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Wild Cards

"No... I am a healer. Are you going to hurt me?" She asked quietly, he usual calm voice.

Sage grinned,
"Exhilarating, like there is something buzzing. Sometimes it feels like its moving. Its quick, random, untamed." She said, she had been moving to describe the feelings her powers gave her for a week now.
Kai chuckled "it suits you miss calm and cool all the time,"

"I couldn't if i wanted too right now I used all my power in out fight and alot of blood," Rose said honestly not much point in liying after all.

Ebony squeezed Lucy "how lon g is the testing?" she asked him.
"Not at all. All thought it feels so in my veins sometimes... I don't feel any need to act on the impulse." Sage said shrugging.

"Hard to tell." he said, removing Ebony's arms from his injured one when she squeezed it. He leaned foreword and kissed her forehead before smiling, "Maybe one to two human weeks?" He said, trying to answer her.

"I am going to change her bandages." Rhea said quietly before walking away to go get things she needed. coming back, even with the jar of slave they used for Lucy last time. "Kai Sage... can we unchain her for a bit... I want to change out her bandages."

Sage shrugged,
"I don't care." Typical Sage response... Rhea thought.
Kai looked at her "only if I can hold her at weapon point and don't use that on her she doesn't deserve the kindness," Kai had went from normal kai to a hard cold stranger.

Ebony nodded "i'll miss you," she said softly.
Lucifer had not gone back to his childish self, the aura of the other demon in the house kept him on edge and in his usual serious mood.

Rhea sighed,
"Fine..." She said quietly, before leaning close to the girl and starting to pull the chains off her to get to her bandages.

Sage chuckled,
"Everyone is so on edge." Sage said shrugging, she was getting sleepy.
Kai had transformed his weapon and did indeed have the small demoness at weapon point. She was reacting much like a scared trapped animal Kai's axe so close she couldn't even run away. "she tried to mive her broken wing but all it did was cause her pain and made her flex her other one putting Kai on edge. "You will learn Death that causion saves lives,"

"Luci.. do you want to go talk?" she asked him softly.
Lucifer looked at Ebony before he glanced back at the demon girl, "Ok.." He said quietly, the thought to be alone with Ebony made him happy. He got up and left the room with Ebony.

Sage smiled, She was just as on edge, Rhea was the one being not cautious enough. Sage actually had her pen in hand, but she refused to show any sign that she was paranoid or even been paranoid.

Rhea sighed again
"This might string a bit." She said before she started to put the salve onto the wounds of the demoness. She rewrapped her wings and chest slowly, taking a quick mental note to later write down. In the end she also wrapped the area's of skin where her chains were so she did not get rubbed raw by the chains. "There." Rhea said before getting back up and stepping away from Rose. The wrapping Job Rhea did was much better then the original one. "Now your turn Sage..." Rhea said approaching the girl to look at her bandages.
Rose was able to sit up but she was sure to be very slow about it not too keen on having her head lopped off. "I'm not a danger I feel weak too weak so please put the pointy stick away," she said her voice trembled.

Ebony took Luci to Shania's room because it was quiet and the farthest from the livingroom. "What do you want to do to relax?" she asked him trying to be chipper.

Shania walked into the living room "hello everyone.. seems we let the bird off her leash,"
Lucifer smiled at the girl and sat on the bed, pulling the girl down with him. He wrap his arms around her and then hugged her tight, pressing his forehead onto hers. He basically snuggled her closely without a word, "I would like to sleep some..." He said quietly, closing his eyes.

Rhea looked up at Shania when she walked into the room, before turning to Sage and started to heal her wounds.

Sage laughed,
"Shes been a good little bird so far." She was already feeling so much better as Rhea started to heal her sides.
"Kai don't break my house," Shania said seeing him with his weapon out.

Ebony smiled "ok," she said and rested with him content in his embrace.

"I'm not a bird," she said but cowered again when Kai got closer he redid her chains but let her stay sitting up.
Rhea knew Kai was doing to protect them, but still the girl looked scared out of her mind.

Sage smiled, feeling much better after Rhea finished,
"Thank you Rhea, You should go back to bed and sleep till we take you home." Sage said.

Rhea nodded and sat back down on the other couch, resting her head on the back of it.

"Kai relax some... and eat, you've not eaten anything." Sage said bluntly, sitting down next to Rose. "I'll watch the cute little birdy. Besides it seems my electricity does the most damage. Ah by the way Shania, Levi visited while you were asleep. Kai has his power, also we are in charged of babysitting this cutie till daddy comes to get her."
"Zap her if she so much as twitches," Kai said sitting to eat a little bit.

"Levi say anything worth while?" Shania asked sitting down and streaching.

Rose was trembling and the chains would rattle every now and again she hated feeling so powerless.
"Ah yeah, You have a sponsor. Some one else is going to give you powers." Sage said suddenly remembering, "You calm down, I won't zap you in less you move to hurt someone." Sage said to the girl quietly.

Rhea nodded,
"He did not say who or when... just is..." Rhea added. "Says he won't give you a power in less he approves of you and your willing to approve of him."
Rose looked at Sage "Could you calm down if you were chained up?" she asked. Kai rolled his eyes he was obviously not going to unchain her anytime soon.

"A sponser huh?" she said softly 'I supose Ill have to wait and meet him... or her,"
Sage grinned, "You don't know me, so yes I can be rather calm in chains." Sage could seem calm and not worried, now would be a perfect example. She liked to say she had a pretty good poker face. Kai usually would seem like that, but he was busy putting on the cold hearted bastered waves to keep Rose scared out of her wits.

Lucifer opened his eyes, he had actually fallen asleep surprisingly .. Ebony next to him made him feel a bit more calm, though waking up and feeling Rose's presence was not really as soothing as he would have liked. Quietly he leaned close to Ebony and kissed her slowly be her asleep or not.

Rhea had actually fallen asleep again leaning back on the couch, she was still tired and had refused to go lay down in bed again. She much rather be out with everyone else and not miss anything that goes on. She actually slide down the couch a bit and ended up leaning against who ever was sitting next to her, be it Shania or Kai.
Kai pulled Rhea into his arms putting his food aside he held her gently letting her pressance sooth his frazzled nerves. Shania was whatching Rose rather indiferent to her, "Sage since you like the little birdy I'll keep her here but you have to keep her in check," Shania stated.

Rose shuddered Shania's eyes were like ice her voice was so calm it was frightening "I'll be good..." Rose said.

"We could clip her wings," Kai said softly "she was more of a threat in the air after all,"

Ebony woke when Lucifer kissed her and she wrapped her arms around him to return the kiss with a smile.
Lucifer smiled when Ebony kissed him back, grateful for her. After a few moment he hugged her tighter, "I have to tell Shania soon... but I don't know how to go about doing it..."

Sage smirked and patted Rose on the head,
"I can do that. Hear that? I am your new baby sitter. You better be good or we really will clip your wings." Sage said happily. "I hope you don't plan on taking advantage of poor sleepy princess." Sage said with a smirk, pointing at Kai holding Rhea.
Kai smirked feeling a bit like his old self "of course not a prince never takes advantage of his princess," he kissed her forehead and chuckled "well not with people around as witness at least,"

Shania sighed Kai was impossible and she did consider clipping the demoness' wings.

Rose was in a state of constant panic she just wanted to fly away and never see these horrible people ever again. "Please let me go," she begged.

Ebony hugged Lucifer "If you wait too long Shania might take it even worse then she already will but you should do it when it's just the two of you I think,"
"I think you are right... but with Rose here I fear I will not get the chance... I have a feeling I might need to ask her to walk with me somewhere while you guys deal with Rose for a bit..." Lucifer said quietly, reaching for Ebony's hair and gently stroking it.

"I see. Well please don't mind me, I can be invisible." Sage said laughing. Shania looked like she was getting a bit irritated and Sage wanted to see Kai get smacked. She was obviously instigating for it, egging Kai on to say something.
"You just want me to fondle princess so you can watch," Kai said and was unable to dodge the rather thick book that slammed into his face. Rose blinked unsure of what just happened and even more unsure of why the one hit was laughing.

"My house is g rated," Shania huffed.

Ebony nodded and snuggled close to Lucifer "I dont want you to go but... I know you'll come back to us," she said she had full faith in Lucifer. She smiled as her stroked her hair he was so affectionate it made her feel cared for and safe.
Sage burst out laughing, completely satisfied with what had happened. "Of course, is that not always the reason?" Sage said smirking.

The loud noises made Rhea sit up and stir,
"What... I fell asleep again..." She said quietly, "It is really loud...."

Lucifer grinned,
"Of course I will come back." Then in a more soothing he voice he spoke again, "No stupid test is going to stop me from coming home."
Ebony smiled brighter and snuggled close to Lucifer.

Kai chuckled rubing his now red face "Shania doesn't ever hold back I swear she's going to kill someone one day,"

Rose blinked as Shania began to laugh aswell "are you all... normal?" Rose asked
Rhea rubbed her eyes, putting two and two together... Kai must had said something inappropriate or teased Shania again.

Sage grinned at Rose before leaning closer to the girl,
"Of course not. We have a mentally unstable psychopath, the secret mafia boss, the pathological liar, the antisocial book worm and then.... Gee what would Ebony be? Sane?" Sage asked.

Lucifer smiled and kiss Ebony again,
"Let's go... I think I want to do this sooner rather then later... before it get's dark outside."
Ebony nodded and got up though she'd rather stay in bed.

Shania looked at Sage "I am not an unstable psychopath," she said though she really could be at times. "and are you the pathological liar?" She asked.

"Mafia boss... sounds so bland," Kai said sticking out his tongue.

"Humans are scarier then uncle said." Rose commented aloud
"No." Sage said jokingly. Rhea got the joke, only to laugh a bit.

"Shania... for all you know, I have been lying to you since the very beginning. Since the day we meet. I lie daily. It is a rather bad habit of mine I suppose " Sage said shrugging, "I thought you guys knew already. I guess I busted my own cover. To be honest though... I tell the truth more often with you guys then not. Or... Everything I said just now was a lie...." Sage chuckled.

Lucifer and Ebony soon walked out of the bedroom together, Lucifer looked much better and well rested, though his nap was short.

"Oooh Lucy and Ebony, You guys disappeared for such a long time.... freshly mated yes?" Sage said grinning.

Lucifer immediately hugged Ebony and blushed, but he glared at Sage,
"No... but I bet you want to, you can't."

Sage seem to blink at that, not really sure what to say before she burst out laughing,
"Want to make a bet again?" Sage finally said

"NO!" Lucifer said, burring Ebony closer to him.

Rhea blushed hard, covering her face.

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