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Wild Cards

"Cookies?" Tannis mumbled, he was not sure what those were but if this is what she wished. "I see. I will pass the message on to him Shania." he took a few steps away from her to look at her, "I am sure now I have made a good choice to have taken you."
She bowed to him "I am honored you chose me thank you," she said though the smile still has not left her voice or her face. when she rose from the bow even her eyes shone and she wanted to go tell Ebony and the group.
Tannis could not help but smiled in return, seeing her eagerness to go. "The honor is mine." He said, bowing his head.

The area disappeared and Shania was standing how she was before she had gone. Rhea was still smiling at her as moments before and Sage was still on the ground laughing, the ball still on its way to Kai after Sage had thrown it at him.
Shania suddenly yelling that startled Rhea, she was shocked to say the least. "W-What?" Rhea asked quietly. Shania's hug was more of a squeeze to Rhea because the girl had taken her by surprise.

Sage looked slightly alarmed at Shania's sudden outburst. "Shania... what are you on about?" Sage said, raising an eye brow and standing up.
"Master Tannis called me Luce is going to be coming home in a few days!" she said Ebony smiled brightly.

"Well that's good news," Kai said
Rhea finally hugged back Shania, the girl was so excited and happy, it made Rhea feel happy for her too. Rhea herself was happy about the wonderful news, it made a tight spot of worry loosen from her chest. "This is great news." Rhea said in return.

Sage smiled at well,
"That is good. Perhaps we can cook something special." Sage said in a bit of thought.
"I promised him cookies," Shania said with a smile.

"Oh we should throw a party," Ebony said exitedly

"I think thats a great idea," Kai agreed
Rhea smiled at everyone getting excited for Lucifer's return.

"Should we get Ebony languray?" Sage asked with a grin.
Ebony blushed deeply "I'm not planning on mating him when he walks into the house!" she covered her face in her hands.

Shania chuckled "we don't want Luce to die of a heart attack,"
"Oh Shania you better watch out... sounds like Ebony knows exactly when she is going to mate him." Sage said snickering at the 'when he walks in' part.

Rhea also blushed fiercely, Sage and Kai both said the most inappropriate things.
"I will let you use my van," Kai said cheerfully.

Ebony hid behind Shania "no thanks,"

Rose pouted they all loved him but they didn't even like her all she did was try to hurt them,

Shania chuckled "use protection,"
Sage also chuckled, glad she got away with all those comments without getting smacked. They spent the next few hours dwindling down the day with playing with the hyper demoness and training their powers. Sage especially seemed to train herself.

The evening came by and Sage had cooked dinner like usual and fed everyone. They spent their evening joking and playing like usual, the group slightly lighthearted with the news of Lucy passing his tests. per-usual when it was time to go, Sage said her good byes to return home.
"See you guys tomorrow."

"Bye Sage." Rhea said, waving back to the girl.
After a while Ebony stood up "I guess I better get home too," Ebony smiled "see you guys tomorow," she hugged Rhea and shania before heading out.

Shania hugged her back "Text when you get home," Shania said and watched her leave Shania was rather happy and couldn't help but be in a good mood. Ebony hummed as she walked but when she was out of sight she felt something hit her then everything became black. Kai was staying with Shania still Rose already asleep upsidedown on the couch.
Rhea laughed, Shania had seem to have given up correcting Rose's sitting posture much like she had Lucifer sitting on the floor. "Shania.. you are soft hearted." Rhea said quietly with a smiled.

Sage on the other hand made it home, opening up her door. Smores greeted her with a loud and lazy meow. Sage smiled at the cat and went to go get it food. The cat was starting to get a shape to it instead of skin and bones, it was clean and happy.
Shania sighed "too soft haerted... but I can't bring myself to be cruel to her anymore,"

A ways away Hiro tossed Ebony to Freddy's feet "Lucifers girl," he smirked.

Ebony groaned and rolled to rubb her head and touch her pendant but it was missing. She shot up only to have Hiro step on her back and slam her into the ground.
Rhea smiled, it was never Rhea's nature to be cruel to anyone. "She is very childish... how much longer do you think she will stay?"

"Archer was it?" Freddy said, leaning in front of her, he put on claw under her chin to lift her face up to his, "You have become our lucky plaything. Now, tell me where that communication device is... the one the Joker had used on me last time to warn you guys of my trap." Fredrick asked, he took Ebony's hand in his as he asked the question, before he broke one of her fingers, "Tell me quickly." He insisted in a calm voice.
Shania shrugged "till her dad comes to get her I guess,"

Kai nodded "she has a ... Lucifer like quality to her... I guess she grew on you Shania,"

Ebony screamed and used her other hand to slap him as hard as she could struggling to get away "I don't have one!" she yelled at him.

Hiro smirked "You start with pulling off the fingernails Fredrick, she can't scratch you that way," Hiro took the hand that she slapped Freddy with tightly.
Rhea smiled pleasantly, taking a quick sip of tea.

"I know you have one." Fredrick said, rubbing his cheek. "I rather save the fun parts for later... I need to know where her device is now." Fredrick said, "I guess I can only search her for it." He said, he was not really in the mood for the plan to get ruined quickly like last time. Quickly Fredrick started to search Ebony for her phone.
If it wern't for Hiro holding Ebony she'd have kiscked and hit him she struggled violently but Hiro was too strong as Fredrick searched the flipphone fell out of her pocket. "Such an odd looking divice," Hiro comented not even sounding winded in his eferts to keep Ebony in check.

"Let go of me!" She head butted him in the face and got his teeth in her shoulder for her efferts causing her to scream again her blood beginging to stain her shirt.
"You can hardly do your job Hiro, keep her contained. I have her weapon and device. Things should be easy from here." Fredrick said, picking up the device and inspecting it a bit. He did not even look back at Hiro when Ebony had gotten loose for a moment. He flipped the phone open and started to play with it a bit, quickly learning about it. "Who should we contact?" Fredrick said in a sing song voice.
"hum the one known as Death maybe or the joker you are so fond of Hell we can call her parents and let then hear her scream," he said she was still struggling but he was on top of her pinning her down.

"You will both pay for this!" Ebony yelled her voice full of pain already making Hiro laugh happily.

"Hear her Freddy she thinks we are going to keep her alive for her friends ... well I guess for a few days we will," he smirked
"Or we can kill her now after she screams in her device. We only need the initial bait." Fredrick said in a rather board tone. "You sound as if you are fond of Death yourself."

Fredrick seemed to fumble with the phone for a bit before he cursed in demon,
"I don't know the real names of any of them... Oh what is this?" He said suddenly. He was looking in Ebony's sent box and examining the messages of checking in with each other that they had all sent over the course of the week. "I see... we won't have to make a call. They will know she is missing soon. Seems they make check in messages every so often."

Fredrick shrugged, that is all he wanted. He was in this for revenge, not fun. "Here." Tossing Hiro the phone he walked over to Ebony and garbed her by the neck with his claws, picking her up. "You call who you please. I will let you have the honor of choosing."
"Don't kill her Fredrick Lucifer's girl deserves our finest treatment pluse live bait is the best," Hiro reminded Fredric. Ebony kicked out at the vampire trying to get away still. she would have screamed but Freddy had her by the throat. Hiro pressed the green button on a text with Sage and the phone rang he smiled and put it to his ear to listen.
Fredrick lifted up one of his feet and kicked Ebony straight in the leg, hard enough to break her knee before dropping her to the ground. "Yes... Live bait is very fun." He said smirking.

Sage was actually half asleep, a cat laying across her chest. Her phone rang loudly. No one really caller her in less it was work or Kai.... She groaned at the thought of going to work at that moment. Picking up the phone, Sage looked at it. It read Ebony. Strange... Ebony never called her. Answering, Sage pressed it to her ear,
"Whats up?" She asked a bit sleepy.


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