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Wild Cards

Lucifer smiled at Ebony and hugged her tighter.

Rhea wanted to tell Ebony that their world was pretty dangerous... but the girl seemed happy at the moment.
"Ok... lets head back and take a look at the tapes."

They headed back and Rhea looked over the tapes, with no signed of the portal...
"It must be in one of the buildings..." Rhea said a bit defeated. She had a bit of a headache because she was stressing herself out.

Sage got up and decided to go get some tea.
Shania pulled Rhea away from the screan "we'll find it," she promised and hugged her.

"Ok so whats our tomorow activity?" Kai asked "hell I don't even know who's turn it is,"
After a long moment, Sage came back and put the tea down in the middle of the table. "I don't remember either... we've been so busy. Should we get out the bowl with the names in it?"

Rhea hugged Shania back, grateful for the support,
"Don't forget to add our little birdy," Kai said reminding her.

"I miught get to pick?" Rose asked perking up.

Ebony giggled so did Shania "Silly kid you are part of the team now too," she said
"Mhmm." Sage said, tearing a new thing of paper and writing 'Bridy' on it and tossing it into the bowl. She mixed it up and then walked up to Rhea, putting the bowl in front of the girl.

Gently Rhea reached into the bowl and pulled out a name.
"Oh..." She said in surprise. "Me." She quietly, turned the paper to show everyone, and her name was indeed on the paper.
"Ok then what will we be doing tomorow princess?" Kai asked with a smile.

Rose looked at Rhea wide eyed wanting to know really badly.
"I... Don't really know... let me think about it a bit." Rhea said, she sat down and poured herself a cup of tea. She really was thinking, and she was making her thinking face while doing so... what does she really want to do?

Lucifer smiled, he was starting to feel excited, he loved the group activities, though he was also very into the cake that Shania finally let him have.

Sage had to chuckle at Rose and Rhea, Rose was staring the girl down so hard, but Rhea was so deep in thought she did not even notice.
Shania just chuckled ruffling Luce's hair as he eyed his cake.

Kai smiled and sat on the couch and looked at Sage he had seen a change in her, it suited her well though he too had changed quite alot as well.
Rhea seemed to be a bit deep in thought before she made a face that said she figured it out, "Oh! A fire... I want to do a camp fire... I know it would be the middle of the day... but still that's what friends do right? In the middle of winter?" Rhea started to play with the edge of the cup, "Well... it sounds a bit boring by itself..."

"We can play a few camp fire games." Sage suggested, Rhea looked so excited.

Rhea looked up to Sage, her eyes lit up at the idea.
"Make smoores too," Kai chimmed in "I love roasted marshmallows,"

"Me too," Shania laughed "it'll be fun."

"A fire and smoores and games? Oh that does sound fun," Rose said.
Rhea smiled brightly, excitement reflected in her eyes, "Yes.. I really hope so." She said.

Sage chuckled,
"I guess I will be making some warm lunch as well, dessert of smores and possibly some hot coco instead of tea."

"I think I have coacoa in the cabinet," Shania said thinking.

Rose looked at Sage "hot cocoa?" she asked. blinking a few times.

Ebony giggled Rose knew about as much about humans as Luci had when he first arrived.
"You'll like it." Sage assured the girl.

The next morning was a cold morning, which made it perfect for the day they had planed. Rhea was in a good mood, but she was still tense about what came after the fun.

Sage had packed a large canister of hot cocoa, smores and also had several makings for shish kabobs.

When they got out to their city, Lucifer was already out of the car, super excited,
"What do we have to do first?" He asked.

"First we have to gather wood to make a fire."
Rhea said thinking, Rhea was displaying some slightly childish behavior with Lucy and Rose because she was very excited to do this with people she loved.

Lucifer nodded,
"Wood... Rose get wood!"
"Only dead wood," Rose said but darted off to get as much as she could carry,

"I'll suply the fire," Shania offered with a chuckle.

Kai laughed and helpped Sage cary everything to the site of their soon to be bonfire.
It was in no time that Rhea, Lucy and Rose had manage to get a bunch of wood for a fire. They even found four logs to put around the fire for them to sit on. Sage had set up her own cooking station and was preparing a bit of the foods for when they got hungry.

Rhea had set the wood up in an appropriate shape like she read in books,
"O-ok I think its ready." She said, taking a few steps back to look at it.
Shania consentrated and the woodpile in the middle caught fire with a satisfied smile shania sat on one of the logs. "Ok team we have a nice fire and good company what shall we do?" she asked

"We should sing a campfire song!" Kai said in an almost childish way.

Ebony sat on a log with Lucifer "oh the fire is so pretty," she said
Sage smirked a bit, "We can play Telephone. Truth or Dare." The girl did not want to sing a song.

Rhea looked wide eyed, She did not really care what they did, she was fascinated by the fire.

Lucifer smiled at Ebony,
"Yeah. Warm too." He said happily.
She nodded "Ok truth or dare sounds fun," Ebony said.

Shania shuddered "no potentialy deadly daeres," she said

"Aw but thoses are the fun ones," Kai said with a pout.
"Yes Mother." Sage said, rolling her eyes a bit.

"W-Who should start?" Rhea asked.

Lucifer looked at Ebony
, "Truth or Dare?" He asked.
"Someone asks you if you want to do truth where you have to truthfully answer a question or dare wher you have to do something they tell you too you cant say no either," Ebony said.

"I'm bad at this game but it is fun." Shania said

Kai chuckled "it can be... very fun," his smiled almost evily
"Sounds easy enough..." Lucifer said.

"Oooh Rhea can start since this is her event." Sage said, pointing to Rhea.

Rhea blushed,
"Oh... umm... I am bad at these kinds or things... Ummm Ok Ebony... truth or dare?"
"Umm..." Rhea was not sure if she could even ask anything horrible for Ebony to embarrass the girl, "When did you think you knew you liked Lucy?" Rhea asked smiling.

Sage chuckled and smiled, she mentally kicked herself because it was long too late for her to take Ebony once she realized she had feeling for the girl. Oh well, that was the ways of the heart.

Lucifer blushed a bit.
"Well... it was when Sage was being real mean and i held onto Luci and i started sitting with him more and more and I started to really really like him," she blushed beeply and hugged Lucifer.

Shania smiled Ebony was indeed adorible.
Sage laughed loudly, while mentally saying woops.

Lucifer blushed as well and hugged Ebony back, he was a pretty happy camper.

Rhea smiled,
"Your turn Ebony."

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