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Wild Cards

Fredrick grinned and evil grin. He would have smack Shania if he didn't know in return he would get burned in return. "Well Warrior.... I think I have had enough of you. I think Hiro has too." He said narrowing his eyes at her. "Kill her." He said, getting up and walking away.

Sage was with Kai walking thought the area, they knew where they where and the only thing they knew is they needed to run in there and lop off some heads before they actually killed anyone. Rhea waited for Sage or Kai to go first, sadly Sage was more of a follower, she was letting Kai run the show like as if they were on a mission, it was habit.
Kai quickly navagated to get to where Shania and Ebony might be but he almost froze when he heard shania cry out it wasn't quite a scream but it was enough to make his blood run cold.

Hiro had slammed his hand into her stomach and pulled her crys made him emencly happy as she began the slow decent into death bleeding a pool of blood.

"Death now we can't be cautious anymore!" Kai said despritly.
Sage did not need to be told that more then once when the scream erupted. When Sage entered the room, she saw everything and the closet thing to her was Freddy's back facing Hiro leaning over Shania and ripping her insides out. Taking the first move, Sage swung her scythe into the back of Freddy and a large amount of electricity. Fredrick was not expecting for something to strike him when it did, and he was not expecting the second part to the attack either. He let out a scream of his own while he was being shocked by Sage. The mic around Sage's neck popped and malfunctioned.

Rhea immediately darted into the room, she did not go foreword to Shania or Hiro, but darted around, letting Kai hopefully jump Hiro to remove him from Shania, she needed medical attention immediately.

When Lucifer heard fighting start, he motioned for Rose to follow him, he dove down from the sky and continued his way to the factory.
Rose followed but she was scared Hiro pulled Freddy away from Sage's blade and threw him so he'd be out of the fighting and he got hit by the side of Kai's weapon and He pulled kai into the wall by grabbign the pole of his weapon.
Fredrick flew a bit after Hiro had pulled him off Sage, he was in a lot of shock. Sage paid Freddy no mind, and changed her attack to Hiro while he was moving to attack Kai. because Hiro was holding on to Kai's weapon still, Sage would not use her electricity in fear of actually shocking Kai as well.

Rhea moved to Shania, speaking quietly to the girl,
"Shania... I need you to hold on as long as you can." Rhea put down her sword, but she put it into Shania's hand, then she reached for Shania's dagger and put it in her other hand. "Both your father mother and brother are here... they won't let you die. Lucifer is back as well... he won't let you die either I am not going to..." She said reaching to heal the gaping hole in the girl stomach while she talked.
Shania smiled though she was in alot of pain she couldn't bring herself to speak she was ready for it to be her end sh she wasn't worried either way she had taken alot of the pain off Ebony so she had acomplished at least something before she died.

Hiro jumpped out of the way and to ebony picking the girl up off the floor. "One step kiddies and she gets a new hole to breath out of," he warned his claws at her neck. Rose had been able to get behind him and got him in a headlock he dropped Ebony out of suprise but dug his nails into Rose's arms and she yelpped and let go.
Lucifer also having the element of surprise rammed into Hiro right after he scratched Rose. Lucifer shot his claws out to Hiro's chest, planing to impale him.

Sage actually ran to get Ebony first, picking the girl up and jumping back to lay her next to Shania.
"Hang in there you two... you've done good." Sage said. Sage then stood up and stood ready to defend Rhea, Ebony and Shania, not wanting to leave them open. Looking at Kai, Sage yelled, "Joker behind you!"

Fredrick was standing behind Kai, about to bring his sword down on the boy's head.
Kai turned swiftly his shadows becoming a sheild then the cold shadows attatched themselves to Fredricks arms holding him in place "I can't move while focusing... kill him!" Kai yelled he was loosing his grip on Freddy and fast.

Ebony was trying to get up to help her body so beaten she just couldn't muster the strength. To Rhea's dismay alot of their bones had been broken Shania seemed to have taken alot of damage more so then Ebony because she would bait Hiro and Freddy.

Hiro cried out as he was impailed he hadn't expected the attack and was unable to get away when he went to scratch Lucifer Rose grabbed his arm so he couldn't though the poison was going through her system and it burned like fire in her veins.
Fredrick's eyes darted to Hiro and then back to the shadows holding him and then to Sage, the girl was approaching him fast, her weapon held. He yanked and struggled, trying hard to get out. Noticing only his hand's were being held, he used all his strength, Fredrick used the shadows to hold him as he pulled his weight up and over Kai, as if he was preforming a back flip while holding on to something. Sage's weapon missed, when she went to strike because of Fredrick moving up. As soon as Kai's shadow's disappeared Fredrick jumped to his feet and left, Hiro was finished and he did not attend to stay to meet an end as well.

"Stay still Ebony... please." Rhea said quietly, Shania was fading.... Rhea could feel it....

Luifer used his free hand to take Hiro's other hand, holding it in a powerful grip before he shoved his hand harder into Hiro's stomach, garbing for anything, before he ripped his hand out with what ever organs he could manage to grab. He will let him suffer the same fate he tired to kill Shania with.
Hiro laughed even as he was beeing gutted "She's dead your healer can't save her now," he said as he began to fade aswell.

Rose crawled to Ebony and Shania "is it true Rhea? Are we too late?" she asked sounding rather pathetic.

Kai fell back in exaustion his shadows took alot of his energy but he went to ebony and he toor his shirt trying to make bandages for her wouldns.
Rose may have left, but Lucifer's eyes glowed and he put his claws around Hiro's neck and ripped out his throat.

Sage ran after Fredrick, he was not getting away.

Rhea was starting to panic, she was hyperventilating now.
"No..." She said desperately. She was not healing Shania fast enough, she pushed more power through her, her arm glowed a bit brighter.

Shania's grip on her dagger tightened Kai looked to Rhea and touched her arm trying to feed his energy into her like he fed his power to his weapon. Hoping he could somhow save Shania.

"Lucifer... Lucifer she's dieing!" Rose called out.

Ebony was scared "please... please don't die," she whispered.
Rhea could feel the power, the power and she used it gladly, she felt the last of the wound mend... but Shania... there was so much blood lost... Rhea touched Shania, she did not feel dizzy or tired, She had taken a extremely large sum of energy from Kai, it had come to a point where it felt like, to him, that Rhea was pulling the energy from him.

Lucifer stopped, getting up from Hiro, he was completely covered in the other demon's blood. He walked over to Shania and he looked down at her, his eyes shown with sadness.

Sage came back, she had a large cut across his chest but she did not look all the hurt. She also approached the group, but she looked at Kai and Rhea, Kai on the other hand was the one looked more and more tired, not Rhea. Sage moved quickly having a feeling Kai was about to collapse.
Her feeling as spot on the boy colapsed Rhea having used all his remaining energy. Ebony closed her eyes to try and not look as pitiful as she did but she couldn't even sit up. Shania smiled at lucifer "you... grew," she said in a faint voice. She wanted to live seeing them all so sad but she was not sure if she could hold on. She felt so weak her body had taken abuse that should have killed her before Rhea had shown up to start the healing.

Rose shook her head her uncle was dead they won but it didn't feel much like a victory now.
"You... You better not die... I came back... just like I promise." Lucifer said, his teeth were bared and clenched, but there were tears coming out of his eyes.

Sage caught Kai easily and pulled him close, gently putting him down on the ground. She checked to see if he was still breathing and realized he was just passed out.

Rhea was also crying, she was not aware of what happen to Kai. She was bushing her hand over Shania, trying to see if there is anything else in her she can heal.
"Shania... please..." Rhea begged.
She smiled at them both "don't cry... I'm a .... hard*ss, remember?" she wanted to confort them she wanted to hug them to her if she had to die why couldn't she at least hold the ones she loved? Master Tannis she thought of him I'm still trying but you might just need a new student.

Rose looked away from the scene she had seen enough death today.
Everything in front of Shania disappeared and the next thing she saw was a tree, green a pleasant, and a soft white sky. The next thing that came into view was Tannis's massive head. "Shania. You do me proud, but almost at the cost of your life. Though it is dwindling away as we speak. Rhea can bring you back to life... but you must want to live as well." He said. He blinked thoughtfully at the girl.
She smiled at Tannis "I won't die... I can't die," she was still trying to sound strong though what strength she had was fadeing. Hearing him say he was proud of her made her chest tighten she didn't want to die not yet she had a family to care for she had a teacher to help her. "they would be... lost without me,"
"I think they would be too." He said happily, a chuckle arose from him. He rested a large paw on Shania's chest before filling her with a warmth, although it was a small bit of energy it made her feel a bit less tired. "I can not give you blood or positive energy... I can not heal organs or restore power... but I can give you advice... Use Mokii's blessing, she will give you the remain boost your body needs to survive. From there... it will be doctors orders with lost of rest and love." He said proudly, "Or... you can tell Rhea that she can bring people back to life... but at the cost of her and you both remaining at the edge. Sillia will need to come and restore you both."
"I think I can use Mokii's gift, it seems a good time," she smiled up at her teacher "thank you and I'll see you on better terms in the future," she still felt weak but the small bit of strength made a wonderful improvement.
Tannis nodded, before sending her back. Her vision restored and Rhea and Luifer were still hanging over her crying.

Sage had a pained look on her face as well, although Shania could not see her from where she was crouching next to Kai.
Shania consentrated on the gift Mokii gave her she had to close her eyes to do so the energy in her body she could feel it "I'll... I'lll be alright," she promised them. "Mokii saved me," she smiled her eyes still closed.
Lucifer and Rose can both feel the energy come from Shania. "You, you use my mother's blessing, just now..." Lucifer said, relief filled his voice.

Rhea looked up, she could feel Shania's body growing stronger,
"Thank you Mokii...." Rhea said quietly. Gently up, Rhea moved to Ebony, and began to heal her slowly. Lucifer whipped his tears and leaned down to both Shania and Ebony, "I am so glad I got to you guys in time..." Lucifer said again before he turned to Rose, "Rose... come with me, we need to find some antidote... You are my ally now... you have my respect." He said the last part in demon.

Sage watched over everyone, a soft smile placed over her lips, and a huge amount of relief flooded over her. No one was dying... no one was leaving her... Gently, Sage reached into Kai's pockets for the keys to the Van. When Ebony was healed, they will leave home... Home where their family lived, her family.
Shania opened her eyes "I'm glad too, I was running out of insults to throw at Freddy," she looked at her bound wrists "I'm still reallyt tiered and feel weak... could you break these?" her voice was soft and she was indeed still very tiered her body wanting to rest and recover.

Rose smiled perking up considerably. The poison would take a while to kill her but she knew it would eventually do so. "Uncle always had a box he kept it in... it'll be close to Shania I think,"

Ebony smiled she was so worried she'd loose Shania now that her body was being healed her pain was lessening greatly as soon as she could she hugged Rhea.
Sage got up and went to go find the antidote for Rose, finding a small box and bringing it to Rose, "Go job." She told the demonness quietly.

Lucifer bent down and took the metal that they had use to blind off her hands, tossing it to the side. Then, Lucifer bent down and kissed Shania on the forehead. He sat up a bit to look at her, smiling a rather joyful smiled.

Rhea smiled when Ebony hugged her, her healing was a lot easier for her then Shania's was, but when she was complete, Lucifer had pulled Ebony away from Rhea, warping his hands on her cheeks, then kissed the girl deeply. He missed them so much... and he almost lost them for good.

Rhea smiled at Lucifer showed his love to those he cared for, quietly she moved to Kai to check him. He was completely fine... just very tired. He will wake up like she does... heavy and unmoving. She pulled a lot of energy from him.

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