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Wild Cards

When Rhea was done she shivered, the horrible feeling washing over her. She hated it every time, turning around she gave Ebony a smile, "The portal is closed." Rhea announced to the group, though they were rather busy.

"Hey Joker, help me cut off one of its heads... that will really get it's attention." Sage said. And just as one of the heads came down to bite Sage, she used the tip of her blade and stuck in smack in the snakes forehead and planted it down on the ground, "Do it now, decapitate this sucker." Sage grunted, trying to keep the head down.

Lucifer was more on the protection of Shania as a increasing amount of heads were moving their attention to the girl. She was giving them a lot of pain and they needed her dead.
Kai's smirk was sadistic as he gave a jump and a wide severing swing the head coming clean off exept a thin layer of scaled skin. "damn not to good with axe's why couldn't my weapon been a submachine gun?" he chuckled as he dodged an incoming head.

"Trickster you need mental help," Shania panted out still stabbing the monster.

"Good job priestess... the jewel please," Ebony smiled after hugging Rhea.
Sage also jumped back to dodge the head, "I'll keep pinning them and you keep chopping them off. You can't do that with a Sub-machine gun." Sage said laughing.

Lucifer frowned and put his hand's on Shania's and pulled her to a curtain part of the snake's back,
"Try right here." He said, motioning for the girl.

Rhea smiled and was about to hand the jewel over when she saw Fredrick jump down and raise his sword behind Ebony. Rhea tried to say something but he had already slashed downward onto Ebony's back.
Ebony was too shocked to scream as pain exploded in her back but with out thnking she spun deepening the gash as she loosed an arrow at whatever it was thayt attacked her.

Shania raised her blade and rammed it into the monster wher Lucifer pointed without a word.

"True but if you have good enough aim you can bring down buildings!" Kai said haking another head.
Rhea drew her sword but was knocked down when Ebony turned while she was following. Fredrick Was not expecting for Ebony to shot and was hit smack in the chest by the arrow. Rhea pushed Ebony off her seeing Fredrick make a swing for them and tried to make a block, but failed and got cut acrossed the side of the arm.

The Snake made a loud hissing sound and wiggled harder when Shania ran her blade through, Soon it started to curl up, trying to knock them off and take a defensive position. Sage and Kai had manage to take off 4 of its 9 heads.

Lucifer got knocked off when the snake made the sudden movement to get them off.
Shania in her tiered state was clinging to her blade that was stil hilt deep in the hydra but she was loosing grip.

Ebony now recovered enough screamed shoking Kai and Shania though Shania was busy Kai darted towards where the portal was saw to be on the video he looked over many times.
Shania's grip pulled the sword down through the snakes flesh before she fell off it.

Sage also looked, thinking she should go, but Lucifer was already following Kai after he recovered from his fall. She needed to stay and help Shania.
"You ok?" Sage asked out loud, for both Shania and their girls.

Fredrick tried get in one more hit on Ebony and Rhea, slashing side ways and cutting Ebony and Rhea across the throat, before he sensed Lucifer approaching before tuning and running. Lucifer kept running past the girls after the demon, but he knew he would not be able to keep up,
"Stop and fight me you coward!" Lucifer screamed.

Rhea sat up letting her body heal her neck slowly, leaving her shoulder. Rhea quickly reached for Ebony and started to heal the wound in front of her.
Ebony was holding her throat it was hard to breath she was in a state of panic she didn't want to die yet. The voices in her ears were muffled by the sound of her heart race the warmth of her blood leaving her body alarmingly fast. She wasn't even aware of Rhea as she began to be healed.

Shania was tiered it was obvious "I'm fine tickster the girls?" she asked standing up from her fall weaponless ads her dagger was stuck in the hydra.

KAi ran to Rhea and Ebony "I... will kill that b*stard, Priestess..." he was afraid to touch Ebony for her body was frail to begin with and now she was sliced open twice. He was not about to pull Rhea away from her healing of Ebony or herself so he took his weapon and stood gaurd.
Rhea wanted to tell Ebony not to freak out, but she could not speak herself, her own throat was cut. She started to heal them as fast as she could. Ebony was not going to die... neither of them would, but her and Ebony might not be able to speak. Their muscles will be new and tender. Moving her hands to Ebony's chest she tried to multi task healing her back and chest quickly. both of their wounder were only flesh, but the strike Fredrick had on both her and Ebony were meant to kill. Ebony would have died if Fredrick had not fled.

Lucifer ran a good ways away before he knew the vampire was too far,
"He runs too fast when it is dark."

"Come back... We still have a snake problem Kid." Sage said, the snake at this point had just curled up and was just hissing and staring at them. "I think it might be dying...." Sage said, eyeing it carefully.
Shania glared at the snake "not fast enough and it has my dagger,"

"No jumping on the d*mn Hydra weaponless warrior we have two wounded as it is," Kai said into the mic "Kid I'll watch our girls go see if you can end the snake faster I want out of this hell trap,"

Ebony was quiet and still but her eyes were open she couldn't make out what anyone was saying her body felt heavy and she couldn't talk she opened her mouth to try but it was useless.
Lucifer paused to look at Ebony before he went back, Pausing to put his hand on her cheek and smile at her before he left again. He was happy she was ok, Rhea had saved her. They should not have left them undefended. When Lucifer got to the side of Sage and Shania he paused to look at the snake, "Death is right, it is dying. it should be slower, more vulnerable." Because it was dying, the heads that where chopped off earlier were not regrowing. Sage sighed, "Should we just wait? or should we actually try and kill it?"

Rhea paused and finished healing Ebony before she started to let her shoulder heal. She turned to look at Kai, her voice was gone for a bit as well as Ebony. Rhea's body hardly felt pain because it automatically stopped it. She was lucky that way.

"Hurry the process these two need to get back to Shania's the vampire slit their throats we are lucky they are alive," Kai said his voice was even, too even.

"We never should have let those two seperate archer is not a close combat fighter and Rhea isn't a fighter," Shania said her voice like Kai's was eirily even.
Rhea waved her hand at Kai to get his attention before he started to use sign language at him, 'do you know sign?' If he did not she would just get some paper and write later.

Sage sighed and looked at Lucifer,
"Ok look, lets do this quickly."

Lucifer nodded and Sage quickly charged the snake, dodging the heads the strikes to try and slow Sage down. When she jumped on the back of the snake, Lucifer joined her on its back. Sage took note of a long cut and Shania's dagger lodged in its back.
"Cover me." She said. before she slide her scythe into the sliced it open even further. blood began to pool from its back, before Sage sank the tip of her blade into something that looked like and organ. Lucifer tried to keep any heads attacking Sage off her.
Kai looked at Rhea and smirked "Do you not know who I am? I know everything," he said to Rhea in voice and in sign.

Shania threw rocks at the hydra's remaining heads hopeing to distract it from Sage and Lucifer.
Rhea smiled back a sighed, 'That is good, I had a feeling you would. Ebony and I won't be able to speak for a bit, don't be alarmed. Thank you for the save, we are both fine, I did not lose too much energy. Is anyone else hurt?' Rhea knew she and Ebony had lost a ton of blood, and her own energy level was low. She felt dizzy, but she was still high from adrenaline keeping her from being completely fuzzy minded.

Sage finished it off well with Shania's initial stabbing, it was easy to slice it open and find a heart. The Hydra soon stopped moving, Sage knew Shania has done the most work. Jumping off it after it stopped moving, Sage walked over to Shania before hanging her the dagger.
"Jobs done." She said calmly. Lucifer jumped off as well before running back to the injured girls.
Kai signed to Rhea and spoke for the teams benifit and to practice signing again. "I don't think any of us have anything more pressing then bruises we were lucky."

"Thanks death... I'll leave stabbing to you and Kai from now on," she said taking her dagger.

"I do think our archer is either in shock or sleeping with her eyes open," Kai said as Lucifer ran up.
Rhea tugged on Kai before she signed 'shock' at him.

Lucifer leaned down next to Ebony before gently sitting her up, holding her in his arms.

Sage walked up to the group, her eyes reflected worry, but other then that she looked relatively calm,
"Yeah... We did a whoopsy leaving these guys by themselves..."

'I tried to fight back, Ebony shoot him in the chest.' Rhea said to Kai in sign. Sage raised an eye brow, "Sign language? Interesting, I can't speak."
Kai sighed "The preistess said archer shot vamppy in the chest and she herself tried to fight as well, even when signing use code untill we are out of here i don't want even that small risk," he was still signing as he talked. "oh and Priestess says shock is definatly what Archer is in,"

Shania went to Rhea and pulled her into a hug "I'm sorry," she said softly.

Ebony blinked as a responce to being moved but did nothing more.
Lucifer pulled Ebony up and held her close, ready to carry her to the car, "All the demons here before have scattered." He said quietly.

Sage sighed, ruffling her hair and picking up the jewel that had following on the ground.
"Alright, lets just go then." She said.

Rhea shook her head at Shania, trying to sign to her that it was not her fault, though Rhea leaned heavily on Shania.
Shania picked up Rhea in a bridal style her arms screamed their protests but she ignored them walking briskly to the car. Kai looked to the direction Fredrick had ran into he took off his mic and when they were far enough ahead he smirked "find me Freddy find the underworld prince so I can send you back to hell," after saying that he went to get to the group he knew the vampire was probably long gone and out of earshot but he had to say it.

Shania got into the back holding Rhea she didn't know sign language but she was pretty sure Rhea was trying to tell her not to blame herself. "I don't expect you to understand but my neglegance may not have caused this but it left you and the dancer open I could have lost you," her voice was soft and even if not more then a little tiered sounding.
Rhea wanted to tell her they defended their selves fine and she can't protect everything... but she could not right now so she just waited. Rhea just did not want her to blame herself.

Sage also got into the car and leaned back inside the van, closing her eyes. They really need to figure something else... more like they really needed Freddy dead....

Lucifer held Ebony close to him, telling her to go to sleep.

When they got back to the house, Sage helped everyone into it.
"Do I need to give everyone a bath again?" Sage asked, clapping her hands together like she did when she was getting people's attention.
Shania like always was covered in blood but this time everyone had blood on them. "Ebony will need to be bathed, she's... asleep now?" Shania looked at the girl her eyes were indeed closed and her breathing even. She set Rhea down on the couch and rubbed her arms. They were so sore it was rediculous.

"More pressing then our blood stained bodies is Rhea and Ebony being unable to speak for a while, how long do you think Princess?" Kai asked Rhea glancing at the protective Lucifer who held Ebony.
Rhea thought to herself for a bit, she herself was already feeling really sleepy. 'depends...' she tipped her head to the side, thinking a bit. 'It is like...' Rhea reached for a note book before writing in it so everyone can understand and not just Kai. 'With the healing I think we should be able to speak in no time, it will be just like a really nasty soar throat. In a few hours after a nice long sleep I think we will be good as new...'

Sage nodded after reading, "Well I am sure we can play Ebony off as being sick, not so much about Rhea." Sage said, passing the note book back to Rhea.

Lucifer sat down on the floor and held Ebony into his arms, letting her head lay on his neck.
"the problem is Ebony... looks dead," Kai said "that was the first full out injury she's gotten so I understand fear but this is extream," Kai sighed.

"Lets see if she improves overnight." Shania said "I'll bathe her since I feel Luce will try to rip Sage's head off if she touches Ebony after the kiss,"

Kai nodded his agreement "Rhea you spending the night here as well?" Kai asked
Rhea nodded. Sage chuckled under her breath, but for the most part was quiet. 'I think Ebony needs to just sleep. Me too.'

Sage stayed the night as well, making sure to watch everyone. Freddy would not be so stupid to attack here. The morning came by quickly and Rhea was still very much asleep. Lucifer was up early, he was worried for both Ebony and Rhea. Sage made breakfast, french toast

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