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Wild Cards

Sage smiled, "nah, I can go tomorrow. I can find things to substitute till then, right? Cats can't be that hard to take care of..." Sage said raising an eye brow at Kai before she gently pet behind the cat's ear.

Rhea smiled and looked at Sage,
"I think we should go! I like seeing the pets around the store... Kai you would take us right?" Rhea asked smiling.
Kai smiled "naturaly princess, maybe get shania and Luce an actual puppy," he mussed.

Shania raised an eyebrow "and how am I to care for a puppy and Luce,"

"You'll find a way," Kai chuckled
The night easily came by and Sage instead on keeping the cat with her and not leave it at her apartment while they went demon hunting. When they gathered to the area, Sage passed out the mics. Rhea quickly went over the area again, she thought they should clear the outside first. Lucifer looked slightly distracted, like he was unsure, "I think Freddy is here.. but there are a few others... just as powerful."

Rhea's stomach twisted and the horrible bad feeling came over her,
"This gives me a bad feeling... I did not think he would be back so soon."
"Death leave the cat in the car," Kai said "should we go in?" Kai asked Luci.

Shania was on edge "A few others? how many powerful ones?"
Sage rolled her eyes, "Like I was going to run around with my scythe and a cat. Are you dumb?" She asked

Lucifer sighed,
"Three... maybe? Counting Freddy..." He was not sure, he wish he could be exsactly sure.

"I think it is a trap..." Rhea said, she felt like she was stating the obvious though.
"Yeah pronblem is should we fall for it?" Kai asked "I want at freddy but not at our lives cost,"

"Do you think..freddy got reinforcment?" Ebony asked
"Yeah I bet he had... we know the Hydra was his doing too. I can't tell who he has with him." Lucifer said, "I can sense them, so they can sense me..."

"Maybe we should just go...." Rhea suggested, her gut feeling was saying not to go.

"We can try and use the plane and see if we can get anything with that?" Sage suggested.
"yeah we should, if they can tell we are here best to move and fast," Kai said.

"I agree with Kai sitting in a van is not good if they deside to come this way." Shania said
Rhea sighed and pulled Ebony, moving quickly to get the stuff.

Sage also moved and tugged on Lucifer,
"Come on Kid, no use standing still, lets take a walk. We won't go far, we are just going to move so they don't think anything suspicious."

Rhea had things connected and ready to go by the time Sage was a few feet away already.
"Ok Archer it is ready to go. Ready?" She asked the girl. "We are going to check the building first."
she nodded "I'm ready," she said Kai stood beside Rhea as Shania stood watching for movement.

"this is rediculous we need to kill the sucker," Shania said
Rhea nodded, Fredrick had become more then just a thorn in their side, but a real threat to them. Rhea watched the camera closely, she turned on the night vision half and watched close and low and behold there was Freddy sitting on the building with another man, a women standing next to him, "this looks like they are just waiting... not ambushing... they are sitting in plan sight..."
The man looked so human it was funny his shaggy brown hair was just to his shoulders his skin was pale as moonlight. The girl looked alot like him exept she had black angel wings the feathers gleamed like a ravens.

"They look... different then what we normaly fight any info kid?" Shania asked.
"What? I don't know... I am walking with Death... what do they look like?" Lucifer asked as him and Sage turned around and started to walk back.

Rhea quickly described them to him before Lucifer let out a long hiss,
"Sounds like Angels. Arch Angels to be more exact."

Rhea pressed her lips together, her normal reaction when she started to think a million miles an hour,
"I don't think.. I know much about Angels.."

When Sage and Luicfer had gotten back, Rhea and Ebony had just got the plane back into the car,
"What should we do then?" Sage asked with a shrug.
"how the hell do we take down arch angels?" Kai asked exasperated.

Shania grit her teeth "anychance these awr weak demons?"
"No... Sage and Ebony match their level of power because of their magic... but the rest of us are kind of behind." Lucifer said quietly when they reached them.

"Ok... put me on the front lines then." Sage said, though that was not her style of fighting, she would be willing to give it a try.

Rhea sighed, she wondered how long they had to plan. She needed to come up with something, she felt slightly obligated too,
"I think we should stay clear of the building and stay in the close quarter group if we move to engage them. Neither of the new ones looked like they had weapons... so I have a feeling they might fight a lot like our Kid." Rhea said.
The girl looked at the aircraft and smiled waving at them. "Well she seems friendly," Kai said dryly.

"I'm not so sure this is safe anymore," Ebony
"Well might are well go get this over with." Sage said smiling, her usual nonchalant tone.

Rhea sighed and moved out of the van closing it, she much rather just leave. Lucifer was quiet like usual, facing the direction of the demons.

"Are you guys sure we need to do this?" Rhea asked one more time.
"I don;t think we have a choice," Shania said.

"You're right little girl you and your team have no choice," the girl was in the air though her winds were still folded at her side "oh I'm fighting children uncle must not have faith in me," she talked to them as if she was talking to little children
"You look like a kid yourself, not much older then myself!" Lucifer said in their own language. "Who do you serve, who is your uncle? Who are you? My uncle is Levi... we serve under Axesort... Why are you with Fredrick?"

Rhea wished she could speak demon... she wanted to know what they were saying. Sage huffed as the demon girl made her appearance to them because they took to long to get down there. She really hope they did not destroy the car...
She smiled "you are a treat we serve noone well at the moment we serve Fred, untill it is no longer benificial of course... Levi... I know that name!" she clapped her hands together "if we kill you will it hurt him? Oh what a lovely day!" her eyes lit up she was now moving around as if dancing in the air.

"Kid?" Shania asked "what's going on,"
"You would not be able to touch Levi, he would cut you in half without even blinking. You would not be able to kill me either!" When Shania asked him what was going on, he was obviously heated, "She serves no one and she thinks if she kills me they can get Levi out here. Apparent they are using Freddy for.. something."

Rhea seem to make a face but kept her mouth shut. Sage was leaning on the scythe, waiting for the talking to be over with.
"Ok kiddies my orders are clear, please say your last rites!" she spread her wings and razor sharp feathers were thrown at the group Shania pulled Rhea to her and sheilded her with her body Kai gaurded his ches neck and head. Ebony held up her bow defencivly.
"Archer Wind now." Sage said, also quickly covering herself.

Lucifer on the other hand jumped on top of the car and launched off it to jump over the razor fathers and attack the girl and drag her out of the air.

The girl spun out of reach giggling Ebony tried to knock the feathers away but was only able to slow them.

"My name little humans and darling demon is Rose, Now may i have yours before you die?"
Lucifer landed hard on the ground and looked back up to the girl, "Lucifer." Lucifer said, disregarding the 'nickname' system, which he thought was stupid in the first place. "Fight me on the ground Rose... I don't have my wings yet." he hissed. He would get his wings when he passed his test... but right now he was wingless. "Stop flying like a coward."

Rhea automatically healed Shania to the touch when the feathers hit, feeling bad the girl took the hit for her. Sage on the other hand was very grateful for how much less of an impact the feathers had when they hit her. She did not feel like the pierced her all that deep. picking out a few of them from her Sage looked back up at the girl, Lucy continued to taunt her.

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