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Wild Cards

Kai raised an eyebrow "I'm saying let her do it as long as no permnant damage is done,"

Shania glared at Sage "I can handle getting hurt... seeing others hurt not so well," her expression softened but she did not let go of Rhea
Sage shrugged off Shania's glare, but she deiced she was going to keep her mouth shut now.

Rhea gently took a handful and Shania's shirt and then pressed herself on the girl,
"I am sorry... I am just trying to do what I thought I could... you guys were all training so hard. You train really hard to. I am just trying to do my best... that was the best way. I did not see any harm in it..." Rhea still did not really look at Shinia she could not bring herself too.

Sage sighed and started to pick up plates to put into the kitchen and start to clean up before they left.
"We'l find a way for you to train that doesn't involve intentional harm," Shania promised.

Kai helpped Sage get the dishes rounded up and walked into the kitchen.
Sage glanced at him, "Still hungry?" She asked, washing the dishes quickly by hand.

"We can try..." She said quiet, Rhea was not sure... she can't heal what was not hurt and she did not want to just wait around for injuries... that why she came up with the idea in the first place. But she did not think bring up the rest of her research was a good idea... Shania already blew up on the first half of it. Sage caught it though, but like all thing Sage, she just lets things go until she needs to intervene.
Kai chuckled "No I'm full now," he said "just thought I'd help out for a change,"

Shania loosened her hold on Rhea so it wouldn't end up crushing the girl. "I care for you you are part of my family now... don't do anything dangerous,"
Rhea nodded, Shania had bruised here, but it had healed itself before the girl had even let go. "We should go soon I guess..." Rhea said, she was feeling really uncomfortable, she did not like when Shania was mad at her.

Sage smiled at Kai and continued to wash the dishes quickly, before long the group was ready to go fight some demons.
"Ok have we agreed on team A and B being the soccer teams from earlier?" KAi asked getting out the mics. "Also Princess show me those two places of entrance we are suposed to take again,"

Shania looked over the makeshift diagram or map of the area kai had drawn "We don't know what to expect so be prepaired both teams need to keep the other team informed."
Rhea sat down next to Shania and showed Kai quickly the two sides that would be best to go through. "We have to be careful not to move too far head of each other." Rhea said. She started to say something else into there was a very loud screech from the area, almost like a hissed. There was suddenly several crashes like, hug thuds on the ground There was suddenly several small screams.

Lucifer looked up suddenly very alarmed,
"Something is going wrong... the demons down there is panicking...." Luifer said, before taking off to go see what was going on. Sage wasted no time following him. Rhea followed behind, when they got in view of the area there was a massive snake hydra flailing around the area. Three of its 9 heads were moving, the other 7 were tried down by ropes, on the end of each rope was a line of demons. A few more heads were let go of.

"It looks like those demons just pulled that hydra into the human world...." Rhea said with a gasp. The demons who were not holding a rope were all panicking and running around, obviously having no control of the demon they had brought through. One of the heads snapped up one of the running demons and swallowed it hold. There was now a bulge in its neck. One of the other heads had a matching bulge. "Its eating the other demons... nice lets just let it do its thing..." Sage said.

"K-kid that demon is wild isn't it?" Rhea asked, Lucifer nodded, not entirely sure what to do about the situation.
"Do it's heads regenerate like in the legend?" Shania asked keeping calm as she watched the thing.

KAi made a face "wwhy can't the demons we face ever be simple?"

Ebony was holding tight to her bow waiting to hear what needed to be done,"
"The hippogriffs were simple." Sage pointed out to Kai with a smile, watching a few more of the heads get free from the other demons rope, another one snapped up another demon.

"Yeah they do... we need to stab it in the heart... We can cut off a head, but it will come back in time." Lucifer said.

"Does the heads multiply every time they are cut?" Rhea asked quietly

"What? Why would it do that?" Lucifer asked.

"Never mind... its a good thing that was a no..." Rhea said with a sigh.
"... the heart... Death can you use your electrisity like a difibulater? or even stun it... electricity is what makes all the brain functions possible," Kai stated. "Or... can we combine power it would be amazing if Death here could send electrisity through the wind around Archers arrows,"

Shania looked at the creature jumping on it's back would not be a good idea.
Sage was half listening leaning on her scythe, actually having fun watching the snake demon eat the other demons. "As wonderful at that sounds Kai... I don't think that would be possible..." Sage said laughing, "The second part anyway, I can try and shock it to death, but it is pretty big..." She said.

Lucifer squinted an eye at the snake demon, suddenly one of the heads started to frantically sake.
"What the..." A sword suddenly popped through the neck of one of the snakes. Sage leaned off her scythe and leaned in when she saw the sword protrude from the neck of the other snake.

Rhea was confused, were one of the demons who got swallowed doing that?
"I don't like this we have to kill it and do it fast," Shania said her hand clenched on her sword.

"Yes but how?" Kai asked they were out of harms way for now.

"I... I agree something is verry wrong," Ebony stated
"Yes... Maybe we can have some keep it as a distraction while someone come up from behind and try and get it like that?" Rhea suggested.

Suddenly the sword move around the snakes head, making it come clean off. Both the fallen head and the neck fell over and out came there lovable vampire. He looked very pissed.

Rhea opened and closed her mouth several times, Did Fredrick arrange to bring the hydra here and get eaten by accident?

Fredrick slashed his sword to the side, snake saliva coming off it just before he jump dodged an incoming head trying to harm him. The hydra was now fully concentrated on attacking Fredrick. Though the vampire seemed to be having little problems with dodging the snake heads.

"Why am I not surprise anymore when he shows up?" Sage said frowning, though she thought it was funny he had gotten eaten.
"Well guess what we have our distraction," Kai smirked "lets get it while the getting is good,"

"Indeed I for once agree with pretty boy," Shania said
"Think we should have archer shoot at him to trip him up?" Sage said laughing at Fredrick, she always started to move with the group while they tried to get behind the hydra. Fredrick at this point might just turn tail so they needed to move fast.

Rhea stayed where she was, her sword drawn and a bit hidden.
Ebony had an arrow ready "if you think I should I'd be more then glad to,"

"Hydra first," Shania said "it's the current biggest threat."

Kai had his axe in hand and was ready. "Ok Princess stay back with archer Death Warrior how do we want to strike this thing?"
Lucifer was behind them, Sage sighed and looked the hydra up and down, to was moving ever now and again to try and keep up with the vampire. Once they jump on it, Fredrick will know they were there. "Well I can try and shock it to death like you guys suggested, or we can just get on its back and start hacking away on it till we find something " Sage said.

Luicifer sighed,
"I think the heart should be some where around the area where all the heads combined into one." he said trying to be helpful.

Rhea was watching Fredrick, making sure to tell the group if he did anything.
"Archer keep your bow on the vamppy," Kai said "Warrior kid Death... lets hack this thing to death Death try to keep thoses keen eyes on the vampire,"

Shania nodded and her and KAi jumped onto the hydra.
"I am already watching him, Archer and I are." Rhea said, "be careful."

When all four of them jumped onto the Hydra, it did not noticed at first until the first blade ran through it. The Hydra screeched and started to shake and turn. Several heads turned to look at the the threats on its back.

Rhea watched Fredrick's reaction, he looked a bit surprised, but then he grind and seem to take the advantage of the situation and leave. Rhea could not see where he went, because he was quick about it.

Sage was afraid of using her power in fear of hurting the others, so she did her best with what she could.

Suddenly the limp neck started to flail until a new head ripped out of it, the head looking exactly like the one on the ground.

"Fredrick made a run for it somewhere..." Rhea said. "As soon as he saw you guys and you took the distraction." Touched Ebony's shoulder and the motioned for her to follow her.
Ebony nodded she had tried to get a shot at Fredrick but he was too fast Shania dodged a head and slammed her sword into the conjunction of heads Kai was trown odd completly but he made sure to dig his axe into it as he fell. "Kid how long till something this size dies of blood loss?"
Lucifer huffed, grabbing onto one of its heads when it came down, scratching its eyes, causing for it to recoil. "Why would I know something like that? I don't even know how much blood it takes for me to bleed out." He said seriously.

"I'll be the new distraction." Sage said swiping her blade at most of the heads that tried to swallow anyone. "You guys just kill it quickly... I thought it was funny watching the demons get eaten... but I really don't want to be next."

Rhea lead Ebony to where she remembered the portal was from the maps and camera. Nothing really came out of it and the Hydra actually had wondered a fair bit away from it.
"Cover me, I am about to close the portal Archer." Rhea said.
"Got it Priestess," Ebony said her bow drawn she watched for any movement for her to shoot.

Shania kept stabbing the Hydra randomly and in rapid succession around it's necks were luce said the heart shuld be blood sprayed everywhere Kai went to the frount and jabbed his axe blades into it from that side.
The hydra at this point was just struggling to get Shania off it, she was obviously hitting something that hurt it pretty bad. Sage was having a hard time keeping its attention, most of the heads where turning to the the girl. Lucifer stood on its back near Shania, growling at the demon and swatting at heads that came.

Rhea touched the portal and the usual sickening feeling passed through her body. she felt it rush through her like sludge before moving into the gem.

Ebony shot a demon on their side of the veil but it was pretty quiet where they were.

Shania was begining to grow tiered the effert of pulling up trough the fleash and back in was more then she thought it would be. Kai kept hacking at the front hoping to maybe attract some attention away from Shania Lucifer and Sage.

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