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Wild Cards

"Sure," Shania nodded and looked at Lucifer "sorry kid but I'm not going easy on you. I'll kick off," she smiled it would be good for Lucifer to play a game so seriously,
"I would'nt want you to play any other way." Lucifer said smiling. He never wanted Shania to go easy on him. He was always pushing her to do her best around him.

When Sage said go, Lucifer was just as fast as ever, kicking the ball right from under Shania's feet, and running past her. Sage was not expecting Lucifer to move that fast, thinking they probably should have played in their abandon houses. He moved quickly, Sage tried to get in front of him, but he kicked the ball as hard as he could at Ebony. He had not even bothered to pass it to Kai... he was on a one track mind.
Ebony Squeeked and caught the ball stumbling back into the net but she did catch the ball. Kai ran a few paces behind Lucifer in case he passed to him. Shania was suprised but she shouldn't have been. Luci was fast as always.
Ebony kicked it to shania who caughti it bouncing it off her knee before letting it hit the ground then she took off down the feild Kai went to trip her but failed she saw Lucy coming and passed to Sage.
Sage caught it and made it to the end of the field before Lucifer was able to catch up, Kicking it quickly and tried to get it past Rhea, but the girl was on her toes and surprisingly caught it with ease. Rhea did not wait long before she tossed it to Lucifer who was closest, this time however, Lucifer kicked it to Kai.
Sage jumped in front of Kai suddenly, cutting him off and stealing the ball, "Shania! Incoming!" Sage said, skipping the ball to her.
Shania took it and ran down the feild till she was confortably close and she kicked with intent to get passed on the left far side. And she skidded by barely and the ball was in the net. Shania cheered softly and went to high five Sage.
Rhea tried to get the ball last time, but missed it by and inch. Picking the ball back up Rhea sighed and then tossed it to Kai to put in the middle again. Sage grinned and high five Shania back. "Want to start again or should I?" Sage asked her.
Lucifer took up the start, but Sage was prepared for his speed this time, When someone yelled go, she used her foot to roll the ball under here so Lucifer completely missed it in a kick. Laughing Sage kicked it to Shania while Lucifer recovered from the missed kick he put a lot of force into.
Shania ran and kicked the ball ahead and jumpeed over Kai continueing up the feild before kicking the ball before Kai could recover and chase her.
Sage was following behind Shania, Luicifer had recovered and was now chasing after Shania, trying to take the ball from her. Rhea stood ready, she was kind of shaking because she did not want to get hurt.
Rhea easily stops the ball because Lucifer helped deterred most of the force that was suppose to come. Throwing it to him, he took off. Lucifer was going until he saw Sage who was right behind him, thinking quickly he kicked the ball to Kai. The ball flew over Sage's head an right to Kai.
Lucifer caught the ball and shot it right at Ebony. The ball shot right by her and into the goal. Lucifer jumped up and cheered loudly.

Sage stopped running, a bit out of breath from chasing Lucifer.
"Tied score... I guess this final round will determine it."
"Yeah come on we got to beat these boys," Shania seemed still full of energy. "Want to kick off again? you're better at it then me"

Kai was out of breath too "Shania where do you get your energy?"
Sage laughed, "It is all about the defense..." Sage said, flashing Shania a grin. She had let Lucifer trip all over himself because he was on the attack.

Standing by the ball, Lucifer was ready for the kick back, but when Sage did it, she kicked it to the side instead of behind her like last time. Throwing Lucifer off again. Sage smirked and then kicked it to Shania much like last time.
Rhea caught it with much success once more. Smiling she threw it to Kai who was closest this time, cheering him on because Lucy needed to win this game!
Kai smiled and ran with the ball down the feild a ways before passing it to Lucifer however Shania intersepted the ball and passed to sage as kai and her collided.
Sage took up the ball, spinning around the field, Lucifer gave chase. He looked like he was about to pass it till Sage, faked kicking the ball, casing Lucifer to jump for nothing and tip over. Sage moved passed him and then kicked the ball, Rhea tried to catch it, but it sailed right over her tinny head, make Sage score the final goal. "And Goal." Sage said throwing a thumbs up to Shania.

Rhea looked a tad horrified,
"I failed you Lucy and Ebony.... I am so sorry..."

"Ah come on princess its not that bad." Sage said chuckling.

Lucifer looked just as horrified at Rhea.
Ebony made a horrified face as well "oh no...." she turned blood red.

"Told you I wasn't holding back kid," Shania said with an appologetic grin,

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