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Wild Cards

At first Dasuke looked shocked his eyes wide "curupt... Axehort?" he asked though thinking back on his actions Axehort has displayed a change in him. "You honestly beleive this don't you my friend?" He asked

"I could go for a meal," Shania agreed.
"I don't want to... but I no longer see Axehort as fit to rule. I wish to find a new demon to put on the thrown." Tannis paused before he leaned heavy on his back legs and sat down on his hunches. "I... wanted to ask you first, my friend, if you could help me find a demon more suited.... but, if your loyalty still lays with Axehort... I will not push you." Tannis's eyes were heavy and deep with sorrow, he was scencire in everything he spoke. "Take warmth to know I do not play to over throw Axehort if he does win the war, nor do I plan to pull any snake bellied plans. I will denounce myself honorably... but I wish to first give myself better cause and something worthy of fighting for before that. All demon kind do not need to continue suffering, I will see this war to its end, even on my last dying breaths, I will see to peace." There was pride in his voice before it died down a bit to his normal speech, "Answer me not now in less you are sure... until then I wish you to think on it."
"I need time to think my friend, I will not give you away nor will I aid you untill I am sure. I will give you my answer when we next come to train our students," Dasuke promised he put a hand on one of Tannis's paws "No matter what I choose I will not raise my weapons against you,"
Tannis gave Dasuke a thankful blink of his eyes before turning his head and opening the portal.

Freddy was very quiet for a long while, it was starting to put a few of the members in the group on edge. Several more weeks had passed for the group and they had started their demon hunting again. They had not found any portals the last few times they had gone, but every time they had found a few straggling demons here and there. Most were just weak demons.

Sage had eventually moved back to her house again, taking her ever growing fat cat with her, although she liked to bring him over saturdays for Lucy to play with. Sage also improved more everyday with her powers and her job. She was always busy and sometimes looked, she felt like Shania pushing herself was more then she should, but regardless, she was starting to come into a stable financial situation.

Rhea had not been able to continue on her research as of late and was starting to ware thin on her mind, she was half detrimed to start cutting herself again to start. But luckily Rose's plant lessons had Rhea a bit busy at times as well.

It was a wednesday afternoon, Sage had skipped school and was wondering around kai's house, mask and all. She was not really looking for anything really... just wondering aimlessly while she waited for a briefing for a mission. As far as she knew, Kai was not coming with her this time, but it was not the first time Kai had suddenly dropped in on her. She eventually found her way into a library, a rather large looking library. Rhea would die if Kai let her lose in here she bet. Wondering over to the books, she pulled one of them from the shelf and just glanced at it.
Shania had been training almost non stop again but she always made time to spend with Lucy and Rose to keep them from getting into trouble. She was getting better at the fire circle but could only raise the flames three feet.

Kai had been on edge with freddy out but his current work in the underground kept him very busy. He had Sage doing alot of the harder ones with him.

Ebony had almost moved in with Shania and Lucifer those two were stuck together at the hips. Shania smiled liking to see them happy.

In the Library was a single person a boy with short cropped brown hair and eyes he had piles of books on either side of him he was thin and pale but he was definatly a guy albeit a pretty one. He didn't notice Sage as she came in.
Sage meandered around the library a bit before the saw the boy and then slowly wondered over to him, she peaked over his shoulder to see what he was reading. She hardly saw anyone else around the house except for guard or staff, and he looked like neither.
The book slammed shut "You must be a friend of my stupid brothers bad habits are contagious," the boy hissed out. "Who gave you rights to be in here?"
"Myself." She said laughing, The boy must have had a soft spot for people hovering. "Brother huh? Tell me are you baby or older?" Sage asked smirking, though with the mask on he could not see it.
"I am the eldest you welp," He stood like Kai he was very tall. He glared at her not a hint of fear "this is my library go find Kai's,"
"Sorry I am a bit lost. You a very harsh, you also have this very deep scowl on your forehead, you should try smiling." She said, she leaned on the table, making herself comfortable he was presenting fun to her. "You get wrinkles and then no one would want to marry you."
"And someone will marry you a dog for my little brother? You must be death his newest gaurd dog," The boy said his voice like venom "I do not like my brother, I do not like his assosiates I will not tollerate you being in here if I must have you removed by force I will,"
"Actually yes... I have people lining up to marry me, and Death is the name." Sage paused and thought for a moment, his threat meant absolutely nothing to her, he could probably hear her smirk. "So are you saying you want to play a game of catch? Since you are physically trying to remove me and all." She said.
"I am not a military hound! My you are, how does it feel to work for..." before he could finish a soft female voice was heard.

"Brother did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed," The girl who spoke was tall and curvy wearing a blue silk old victorian style gown. Her hair was a fair blond and was curled at the ends naturally. "Don't mind him he gets cranky when people are in his library,"
"No its perfectly fine, I was just concerned about him because he has this realllly big scowl... those things can become permanent you know. Also I probably should have expected for the bigger brother to have the bigger b!tch personality." Sage said, leaning on the table a bit further to the side to see past the tall male. God... all of Kai's siblings were both sexy and tall.
"I'm Lilly," The girl said with a pleasant smile. "You must be the infamous Death, Brother thinks highly of you it is rare for him to praise anyone," she pulled a book off a shelf and blew dust off it.

"Why are you in my library Lilly?" the boy asked semingly defeated he just sat back down and rubbed his forehead.

"I came to borrow a book of course," she said "Do you need help getting anywere?" Lilly asked Sage
"Not at all. I was just trying to find something to ease my boredom." Sage said simply. "I see I am slightly more popular then I originally thought I was. Tell me, which sibling are you?" She asked, the girl seemed nice enough, but something told Sage she would have a bit of the sharp personality that seemed to run in the family.
"I'm a year younder then Kai is," she said with a smile "me and my twin sister Amy," she seemed to be a rather relaxed calm person compaired to the boy who was about ready to slam his head into the table.
"Ooooh you have a twin? Is she as cute as you?" Sage asked, Sage had a slight urge to poke the boy in the middle of the forehead because the scowl was only getting deeper, and it amused the hell out of her.
"We are identicle twins, So i imagine she is," Lilly said with a chuckle "Don't mind Ceruse he is destined to become an old mizer way before his time,"

"Lilly take your new friend and get out," Ceruse said pinching the bridge of his nose he was beyond annoyed.
"So I guess that means you did not want to play that game of Tag with me, Ceruse?" Sage asked laughing under her breath.
"I don't play with dogs," Ceruse said and reopened his book. Lilly held out her hand to Sage when she had walked to the table.

"Come perhaps I can help clear your boardom I expect you are waiting for Kai to come home?" She asked
"Oh not at all. In fact I don't even expect to see him today, though sometimes he surprises me. I do have a mission some time soon, just felt to board to do my daily activities. Though I will take you up on your offer of company." Sage took Lilly's hand and put it up to where her lips would be on the mask, A make shift kiss none the less. "Good bye Ceruse, maybe I will come to play with you another time~" Sage said in a sing song voice.
"I will be sure to bring my gun," Ceruse said dryly.

Lilly lead Sage through the house then to a room with two large princess like beds in it in one of the beds was a girl in a black tanktop and a jean miniskirt her fair blond hair put up in a pony tail "He Lilly who's your friend?" the girl asked.

"Amy this is Death." Lilly said pleasantly "Death that's my twin Amy,"
Sage chuckled as they left, that guy was a character.

"My I was right. You both are rather lovely."
Sage said happily, "Why is Kai a drag queen? Seems so odd with so many sexy siblings around. Oooh he had such potential."
"Kai uses his fashion as a way to vent I think he is the most like father out of all of us, well when father is sober." Lilly said and sat on her bed "Please have a seat."

"So you are death really? do you really have a scythe and are your eyes made of fire?" Amy asked with a fasinated look in her eyes the way she was now sitting let Sage see her bright red panties and the straps of her matching bra compaired to her conservativly dressed sister Amy could pass as a stripper.

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