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Wild Cards

"I don't know I have never seen a human evaporate before!" Lucifer said, freaking out a bit as well.

Rhea laughed a bit as well, when Shania sat, Rhea looked down at her while answering her question,
"Healing plants mostly. With these plants... I will be able to take care of both Rose and Lucifer better when they get hurt. I can even make that slave Mokii had given us if we ever run out. Most of these plants though will work badly on humans... so Rose says."
"Is she going to help you mix them the first few times?" Shania asked with a smile "Its conforting to know they don't have to be in pain anymore," she said more as an after thought.

Rose pulled out her wings and flew around "Maybe she is in the air! we just got to find her pieces and put them together again... like a puzzle!"
Luifer nodded and took his wings out as well, following suit with Rose.

Rhea laughed a bit as Rose and Lucifer left searched the area for Sage's body parts, while Sage skipped back to sit with the group while the two of them flew off.

Sitting down, Sage let out a few long chuckles,
"Ah... I will never get tired of messing with them." She said.
"one day Rose is going to get mad at you, unlike Luci I don't think feeding her will make her forget," KAi said with a laugh and sat with everyone he had looked at the plants.

Shania nodded "all she'll have to do is get Rose a rose the girl would fogive her in a heartbeat,"
Sage laughed, "I think I will be forgiven. I seem to have a charm about me that does not keep people mad at me for long." Sage said smirking.

Rhea shook her head and finally sat down with the rest of the group,
"I think next time, we should bring warm snacks... or maybe we can come out here and make a fire." Rhea suggested, there was a bit of a childishness in her suggestion, and excitement. Rhea had never had friends up until now... and even though it was not under the best of situations that she made them... they were still friends and they still had a lot of fun together, and there were a lot of things Rhea wanted to do with them.
Shania laughed "you guys get timber I can make a fire," shania reminded them making a flame in her hand since she was on bed rest she has almost mastered playing with small flames to get rid of her bordom,

"Lucifer she's back all in one piece!" Rose said pointing to Sage.
Sage looked up when Rose and Lucifer returned, before waving at them. "I had to go get the ball from the evaporation world..." She said flashing them the ball, "Would be a shame if we could not actually play fetch right?" Sage asked the two of them.

Lucifer let out a long breath,
"Ok... tell us next time so we don't think you died or something...."

Rhea laughed softly. Lucy was so sweet.
Rose tackled Sage "you scared me! we were afraid we'd have to you back together!"

Shania laughed at Rose's unexpected takle of Sage.
Sage laughed when her and Rose fell over. She gently pet the girls hair, "Yes yes...." She muttered, chuckling.

Rhea smiled, everything in the group felt right with Lucy home and Shania alive.
"So are we going to start our group activities again?"

"Of course those are what keeps us from popping each ohers heads off," Kai commented.

Shania laughed but had to agree "I'd like to yes it would be nice to have group bonding time where I'm not in bed with you all smothering me,"

Rose smiled "Oh I get to do these activities too?" she asked still ontop of Sage. Ebony giggled and hugged Lucifer she knew poor Rose was in for it soon.
Sage was trying really hard not to say anything about the girl on top of her, but if she did not remove herself she would have to start sexually harassing her again.

Lucifer smiled when Ebony came to him and hugged him tightly, he liked when the girl was in his arms, he wanted no one else.

"I guess we can start over since I don't remember who did their activity last. I am sure everyone here would be ok with Lucy choosing again." She said happily.
Shania nodded "of course we would be fine with it," she smiled at Lucifer.

Rose sat on sage her legs around her though Rose didn't seem to knotice this she could have sworn she senced two strong demons but she doesn't sence them now.

Kai was chuckling at the picture Rose and Sage presented at the moment.
Sage saw Rose seem to be looking somewhere else, so she flipped the girl over and moved on top of her. Sage sat between her legs, which looked very very suggestive, "Rose, you have been giving me the 'I want to make with you' vibes again, I am going to have to answer your calls soon." She said with a smirk leaning so her face was itches from Rose's, pining her girl under her.

Rhea blushed a bit, watching Sage and Rose.

Shania how ever could see Lucifer did not smiled back, but was looking else ware, the look he had when he sense demons.
Rose blushed deeply then a velvet voice could be heard from the place where Rose and Lucifer had felt the demon's "What are you doing to my daughter?" a man approched he had short brown hair and in all honesty had he not spoke he would have been taken as a woman his liythe tall frame was covered in a black trench like leather coat his pants were also black leather and hugged him softly.

"Daddy!" Rose said smiling though she was still under Sage. Dasuke smiled he had no wings visable a flute glinted on his belt as he walked towards the group in his hair was a red rose completing his feminine look.
Tugging behind him in soft foot steps was a large Mantacore looking as pleasantly calm, his fur was gleaming under the sun.

Sage jumped off Rose and laughed awkwardly,
"Mate with your daughter?" It sounded more like a question.

Rhea jumped a bit when the new demon came out of no where, but relaxed when she noticed Tannis behind him.

Lucifer smiled a bit, he had meet Tannis for the first time at his ceremony... the demon has passed on a message to him from Shania and everyone.
"Master Tannis," Shania stood and greeted him with a bow.

"Mate with my daughter? I had come to take her home but if she has found a mate I supose she should stay then," Dasuke said his voice light and good natured "I am Dasuke It's good to see you all gardians," he greeted them.

Rose actually held onto Sage "I don't want to go home yet!"
"Shania." Tannis said, bowing his head a bit.

"Pleasure to meet you Sir Dasuke. I am Death. I was just teasing your daughter on the other hand, she is fun to tease." Sage said, she was leaning back on her hands while Rose was latched on to her.

Rhea stood up as well,
"Hello Sir Tannis, Lord Dasuke." Rhea said quietly, bowing to them.

Lucifer nodded at both the demons, letting go of Ebony so she could move without him holding her down to him.
Ebony curtsied "hello," she said before useinf Lucifer as a hiding place.

"I also came to ask if someone would like to let me sponser them," Dasuke said with a polite smile.

Kai was a bit dazed Dasuke looked like an angel from a book he had read.

Shania went to Tannis''s side rather happily though she tried not to look like a child.
Tannis purred a bit, he tail twitched as he sat down on his hunches, he still towered over the group, even as tall as the Angel demon next to him was. "I assure you his skill is of that near my own. He is a demon worthy of any one's praise and time. He will teach you well." Tannis said, praising his friend.

"A sponsor huh?" Sage asked, trying to slowly detach Rose from her. "You sound like you are open to any of us. Tannis here was specifically choosing Shania."

"My choice in Shania came to me through rumors at first, when the human girl was being compared to me. I sought Levi to find out more, I knew of the cause you guardians were created for and though I should lend my own power. I find now those rumors were true, thus is why I am here." Tannis said in return.
Shania couldn't help but chuckle "I'm far more reckless then you," she was sure.

Dasuke smiled and nodded "My powers are rather veritile, I wished to help you all out to my best ability of course and I am in your debt for ridding the world of my elder brother Hiro,"

Rose had let Sage pull away from her grip "do you want to be sponsered by my dad?" she asked Sage.

Kai shook his head "I'm out, thank you but I've had enough arch angels for a while, and I don't imagine you'd like me much,"

Ebony was still hiding Dasuke had a lot of physical similarities to Hiro and she couldn't help but be nervious.
"It was my pleasure." Lucifer said dryly.

"Depends on what your dad has to offer." Sage said pleasantly. "Fire happened to work for Shania well, but it may not be good for myself. If he works plants like you do, maybe, but I don't really have much of a green thumb." That was a lie, but she did not care. Regardless, Sage laughed at Kai's suddenly turning down power.

Rhea had not even gotten her power yet, but for some reason she felt like this did not apply to her.

"Shania. I would also like to give you a few lessons today, I feel you have rested enough." He said, he voice was deep.
"I have been fine for days these guys just didn't agree with that," she said dryly "I am ready for any lessons you wish Master Tannis," she said more formaly.

"I am indeed good with plants like my daughter and music, my flute is as sharp a weapon as any demons claws," he said he liked that Sage seemed to stand up not even remotly afraid of him.

"Dad's really good in airial combat too," Rose said proudly.
"Oooh well I can't really fly now can I?" Sage said laughing. "Sound and plants..." Sage could see herself using plants as a shield for herself. "Ok. I will give this a try." Sage said, standing up and dusting herself off.

"I would like first to over see Dasuke's test first. If you are willing to contain yourself for a little longer before I start with you Shania." Tannis said. It sounded like a bit of a question, as if Shania could deiced if they start her training now or after Dasuke had chosen, if he chooses at all.
"I'm fine with enjoying the fresh air a bit longer this is the first day they've let me outside since they got me home," Shania said sitting on the ground.

"I want to make sure you are ready, power can be a tool for curruption and I will not stand for a student of mine becoming curupt," he said and took his flute into his hands "Please answer my questions truthfully or you will not like the side effects, after I ask a few questions we shall fight if you agree to this that is," he looked Sage in the eyes.
Kai would probably see Sage flinch a bit when the word 'truthfully' come out of the older demon's mouth. She did not really want to get the hell beat out of her like Shania did either. "Alright." She agreed, she would just have to suck it up.

Tannis nodded to Shania, before he trained his full attention to Dasuke.

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