ebony came in right after Rhea and smiled "hello everyone," she said happily recently Ebony had been very happy and upbeat dispite her nightmares. she went straight to Lucy to sit by him in the floor as usual.

Rose perked up to see Rhea "Rhea!" she smiled "the flowers should bloom today," she said happily plants were the way to this girls heart like food to Lucifer.
Rhea blushed smiled warmly at Shania, "I am home." She said in return. She watched Ebony move to Lucy, who immanently wrap his arms around her and pulled her close, greeting her like normal. Rhea smiled at Rose, she had planted the flowers at the city so that they remains undisturbed by humans. "Maybe we can go see them, I think Shania needs to get outside today anyway." Rhea declared.

"Yes yes." Sage said, flipping another pancake. Only Lucifer compared to Kai in height. Still Sage was a bit taller then Shania, and much taller then Rhea and Ebony. She made an assortment of pancakes. Some with fruit, other with chocolate and a few with nuts. "Anything new?" She asked suddenly.
"Nothing in our sector," Kai chuckled "our compitition is calling you the grim reaper of the prince's gaurd," he looked over at her as he spoke "You are seven feet tall mscular and have eyes of fire, seems you got slightly dramatasized,"

"I'd love to get out I'm going to go crazy if I have to learn anymore about this useless falsified history," Shania said she was indeed going to go crazy without fresh air and a good walk.

Ebony giggled and hugged Lucy back snuggling close to him.

Rose nodded "oh you'll love it! the flowers blooming that is,"
Sage bust out laughing while flipping another pancake, "I wish I was seven feet tall... then I would never have to ask you to get stuff from the cuberts."

Rhea smiled at Rose, the girl fit in well, the rough patch with her had past, for the most part. "
You have to promise Shania... No over exsurting yourself." Rhea said her usual Rhea-is-an-over-worried-healer tone.
"Hey now give me some slack; I've not even been in my spare room much less picked anything up heavier then a text book. Luce and Sage hardly let me go to shower without making sure I am not overdoing it," she was halfway whining all this coddling was making her feel like a fragile little girl.

"Come now death I am not that bad of company it just seems I am a horrible cook," Kai said
"I would be afraid to try and teach you." Sage said laughing, "But... no your not bad company." She admitted, but before Kai could say anything about the random compliment, Sage handed him the plate of pancakes and shooed him off to go serve the food.

Rhea giggled, smiling at Shania,
"You've been a good girl, and you can go back to being mother wolf after all your kids are done pampering you." Rhea said warmly.
"Please tell me you are all about done," Shania said "I love that you care but I'm going to go mad,"

Kai chuckled as he was shoed out of the kitchen "Food's ready." he said knowing Lucifer would be the first to jump up.
"That's why we are taking you out for fresh air today. What do you say Kai? Want to go out and play today?" She asked the boy when he came out of the kitchen. Lucifer looked up at the sound of food and grinned, getting up to get some.

Sage walked out not much longer with everything they needed and the usual tea.
"I agree it''ll be good for all of us but keep the wolf on a leash we don't need her escaping us," he said and winked at Rhea and Shania.

"You try leashing me I'll torch you," Shania warned.

Rose got up to get some food as well she like Sage's cooking and got a kick out of Lucifers eating habits.
Rhea often saw Rose and Lucifer bicker like siblings. They both got so heated with each other, but it was not in hatred like it was at the beginning. Lucifer actually started to treat Rose like an annoying little sister, but Lucifer probably did not feel so different any more being the only demon.

When they were done eating, the group did in fact go play outside in the abandon city. It was cold, winter was almost there for the most part, but the sun was out today, which made the day a pleasant one.
Shania, not a fan of the cold was dressed warmly and her fire was helpping to keep her nice and toasty aswell. Kai didn't mind the cold "The weather is pretty nice today I bet Shania's teacher would like to bath in this sun," Kai laughed.

Shania couldn't help but smile Tannis her teacher did ndeed like to bathe in the suns warmth like a kitten.

Rose looked at Sage "can we play the fetch game?" she asked it has been a long time and she actually quite enjoyed that human game.
Sage laughed, "I did not bring a ball today... I was not really prepared to come out today. let me think... I think we actually keep some spots supply in one of the houses... should be tennis balls there."

Rhea liked the cold weather, she dressed warmly as well, and she ware a nice scarf. That was Rhea's favorite part about winter, was wearing the cute scarves.
"Tannis is a very calm demon." Rhea observed.

Lucifer looked up,
"I wana play this fetch game too..." he whined.
Rose smiled "oh you'll like it Sage throws this ball and you have to catch it before it hits the ground!" she said.

Shania smiled "he is rather calm but he has a fire in him that's proud but still caring, I am homnored he chose me. He even praised me with a slight chastizing comment after it, he's the one who told me to use Mokii's gift to be able to save myself if I hadn't I would have died,"

"Even after Rhea drained me of all my energy?" Kai asked "I swear I wish i was awake for all that,"
Rhea cringed a bit, she felt really bad for taking all of Kai's energy, she accidently had used it to replenish her own. "Sorry Kai..." She probably apologized to him for the billionth time over that.

Sage was in the main house that they used for stuff occasionally. It has accumulated things like a shed for when they had come over. Mostly sports equipment though.
"Ah... here is a ball." Sage said. She came out of the house flashing the ball to the two demons. "So lucy you are gunna play too?" Sage said, smirking.

"Yeah!" He said, looking determined.
"Whatch out she's tricky a ball evaporated in thin ai once!" Rose said

Kai smiled "Im just glad I could help my energy is yours anyday," he said "My Princess,"

Shania smiled and streached she felt so good to be outside.
Rhea jumped a bit and blushed moving to hide a bit behind Shania, "Thanks you Kai." she muttered.

"What? Sage can't evaporate a ball..." Lucifer said, not believing Rose at all.

"Of course I can Lucy, should I show him Rose?" Sage asked with a grin.
She nodded as she still honestly beleived Sage evaporated it, "Do it oh please!"

Shania chuckled as Rhea used her as a sheild. "don't worry I'm, harmless," Kai mused.

Ebony was watching lucy and Rose play with Sage with a smile.
"I know a lot of things about you Kai, and harmless is not among them." Sage said chuckling before she threw the ball as hard as she could, well it looked like she did before she put the ball behind her back again.

Lucifer watched for the ball and when she threw he frantically looked for it in the sky. When he could not see it he made a face of shock, "Its gone!" He said nearly yelled. When Luifer turned around again, Sage was not there. "Ah! Sage evaporated too!!"

Sage had actually disappeared around the corner of the building she was standing by when she threw the ball. Lucifer and Rose could not see her, while Shania, Ebony, Kai and Rhea could still see Sage perfectly fine. She was hunched on the ground violently laughing as quietly as she could, She had tears from her eyes from laughing so hard. She had so much freakin fun messing with the demons.
"Oh no! We got to unevapoate her! How do you unevaporate humans?!" Rose asked frantically.

Shania couldn't help but laugh her children were deffenantly children. She sat and smiled "What has rose beem teaching you Rhea?" Shania asked.

Kai snikered at Sage "more harmless then death," he mused laughing as she played her trick.

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