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Wild Cards

When he spun away again Sage bit her lip, the action giving her another idea. This time when she charged him she used her scythe to swing at his side, she waited for him to move before she stopped swinging her scythe mid swing to reach out and kick him, boxing him in between her blade and foot. Though the kick was very sloppy and would not do any damage from her switching her foot work from attacking with her scythe.
Her foot conected but he simply lept into the air his coat cut on the scythe blade. Pulling down his flute he chuckled "You almost cut me," he said "not bad, you have brains," he was still moving like in the dance though his music had stopped his eyes were still closed.
Sage actually fell a bit off balance because of how awkward the move was for her body, but she stood up and brushed herself off. She was feeling herself a bit bad tempered right now, but like always it never showed, "Of course." She said simply. She had only tried three times, and the third time nearly worked. "Again?" She asked with a shrug.

Tannis closed his eyes as well, but in the half sleepy daze with the sun against his back.

Rhea had been silently watching, but all the sitting on the ground has made he back cramp a bit and the cold seep into her.
"No that is enough I know what i need to kn ow now, I apporve of your courting my daughter," he opened his eyes and smiled Rose turned blood red and hid behind Rhea.

Shania chuckled at the random comment.
"Really? Score." Sage said simply with a grin. "Although I think you daughter does not like me like that... I think she rather mate with Rhea over there." Sage said pointing at Rose hiding behind Rhea.

Rhea blushed a bit, thinking about her and Rose together. Luifer gently ran a hand through Ebony's hair smiling at her with all the talk of mates.

Tannis chuckled, he was debating laying down, but now that this was over he needed to stop being lazy and train his student a bit.
Ebony blushed lightly and hugged Lucifer "Mine..." she said softly in a whisper.

Rose stood up "You you you mean Evaporating human!" she said

"Evaporating?" dasuke asked with a raised eyebrow.
"She and Lucifer thought I Evaporated one time because I walked away when she wasn't looking..." Sage said, adverting her eyes a bit, smirking.

Tannis actually laughed rather loudly, his voice was loud. Rhea looked up at the Manticore when he laughed, Shania was kind of shaking a bit from him laughing.

Lucifer blushed a bit in return and hugged Ebony close to him and he whispered back to her, "Mine..." he kissed her forehead gently.
Ebony smiled and giggled softly like a lovestruck school girl.

"Sage is forever teasing Luce and Rose," Shania said laughing as well.

Dasuke was trying not to bust out laughing "is that so?" he asked "Tannis these kids are definatly a one of a kind group,"
Tannis stood up, regardless of Shania still leaning on him or not. "Yes they are my friend. I will now train my student a bit, it might take a while, I can send you home once your business is done if the war calls you back. Axesort can get anxious when we leave him for too long." Tannis fought on the front lines with Dasuke often, and Tannis intends to let Dasuke on to his thoughts before any other demon. But like him, Dasuke can not stand corruption, but the thought of Tannis denouncing Axesort might seem like he was being a traitor. If that so happens, he will being on the run. Politics are a very dangrous game, but being in the human world now was the best way for Tannis to speak with Dasuke before going back to the demon world, so many unwanted ears. "If you do have time.... I need the ear of an old friend..." Tannis said, his voice was a bit heavy, unsure. Dasuke must see the strange behavior of Axesort... but loyalty is another question as well.

Rhea eyes the situation, Rose was still standing beside her.
"You always have my ear," Dasuke promised Tannis with one of his true soft smiles.

Shania stood up and brushed her clothes off before looking up at her teacher.

Kai smiled and stood up as well and laughed when he saw Dasuke pulled Sage to him "I can give you your gift now as Tannis goes to train his student if you wish,"
"Is it the gift of sexyness? Because I clearly already have it." She said smirking at Dasuke when he pulled her closer. She heard Kai's chuckle, which kind of wanted to make her go torment him.

Tannis shook his head before walking a bit further away. He stopped mid stride to turn around and crouch. "Stop right there." he told her when ever she got several feet in front of him. His voice had a curtain commanding quality to it, but it did not sound unkind or threatening. "Now show me Shania what you have taught yourself with my fire." He told her.

Lucifer wanted to get up and follow Shania to watch her training, but Ebony seemed rather comfortable on his lap, but he did watch Shania go.

Rhea on the other hand went to the house she and Ebony used during her first activity when she made them chase Lucy around the city. She put the ladder on there and climbed up on top of it so she could look over the whole area and watch Tannis and Shania from a very good view.
Shania crouched his sudden turn almost got him burnt as he could see fire spin around Shania's nondominent hand. When she calmed it did as well "I have learned much," she said softly. She tossed some fire in the air and caught it, though I have had little time to learn to intergrate it into my swordplay," she was still on edge if he pounced she would attack she was always on gaurd even around thoses she trusted.

Dasuke smirked "sorry dear Sage not my type to flat," he kissed her tough and she could feel his power enter into her body briars grew out of the ground around their feet protecting them. When he broke away he smiled "not a bad kisser though,"

Kai almost died in shock in that moment.
Sage was a bit speechless as well, mostly because of the power she felt rushing through her, but seem to snap out of it quickly, "I am never a bad kisser. Though I have yet to show your daughter that." She said confidently smirking back. Thought she silently thought why men were so consistent on dissing her flat chest... not that she minded too much because she actually liked her flat chest.

Tannis watched a bit, blinking slowly.
"Try is now." He told her.
Dasuke smiled "and I'm sure you will show her in due time," Dasuke said and put a pendant of black opal arounf Sage's neck "this will let you contact me whenever you need me," he said softly "or if you just want to talk,"

Shania drew her dagger and transformed it. and consentrated the flames still watching Tannis for any move and to her sudden shock the blade caught fire.
Tannis's eyes only reflected the fire of her blade, "Careful. Control the fire, don't let it control you. Pay attention to yourself not me." He said, his tail twitched, the only emotion give away with him half the time.

"Why thank you. So tell me... what powers do I get now? Because Freddy is going to get it now, I am tired of his crap." Sage said, though a bit a malice escaped her voice a bit. "The next time he touches anyone..."
Dasuke smiled "good," he said "focus on that tree over there," he told Sage "tell me what you feel,"

Shania held her sword with both hands the fire was warm and welcome in the cold weather the flames died down to a small coating on the blade she could hear her heart beat and Tannis' breathing as she relaxed. She could feel a warmth in her as it spread and evened out when she opened her eyes she could see the fire around her it was sheilding her, when she blinked it dissapeared even from on her blade. "Am I suposed to do that?" she asked
"Your controlling the fire." He said, "Fire is a very destructive power, but in the right hands it can be so much more." He mused slowly. "I want to see how far away from your body can you stretch your flames. Make a ring around yourself."

Sage scratched her head a bit and made a face before turning around and looking at the tree, she felt a new energy. In fact she felt a lot of energy, from everywhere there was a tree. "Oh." She said simply. She concentrated on the one tree a little harder. It felt like it was moving a bit, not physically moving, but moving none the less, "Not... sure how to describe it...." Sage said a bit surprised.
"Try to draw that energy to you," Dasuke said "inagine it is a thread and you can just pull it from the tree,"

Shania nodded her first few attempts at the circle did little more then scorch the ground she was beginning to sweat and get irritated.

Kai watched patiantly looking to see what the powers were he had given up right to,
Sage looked at Dasuke, then back at the tree. Gently she reached out a hand, more to help her visualize what Dasuke was trying to get her to do. She had to close her eyes for a moment to find the energy specifically, but she pulled on it when she did find it. Slowly she opened her eyes.

"Would you like me to show you?" Tannis asked, his tail was now swinging back and forth, it looked like a pendulum on a metronome.
When Sage opened her eyes a green light emmited from her ans a vine of thorns was wrapped around her hand. "Be warned you can take energy from plants but you can kill them if you take too much, in a forest you would have enough power around you to never have to use your own or you can call the plants and they will pprotect you," Dasuke said

"Please master Tannis," Shania said as she was now really frustrated at her failing/
"I see... thank you for the advice." She said pleasantly, releasing the hold on her new power. Sage turned just in time to see Tannis stand up and walk several bounds away from Shania before he turned to face here again.

When the big cat got far enough away, he planted his feet a few feet apart and stood in a stance that was battle ready, Tannis seem to breath in before flamed quickly swirled around him then launched from his body almost 20 feet away from him, the circle appeared under his feet and the flames stood up in an impressive wall as tall as him. When he was done the flames disappeared, the scorch marks under him. When he looked to the side, he had accidently caught the side of a tree on fire.

He bounded to the tree quickly and then stood up on his hind legs and clasped his paws together on the flame putting it out, much how a human would squish the flame of a candle. he through a quick apologetic look at Dasuke before getting back down on all fours to Shania.
"When I return, I want you to be able to move the flames ten feet away from you and five feet above the ground." He told her. Him and Dasuke would need to be returning soon, but before he left he needed to talk to him.
"I will train hard," Shania promised "thank you master Tannis," she bowed to him.

Dasuke gave Tannis a slightly amoyed look but it faded quickly "Practice hard Death, when I see you next I would like you to be able to at least scratch me if we ere to fight,"
He gave her a respectful nod, then spoke again, "I will be remaining her for a moment long, but please leave to your family. I need to speak to Dasuke... I will be making my move soon." He told Shania.

Sage smiled a bit and waved to Dasuke,
"I'll try." She said. Rhea began the climb off the top of the house, knowing that what was done was done.
Shania nodded and went back to the group "how are your powers Sage?" she asked.

Dasuke stolled ovver to Tannis "what is on your heart old friend?" he asked knowing something was wrong.
"Different." Sage said with a smile. "Time for lunch I think." She said, rubbing her tummy.

"Dasuke... you are a warrior of great valuer... you share values very close to my own, but I am afraid my values have been torn as this war drags on." Tannis blinked at Dasuke before he spoke the truth of his mind that will turn his friend into and enemy or ally, "I am afraid I am starting to think Axesort has turned corrupt... I may be stepping down as a supporter of him."

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