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Wild Cards

When they arrive back at Shanias, Sage waved at them and told them she needed to go catch some classes so she was not staying. Rhea on the other hand, put the DVDs into the players to watch the camera, taking notes in a note book.

Lucifer was helping by trying to pin point where exactly each demons power level was where.
Kai flopped on Shania's couch "I think we can handle it," he said confidently. "unless our vamp shows his ugly head."

Shania sighed and went to whach the cd.
"I honestly don't think he is going to show up..." Rhea said quietly, she can heal everyone instantly including herself, but he can not.

The next day came quickly and Sage had not really shown up yet, she sent Shania a text telling her she had over slept and would be over as soon as she could.

Rhea was a bit excited for the picnic today, a nice relaxing day to just read... it sounded like a really good idea.
"Shania do you need any help with anything?" She asked the girl when she came into the house.
"No I'm ok... you can go fetch the kid he's in his room," she said she was doing dishes from breackfast Kai was asleep on Shania's couch again. He came in late last night and she let him crash there out of pity.
"Ok." Rhea glanced at Kai on the couch, thinking to look over him when she got back.

Walking into the room, Rhea saw Lucifer fast asleep. She smiled at him, he was so childish... how did Ebony stand it? Nothing was wrong with it... but it was not really what Rhea herself would seak in a romantic partner...
"Lucy..." Rhea said quietly, shaking the boy. He opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times, "Rhea... is it food time?"

Rhea laughed,
"You just ate breakfast... but Shania says it is time to get up." Rhea said with a smiled.

"Oookiie..." Lucifer said, rolling out of bed and moving to go get dressed. Rhea left the room quickly before he started to get undressed before she moved to Kai to quickly check him for injures.
Not coming as a shock he had new burns on his hands they weren't as bad as the one he had her heal though. Shania peeked in "what's he done this time?" she asked. "I pity Sage working with him you'll be healing her every other day."
"Hopefully not at all. I plan to be more careful." Sage said, quietly closing the door behind her.

Rhea looked up at Sage and Shania before taking Kai's hands in hers again and healing them. She has slowly come to terms with using Kai and Shania as test subjects, but still she needed them awake for her to do so, so she might as well just take Kai's pain.
"He is fine. More burns."

Sage however helped herself into the kitchen to start cooking quickly to make up for lost time when she had slept in.
"Breakfast smells nice." She said, a rare compliment, thought she saw most of it was already put away and eaten. She was a tad bit hungry.
"Theres still some left though I thought you were sure my cooking was only mediocre," Shania said half amused half worried.

Kai opened his eyes "nice to wake up to your face princess," he said with sleepy grin.
Rhea blushed a bit, "Sorry... I was just trying to heal you." She said quietly. That caught her off guard, usually he is out like a light and does not get up when she does this.

"Thank you I will take you up on the offer. It is mediocre, but you also improve all the time, so I would rate your food a bit higher then I use too." Sage said with a smirk. "Also... I think we should make Lucy play Frisbee today."
"Why?" shania asked thinking of why he should be made to play a game involving catching a flying disk.

Kai smiled "I know," he sat up and held out his hands "It seems i still wasn't fast enough to get away,"
Rhea gave him a weak smiled before sitting down next to him and taking his hand again, "I am afraid to ask... but what do you keep doing that is having you burned? And would it be ok if I took a few notes...?"

"Oh? Don't think it is fitting for him to play Frisbee? He is like a puppy after all." Sage said with a smirk.
Shania blinked a few tmes then laughed "you just want to make him into a pet,"

Kai smiled "I've been working with chemicals trying to find out the mixture that has been showing up in sertain area's no mater what i use to protect my hands it burns right through and on contact with living skin tissue it catches flame, take as many notes as you need,"
Sage smirked, "I already thought he was the group mascot..." Sage said laughing a bit. She was mixing the macaroni salad that Ebony had suggested.

Rhea made a face, "why do you need to go about doing that?" She asked before she got up and took out a another one of her note books, one no one has seen since Lucy was hurt. The note book was more then half way full, opening to the next page Rhea wrote Kai's nickname at the top and took notes about the burns on his hands, chemical burns. Then she put one of the pain sheets in front of him, from the scale of 0-10. "Pick one..." She said quietly.
"Um... with my tolerance it's like a three or four," he shrugged he had always been able to take pain well it amazed his father and helpped him on his way to being the prince he is.

Shania nodded "I guess he sort of is," she smiled "a cute little... we need to get him one of those dog suits... with the ares and everything,"
Sage began to chuckle at the idea, thinking of Lucy running around in a giant dog suit. It was actually... kind of cute. Sage had a bit of a soft spot for cute things. "Or maybe a cat suit..." Sage said in a pondering voice, she liked cats...

Rhea took some more notes pausing only to think for a moment. Before taking his hand and putting a bit of pressure on the wound,
"And now?" She herself kind of cringed because she did not want to cause him more discomfort, but she needed to. "This is hard... I much rather be doing this to myself...." she admitted.
Kai chuckled "it stings a bit and it gets hot like burns do, don't worry about me if I can't stand the pain you'll know," his smile was good natured and kind "this is for the greater good that you learn our own bodies we all heal diferently after all."

Shania smirked "you are the cat sneeky and sly,"
"Oh, and if you had to name yourself an animal, what would you choose?" Sage said, finish up the salad and moving to make so other dishes.

Rhea gave him a weak smile before glancing at the kitchen and then turning back a few pages in her notes,
"I have been trying to see if I can destroy things in the body as much as heal... if I can do this I may be able to shut off nerve ends for a bit to lessen pain... or no pain at all... I should be able to heal back what ever I have done, but I have had little to no success with it. I call it simply reverse healing." She said quietly to Kai.
"I can sever a nerve for you," he said with a smile. "And our warrior is a mother wolf," he called to sage "I am a weasel our princess is a Mockingbird, Ebony is a doe." Kai said "Maybe our princess is a egle disguised as a mockingbird..."

Shania looked at Kai with a raised brow.
"No... Don't do that." Rhea slightly jumped when Kai suddenly started yelling at Sage in the kitchen, both Sage and Shania seemed to round the kitchen door to speak to Kai, "Ah wolf, that seems rather fitting, a Weasel as well. I like to think myself a fox." Sage said simply.

"And Egle and Mockingbird... why those?" Rhea asked, deciding to heal Kai all the way instead of finish up, others around while her practicing made her neverious.
"Mokingbird because they are harmless pretty songbirds a egal because they have sharp eyes and are extreamly protective," Kai smiled "I can see you as a fox death,"

Shania sighed "a mother wolf... I guess it does fit me is Luce my pup?"
"Why thank you Kai." Sage said putting her hands on her hip, the other still holding the food she was preparing.

"I am not a pup... I am a big dog!" Lucifer said crossing his arms at the door way. "Where is Ebony?" He asked.

Rhea smiled at the though, but started to put the note book away after she had finished healing Kai.
"I'm here sorry I'm late," Ebony said. She had a basket with her "oh... I I tried to cook and wanted you guys so see if i did any good," she blushed and set the basket on the table in it was carrotcake brownies. They smelled really good and she decorates with a candy carrot on the cream cheese frosting on each browny.

Shania smiled "Ebony's bringing Luce homemade food now I think their relationship is growing."

Kai laughed and nodded "food is the way to a mans heart... well to Luci's anyway,"
"Ooh. I am impressed." Sage said, leaning over the basket. "Presentation is great. I guess we will have to see how they taste later."

"Or now..." Said Lucifer peaking into the basket as well.

Rhea giggled and leaned back on the couch.
"I guess we can leave soon?"

"Oh yes, food is almost done." Sage said loudly before moving back into the kitchen.
Ebony blushed a deep red and smiled softly "I made alot of them... " she said.

Shania ruffled Luce's hair "We'll wait to eat or you will eat them all yourself." she chuckled
When the food was done, they left for the same park as last time, Sage had tried to get the group to stop and get a Frisbee. She had really wanted to see Lucifer catch it now after Shania had said something about the dog suit.

Rhea on the other hand had a book like usual, but it was not a book for study like normal, one for pleasure. Lucifer was so excited he can barely stand it, he wanted to play on the human play ground again like last time. It was colder then the last time they had a picnic, but it was still rather pleasant outside.
"I hope it stays like this and does not get too cold... it would make hunting a pain." Sage said smiling.

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