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Wild Cards

Dasuke played a note on hisflute and Sage felt it seep into her body and she could see a faint glow around herself "Why do you fight?" Dasuke asked her.

Kai was glad he didn't agree to this he would have lied and who knows the consequences of lieing to an arch angel. Rose gasped she recognized what her Father did and was shocked if Sage lied to him the truth would be ripped from her and that process was less then confortable, but Sage had agreed.
Sage shivered and gasped a bit, more out of surprise feeling a spell or something come over her. She thought about the question for a long while, "Now I do it to protect all I have left." She said. It was truth, thought she sounded a bit strained when she said it. Telling the truth was hard for the girl, specially if it were things deeper then skin.

Rhea watched a bit, she was holding her breath a bit when she watched the demon use his instrument. Tannis's tail started to twitch in anticipation, his eyes unmoving.

Lucifer pulled Ebony from behind him into his arms again, sitting down on the ground and pulling the girl into his lap.

Ebony held close to Lucifer sitting in his lap and watching what was going on.

Sage felt a soothing sensation trickle across her skin as the glow turned green and went back to just being a colorless glow "Thank you, now I ask what length would you go through to protect what you have left?"

"What is he doing Master Tannis?" Shania asked quietly.
"He is doing what I had done to you, test your resolve. Although he is being slightly more violent about it then me." Tannis said, humor in his voice. The Mantacore did not have a whisper voice, so his voice was rather loud like normal.

Sage glanced at everyone, then back at Dasuke, why could this not been done in private?
"My life.." She said barely over a whisper. She was slightly afraid to see what the consequences were if she really did lie.
The soothing feeling got stronger as if praising her for her truthfullness. "Would you use the powers I would bestow for your own gain?" Dasuke asked he was proud of her for telling the truth to two very personal questions.

Shania nodded glad Tannis was the one to train her.

Kai smirked he would so use this as blackmail material later, maybe on their next mission together.
Sage sighed and rubbed her hair gently, "Maybe?" She asked, she was not really sure how to answer that... "Depends on your definition of personal gain. Personal greed and destruction, no... to help do my laundry, probably." She said chuckling.

Dasuke couldn't help but chuckle at that as his spell ended the glow did as well "you have alot of potential in you death," he said his eyes glittered "do you wish to test me on anything before I judge your skill in combat?" he asked
"Ah.... Oh its over already?" She asked. She was honestly a bit scared for her life, glad he did not answer that, if she did she would have lied. She felt slightly embarrassed admitting a lot of stuff she did not like too. "Hmmm questions... questions...." She said seeming to think for a moment.

Tannis let out a deep chuckle when Dasuke himself had laughed.

Do demons have an Age they have to mate? Because here in this world you actually have to be 18 to do that without consent of the parents." Sage said with a smile.

Rhea nearly face palmed herself, but she also blushed deeply. Did Sage seriously ask something so not serious.
Dasuke laughed "16 is the normal age where an Arch angel will start looking for a mate but honestly it's up to them and the parents. You mate my daughter without her consent, you might not find me very likeable," his threat was said with a smile and Ebony hid her face in Lucifers chest.

Rose giggled her dad could be so protective at times "Sage wouldn't... I don't think," Rose said
Sage meet Dasuke's smile with her own smile, though the demon would for sure hurt her so she took the treat seriously, "Of course daddy dearest." She said with a bit of bounce of joke in her voice.

Rhea sighed and put her hands in her face.

"Don't tease too much Death," Dasuke said pulling her close so he could whisper "I am not afraid to tease back," he let go of her "any serious questions?" he asked.

Kai was so busy laughing it looked like he might actually pass out from lack of air.
Sage grinned, She liked this guy, "Please do." she said back in return. "And no, I honestly have no questions at the moment. I suppose we can move on to phase 2? Kicking my @ss? Yes?" Sage said, clapping her hands together once.

Tannis seemed to chuckle again, "She is always like this?" He asked Shania.

Lucifer looked at Ebony when she hid in his chest and gently slide on of his hands on her cheek to pull her face to look at his, his eyes reflected worry.
"Worse depending on who she is around... " Shania chuckled.

Dasuke laughed "no dear death you are to try and kick mine, I'll be purely defensive," he smiled at her I've heard you posses a good defence but your offence needs work,"

Ebony tried not to look worried or scared.
"You've got to be kidding me...." Sage said. She let out and really long sigh and then slumped a bit before standing back up straight and folding her sleeves up. This was going to be a really big pain in her butt.

Rhea smiled at Sage's reaction, she had slightly over dramazied it, but she could see the girl was actually going to try.
Dasuke took a bow and removed his rose from his hair and set it with Tannis so he would not be tempted to use it. "Please try to hit me," Dasuke said pleasantly.

Shania just leaned into Tannis as she watched something abouit his calmness and the warmth drew her to him.
Tannis did not move to touch the rose that Dasuke left in front of him, but he would watch it for him is his friend so pleased. When he felt something move on to him however, he had to glance to see Shania had leaned on him. He purred a small deep purr before he turned back to Dasuke and Sage.

Sage bowed in return then kind of stood awkwardly for a long moment, not sure how to start, making the first move always threw her off. Taking another deep sigh, she better go test the waters to see how this was going to go down, so Sage started with just simply running up to him to kick him.
He blocked her with his forearm and jumped away. "You have a scythe right? that weapon is easily the most versitile." he commented watching her.

Shania smiled at the purr it was a soothing sound and she very much liked it though Dasuke and Sage's match was anything but soothing,
Sage landed softly, "You want me to use my weapon?" She asked, she eyed the demon.

Tannis spoke suddenly to Dasuke, "A small warring friend.... their weapons will burn you. That is if she can hit you." He said, the small humor.

"Thanks for the bode of confidence..." Sage muttered, sticking her hands into her pockets.

Lucifer leaned over Ebony before he spoke to her quietly, "
We don't have to watch this, we can go else where." he told her.
Ebony held onto Lucifer "I'm ok... it's not the fighting that bothers me... you should have seen Shania fight Tannis," she said very softly.

"Ah I heard they were unpleasant but I don't want her to feel like I have an unfair advantage, if you manage to hit me dear Death then you are more skilled then most demons," Dasuke smiled his flue in hand as it was his defencive weapon.
"Lovely.... well if that is what you want." Sage said, taking the pen out of her pocket and letting it transform. She spun the weapon once before she gripped it tightly, she made another jump, weapon behind her for a swing.

Lucifer seem to light up a bit,
"I know, I wish I could have seen it!"
Dasuke played his flute and when she went to strike he danced away much like Rose danced in the sky only faster and more elogant. The music ran across the 'battle feild' and if you looked closely Dasuke's eyes wer closed and from his body faint purple pulses of power bounced off of things like a visible representation of echolocation. The melody he was playing was soothing and rather celtic like in rythum.

Shania watched Dasuke he was fluid he didn't look like he could block but a dodge would be easy for him.

Ebony nodded "maybe they will fight again one day," she said softly
Sage watched for a moment, she needed to out smart him, but she did not even began to grasp the inner making of his power. Gently, Sage picked up and rock and thew it at him to see if he would dodge it. He probably would get mad at her but she did not care. Sage was trying to get the easiest way around this instead of expending her energy doing things that would not get results.

Tannis laughed,
"She sure is taking her time."
"She is not as rash as me or Luce... she is calm and she looks around it might save her life a few times," Shania said softly

Dasuke sidestepped it in his dance a smile on his lips even as he played he knew he couldn't keep this level of power up for long but she didn't.
"Ok." She said under her breath, this time Sage ran for Dasuke, without attacking she just went to charge for him, planing on swinging when and after he moved to side step her.

He spun around her eyes still closed ever motion of hers was seen by his song she was catching on though.

Kai watched waiting to see if she would indeed hit the arch angel.

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