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Wild Cards

Shania seemed far too relaxed for her she had bathed Ebony once Kai left for his 'job', she also cleaned a little and in the morning gathered laundry to get done today; before school in the morning. Ebony blinked a few times and sat up she still felt rather heavy and she didn't remember getting to Shania's "What?" her voice was horse and she touched her throat it didn't hurt it just felt odd.
Lucifer jumped when Ebony sat up suddenly, "Ebony... are you ok?" Lucifer was sitting on the floor next to her. He had given up his bed for Ebony while Rhea ended up in Shania's bed.

Sage passed the room just in time to see Ebony get up, and paused for a moment to watch. She had been helping Shania with the chores around the house, Sage was also rather calm, though she had seemed that way since the beginning.
she looked at lucifer and blinked again "uh huh." she said softly. "Rhea.. is she?" Ebony was still touching her throat she remebered Fredrick then pain alot of pain. Tears began to fall from her eyes she was still scared.
"Ah... Ebony please don't cry..." Lucifer said, getting up and sitting on the bed. Sage sighed and walked into the room and sat down on the bed as well, pulling Ebony to her, "Rhea is fine. You are fine. Both of you are healed and alive. You even hurt Freddy pretty badly. You are safe now right? Lucy and I are here now." Sage said, gently petting the girls hair. She was afraid Lucy was going to say something not soothing.

Rhea however, also work up, and made herself get out of bed, wondering into the living room. She did not feel half as weak as normal, but she had not even tried to talk yet.
"Sit down," Shania said "you have an awful habit of getting out of bed when I'm not looking," she was placing a box on the living room table her hair was pulled up with a ribbon just to keep it out of her face.

Ebony nodded she saw her arrow hit but again it seemed to do nothing to him. "it ... i felt like i ...was dieing," she said through her fight against more tears.
Sage's original thought was to tell the girl she most likely almost did die... but thought better of it, "You would not have died. Lucy and Kai came to get you... and Rhea started healing you as soon as she could.. we won't ever let you die... and we are going to try and never let you get hurt again, ok?" Sage said with a smiled. Lucifer narrowed his eyes and nodded, "I won't let you get hurt again..." He said confidently.

Rhea smiled at Shania before sitting down on the couch,
"Wha..." She paused, she expected her voice to be bad, but it was worse then she thought. "What is in the box?" She said quietly.
"... photo's this entire box is full of nothing but pictures I was going to finish a few of the albums as i waited for the clothes at the laundry mat." Shania admitted. "You're voice is really weak Sage made breackfast as well french toast, are you hungry," She said changing the topic of discussion.

Ebony looked at Lucifer and couldn't help but smile a little he was always so sure of himself.
Sage stood up and smiled Ebony, "Breakfast if ready if you are hungry." She said before walking out of the room. Lucifer watched her go before looking at her again, "Are you ok?" He asked.

"A bit. Yes it will be like this for a bit... a few days at most I think. Those... are those the ones that were in his room?" Rhea asked.
"Yeah," Shania said softly as she went to get Rhea some food.

Ebony nodded and hugged Lucifer tightly "we need... to kill him," she said though she was thinking her voice will go back to normal faster if she doesn't use it.
Lucifer nodded and hugged Ebony tighter. "Yeah... but unlike demons before him he does not out right fight us..." He said quietly. "It scared me.... I got scared when he hurt you..."

Rhea waited and looked up when Sage came in, she had a complicated face, but when she saw Rhea she chanced it back to a smile,
"Oh Rhea, I did not know you were up. Are you hungry?" She asked.

"Oh, Shania is getting some now... thank you, are you ok?" Rhea asked quietly. Sage smiled brightly, "I am always ok. Going to make some tea now. Might go home to sleep some... might come back to walk Ebony home."
Shania looked at Sage "you are spending an awful lot of time at my house without calling anyone," Shania stated a plate in her hand for Rhea.

Ebony nodded "I ... didn't mean to scare you," she whispered hoarsly.
"My mother is not worried, I just liked to keeping her in the loop. She is ok with you guys." Sage said calmly with a shrug passing Shania to get some tea. Sage's chest tightened though.

Rhea watched her go, "Thank you Shania. Do you need help with the Albums at all?" Rhea asked quietly with a smile.

Lucifer looked at Ebony his eyes locked with hers, he had so many feelings for this girl. "I really like you... I want to protect you from these... I am so weak though... I need to take my test soon."
Ebony latched onto Lucifer tightly she didn't want him to go she would rather him stay here with them.

"If you want... unfortunatly most of those pictures are of me," she made an odd face. "he loved pictures i swear," she shook her head softly.
Rhea laughed, but the laugh sounded odd because of her throat, "I think you look cute Shania." Rhea said "You ever thought of taking pictures like him? Of all of us when we play together?" She asked, even though her voice was low, she tried to talk like normal. Sage said down and served the tea, deiced Shania asking a question was a bit much, "I'll be back in a few hours. Call me if you need anything." Sage said before leaving. Rhea waved and took a quick bite of food.

Lucifer hugged Ebony back, He wanted to kiss her... So her pulled her back and pressed his lips on hers kissing her deeply and pulling her close to him. He really was scared when he heard her scream, but when he saw Rhea healing her he felt better, but he still needed to kill Fredrick... He was afraid to leave them... Fredrick might try and sneak up on them while he is not here.
Ebony threw her arms around Lucy and kissed back only pulling free when she needed to breathe and then she laid her head on his shoulder she was still scared but being held helpped.

"I've thought about it... it would feel so odd though," Shania said sitting down.
Lucifer hugged her closer and gently caress her hair, not really feeling the need to say anything anymore.

Rhea smiled more at Shania,
"Why do you say that?" She asked, helping the girl with the albums, looking at the pictures, smiling at the pictures of Shania.
"I've always been.. bad with things like camera's of phones... hell i can barely work a tv," she admitted "he always laughed and would try to show me how... his laugh when he took a funny picture it made it almost tolerable to be in these funny outfits or situations... while me I don't feel anything when I snap a picture,"

Ebony stayed in Lucifers arms smiling softly
"Have you tried taking a picture of something you love? Like Lucifer." Rhea giggled a bit, "I bet if you dressed Lucy up in dresses you would laugh too. Specially if he was making this face." Rhea said, flashing Shania a picture of her making a face.
Shania laughed "yeah i probably would.. i probably should take pictures of him... just incase he doesn't make it back you know?" she sounded calm she had been preparing herself for him leaving as best as she could.
"Would you die if you had to go take the test?" Rhea asked quietly. "I don't think you would let yourself die if your promised him you would come back." She said, putting the picture in book. She knew Shania knew... but no one brought it up with her but if Shania is going to confided in her, then she was willing to listen and try and make her feel more confident.
"I talk big Rhea but I'm only mortal," she admitted "I don't fear death but I can die... anyone can die and all he has to train with is sparing with me," She was orried she knew her own flaws and she saw how he was picking up her rush in style of fighting.
"Yeah... it is true. But still... I don't think he is going to die... I think he is coming back. I know you can't say stuff like that and be one hundred percent sure... but still..." Rhea said quietly, she was sure Shania must think her silly. It was such and urological thing for Rhea to say.
"Luce will come back to us... call it a sisters worry that keeps me on edge," she tried a smile for Rhea though it was weak then she looked at the pictures. "I took this one!" she showed it to Rhea her brother was in a white suit and stuck in a mud puddle.
Shania's sudden excitement made Rhea jump a bit, but took the picture anyway. "Ah, what is the story behind it?" Rhea asked, Shania was probably relived to change the subject.
"his prom." shania laughed "His date's brother punched him and he landed right in the mud we had to get him a new tux and everything but all in all he had a great time."

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