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Wild Cards

"Princess, I am always getting hurt, I barely feel it anymore before I got extra power and strength Shania is a hard *ss I know you don't like us hurt but if we are already use us," he ruffled her hair.

Shania glanced at Sage as she heard the chuckle.
Rhea make a face when Kai messed up her hair, pulling her hair out of the long braid she had letting it lay flat on her back. "So today I actually want to back track to the area with the hydra.... there were a lot of demons who got away there... I am hoping that a few of them might possibly return there."

Sage stopped chuckling when Shania glanced at her, then waved at the girl before turning the corner back into the kitchen to chuckle a bit more.

Lucifer nodded,
"That would be possible... or Freddy might have come and gathered them up, I think they are loyal to him."
"oh lovely," Kai mused "I have many things I wish to tell Freddy as I cut off his leg then his arms... then his head,"

Shania made a face "whats the fun in all that take one leg then go finger by finger let his scream,"
Rhea shivered, she really did not want to listen how they were going to dismantlement Fredrick. Lucifer on the other hand... he much rather just kill him and make sure he was really dead instead of playing with him. Many pray can get away if you just torment it, you need to take the moment when you have it.

Sage came back in with the usual tea, placing it onto the table and serving the usual cups. Rhea reached to pout a cup, but Sage handed her one before she could.
"Ah, thank you." Rhea said. Sage smiled at her before sitting up, "I don't think our little ones want to hear this. Though I think I very much agree with Shania."
"A quick death would be the smart move... but the torture is what he deserves," Kai said "ok I'm done talking about dismembering,"

Shania took her tea cup "thank you," she told sage and took a sip.
Luifer nodded, "If we have the chance to kill him... we need to take it." He said quietly, glancing at Ebony when Sage handed her some tea.

Rhea smiled a bit before taking a sip,
"So everyone is ok with a bit of back tracking tonight?" Rhea asked quietly.

Sage handed Kai a cup and then sad down on the couch with a cup of her own,
"Yeah I am fine with it. Kai I am almost done with training." Sage told him, gently taking a sip.
"I've heard good reports about our new member," he said "next week I may have you finish this job with me," Kai said "and backtracking is good for me."

"I agree if theres a chance there is something there we should look," Shania said
Sage actually looked pleased, she had been trying her best through the training, she wanted to get a good name for herself right off the bat. Rhea also nodded, "If we find nothing, we can just drive the next mile over as well."
"Yes," Kai said "can we get to eating now though? I attempted to cook... i swear it moved,"

Shania actually began to laugh "I'd beleive it," she said
Sage chuckled, "You cant rush art Kai.... I'll get a snack to hold you over..." She said laughing.

Dinner was ready a few hours later, and an hour after that they headed out to go scout the area. As Rhea had thought, a few demons had returned to the area. no as many as last time but there were still quiet a few.

"it is just as I thought it would be. I guess we should kill them tomorrow night before Fredrick does come back and get a hold of them. Ebony got him good last time... so I don't know how long it will be before we see him again." Rhea said quietly, looking at the camera.
"Princess we are here, why not get them now?" Kai asked "no portal no freddy and they are low level kill two birds with one stone,"

Shania thought for a moment that did seem a good idea but she wasn't always the best with these sorts of things,
"I suppose .. Lucy what do you think?" Rhea asked, looking at the demon of the group. He nodded, he could careless. Sage sighed, "I did not wear demon hunting cloths... another suit going to get ruined."

"Ok... sounds like it might be a good idea." Rhea said, approving the idea. "Pass out the mics I guess."

Sage leaned foreword and then began to pass the mics out between people.
"Yeah don't wear suits as often you'll regret it the first time one catches fire and fuses to your skin," Kai said putting on his mic.

Shania shuddered "you two... are too odd," she commented.

Ebony nodded as she hooked on her mic.
"Oh? A permanent suite does not sound that bad." Sage said chuckling as she got out of the car. Rhea got out of the car as well, Lucifer jumped out first taking the lead like usual.

There were demons scattered every which was and about on the field. Rhea tried her best to direct on the make sift map where she saw them.
"We can pick team A and B and do our original plan last time?"
"We are definatly not leaving our princess and little ballerena alone this time," Kai said "so one pole arm and one closerange per tean and one either healer or archer,"

"I think I should stay with our priestess and the kid will want to be near archer," Shania said "you and death go whith what team you want,"

Ebony stuck close to Lucifer "this is just picking off stragglers though," she said. "it shouldn't be hard,"
Sage laughed, "Archer dear, have you not learned yet? Never expect it to be easy, because something never fails to show up and surprise us. I will stay with Kid and Archer since you and Joker seem to get hurt the most. Well if you can stand Joker that long." Sage said with a shrug.

Lucifer usually would hug Ebony, but he was in one of his serious modes, ready to hunt demons.

Rhea nodded, approving the teams, her and Ebony had switched, but she had a feeling they were not have permanent teams.
"It might be good we have Priestess here if not Trickster here would never make the night," Shania said "Ok Kid you guys go that way we''ll go this way keep in touch just in case,"

Kai took position behind Rhea to protect her from the rear Shania was at the front as always.

Ebony took the rear of her group her bow drawn and her eyes sharp serching the area.
The fight went quickly. It was dusk and the demons were still a bit powerless, making the first a bit easy. Sage used her power a bit, not getting to use it at all the last few times she had gotten it. Rhea even cut down a few demons here and there, the ones Shania and Kai did not completely annihilate. Lucifer did well, the amount of demons around the area were much the same as the amount that had pulled the hydra through the portal.

When all was done the group had meet back up in the middle.
"I think that kept us from losings most of them. spiting up like that, they were not able to run." Rhea said as they gathered.
"I agree but we should be careful when we split up remember we are strongest together," Kai said

Shania nodded "And why is it I am always covered in blood... you guys are never covered in this much,"

"ah our angel bathed in blood," Kai smirked and dodged a rock.
Rhea sighed, she did not need to be reminded, she knew that already. Sage smiled sweetly, "I always try to keep myself as clean as possibly. Lucky I manage to avoid getting on my shirt." She said happily. "Besides, I fried most of them today."

Rhea sighed,
"Ok lets god scout the next area quickly for tomorrow. In less you guys want to count this as weekly hunting?"
"Go scout this was too d*mn easzy," Kai said streaching he was pretty blood free himself.

"Alright," Shania said and went to get in the back and wash up a little Kai had bought wet towletts for the clean up since it was always needed.
Rhea smiled and left with everyone else. When they drove about a mile the other direction, Lucifer could tell their were more demons around but no portal. For the most part, Rhea could not see as many demon's as Lucifer was talking about. The area had a few run down building, which made Rhea think they were inside the buildings. "This is going to be a real pain..." Rhea said with a sigh when the camera died.
Lucifer looked up when Shania looking at him, "Yeah I guess... depends on the demon."

Rhea cleared her throat,
"I bode against that.... Starting any kind of fire or smoke is asking for human attention...."
"I was thinking more along the lines of a smaoke granade but you might be right," Kai nodded "I hate fighting indoors,"

Shania chuckled "I like close range fighting."

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