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Wild Cards

"I do have a Scythe." Sage said sitting down on the bed, the girl was cute and begging for attention, but Sage told herself she was going to behave herself. "But I don't have flaming eyes, how ever I know someone who does." She said, thinking of Shania. She wondered if they thought she was a boy or a girl...or if Amy did not care. Her voice was feminine, but her title of Death was officially male. Sage could often pass off as a male who had not got through puberty yet.
"Oh wow! A real scythe so you are like a grim reaper? Can i see your face?" she asked touching the mask. "I bet you wear it to protect your family though so nobody down there can track you," she said her nails were painted and her perfume was a light floral smell.

"Amy no suducing our brothers comrads, you know the rules," Lilly said with a laugh.
Sage how ever leaned over and slide a hand over Amy's cheeks, "Well Kai consistently is telling me to stop seducing my co-works. I apparently keep making a mess." She said chuckling. She wear it because she was poor and did not need people coming to her run down house trying to kill her. "But no, you can't see my face. However, for all you know, we've meet before." She said laughing a bit. "I myself, have never been seduced before. I am afraid I am always the one doing the seducing."
Amy giggled "See sis it's ok she'll just suduce me," Amy said. Lilly shook her head and opened her book. "You'll be nice though right?" Amy asked with a cute pout.
"Ooh? You can tell I am female?" Sage asked, she was laughing under her breath though, "I am sometimes a nice person. I get mixed reviews about my personality. I like to say I am a gentlewomen. Tell me, what do you two do around here? Why are you guys not in school?"
"Home school," they both said at once.

"Only kai goes to an outside school because he is stubborn," Lilly said "he enrolled himself forged Dad's signature and dad got tiered of trying to stop him,"

Amy chuckled "and of course you are a girl silly you smell to nice to be an old nasty boy,"
Sage laughed, "I can see Kai doing that, he is a bit stubrion. I usually have verbally abuse him long enough to make him listen to anything I say. Of course he physically abuses me when he is trying to get me to listen...." The last sentence came out more like a mumble when the though about him beating the crap out of her for not tell him about her mom. but he did literally... beat some sense into her. "Well I do wear colonie more then perfume. So I am too well dressed to pass as a well mannered boy?"
"Amy has a sixth sence." Lilly smiled "She can always tell those things we do live with Kai after all and he has often passed as a girl,"

Amy nodded to Lilly "Boy's are icky," she stuck out her tongue "I like girls only, you should come take a bath with sis and me you can braid our hair and we can wash your back!"
"Hmmm that sounds very tempting Miss Amy. And you have a very good point, Kai and I could pretty much tell each other's genders right away. Though I have had short hair all my life... I'll admit... I don't know how to braid hair." Sage said, switching between the girls. "You really are a temptress Miss Amy, but bathing with my mask on sound slightly unpleasant."
"You can blindold me," Amy offered smileing at Sage.

"Whatch out death Amy will have you bringing her flowers and brushing her hair for her in no time at all," Lilly warned
"Mmm I can see this now." Sage said laughing, "You are very charismatic, but I don't think I could capture your heart." Sage said she was laughing. She should probably leave, Kai might flip if she actually tired to have intercourse with one of his siblings.
"Aw please don't go," Amy pouted "we don't meet people as interesting as you very often."

"Be nice Amy she probably has work to do, you can come see us anytime Death," Lilly said
"Mmmm I don't meet people are insisting as you guys very often myself...." Sage said, "But I think I may come another time... Your sister is asking me to take her right here and now though." Saga said, chuckling.
"Just warn me first so i can close the curtains," Lily said with a small chuckle.

"Now now none of that till later," Amy stuck out her tongue,
Sage laughed and got off the bed, fixing her shirt and tie before waving good bye to the two girl. When she walked out of the room... she realized she had no idea where she was. Oh well...

Friday came by and it was time to do their normal surveillance, Rhea had just come home with Shania after school instead of going home. Sage promised to be over as soon as she feed her cat.
Kai had heard from his sisters they met the infamous death oh he was going to have fun with sage tonight he was in a good mood at Shanias house even good enough to pat Rose and Luci on the head before he plopped onto the couch.

Ebony went home with shania and Lucifer as well prepaired to stay till monday incase Sunday went badly and because she liked staying over.

Shania had went back to her old habits and was more then happy to not be smothered by her family. She was in the kitchem making personalized cakes for Luci and Rose to decorate and eat to keep them busy later that night.
Lucifer had an increasing protective spell over Ebony since the kidnapping and the thought of Freddy still out.

Rhea was writing notes in another one of her notebooks. She had a few laying around Shania's house since she spent a good amount of time there anyway, but she kept them in places so that no one would bother with them. Today she also had her lap top which she had brought to school with her, she was doing a quick research on the area they would be going to that night, for she had not yet done it. Rhea had a bad feeling today, but she did not say anything in fear or worrying Shania, Kai or Ebony, or set Lucifer or Rose off.

Sage finally came in, holding a bag of a few things she had bought for Kai. She had not felt trusting enough to give to anyone else but him.
"Evening everyone, even though I saw you all just a few hours ago." Sage said.
Shania came out of the kitchen with the cakes set out too cool. "Welcome," Shania said and went to the living room knowing Sage would just kick her out anyway. "Hello death," Kai smiled cheerfully "whatcha got there?" he asked. Ebony sat up to greet Sage and Rose almost lept at the girl but was stopped by Shania who just pulled her back down
Sage smiled, "Souvenirs from my last mission. Yours." She said, tossing him the bag. Inside where a few disks. Sage never asked what were inside them, she rarely cared.

Sage was about to dodge out of the way of Rose but when she saw Shania catch her, Sage just chuckled. "Ok... so what do you guys want for dinner?"

Lucifer looked up, "Candy!"

Rhea looked up from her notes to laugh, knowing Shania was going to scold him.
"Luce you know you get cake tonight good for you food first," Shania said. "or no cake later," Rose giggled Lucifer was such a little kid even more so then her.

"thank you dear death anything in here from your date with my sisters?" he asked with a grin.
"I don't really think you want to hear the list I have planed out for your sister." Sage said grinning back at Kai, something in her voice did not make that statement innocent.

Rhea blushed hard and looked back at her notes.

"But... Shania...." Lucifer whined a bit. "Ebony wants candy too!" Lucifer said, wrapping his arms around the girl.
"Be careful she stabs," Kai mused and chuckled.

"Lucifer," Shania said like a scolding mother "I said no,"

Ebony blushed and hugged Luci.
Lucifer made a pouting face which made Rhea laugh.

"I figured at much, that quality runs in the family the strongest... So dinner?" Sage said again.

Lucifer thought about it longer.

Sage laughed,
"I guess i will just make what ever I find."
"Whatever you cook is good i just went shopping so we are fully stocked," Shania said and rose pat Lucifers head.

Ebony chuckled and hugged Lucifer and snuk him a bag of gummy bear.

"Oh did you meat Ceruse then?" Kai asked
"Why yes, I did. He was really funny to mess with. He had this scowl that kept getting larger every time I opened my mouth." Sage said happily.

Lucifer grinned and hugged Ebony.

Rhea smiled and let out a worry sigh before she turned back to her computer and notes.

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