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Wild Cards

"Kai and I will be meeting you half way with the van. Tell us where you are." Rhea said, it came out sounding more like she did not have an option and they will be coming to her.

"If you insist Hiro. I won't be attending with you, I will remain here baby sitting. Such a good little girl." Fredrick said, touching Ebony's cheek. "She is the leader, or seems to share a leadership with the healer. From what I have seen, also has quiet a bit of control over Lucifer."
Hiro grinned and sank into the ground itself Shania looked around "I don't really know what this area is called meet me at our city it's pretty close," Shania said and hung up not paying attention she was taken by suprise as a hand grabbed her by the throat and she dropped her phone.

"Hello pretty warrior," Hiro cooed and squeezed when she went to attack his poisoned claws digging into her neck making her freeze from the pain she called her fire and he let go of her with a yelp of his own not expecting the fire to come from her body. Shania quickly turned to slash him but he got out of the way by jumpping over her. "looks like you got a new trick," he said and sweeped her legs out from under her and when she fell he went to kick her in the stomach but was suprised as she grabbed his foot and tripped him too both of them on the ground. The mirror was still broadcasting the event for Freddy to watch. However the poison was weakening the warrior quickly. with it being put in her body so close to her heart and brain.

Kai got the keys. "Where is she?" he asked.
"Shania?" Rhea looked at her phone, "She hung up... She said near the city. She was near our broken city..." Rhea said quietly. Jumping off the couch and picking up her sword before following Kai, "Come on Rose you are coming too." Rhea insisted

Fredrick laughed,
"I wish you were awake to watch this with me." He said to Ebony's unconscious body.
Rose nodded "I don't know why you are so worried," she muttered to herself getting in Kai's van.

Hiro dug his nails into Shania's shoulder and she couldn't help but to cry out the pain of this poison was unbeleivably hard to withstand her whole body began to be tortured by the pain though Hiro wouldn't let her die. he kicked her weapon away and the communication device before standing up again "That hurt," he commented his hand was burnt from earlier and he had landed on the ground rather hard. "Come now pretty warrior time to see your friend," he smirked as she finally blacked out. Hiro carried her to his and Fredricks hiding spot "I left her communication device and the weapon there," he said dropping her on the ground next to Ebony. "this one will need to be bound she is a fighter through and through," his smile was light and he had a happy note in his voice.
Fredrick tilted his head to the side, "That did not last very long. I see she had picked up a trick as well. Which means I bet the Joker had one too. Find something metal to bind her with, something that will hurt her if she tries to burn it." Fredrick said laughing a bit. Kai has gotten more powerful and might actually match his own skill now.... he should not have waited so long to get his revenge...

When they arrive to the area, Rhea called Shania's phone once more.
The phone rang through the silance. "I do not like this," Kai said and glared at Rose "If she is hurt it's on your head,"

"I had to get her away quickly... the poison will keep her out for a little then we can have fun with her," hiro said "I would not last in a fair fight with her for too long," he mused and went to find some metal.
"Shania?" Rhea called out when she heard the ringing of the phone. When no one answer either the phone or her call, Rhea darted to the source. When she got to the phone, she saw Shania's dagger and scorch marks on the ground. Rhea clasped her hands to her mouth, she felt tears run down her cheeks. "Shania... oh god..."
"I'll ... call Sage," Kai said softly. Rose looked around and then down she hadn't ment for shania to get captured.

Kai dialed Sage's numeber and waited for her to answer.
"Hello?" Sage sounded slightly drugged. "Its Kai, don't tell me to get off the phone." Kai could hear her snapping at one of the doctors. The drugs were obviously not doing her personality any good. "Did you guys find her?" Sage asked after another moment.

Rhea bent down and gathered both Shania's phone and her dagger, holding them close to her before standing up again and quietly following Kai back to the car.
"They... got Shania now too," Kai said "I'll come to fill you in in person," he promised. He pulled Rhea to him softly letting her cry.
There was a very long silence on the phone, Sage could hear Rhea's sobbing. "I'll be expecting you." She said, before hanging up the phone.

Rhea did not blame Rose, she could never bring herself to blame other people for things, but she was vividly upset at Rose for leaving Shania alone.
"Let's go visit Sage Princess so we can protect her we will find Shania and Ebony soon and we'l have Lucifers help so it'll be ok in the end," Kai said trying to confort Rhea.

"I'm sorry... I thought She was the strong one... I didn't think Uncle could best her in a fair fight... Fire is one of our biggest weaknesses i thought," Rose said sounding on the verge of tears herself.
Rhea nodded to Kai, trying to calm herself and whipe her tears away. Taking Rose's hand, Rhea squeezed it, "Lesson learned.... lets just hope that this will be a lesson that will not cost our friends their lives..." Rhea said quietly. She showed no signed of hostility to Rose, just sadness.
Rose nodded, Kai drove them to the hospital and got them into Sage's room Kai was not looking forward to the days to come their damage dealers were all gone and two demons wanted to capture them all. Rose was pushed into the room as she was sure Sage's rage would be aimed at her these people still scared her half to death.
"Hello..." Sage said, she sounded very pissed, and she was high on drugs so she did not even try to hid it with calmness or fake smiles like she usually did.

Rhea walked up to Sage and walked around to the other side of the bed before she looked around the room to make sure the doctors were not around and there were no camera's in the room.
Kai sat down "to tell the story Rose here came home alone leaving Shania alone in the damn woods. Rhea called Shania and she was near our city, we went to pick her up found her phone her dagger and a scorch mark on the ground," Kai said trying to stay calm himself. Rose was shaking fearing what was about to happen.
Sage's glare moved to Rose, Rhea on the other hand, pulled the girl behind her, trying to keep the peace. "Rose said Fire is their weakness... so is your electricity.... They still don't know about Kai's power yet so we still have a bit of surprise on them. I have no idea if they know if Lucifer is gone because he is taking his test, so they might not be prepared for him coming back either. " Rhea said, trying to organize the advantages and disadvantages.

"Heal me Rhea, we are leaving now." Sage said, moving to remove IVs and anything else in her body.
Kai quickly pulled the alarm plug. "That going off would not be plesant," he said. "Think this through Sage, with two hostages we are at a disadvantage and with no backup arrows or a damage dealer... we can't hope to win," Kai said rationaly though he wanted to go after them more then anything.

Rose hid behind a chair.
"I am not thinking anything through... You think for me." Sage said, her words slightly slurred, yanking out the last of the tubes. Rhea had healed her quickly, even the smaller holes where the IVs had been connected to her, she could heal the drugs, but she was afraid if she did, Sage would go do something slightly irrational or she was doing irrational things because she was drugged Rhea was not sure which one it was.

When Sage felt no more pain she swung her legs to the side of the bed before standing up and immediately falling again.
Kai caught her "Steady there death," he said softly "I want after them too, but we can't risk loosing more of us,"

Rose was crying softly behing her chair hiding place.
Sage leaned on Kai and gave a long sigh, "Your house, it is the safest place I can think of right now." Sage said, "We... should wait for Lucy to come back." Sage then snorted, "What the hell did they put in me... I can hardly stand." She snapped.

Rhea sighed, she would let Kai deal with Sage, he always seemed like he did best with her when she was not herself. Rhea gently took Rose's hand and pulled the little girl to her.
"Morphine most likely," Kai said and picked her up like a bride "We'll go to shania's house incase she pulls a miricle escape, and Lucy is more at home there," Kai stated and started carrying Sage to the van.
Rhea gently pulled Rose with her as they left with Sage. Sage had fallen asleep, the drugs still running through her system, she would have never had slept otherwise, she was too paranoid of a person. Rhea thought that made sense, if Shania did make an escape, her house would be the first place she would go, and they would need to be there to help her. Though Rhea highly doubted Shania would leave Ebony behind... Even if it was just for a little bit to get them.

"I left her drugged... I was afraid if I undrugged her she would do something Though I am not sure if it was the drugs making her that irrational in the first place." Rhea said quietly to Kai, petting Rose's hair.
"I understand, but please stop trying to confort the demoness she deserves to be miserable," Kai said laying Sage in the back and hopping into the drivers seat and headed off towards the place they would call home for a little while.
Rhea would not directly tell Kai no, but she was not going to listen to him anyway. Kai probably knew this was going to be the case.

The next day was harsh, waiting was the most painful part of it. Sage was on edge, but went though normal activities such as cooking food for everyone.

Rhea tried her damnist to keep Kai and Sage from killing or hurting Rose, but their mental beating was harder to control.

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