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Wild Cards

"oh so you are still so little," She cooed "but you see I have a disadvantage on the ground see I'm not a ground fighter," she said.

Shania growled feraly like an animal at Rose "I am The Warrior of this group," she stood tall her sword out.

"Oh yes the bloody fighter! Fred says you are head on and reckless," Rose smiled "I have to ruin your pretty face though," she dove at her but before she got there turned to slam sage the razor feathers of her wings grazing all they touched.
Sage stayed put unlike her usual tactic and immediately let out a burst of electricity enough to stun the girl the moment she even touched her.

Lucifer moved to case her down the moment she dove for Shania.
She screamed when the electricity hit her and crashed into the ground.

Shania was shocked to find her change direction and broke out of it when she heard the scream.
Sage on the other hand got cut by the wing, but she felt pretty good. She had spent weeks profecting that tactic.

Lucifer immediately jumped on top of Rose aiming to grab her throat.

Freddy laughed and looked at the man next to me,
"That is new..." He said with a grin.
Hiro smirked "it isn't over yet, though she is disposable,"

She kneed Luci between the legs and briars grew around her to protect her.
Rhea looked at the barrier, Lucifer coughed but forced himself back up. Sage touched her shoulder gently.

"You hiding now?" Lucifer spat at her.
the briars dissapeared and Rose was knowere to be seen.

Shania stood ready "the hell is going on?" she asked

"Naughty naught girl," Rose coed back in the air "that hurt,"

Ebony loosed an arrow at her and she dissapeared before it hit. "I... i missed!" Ebony said and Rose appeared behind her kneed her in the back.
Sage sighed, she has a feeling she was not going to get a lucky shot like that again, jogging to Ebony, Sage swung her scythe at the girl to get to back away. "Ok guys, time to get a plan cooking here." Sage said to Kai and Shania.

Rhea pressed her lips together, there is no was Rose could have an inffident amount of power... her power had to be much like Sage's and Ebonys... there was probably a limit... but it might be a rather high limit.

Lucifer looked like he was just getting irritated and occasional said something rather profound in his and Rose's language.
Hiro smiled from the sidelines "Does she impress you Fredrick?" he asked whatchng from on high he knew she took alot of damage from the electric attack but she was amazing with her teleportation her power was attatched to plant life moor then the moon.

Shania jumped to try and Slash Rose when she dodged Sage. "Oh no I won't fall for that agian," she said in a sing song way and flew up and dove straight at Lucifer her wings floded like a drill around her.
"She is not entirely dumb. I will admit that." Fredrick said, he was sitting off the side of the building, his elbow resting on his knee as she looked over the fight. "I am surprised my good friend Joker has not done anything yet. But all in all, you think they will suffice as fun?"

Lucifer was going to catch her but something told him he should move out of the way instead, so he moved to dodge her and head to Shania.

Sage helped pick up Ebony, making sure the girl was not seriously hurt.
"They will save the little one for me I would love to ear her scream," Hiro's smirk was sadistic as hell.

Ebony was in pain she was almost sure something is broken or chipped. "She moves to much I can't thit her." she panted out.

Shania growled "Air why do they all fly?!" she was frustrated extreamly so rose spread her wings out and once more the blade like feathers went at the group as she shot back into the air.
"I need to shock her again, but there is no way she will attack me head on. Want to try that tornado you did last time?" Sage asked quietly, blocking Ebony and Rhea from the feathers.

Rhea moved close to Ebony, pressing her hand on her back, broken...
"Do you want me to heal it?" She asked the girl.

Lucifer stood next to Shania, yelling obscene things again, she really was infuriating him. He needed to take his test.

Fredrick looked up and started to look around,
"Where did my Joker go?" With that Fredrick actually got up and started to scan the area to find Kai.
Kai was climbing a tree when he was high enough he lept onto Rose's back. She screached and spun trying to get him off but he was weighing her down her feathers were cutting the underside of his arms badly. "Oh God Tricksters gonna get himself killed!" Ebony said "Don't worry about me yet Priestess I can still fight,"

Rose looked towards Hiro and Fredrick "Uncle!" she yelled as she fell to the ground landing on kai who let out a gasp of pain she rolled off of him and tried to get back in the air but Shania ran at her and ripped her sword through the bone of the wing. in a rage the girl spun tearing Shania's sword loose and she ripped her claws across Shania's chest then her face throwing Shania into the dirt.
Sage immediately jumped into action the moment Kai pulled her down, and as soon as Shania's own blade his Rose, Sage spun her blade charged up with another electric blow just for the girl. Sage was already out of breath but she was sure this was going to hurt her.

Lucifer jumped as well Following closely behind Shania but when he saw Sage he took several steps back not wanting to get hit.

Fredrick laughed at Kai, half thinking he should go in there and kill him, but four of the three fighters still had spunk in them and the healer had yet to heal anything.
"This might be game." He said, he was a bit relived, for a long moment he thought Kai was sneaking around to get him... but that would be a dumb move, but so was him jumping from that true.
Rose hid herself in briars again and sage's scythe's pole was caught by the male demon "hello gaurdian," his voice was little more then a purr.

Shania chuched her chest god she felt like her blood was on fire, Kai was on the ground he was tore up and out of breath.
Who ever just caught Sage's blade she shocked, Lucifer stayed put but was ready to jump on him. She would have usually made a remark back, but she was busy and trying to kill the other one and had missed her chance.

Rhea made a running start to Kai first, leaning down to him and gently started to heal him quickly.

"not too much energy priestess I think we are in for another fight." he said softly.

Shania grabbed her sword and went at Hiro who pushedSage at her forcing her to lower her blade as the two collided.

"Uncle!" Rose said she was grounded now due to an obviously broken wing.

"Yes my dear Rose, these children are too much a match for you," he said in a scolding way.
Sage knocked over and has lost grip of her weapon when he moved her and she ran into Shania. She tried to scramble off Shania and get back up, ready to defend herself. Did the shock not hurt him?

"I understand... you are just flesh wounds. You are good not." Rhea said when she completely the healing. Getting up, Rhea waited for the right moment to get to Shania, Sage's shoulder could wait.

Lucifer hissed at him, "You expect her to win against 6 of us? Who are you?" He demanded.

Fredrick stayed where he was narrowing his eyes as Hiro intervened. He thought Hiro said he was not going to both with them and tonight was just a test... that is the only reason he was here, he was in no condition to fight himself after the blow to the chest he took from that arrow.
Hiro smiled "she is my neice I am Hiro," he said "you might know my brother her father he likes that Axesort fellow... such weakness," he went to where sage and shania were and he stomped on Shania's chest and five sharp thorns rammed into Sage's body they burned like hellfire. Shania cried out and there was a snap that they could all hear.

"Uncle I can't fight we have to go," Rose reached out for him and he did the same attack on her he just used on sage she screamed in pain and fell back onto the ground.

"I have no more use of you I just wanted to leave my name and parting gifts." hiro said
Sage tried to dodge but was slightly over whelmed when she got hit by by them, she felt like she was on fire. She tried to grit her teeth and take the pain but at this point her world was spinning and she felt herself gasp in pain.

Lucifer was not the only one who had not taken any hug damage, him and Kai was back up. Lucifer jumped at Hiro claws extended, he did not care if he was stronger then him, he wanted the guy to get hurt.

Rhea gasped, now she knew it was not safe for her to go help them. She did not even want to tell Ebony shot at him.
Ebony lifted her bow and loosed an arrow but Hiro caught it blood dripped from his hand he easily sidestepped Luci and ran his claws across Lucifers arm there was the same burning that both shania and Sage were now feeling. "I just wanted to leave gifts. bye now," with that he took off leaving his neice writhing in pain.
Fredrick laughed, "He left them just as bad as I did back when I first meet them..." Jumping off the side oft he building, Fredrick also disappeared.

Rhea immediately ran to Shania and Sage, both of them looked pretty bad. There was a lot of blood around Sage, but she was sure Shania was broken in several places... She needed to stop the bleeding first... Rhea leaned next to Sage first. Sage had actually passed out she quickly started to heal Sage.

Lucifer clutched his shoulder before running next to Shania, "Are you ok?" He asked her quietly.

"Joker get the medical equipment quickly..." Rhea said under her breath.
"Why is it burning?" she asked in a pained voice.

Kai ran to them "this guy doesn't play around," he said.

Rhea quickly found a heavy poison running through the wounds in Sage's body.
Rhea took care of the poison as quickly as she could before she moved stop the bleeding, After she did that she left Sage, "Wrap Death up nice and tight, I wont get to her till later." Rhea was a bit tired, this was the first time she actually took care of poisons. Leaning down to Shania she quickly started to take the poison out before she even began.

"It is poison .. and I am not even sure how to help Kid with it..." When she has pulled the poison from Shania Rhea gritted her teeth before and went next to Sage and pulled the jewel out of her pocket. Lucifer raised an eye brow when Rhea got a hold of the jewel.
Kai grabbed her hand and took the jewel "You will not," he said "We get the antidote from the dieing gixie," he pointed to the demoness.

Shania had by now fainted as well. Ebony dispite the pain was trying to wrape up Death's wounds.

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