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Wild Cards

"Shhnaaniiiaa Sage is going to kiss Ebony!" Lucifer said, clinging to her leg.

Sage grind at Kai,
"I keep winning... you are falling behind man." She said laughing.

Rhea walked up to Lucifer and Ebony,
"Forgive meee....." Rhea almost whined.

Sage clasped her hand over her mouth, she was ready to bust out laughing, the three of them were freaking out.

A lot of people had gather around there particular soccer field, a lot of people were watching their match. They probably used there powers every now and again which attracted attention, the whole group got so competitive.
Ebony took off to hide behind Lucifer. Kai just laughed "Yeah but just wait I'll save your sorry butt again one day and it'll count as a win for me,"
"Oh?" Sage said laughing, She caught Ebony before manage to hid behind Lucifer and then turned her around in her arms and kiss the girl. Sage slid one of her hands to the back of Ebony's head and kissed the girl deeply before breaking the kiss. Sage smiled before jumping back a few feet when Lucifer took a swing at her. He wrapped his arms around Ebony and glared and Sage. Sage was laughing, the crowed around the field probably thought a fight was going to break out, but they were all wasting there time.

"Hey noow, I won that fair and square." Sage said, she was still chuckling.

"Yeah well it was just a small kiss not a big kiss...." Lucifer said in a pout voice.
Ebony whimpered and clung to Lucifer.

Shania laughed outright "Sage you might want to whatch it Luce will get you,"

Kai bust out laughing faling back onto the grass of the feild.
"Oh no dear Lucy, the term I used was Sexy kiss." Sage said grinning, Lucifer blushed a bit and hugged Ebony tighter, still glaring at Sage.

Rhea was blushing as well,
"I am so sorry Ebboonny..." Rhea apologize again.

Sage laughed some more,
"Seems like we got quite the crowd to watch us kiss."
"A crowd indeed," Shania said "Can I help you?" she asked them her arms crossed.

"You all might want to run She's a scary woman," KAi chuckled
Sage laughed, "Nah let just go, I am getting a bit hungry after all that winning." Sage said laughing.

When they had gotten back , Lucifer had been clinging to Ebony, sulking and glaring at Sage most the evening, though after he ate he seemed to soften up a lot. Sage had made chilly this day, it was not too spicy, but it did have a bit of a bite to it.

Rhea sighed, the nervousness of a portal closing coming over her.

"Oh yeah, here Rhea." Sage said, tossing the girl the Gem she had taken possession of two weeks before.

Rhea fumbled it, it dropped to the floor. She had almost forgotten about the gem...
"Thank you."
"After you close the portal give it back to sage," Kai said "so you don't try to use the energy inside it like Levi told you not to,"

Shania had to agree with Kai it was too dangerous.

Ebony stayed so close to Luci it was like they were attatched
Rhea sighed, "You and Shania do dangerous and destructive stuff to your body's all the time..."

Sage sighed,
"I will take that jewel back later." Sage said, drinking normal tea while everyone else ate her food.
Shania Hugged Rhea "but we aren't poisoning our bodies with demon energy, we just worry,"

Kai nodded as he ate rather ravonously
"Geez Kai, chew your food.... it is bad for digestion to eat it like that..." Sage said, raising an eye brow.

Rhea sighed and picked the jewel from the ground and looked at Shania,
"How do you think I feel about you and Kai? Poison or not." Rhea said, gently patting the girl on the head, much like she does with Lucifer.
"I'll prmise to tell you from now on if you don't do that reverse energy stuff," Shania said

Kai looked at Sage "my digestion is not a big worry at the presant,"
Rhea made a face, she was planing on trying to sneak the jewel home... but now that Shania said that "o-ok..." Rhea said quietly, looking at the jewel.

"Oh?" Sage said, leaning back a bit.
Shania hugged Rhea "we know you want knowlage but not at the expence of your body and health ok?" shania said.

KAi rolled his eyes at Sage "Yeah," he wasn't going to elaborate the fact he couldn't eat at home for fear of poisons.
Sage shrugged, and took another ship of tea. Whatever Kai wanted she guess.

Rhea warped her arms back around the girl and nodded,
"Ok..." She wondered if this meant she would half to stop her healing training... "Does this count my healing training as well..?" She asked quietly.
"No just promise not to keep going when you are worn out," Shania said

KAi nodded "yeah it's not good to push too far, it's like me or shania you wouldn't want us to train untill we dropped,"
"I don't train till that far, just until I am tired. I don't think I have ever pushed myself that far. But what I do does not require that much energy each time. I kind of think it is the reason my own personal tolerance had gone up a bit." Rhea said.

Sage was starting to get curious but was not really going to interject, pouring herself some more tea.
"What is it you do?" Shania asked softly "if you don't mind me asking,"

KAi wasn't going to ask fearing it was something like cut and heal herself over and over.
"Emm... I can't heal what it not hurt...I usually .. Use a knife... I can stop myself from automatically healing myself... and i've been trying something else but I can't do it, I don't think its possible... reverse healing I guess... not that I would think I even needed to use something like that." Rhea said, she was studding a bit and mumbling.

Sage coughed, sucking in the tea a bit wrong and burning her self a bit,
"You what? Are you nuts? What kind of bright idea is that?"
Shania tightened her hold on Rhea "you do what?" she asked through gritted teeth.

Kai was so close to the truth it scared him but if she thought it was nessasary then she thought it was.

Ebony looked shocked "oh Rhea thats bad for you!"
"B-but I can heal myself... and like you said I don't ever use more energy then is needed." Rhea sputtered trying to defend herself. "It has helped... A lot, I can heal more now then when we first started. I understand my power more, how to mend things..." Rhea was starting to panic a bit... she knew it was wrong but her thirst to help others was a bit more then her own self.

Sage blew on the tea in hand and took another sip... Shania might just chew Rhea out.
"If you need a test subject do not use yourself ever again, I injure myself dayly Kai has men that could use patching up go to your brothers hospital and do small things but do not hurt youself," he hold tightened further.
Rhea winched under Shiania's grip, "S-shania... its not that simple... I can't just heal anyone... it could be dangerous for someone to see me... and my brother he would flip out if he knew what I could do... you never tell me when you get hurt or rarely let me heal you, and Kai is the same... I am not going to test on other people...." Rhea said quietly.
"Then I'll get hurt but do not hurt yourself," she said her voice was like ice and venom mixed.

Kai sighed "Shania let her do as she likes, we do the same thing,"
"Shania I don't like when you hurt yourself either..." Rhea said, flinching under Shania, she could not look up at Shania.

Sage sighed,
"I swear you three are the biggest bunch of hippocrates I have ever seen."

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