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Wild Cards

Rhea pressed her lips together, "I'll stay with her... while he is gone... I was planing to." Rhea played with her shirt a bit, "I think we should hold off any demon hunting till he gets back... I have no idea if that will back fire though, Shania will get pent up energy and train herself to death..." Rhea sighed again.
"Shania is a ticking bomb she is dangerous to be around expecially if Lucifer is not there, she will be violent unpredictable... a human monster," Kai said "are you sure you want to brave that? are you sure your brother will understand?" He asked slowing down his speed to match the limit for once.
"Yes. I am sure. Besides, I can deal with violence... I can heal myself. Shes not a monster... she just gets lost very easily..." Rhea said quietly. "I think my brother will understand. I know how to talk him into it."
"It won't make me like it any more then I do, Shania is deadly her skills are sharp so is her sword," Kai was serious he was afraid of what Shania was capable of. "I worry about you Princess,"
"I am more worried about you and Shania hurting yourselves. You should be more worried about it to... Kai you should let me heal you when you are hurt... I don't like when you guys are in pain..." Rhea said looking down at her hands. "If Shania attacks me I will let you know ok? But in return you have to let me know when you get hurt. Fair right?" Rhea asked.
"Getting hurt is a hazard of my job, I have a designated room in the hospital reserved just for me," Kai said "It's harder to hurt me now but the explotion sure did a good job of it." Kai sighed "but alright, I don't want you to be hurt I don't want Shania to realize she hurt you either... "
"I know it is part of your job Kai... but that does not make me want to help you any less... I care about you, and I want to help..." Rhea insisted, " and Ok... If Shania attacks me and she does happen to hurt me, I'll try to heal quickly and get out of her way... I will contact you and Sage right away... Sage would most likely make it there before you. I am hoping it would not come down to it... but..." Rhea let out a small sigh, "I guess being prepared would be good..."
Rhea smiled, "No talking me out of it... I am going to do it for Shania... she needs someone there...." Rhea nodded at Kai, the plan was decided.

Saturday morning came along and Sage skipped into the house holding a soccer ball,
"Look what I found while unpacking! It is a little flat though..." Sage said, squishing the ball a bit.

Lucifer was watching a soccer game on TV and Rhea was again trying to explain to him the rules, much like before they played tennis.
Shania smiled "I might have a pump in my room somewhere," she got up and went to go look. Kai was there already napping on the couch and Ebony was whatching the game aswell.
"What? Kai is asleep again? That means hes tried... might make him easier to bet. Handicaps are no fun." Sage said with a hand over her hip.

"You can't touch it with you hand?" Lucifer said, frowning, "That is weird... So you kick it to the goals?" He asked, pointing to the TV.
"Only the goaly can youse their hands," Ebony told Lucifer.

"He came in early hes been asleep for about four hours," Shania said "he should be well rested."
Lucifer was a hand to hand combatian... so Rhea could only guess why a game where you can't use your hands is unpleasant. "You should try it before you say anything. It is pretty fun." Rhea said reassuring the demon.

"Only Goalys? But the Goalys don't run around at all... they stay by the goal." Lucifer said, he was in a dilemma.

"Really? So i was the last to get here? That is slightly tacky." Sage said, taking the pump from Shania and pumping the ball up.
"but you can use your head and knees and chest," Ebony said "the chalange is not to use your hands..."

"It's like training for your legs in a fun way," Shania added "builds strength in them and helps you not rely too much on your hands."
"But Shaniaaa... I am the fastest runner here..." He whined on the floor. Rhea giggled at Lucifer, he was so cute when he complained to Shania.

Sage leaned down and started to whisper into Ebony's ear,
"You should tell him you will give him a really sexy kiss if he wins."
Ebony squeeked "A ... s...sexy kiss!" she blushed deeply.

Shania ruffled Luci's hair "you heard Ebony you get a kiss if you do well I might even let you eat icecream for breakfast tomorow,"
"I can not use my hands for ice cream... and a kiss." Lucifer said happily, a small blush creeped in his cheeks too.

"What? I can give one to you if we win if you want." Sage said leaning away from Ebony and grinning.

Rhea smiled, they have to bribe him to play a game... The demon child was spoiled..
Ebony swooned and fell to her butt in the floor. Wondering why they picked on her so much.

Kai sat up and streached looking around "what about kisses and icecream?" he asked.

Shania laughed "you better win now Luce, Sage will Kiss Ebony if you don't,"
"What!? Nooo Sage you can't!" Lucifer said huffing and huddling Ebony to him.

Sage grind,
"Well it is settled then, if you can't win then I get to kiss her and if you win you can kiss her." Sage said laughing.

"I won't let you win! Don't worry Ebony I will win!" Luicfer said hugging Ebony tighter and glaring at Sage.

Rhea was blushing as well, this was a tad unfair to Ebony...
Ebony hid her face in Lucy's chest her blush had spread the poor girl was gonna explode if this kept up.

Kai chuckled, "sounds fun Sage," he smirked.

Shania shook her head and laughed.
Lucifer stuck his tongue out at Sage clutching Ebony.

"Of course, when is it not fun?" Sage asked Kai clutching the ball.

Rhea shook her head, everyone was here they might as well go now.
Kai stood up and streached. "Ok am I driving?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

Shania rolled her eyes "get in the car Kai," she said.
When they got to the park, most of the soccer fields were taken.

Sage huffed and looked around,
"Ok look there's one over there!" When they got to it Sage kicked the ball out to the middle of the field. "So everyone is semi ok with the rules?" she asked.

Rhea nodded,
"Okie well we should get ready then..."

Sage nodded and walked to one end of the field with Shania and Ebony, "
So who is taking what position?"

Rhea on the other hand, "
I think... I want goaly...." She said to Kai and Lucifer.

Lucifer punched his open palm and grinned,
"I am running, Sage is going down."
Kai smirked "I'm a runner,"

" I.. i can goaly," Ebony said softly and smiled

Shania chuckled "so the two small ones goal gaurd and the melee fighters are running after a ball,"
"Ok so who wants to kick off?" Sage said,putting the ball down onto the ground in the center of the filed. Lucifer did not even both to ask Kai if he wanted to get it, he just went up to the side of the ball, "Shania did you want to start off?" Sage asked.


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