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Wild Cards

"rhea is everything ok?" Shania asked her.

Kai laughed and went into the kitchen to watch Sage. "Really now? thats what he does with me!"

Ebony just giggled and cuddled with him
Rhea looked up at Shania for a moment before she looked back down, "Don't worry about it... I don't want to worry you or anyone..." Rhea said writing a few things on the paper.

"Ah yeah, he threatened me or something like that... Kept calling me your dog..." Sage seemed to make a face before glaring at Kai, "I am not a dog..."
"I never said you were foxy," he smiled throwing his hands up in a mock surrender.

"Rhea if it's important please tell me," Shania said and pulled the girl closer to her.
Sage laughed and opened the fridge, "So whats the story with that guy anyway." She asked pulling a few things out, "Also that stuff I handed you, I found it, it wasn't part of my mission, but it looked... pretty important. No one knows about it."

Rhea blushed a bit,
"Mm, I have a bad feeling about tonight." She said, her heart hurt a bit to make Shania worry.
"I'll have to look over them," Kai said "they look like codes," he went from joking to serious very quickly then back again. "Ceruse is an unfortunate guy born with a pole up his *ss,"

"Then we will be extra careful," Shania promised.
"Oooh, seems like it is a it is a rather large pole." Sage said laughing a bit. "And if you need help, you can count on me." Sage said, she was actually rather relaxed, though she always was when she was cooking.

"Ok... We are always careful, but bad things tend to still happen. I have a feeling we might be seeing Freddy tonight..." Rhea whispered a bit. "Its been almost a month..."
Kai smiled "I know Death you are my most trusted comerad be careful though I might promote you," he chuckled.

"I know I had that thought as well but we are alot stronger now," Shania said
"To what, paper work pusher?" Sage said laughing.

Rhea nodded,
"I hope my own power will be something useful to the group. So I can help fight..."
"Rhea you are useful, the most useful and you know that," Shania hugged her.

"No to personal gaurd you'd never be away from little old me youd even have to make sure my food isn't poisoned." Kai laughed.
"I knoow... but I just stand around while you guys fight." She said a bit stubbornly, though she blushed a little and hugged Shania back tighter. "Today we are going to a rather run down looking area. Another older part of the city."

"Like hell your going to get me to eat anything but my own cooking." Sage said, glaring at Kai, the girl took her food seriously.
"I didn't say you had to eat it just annoy the hell out of our cooks telling them where they went wrong and teach them the appropreate poison amounts," Kai chuckled

"it will end up ok we have been through alot together and it has strengthened us all if it weren't for you I'd not be here you know that," Shania pet Rhea softly
"I'm... glad you are here..." Rhea said softly. "I don't know.. what I would do without you anymore."

"Oh...." Sage brightened up, "I can do that. Food is almost done." Sage said, She had actually made breaded chicken, thought she still needed to make the side of salad for Ebony still. "Get me that big salad bowl Kai.. Speaking of that... Your entire family are freakin tall.."
"yes we are all pretty tall," he agreed getting the bowl and the salad tongs.

"I'm glad i'm here too I was ready to die untill I saw you all then I wanted to live oncce more," Shania admitted.
Rhea seemed to hug Shania tighter when she admitted she wanted to die, but she did not say a word.

Dinner was ready soon after, and Rhea quickly told everyone what to expect from the area when they were scouting. After food was done, They packed up and got ready to drive out to the area and scout.
Ebony took her controls and smiled "We will have a good scouting trip!" she said.

"Why can't i fly over it again?" Rose asked.

"We don't need them sencing you." Kai said softly.
Lucifer agreed with Rose, but he never said anything because he just does what Shania and Rhea tell him to do.... "I sense a portal around here." He warned a bit, but nothing else.

"Mhm." Rhea said quietly, a bit worried in what they were going to find. Rhea continued to detect Ebony around the area, see demons around, they looked like large cats. Tigers, with spikes along their back like porcupines. "I've never seen or herd of those." She said.

"No, those don't really have a name. Nor have they been in the human world I don't think. They are poisonous." Lucifer said, leaning over to look, "They are all wild too, never seen a smart one of those. They go about in packs. I bet Rose has fought one too, they can be a nuisance."
"only once and daddy had to save me i was only three," Rose said glaring at them through the screan.

"Poison... lovely" Kai said from the drivers seat.

"with a portal near we need to be extra careful who knows what can come through," Ebony reminded everyone
"I can guarantee those things have killed everything that has come through the portal." Lucifer said, "That why there does not seem to be the large number of demons around like usually."

"Think any of those plants might cure poison for you guys?" Rhea asked. She was still looking at the screen. She counted 17 of the monsters, still no sign of the portal.

Lucifer shrugged,
"I dunno... ask Rose."
"The midnight blooming ones will," Rose said "but just there necter and theres only so much of it,"

Shania nodded "So Luce you and Rose need to be very careful," she said "Rhea here will take away your midday snack rights if you worry her too much,"

Kai chuckled "oh no Luci they are threatening your snacks,"
Lucifer made a really determined face, "I won't get scratched at all, so leave my snacks alone!" He said, shaking his fists at Shania and Rhea like a child.

Rhea laughed, then glanced back at the equipment, She will recount the tigers again when they re-watch the video,
"I can't find the portal... so we might have to go a bit blind... there is a couple building around, so it might be in here.. I think thats enough, bring the air plane back Ebony."
"Ok," Ebony got the plane back and in the van. "So those things are common where you live Luci?"

Shania was deep in thought about a stratagy to try and best a pack animal so she wasn't paying attention.

"no portal in sight... I don't like it being out of sight," Kai said
"Sorry Kai.. maybe we will spot it in the rewatch." Rhea said. "I could have just missed it."

Lucifer shrugged,
"They stay away from powerful demons for the most part. They might high tail it when me and Rose show up. Or they might stay and fight for their territory."
"We can't let them scatter," Shania said "it would be problematic,"

"agreed," Kai said "we need to take them down or chase them back into the portal,"

"I'm starting to think your world is really scary," Ebony said holding onto lucifer.
"Its hard for me to tell which one is the truly dangerous one, Ebony." Lucifer said seriously, running a hand through her hair.

"We can have Lucy and Rose sit out for a bit... could keep them from being poisoned and scattering the demons." Rhea suggested

"I don't want to sit out on a fight." Lucifer said, growling a bit.
"We may need them to be airial defence at first to spot those running and kill them," Kai said.

"Luce has gotten pretty good at flying," Shania said.

Ebony held onto Lucifer with a smile "Our world wasn't that dangerous till the crash but I'm still happy it happened," She said quietly. "because of it I met you,"

"Oh it's been so long since I had a good arial fight," Rose said happily

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