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Wild Cards

Rhea gave Kai a determined look when he took the jewel from her, "Then do it quickly." she urged him, time was of the essence. She would try and take the jewel from him if he could not find an antidote.

Lucifer stayed were he was, he did not was the poison to spread in his body too fast.
"Please... please spar me," Rose said she was in pain and in shock "it wont work on you humans... but I can save your friend," tears streamed down her face showing them all how young she realy was.

"hand it over," Kai said sharply she pulled out a flower it was purple and full of a yellow liquid "drink," she said
Rhea sighed of relief when she handed over the potion. Lucifer came over and dark a bit before leaning over and speaking to the girl in the demon language, "Why should I spare you Rose?" He asked, his eyes flashing.

Rhea could hear the danger in Lucy's voice. Shaking it off Rhea moved to go use the rest of her energy to heal Ebony first since she had to go home... Shania would be next and Sage last. They were all out of danger from the poison.
Rose looked at Lucifer "you shouldn't but please do anyway," she said in demon back to him. She was younger then Lucifer alot younger she was loosing what little strength she had left "I can help fight," she breathed out in pained pants.

Ebony was releifved to have the pain gone. She looked to the girl and Lucifer was he really going to kill her?
"Fight in the name of Axesort? Killing no humans? The slightest cause of trouble I can kill you. I only feel pity for you for being abandoned " He hissed before handing her bottle she had given Kai, there was still antidote left in it.

Rhea gave ebony a quick look, she was tired now, healing bone took a lot out of her, but she knew Shania has a lot of broken bone. Quickly she moved to Shania and pressed her hands down on her and started to heal her.
every one of shania's ribs were either broken or cracked and her breathing was pained due to this. Rose drank the last of te antidote but her body was still very badly beaten from the fight. "Thank you," she kissed Lucifers foot in a show of obediance, she was different now more docile almost harmless.
"Don't grovel with me..." He said, a bit peeved still, he did not believe for one second she could be trusted. He looked over to everyone else, he was worried... Ebony looked ok now, Shania still looked in a lot of pain... but Rhea looked like she was going to drop soon. "Archer are you ok?" He asked concerned.

Rhea felt the last of Shania's ribs get set back in placed, she felt like she was swaying. Rhea leaned down and rested her head on Shania, closing her eyes for a moment.
"Archer is healed... Warrior is healed..."
"princess needs a long nap," Kai picked her up. "You feel healthy enough to help carry these girls?" Kai asked Lucifer.

Ebony nodded "I'm ok now... is she.. are we leaving her here?"
Lucifer glanced at Rose for a long moment, "I rather not leave her unchecked..." He said, before picking up Shania and taking her to the car. He was gentler with Sage when putting her down in the back since she was the only one not healed. Picking Rose as well he moved with her in the back, "Can you help me wrap her up?" Lucifer asked Ebony.

Rhea was jolted away when Kai touched her, scaring her a bit,
"Ah... Sage." She said, her train of thought being restored. She fell asleep for a moment over Shania.
"sage will be fine untill morning," Kai said to rhea and set her inthe frount passanger seat. "did you have to bring that along?" Kai asked.

Ebony nodded "Yeah.. her wing ow do you wrap blades?" she asked.
"Well do you want to leave her to go kill some more humans after we go lick our wounds?" Lucifer asked, crossing his arms at Kai. "I rather keep her where I can kill her."

"Just like a bird I guess.." He said turning to Ebony.

The next day came and pretty much everyone spend the night. the cat ended up sleeping on Sage, thought she had not woken up yet. Lucifer was up, trying to do normal things Shania did in the morning, though he remembered he was shown one time how to heat up left overs. Lucifer had ended up putting Rose on their couch, Shania and Rhea in his bed and Sage in Shania's bed.

Rhea woke first, sitting up she swayed a bit before she took in her surroundings.
Kai was up and about trying to help Lucifer but he was as bad at this homemaking stuff as Lucifer was he did however actually chained up the demon girl so she couldn't wake up and move not in the shape she was in anyway; he didn't trust her either, in fact he was half tempted to end her life many times.

Shania woke when Rhea stired 'lay back down," she said in as strong a voice as she could she had lost alot of blood after all
Rhea was a bit startled when Shania spoke, she did not know the girl was there, "Ah..." She was going to get out of be like she usually did but instead laid back down, "are you feeling ok?"

Lucifer just wanted Ebony to come over because him and Kai were just doing horrible things.

"What are you @ss holes doing?" Sage asked, she was holding herself against a wall, "All I hear is a bunch of racket in here... You two could not survive without Shania or I." Sage looked like hell but she did not feel as bad as she looked. She still had five large slightly closed holes in her chest though. She walked past them before putting a tea cup onto the stove, "What happened after I passed out?" She asked

Lucifer blinked when he saw Sage,
"Ah you should not be up!"

"Go sit... your making a mess and a racket..." Sage said, glaring at Lucifer.
Shania pushed up "I'm fine Rhea, you healed me well now rest please?" Shania asked

Rose opened er eyes and hissed the sun was shining right on her and the chains were heavy.

Ebony called Lucifer telling him she'd be over at lunchtime.
Lucifer walked into the living room after Sage banished him before looking at Rose, "Ok... things are a bit of a mess..." He said before hanging up the phone, "Hush you... the Human sun it not that bad... it is a bit draining but you can live under it..."

"Ok... but you rest too..." She said before closing her eyes again.

Sage sighed and looked at Kai,
"Have you guys eaten? Or are you both starving to death?" She asked, the cat had followed her eventually out of the room.
"Did you have to tie me down?" she asked in a whine then winced she still hurt all over "can you please close the curtains it's too bright,"

Shania whatched Rea lay back and she got out of bed se was fully healed so she didn't feel to awful a bit dizzy but she could manage. she walked into the living room "you picked up a stray," she commented to Lucifer.
"Your so Whinny....." He said crossing him arms, "Ah.. Shania... Are you ok? Are you sure you should be up?" He asked looking a bit worried at her.

Sage glared at Kai as he ignored her for the second time,
"Hey Earth to Kai." She said before hitting him on the head. "Geez you are useless... go to bed." She said before moving slowly to start cooking. Hitting him over the head made her hurt all over.
Kai chuckled "ow I'm fine just deep in thought about the stray Luci picked up I can clean without doing too much damage," he sheilded himself slightly.

"I'm fine Luce," Shania said "a bit dizzy but that will pass," she looked at rose "why is it tied up?" she asked a brow raised.

"I'm not an it!" Rose said "and I'd like not being chained up!" she pouted "how old are you anyway?" she asked Lucifer and Shania/
Lucifer crossed his arms, "16... I am about to take my test..." He said proudly.

Sage sighed,
"What about it?" Sage said, quickly making someone for everyone to eat. "Why did we not kill it now?"
Rose binked "I'm 14," she said "why are you taking so long to take the test?"

Kai looked at Sage "ask Luci I wanted to kill it,"

Shania looked at Lucy and Rose. "Ok lets not start a fight, why did you spare her Luce?"
Lucifer pricked, "Because I am here cleaning up messes demons like you leave!" he snapped at her, the demon girl obviously got on Lucifer nerves. When Shania asked he looked at Shania, "I spared her because she got abandoned by her uncle... I pity her... If you want to kill her go ahead." He said lamely.

"I am ok with killing her." Sage said, walking into the room and leaning on the door way.
Rose tried to curl in on herself "please my father is Lord Dasuke surely his name means something?" she was terrified she was going to die they were going to kill her all because she listened to her uncle and had a little fun.

"I want to say kill her but... look at her it would be like kicking a sick little kid," Shania said.
Lucifer blinked a bit, "Lord Dasuke? My uncle is Lord Levi... slightly more known then my father. Why were you threatening to make Levi mad? Or were you just saying that to make me mad? Why are you even here...?" Lucifer asked, getting a bit mad again but cooled off a bit at his last question.

Sage sighed before moving to get the food, come back in with a lot of basic scrambled eggs. "Eat up guys."
"Uncle Hiro and Levi don't get along... he says Levi is a traiter a failure like my father," she said wide eyed she was helpless if attacked and her honesty might just get her killed.

"Thank you sage," Shania said taking a plate and taking it in to Rhea letting Luce settle the demon girl.

"God demon politics wonderful," Kai said.
"If anyone is a traitor it is Hiro! Levi is loyal! Do you believe Hiro?" He asked, his eyes narrowed at the girl, depending on her answer he will have to call Levi, she needed to go home anyway, Levi and Dasuke will sort her out.

Sage sat down on the other couch, resting her limbs, man she was soar, but she had to agree with Kai. Rhea would be eating this up right about now though.

Rhea was still out like a light, completely asleep.

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