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Wild Cards

Ebony was blushing scarlet and clinging to Lucifer for protection.

"No teasing the lovebirds.. save it for their wedding," Shania said with a soft smile. Ebony hid her face in Lucifers chest.

"Mate? you took a weak human as a mate?" Rose asked momentarily forgetting her fear and the fact she was tied up.

Kai chuckled Rose was even blushing at this though he didn't like or trust the demon he still found it funny she'd blush.
"Ebony is not a weak human... Humans are strong, she is strong. You have not been here to see them..." Lucifer said in defense, he did not rise to meet Rose's new challenge to much. It was obvious that Lucifer had grown a compassion for humans, something most demons don't have.

Sage looked at Rose and slid a finger under her chin, pulling the girl to face her. Sage leaned close to Rose, her face inches from the girls,
"Oh, don't say such things. I'll show you the advantages of human mates and what we can really do." She said in a very seductive and suggestive voice.

Rhea blushed harder and shook her head... poor girl.
Rose's eyes widened and she tried to pull away "don't ... don't touch me," she said her voice shaky and rather pathetic.

Ebony hugged Lucifer as he took up for her. Giving him a silent thank you.

"Sage... you have no clue where thats been... wash it first," Shania said
Sage chuckled, letting the girl go. Rhea felt really bad for the girl. She was sure Sage was kidding... well she hoped she was.

"I thought we already washed her... oh well." Sage said shrugging.

Luifer smiled a bit back at Ebony before gently letting go of her,
"Shania." Lucifer said, getting the girls attention like always. "We need to go for a walk... I need to talk with you."
"Sure thing Luce," Shania said and stood "Sage, don't wreak my house Rhea's in charge," she looked to Rhea with a smile "keep Kai and sage in line,"

Kai smirked "I'll be god for my princess," he said.

Rose looked even more frightened as she struggled against her binds.
"If I am in charge... stop tormenting the girl..." Rhea said quietly, glancing at Kai a little unsure if she is about to be harassed too.

Sage made a face but made no move to continue.

Lucifer gave Ebony a smiled before walking outside with Shania. He did not want to go far away from the house because of the impossible of Rose attacking or anyone else for that mater, so he made himself at home right in front of the house.
"Sit with me?" He asked her.
She looked him over but nodded and sat with him "hat's wrong? Is it Rose? I can get rid of her," Shania said.

Kai pulled Rhea close to him "come now princess Sage isn't hurting the birdy, I don't think our birdy is Death's type... is she?" he asked Sage.

Rose liked Rhea! Rhea seemed to be the only one protecting her.
Rhea blushed a bit when Kai pulled her over, she tried not to react and per usual and also did much like always and was a bit of a rag doll.

Sage laughed a bit,
"Why yes Kai, she is my type. Though then whole trying to kill me tends to be a deal breaker for me sometimes."

Lucifer smiled at Shania,
"No, Rose is not the problem... She needs to stay, Levi said so. As always, I intend to do as I was told. I won't kill her in less she becomes a threat again, if that happens she will die." Lucifer paused and then let out a long breath, he was getting tense thinking about the demoness in the other room again, "No, I will be leaving in three day's time. When my shoulder is full healed. I wanted to tell you myself."
Shania's fists clenched though she remained impassivly calm "three days... are you ready?" she asked forcing her voice to be calm there was no point in her acting like a child she decided though her heart was tight and it was painful.

"Oh no... not kill I was told to hurt you all... uncle wishes to kill you slowly and Fred wants the Trickster for himself we where not alowed to kill him... just torture," Rose said if she had gone at the team to kill she might have taken at least one of them down or she'd have really died, one or the other.

"Oh I feel so releived," Kai said dryly but then chuckled "Freddy really is p*ssed off at me,"
"Oh well then that totally justifies you for hurting us and we can freely mate now." Sage said nonchalantly to Rose, a bit annoyed at her sudden change of attitude.

Rhea reached for Kai's hand around her waist and gave it a gentle squeeze. The fact that Fredrick has targeted Kai specifically for almost a month now has had her incredibly worried for Kai's sake..
. "We all need to be extra careful... I have a feeling Freddy is not going to play around anymore..."

Lucifer sighed,
"To be honest... I don't know what to expect... but if Rose could pass the test, can't be that hard?" He said, a serious laugh escaped him. "Hey Shania... I really want to thank you. Um..." Lucifer seemed to be a bit embarrassed, "Shania..." Lucifer rubbed the back of his head a bit, "It is hard to say... I don't want to hurt you... but it is something I hold close to my heart since it has happened..."
Shania looked at Lucifer she wanted to pull this boy she had grown to love into her arms and not let him go but she knew in her state se'd crush him. She realized a few seconds after he said it that he was thanking her. His words sounded so much like a farewell that she felt tears stinging at her eyes and she couldn't bring herself to speak.

Kai squeezed Rhea's hand back he was not even slightly worried about the vampire at the moment the arch angel on the couch was his current worry,

"What!? It does not! I don't want to be mated," she was back to being scared now.
Satisfied, Sage grinned and leaned closer, "What? Why not?" She asked the girl.

Sighing Rhea got up to go get some tea, even though Sage will bag her on it later.

"S-Shania... please don't cry.... I just wanted to let you know... that ever since you saved my life... When we were at the mall fighting the butterfly demon... When I heard your voice on the mic while I was laying on the ground..." Lucifer said reaching to gently whip Shania's tears. "I felt like... you choose me over your brother... I feel like your brother. I feel like you are part of my home and I apart of yours." Lucifer moved closer to Shania wrapping his arms around her, "I have come to understand things about humans that I had not when I first got here.... things I completely disregarded because I thought they were weak or stupid... You taught me about bonds, friendships and family not of blood. I am coming back to this... But I wanted you to know..."
Shania hugged Lucifer to her "you are my brother now," she said her voice was thick strained she was trying so hard to not let too much out that she felt as if her heart was going to stop on the spot from the strain and the pain. "you saved me without you I'd have never felt whole again," she pet him gently just trying to cherish this time with him. He had said so much that anything she would say seemed small in compairason her actions will be her words.

Rose tried to scoot away "No!" she said "this is cruelty!"

Kai chuckled "says the girl who wanted to torture us,"
"Your just shy because I bet this would be your first time.... I'll be gentle, I always am." Sage said coolly.

Rhea sighed coming back and sitting down, the waiting on the water to boil.

"Sorry I made you cry Shania.... Your my sister." He said hugging her back tightly. "I'll be back... stronger then ever to help protect our family and your human race." He said confidently.
Shania tussled his hair "I know you will Luce, because if you don't come back I'll just have to go get you," she said and she was serious she would travel the length of hell to get Luci back she'd not loose another brother.

"You can't I'm an arch angel!" Rose was almost scooted clear off the couch.
Sage took the chains and use them to pull Rose back to her, "Hmm? What does you being an Arch Angel have to do with anything?" The smirk on her face was a bit evil, there was a glint of miscifit in her eyes. This was the Sage before Ebony, who liked to torment people. She was a bit ruthless then normal. Rhea was not sure how much more of this she could watch.

Lucifer smiled,
"I hope you won't have to come get me... but if your the one getting me then I guess it is ok."
Shania tried a smile "if i have to come get you you'll be black and blue when I drag you home," she joked lightly.

"I ... I can't be sullied... untill...untill," she was breathing irregular and her heart was racing her wounds hurt the sudden pull of the chains was not confortable either.

Kai pulled Rhea next to him "Sage won't hurt the birdy too badly relax,"
"Until?" Sage said quietly, pulling the girl closer to her.

"T-thats not what I am worried about!" Rhea said to Kai, covering her eyes.

Lucifer smiled his usual smiled, reaching to Shania to whipping her tears again, then he made a pout face.
"You should be taking care of me.. not beating me up."
"I am taking care of you, I'm beating sence into your thick skull," she tapped his head with her knuckles softly.

"Untill I find my mate," she swallowed and tried to pull away.

"Please Death has a bit more class then to take her pray in front of us... I think," Kai whispered to rhea.
Lucifer laughed, holding his head and hiding it from Shania, "I have sense!" He insisted.

Rhea blushed hard and glanced up at Kai when he said that.

"Oh? What if I want you as a mate? Doesn't the Man get to choose his mate?" Sage asked, not letting Rose pull away.

"Please... please stop," Rose begged her eyes were full of tears by now she was trembling and stil trying to pull away dispite the pain it caused when the chains put pressure on her broken wing.

"Sage... you're really scaring her," Ebony said it seems everyone forgot she was there since she had been so quiet. Kai looked at the dancer and smiled Sage was going to have fun with her new toy with or without Ebony's blessings.

Shania smirked "nope even less sense then me," she replied and pulled him close chuckling softly.
Well the next thing that happened probably surprised everyone. A book collided with the side of Sages head, when the girl looked up it was Rhea who had thrown it. "E-Enough S-Sage..." The girl stuttered. She did not want to see the girl crying.

Sage on the other hand blinked and picked the book up and put it on the table, chuckling a bit under her breath,
"As you command Princess and Archer." Sage was actually rather satisfied making Rose cry or bringing her close to tears. Sage soon moved to the kitchen laughing a bit, going to get the screaming tea pot.

Lucifer looked up and behind him at the door when a bit of the commotion had suddenly stopped.
"Are you ok to go back in?" he asked, holding Shania closer and gently rubbing her back.
"If i said I was ok I'd be lieing, but we can go back in... before they destroy my house," she said with a light smile giving Lucifer one last squeeze before letting go.

Rose was trying to get free of the chains almost despritly thes heavy chains were not normal she decided as normal chains would have broken by now. She was terrified and just wanted to go these people made Hiro look nice!

Kai was shocked "Princess... you ... Shania must be rubbing off on you,"
Rhea looked at Kai and was actually crying too, that was the first time she ever actually hit someone but that was the only thing she could think of at the moment to make Sage stop, "I didn't want hurt anyone...."

Sage walked in she put the tea down and laughed
"Your crying because you hit me with a book? Princess I will live." She said, before she glared at Rose, "Stop that or I will zap you." She said seriously.

"W-we don't have to go in... we can stay out here as long as you want." Luicfer said, he rather make Shania feel better. It just slightly alarmed him that it was not as loud as earlier.
Kai held Rhea and rubbed her back "it's ok Princess Sage will be good now, I'm sure you didn't hurt her," he said trying to soothe the girl he brushed away her tears with a soft move of his hand.

Rose only paniced more at the thought of being zapped and her struggles became frantic.

Shania ruffled Lucifers hair "are you kidding? it's too quiet in there they may be plotting against us," she smirked "and you may have to go save Ebony from Sage."

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