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Wild Cards

"I don't know... I can open portals.. he said I could help him fix everything! I beleived him then..." she said.

KAi sighed "you a little girl can open those things?" he asked she nodded softly
Lucifer huffed, "I don't believe you... Levi is one of the few demons that can actually do that. There is no way you have the power to open portals. It runs in my blood and they don't even think I will get that power..." Lucifer said, looking kind of mad again.

Sage sighed, Lucifer as so serious, he needed Ebony to cool his jets.
"Uncle Hiro said I could! He said I have more power than all of you traitors.. well I guess you aren't traitors though," She said then winced her wing hurt!

"Calm down Luci, no need to get so heated." Kai said
Lucifer puffed his cheeks before sitting down on the floor, "Im going to call Levi..." He said closing his eyes.

Sage watched him for a minute before Sage moved to go sit next to Rose,
"So cutie, do tell me what it is like to get hit my my lightning, you were actually the first to get shocked by me." She said smiling at her pleasantly, "Also, I bet you are hungry. Say Ah." Sage said, leaning foreword to feed the little demon girl food.
Rose looked shocked but she obediantly opened her mouth as she was fed a bite " th... thanks, your lightning really hurt i still feel it... my metal wings conducted the electrisity and... you... you aren't gonna do that again are you?" they were going to torture her she just knew it.

"Sage are you seriously flirting with her?" Kai asked sure the demon girl was a cute little brunette but she almost killed them
"What?" Sage said, looking at Kai with rather innocent eyes and a small smile on her face, "of course." She said her smile turning into a smirk "A cute little girl tired up in chains and all alone... how could I not Kai? and No I am not going to shock you again, well... in less you want me too. Say Ah!" Sage said again happily. Rose was the one who currently presented fun to her to pass the time. Beside she hurt and needed something to take her mind off it. "Also... some pain killers would be nice... I feel like hell." She said laughing a bit.
She opened her mouth again and let Sage feed her though she was still wondering if this was torture. She looked at Lucifer and paniced even more he was calling someone to get her or worse her father.

KAi hopped up and skipped to the bathroom, "how strong Death bringer?" he asked.
"Ehe... Strong enough without knocking me out cold..." She said smiling at Rose. "Don't worry, I won't hurt any in less you provoke me. That's how I work." She said, before feeding the girl another bite of food, "What do you think of the food?" Sage asked.

Lucifer opened his eyes and sighed,
"I told Levi everything. He said he will be here as soon as he can. He also forgot to give us our third power..."

Rhea woke, opening her eyes and sitting up. There were a plate of eggs next to her. She did not feel as weak as when she first got up.
Rose looked at Sage "ah... it's good thank you," she was docile again it was amazing how fast she switched between the two. Shania was asleep on the bed hugging a pillow after bringing Rhea food she crashed again.

"Ok here you are," he tossed Sage a pill and got her a glass of water.
Sage looked up to catch the pill, not sure what Kai gave her, but she did not really care to check either. Sage quickly took a few bites of her own food so she was not taking the meds on an empty stomach. When Kai brought back the glass of water she thanked him and then took the pill. "Thank you." She said, she was starting to feel a bit exhausted but she did not want to sleep. "So Kai... thoughts on how bad we got out @sses kicked?" Sage said, now not only was Freddy on the lose, so was Hiro and they were working together. She soon leaned over and gave Rose another bite of food.

Lucifer served himself a plate and began to eat, thinking about it as well.

Rhea tried to crawl out of bed without waking Shania.
"We were ... no match at all," Kai said "Freddy must have been injured badly or we would have all been dead in that fight,"

Ebony walked in and saw Lucifer and she ran and hugged him carful to avoid his wounded arm. "how are you luci?"
"Good." he said, hugging Ebony in his arms. Sage glanced up when Ebony walked in before looking back at Rose, "Yeah no kidding. I don't really remember much after I got it. By the way.... did anyone grab my weapon? I think I lost it when I got knocked out..." She said, she did not sound overly concerned.

Lucifer sat down with Ebony, offering him some of his food,
"I just called Levi... he said he would be here as soon as he could." he told her.

When Rhea walked in the room, successfully avoiding Shania without waking her. She quickly looked over everyone before walking up to Sage. She still looked tired,
"Hey go sit down, don't worry about me right now, besides I just took some pain killers." Sage said, Shooing Rhea to sit down on the couch.

Rhea made a face but went to sit down, she was holding the eggs Shania had brought into the room with her. She looked up at Kai, she still felt more tired then she thought... maybe she should go back to bed...
"No I left it in the grass," Kai rolled his eyes I put it in your pocket along with Rhea's gem," Kai said.

Ebony didn't want to stop holding Lucifer she kissed him softly and touched his arm "does it hurt?" she asked.

Rose shank as far into herself as she could all this was scary to her now.
"What my pockets?" Sage asked, she stood up and patted her pockets and low and behold there were there. "Ehe... Show how much I was paying attention."

"Yeah... but the poison is not there anymore so I am fine, besides Sage is hurt worse then me." he said, smiling at Ebony.

Sage could tell everyone was tired and just flat out cranky. She was, but Rose's fear actually amused her currently. If Kai thought for a second she forgot the little demon tried to kill her he was wrong.

When the room turn blacked Sage looked up. Rhea also looked up to see Levi. He looked farsighted,
"I hate my job..." He said rubbing his temples. "Rose was it?" He said to the girl, "Splitting image of your father... Look he can't get you right now and I can't afford to have you either. So We are leaving you were until further notice..."

Lucifer jumped up,
"You are leaving her here?!"

Levi crossed his arms,
"I don't want her either but I can't do anything about it immediately."
"They're gonna kill me... " Rose said she was indeed convinced she was going to be tortured and killed and with this boy? she was going to be violated too.

Kai rolled his eyes "Levi I need a new job too, lets go to a bar and forget our troubles in alcoholic poisons,"

(A picture of what Rose looks like without her wings View attachment 12794)
Levi chuckled, "Oh they have every right to kill you Rose. I take precedence over my guardians lives over a petty demons as yourself." Levi then took the jewel from Sage's pocket before "Also I have something for you Kai. I have been requested that I withhold Shania's power. This Kai may be a bit better then your human drink... Your card." He said, holding his hand out to exchange his card with the jewel in his hand.
"Must I give up my lucky joker?" he asked fliping it out of his pocket.

Ebony whatched Levi holding close to Luci Levi still scared her. Rose's face was a mix between horror and releif these people could not be half as scary as her dad.
"Pray, only a moment dear Kai." Levi said before taking up the card and handing Kai the Jewel, and much like the others he pressed on hand to Kai's jewel and began to give him his power. Shadow burst from around Kai and swirled around the ground. Sage could not see Kai anymore because the shadow was so thick. And then as quick as it came, the Shadow moved to the gem and his card. "Your power is done. Here is your card." He said, handing Kai back his card.

"Lucifer.. We will come and get you as soon as your shoulder heals." Levi said, before looking at the group one more time and sighing, "Do you guys need anything else before I leave?" He said, tossing the jewel to Rhea.
"Yes tell me if our names in your world have evolved any, and why was shania's power withheald she's the strongest fighter out of us humans," Kai said full of questions today,

Rose was whatching Levi she had so hoped he'd convince them to unchain her at the least.
"Shania has had a demon who wants to sponsor her. She will gain must more learning from him then myself. That is if she accept him and meets his own expectations. Your names have evolved... You have made quiet a slash recently, specially with the recent news, in fact you bode well for our lords name. With you guys unexpected help.... The war has taken a turn for our own side, which is more the reason Shania's sudden sponsor." Levi said, crossing his arms, "Anything more Kai? Usually is it Rhea talking my ear off."

Rhea sighed, glad to know Levi thinks she is a jabber jaw. Sage chuckled, crossing her arms.
"Yes when will this sponser come to her there are day's she kills first thinks later," Kai said not fased by the second handed insult. "I am fighting a war of my own here I'm sure a strong caring babysitter like you knows all that already though. Anyway my point is I can't babysit Shania and her sponser might not be able to handle her without one of us around to calm her down,"
"I am one hundred percent positive that he can handle himself. But you should forewarn her anyway... He will let her know when he shows..." Levi let out a long sigh before he looked at Rose again, "I don't advise killing her... but if you have to." He said before disappearing.

Sage sighed,
"Shania gets a sponsor? No fair..."

Lucifer tilted his head to the side,
"I should have asked him who it was.."

"I am more worried about what we are going to do with Rose..." Rhea said quietly.
"Honestly I'm more worried for the life of whoever tells shania Luci is leaving soon," Kai said "as for her she seems harmless enough injured perhaps we should keep her that way,"

Ebony looked at Luci "what does a sponser do?"
"If you want to get technical... Levi is your sponsors... Though he was forced the job because he can travel freely and the only one powerful enough to actually do that kind of thing and not needed in the front likes all the time. He gives us the powers... some times demons use to do that for families or humans... humans would call them guardian spirits." Lucifer said, "But I will tell Shania. Don't worry about that part."

Rhea sighed and then walked over to Rose looking over the girl, "Do you hurt?" She asked her

Sage looked at Kai and grinned, "So, new power, how do you feel?" Sage asked.
"Oddly I feel a bit ... odd," he chuckled "there is this cool sensation going through my body calm and steady," he smiled "how does your power feel?"

Rose looked at her funny had she really just asked that? She blinked a few times "so you are ... going to keep me injured?" she asked it was true she was weak at the moment too weak to even break these heavy human chains.

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